(* Title: HOL/Tools/boolean_algebra_cancel.ML
Author: Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich
Simplification procedures for boolean algebras:
- Cancel complementary terms sup and inf.
val cancel_sup_conv: conv
val cancel_inf_conv: conv
structure Boolean_Algebra_Cancel: BOOLEAN_ALGEBRA_CANCEL =
val sup1 = @{lemma "(A::'a::semilattice_sup) == sup k a ==> sup A b == sup k (sup a b)"
by (simp only: ac_simps)}
val sup2 = @{lemma "(B::'a::semilattice_sup) == sup k b ==> sup a B == sup k (sup a b)"
by (simp only: ac_simps)}
val sup0 = @{lemma "(a::'a::bounded_semilattice_sup_bot) == sup a bot" by (simp)}
val inf1 = @{lemma "(A::'a::semilattice_inf) == inf k a ==> inf A b == inf k (inf a b)"
by (simp only: ac_simps)}
val inf2 = @{lemma "(B::'a::semilattice_inf) == inf k b ==> inf a B == inf k (inf a b)"
by (simp only: ac_simps)}
val inf0 = @{lemma "(a::'a::bounded_semilattice_inf_top) == inf a top" by (simp)}
fun move_to_front rule path = Conv.rewr_conv (Library.foldl (op RS) (rule, path))
fun add_atoms sup pos path (t as Const (@{const_name Lattices.sup}, _) $ x $ y) =
if sup then
add_atoms sup pos (sup1::path) x #> add_atoms sup pos (sup2::path) y
else cons ((pos, t), path)
| add_atoms sup pos path (t as Const (@{const_name Lattices.inf}, _) $ x $ y) =
if not sup then
add_atoms sup pos (inf1::path) x #> add_atoms sup pos (inf2::path) y
else cons ((pos, t), path)
| add_atoms _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name Orderings.bot}, _)) = I
| add_atoms _ _ _ (Const (@{const_name Orderings.top}, _)) = I
| add_atoms _ pos path (Const (@{const_name Groups.uminus}, _) $ x) = cons ((not pos, x), path)
| add_atoms _ pos path x = cons ((pos, x), path);
fun atoms sup pos t = add_atoms sup pos [] t []
val coeff_ord = prod_ord bool_ord Term_Ord.term_ord
fun find_common ord xs ys =
fun find (xs as (x, px)::xs') (ys as (y, py)::ys') =
(case ord (x, y) of
EQUAL => SOME (fst x, px, py)
| LESS => find xs' ys
| GREATER => find xs ys')
| find _ _ = NONE
fun ord' ((x, _), (y, _)) = ord (x, y)
find (sort ord' xs) (sort ord' ys)
fun cancel_conv sup rule ct =
val rule0 = if sup then sup0 else inf0
fun cancel1_conv (pos, lpath, rpath) =
val lconv = move_to_front rule0 lpath
val rconv = move_to_front rule0 rpath
val conv1 = Conv.combination_conv (Conv.arg_conv lconv) rconv
conv1 then_conv Conv.rewr_conv (rule pos)
val ((_, lhs), rhs) = (apfst dest_comb o dest_comb) (Thm.term_of ct)
val common = find_common coeff_ord (atoms sup true lhs) (atoms sup false rhs)
val conv =
case common of NONE => Conv.no_conv
| SOME x => cancel1_conv x
in conv ct end
val cancel_sup_conv = cancel_conv true (fn pos => if pos then mk_meta_eq @{thm sup_cancel_left1} else mk_meta_eq @{thm sup_cancel_left2})
val cancel_inf_conv = cancel_conv false (fn pos => if pos then mk_meta_eq @{thm inf_cancel_left1} else mk_meta_eq @{thm inf_cancel_left2})