changeset 11764 fd780dd6e0b4
parent 10808 cc4a3ed7e70b
child 12140 a987beab002d
--- a/src/Pure/Isar/auto_bind.ML	Sun Oct 14 20:09:05 2001 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Isar/auto_bind.ML	Sun Oct 14 20:09:19 2001 +0200
@@ -11,78 +11,41 @@
 signature AUTO_BIND =
-  val is_judgment: term -> bool
-  val drop_judgment: term -> term
-  val atomic_judgment: theory -> string -> term
-  val add_judgment: bstring * string * mixfix -> theory -> theory
-  val add_judgment_i: bstring * typ * mixfix -> theory -> theory
-  val goal: term -> (indexname * term option) list
-  val facts: string -> term list -> (indexname * term option) list
+  val goal: -> term -> (indexname * term option) list
+  val facts: -> string -> term list -> (indexname * term option) list
   val thesisN: string
 structure AutoBind: AUTO_BIND =
-(** judgments **)
-val TruepropN = "Trueprop";
-fun is_judgment (Const (c, _) $ _) = c = TruepropN
-  | is_judgment _ = false;
-fun drop_judgment (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, drop_judgment t)
-  | drop_judgment (tm as (Const (c, _) $ t)) = if c = TruepropN then t else tm
-  | drop_judgment tm = tm;
-val strip_judgment = drop_judgment o Logic.strip_assums_concl;
-fun atomic_judgment thy x =
-  let  (*be robust wrt. low-level errors*)
-    val aT = TFree ("'a", logicS);
-    val T =
-      if_none (Sign.const_type (Theory.sign_of thy) TruepropN) (aT --> propT)
-      |> Term.map_type_tvar (fn ((x, _), S) => TFree (x, S));
-    val U = Term.domain_type T handle Match => aT;
-  in Const (TruepropN, T) $ Free (x, U) end;
-fun gen_add_judgment add (name, T, syn) thy =
-  if name = TruepropN then
-    thy |> PureThy.global_path |> add [(name, T, syn)] |> PureThy.local_path
-  else error ("Judgment name has to be " ^ quote TruepropN);
-val add_judgment = gen_add_judgment Theory.add_consts;
-val add_judgment_i = gen_add_judgment Theory.add_consts_i;
 (** bindings **)
 val thesisN = "thesis";
 val thisN = "this";
-fun statement_binds name prop =
-  [((name, 0), Some (Term.list_abs (Logic.strip_params prop, strip_judgment prop)))];
+fun strip_judgment sg = ObjectLogic.drop_judgment sg o Logic.strip_assums_concl;
+fun statement_binds sg name prop =
+  [((name, 0), Some (Term.list_abs (Logic.strip_params prop, strip_judgment sg prop)))];
 (* goal *)
-fun goal prop = statement_binds thesisN prop;
+fun goal sg prop = statement_binds sg thesisN prop;
 (* facts *)
-fun get_arg prop =
-  (case strip_judgment prop of
+fun get_arg sg prop =
+  (case strip_judgment sg prop of
     _ $ t => Some (Term.list_abs (Logic.strip_params prop, t))
   | _ => None);
-fun facts _ [] = []
-  | facts name props =
+fun facts _ _ [] = []
+  | facts sg name props =
       let val prop = Library.last_elem props
-      in [(Syntax.dddot_indexname, get_arg prop)] @ statement_binds thisN prop end;
+      in [(Syntax.dddot_indexname, get_arg sg prop)] @ statement_binds sg thisN prop end;