changeset 62898 fdc290b68ecd
parent 62873 2f9c8a18f832
child 62902 3c0f53eae166
--- a/src/Pure/Pure.thy	Thu Apr 07 12:08:02 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/Pure/Pure.thy	Thu Apr 07 12:13:11 2016 +0200
@@ -1281,109 +1281,6 @@
 in end\<close>
-section \<open>Isar attributes\<close>
-attribute_setup tagged =
-  \<open>Scan.lift ( -- >> Thm.tag\<close>
-  "tagged theorem"
-attribute_setup untagged =
-  \<open>Scan.lift >> Thm.untag\<close>
-  "untagged theorem"
-attribute_setup kind =
-  \<open>Scan.lift >> Thm.kind\<close>
-  "theorem kind"
-attribute_setup THEN =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.bracks Parse.nat) 1) -- Attrib.thm
-    >> (fn (i, B) => Thm.rule_attribute [B] (fn _ => fn A => A RSN (i, B)))\<close>
-  "resolution with rule"
-attribute_setup OF =
-  \<open>Attrib.thms >> (fn Bs => Thm.rule_attribute Bs (fn _ => fn A => A OF Bs))\<close>
-  "rule resolved with facts"
-attribute_setup rename_abs =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Scan.repeat (Args.maybe >> (fn vs =>
-    Thm.rule_attribute [] (K (Drule.rename_bvars' vs)))\<close>
-  "rename bound variables in abstractions"
-attribute_setup unfolded =
-  \<open>Attrib.thms >> (fn ths =>
-    Thm.rule_attribute ths (fn context => Local_Defs.unfold (Context.proof_of context) ths))\<close>
-  "unfolded definitions"
-attribute_setup folded =
-  \<open>Attrib.thms >> (fn ths =>
-    Thm.rule_attribute ths (fn context => Local_Defs.fold (Context.proof_of context) ths))\<close>
-  "folded definitions"
-attribute_setup consumes =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Scan.optional 1) >> Rule_Cases.consumes\<close>
-  "number of consumed facts"
-attribute_setup constraints =
-  \<open>Scan.lift Parse.nat >> Rule_Cases.constraints\<close>
-  "number of equality constraints"
-attribute_setup case_names =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Scan.repeat1 ( --
-    Scan.optional (@{keyword "["} |-- Scan.repeat1 (Args.maybe --| @{keyword "]"}) []))
-    >> (fn cs =>
-      Rule_Cases.cases_hyp_names
-        (map #1 cs)
-        (map (map (the_default Rule_Cases.case_hypsN) o #2) cs))\<close>
-  "named rule cases"
-attribute_setup case_conclusion =
-  \<open>Scan.lift ( -- Scan.repeat >> Rule_Cases.case_conclusion\<close>
-  "named conclusion of rule cases"
-attribute_setup params =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Parse.and_list1 (Scan.repeat >> Rule_Cases.params\<close>
-  "named rule parameters"
-attribute_setup rule_format =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Args.mode "no_asm")
-    >> (fn true => Object_Logic.rule_format_no_asm | false => Object_Logic.rule_format)\<close>
-  "result put into canonical rule format"
-attribute_setup elim_format =
-  \<open>Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (K Tactic.make_elim))\<close>
-  "destruct rule turned into elimination rule format"
-attribute_setup no_vars =
-  \<open>Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn context => fn th =>
-    let
-      val ctxt = Variable.set_body false (Context.proof_of context);
-      val ((_, [th']), _) = Variable.import true [th] ctxt;
-    in th' end))\<close>
-  "imported schematic variables"
-attribute_setup atomize =
-  \<open>Scan.succeed Object_Logic.declare_atomize\<close>
-  "declaration of atomize rule"
-attribute_setup rulify =
-  \<open>Scan.succeed Object_Logic.declare_rulify\<close>
-  "declaration of rulify rule"
-attribute_setup rotated =
-  \<open>Scan.lift (Scan.optional 1
-    >> (fn n => Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn _ => rotate_prems n)))\<close>
-  "rotated theorem premises"
-attribute_setup defn =
-  \<open>Attrib.add_del Local_Defs.defn_add Local_Defs.defn_del\<close>
-  "declaration of definitional transformations"
-attribute_setup abs_def =
-  \<open>Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn context =>
-    Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule (Context.proof_of context) #> Drule.abs_def))\<close>
-  "abstract over free variables of definitional theorem"
 section \<open>Further content for the Pure theory\<close>
 subsection \<open>Meta-level connectives in assumptions\<close>