(* Title: Pure/ML-Systems/alice.ML
Compatibility file for Alice 1.4.
NOTE: there is no wrapper script; may run it interactively as follows:
$ cd Isabelle/src/Pure
$ env ALICE_JIT_MODE=0 ISABELLE_HOME=$(cd ../..; pwd) alice
- val ml_system = "alice";
- use "ML-Systems/exn.ML";
- use "ML-Systems/universal.ML";
- use "ML-Systems/multithreading.ML";
- use "ML-Systems/time_limit.ML";
- use "ML-Systems/alice.ML";
- use "ROOT.ML";
- Session.finish ();
val ml_system_fix_ints = false;
fun forget_structure _ = ();
fun exit 0 = (OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success): unit
| exit _ = OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure;
(** ML system related **)
(*low-level pointer equality*)
fun pointer_eq (_: 'a, _: 'a) = false;
(* integer compatibility -- downgraded IntInf *)
structure Time =
open Time;
val fromMilliseconds = Time.fromMilliseconds o IntInf.fromInt;
val fromSeconds = Time.fromSeconds o IntInf.fromInt;
structure IntInf =
fun divMod (x, y) = (x div y, x mod y);
open Int;
(* restore old-style character / string functions *)
exception Ord;
fun ord "" = raise Ord
| ord s = Char.ord (String.sub (s, 0));
val chr = String.str o chr;
val explode = map String.str o String.explode;
val implode = String.concat;
(* Poly/ML emulation *)
fun quit () = exit 0;
fun get_print_depth () = ! Print.depth;
fun print_depth n = Print.depth := n;
(* compiler-independent timing functions *)
structure Timer =
open Timer;
type cpu_timer = unit;
fun startCPUTimer () = ();
fun checkCPUTimer () = {sys = Time.zeroTime, usr = Time.zeroTime};
fun checkGCTime () = Time.zeroTime;
fun start_timing () =
let val CPUtimer = Timer.startCPUTimer();
val time = Timer.checkCPUTimer(CPUtimer)
in (CPUtimer,time) end;
fun end_timing (CPUtimer, {sys,usr}) =
let open Time (*...for Time.toString, Time.+ and Time.- *)
val {sys=sys2,usr=usr2} = Timer.checkCPUTimer(CPUtimer)
in "User " ^ toString (usr2-usr) ^
" All "^ toString (sys2-sys + usr2-usr) ^
" secs"
handle Time => ""
fun check_timer timer =
val {sys, usr} = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer;
val gc = Timer.checkGCTime timer; (* FIXME already included in usr? *)
in (sys, usr, gc) end;
fun ml_prompts p1 p2 = ();
(*dummy implementation*)
fun profile (n: int) f x = f x;
(*dummy implementation*)
fun exception_trace f = f ();
(*dummy implementation*)
fun print x = x;
(* toplevel pretty printing (see also Pure/pure_setup.ML) *)
fun make_pp path pprint = (path, pprint);
fun install_pp (path, pp) = ();
(* ML command execution *)
fun use_text _ _ _ _ _ txt = (Compiler.eval txt; ());
fun use_file _ _ _ _ name = use name;
(** interrupts **)
exception Interrupt;
fun interruptible f x = f x;
fun uninterruptible f x = f (fn (g: 'c -> 'd) => g) x;
(* basis library fixes *)
structure TextIO =
open TextIO;
fun inputLine is = TextIO.inputLine is
handle IO.Io _ => raise Interrupt;
(** OS related **)
structure OS =
open OS;
structure FileSys =
open FileSys;
fun tmpName () =
let val name = FileSys.tmpName () in
if String.isSuffix "\000" name
then String.substring (name, 0, size name - 1)
else name
val cd = OS.FileSys.chDir;
val pwd = OS.FileSys.getDir;
fun read_file name =
let val is = TextIO.openIn name
in Exn.release (Exn.capture TextIO.inputAll is before TextIO.closeIn is) end;
fun write_file name txt =
let val os = TextIO.openOut name
in Exn.release (Exn.capture TextIO.output (os, txt) before TextIO.closeOut os) end;
fun system_out script =
val script_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
val _ = write_file script_name script;
val output_name = OS.FileSys.tmpName ();
val status =
OS.Process.system ("perl -w \"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/system.pl\" nogroup " ^
script_name ^ " /dev/null " ^ output_name);
val rc = if OS.Process.isSuccess status then 0 else 1;
val output = read_file output_name handle IO.Io _ => "";
val _ = OS.FileSys.remove script_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
val _ = OS.FileSys.remove output_name handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
in (output, rc) end;
structure OS =
open OS;
structure FileSys =
fun fileId name =
(case system_out ("perl -e '@_ = stat(q:" ^ name ^ ":); print $_[1]'") of
("", _) => raise Fail "OS.FileSys.fileId" (* FIXME IO.Io!? *)
| (s, _) => (case Int.fromString s of NONE => raise Fail "OS.FileSys.fileId" | SOME i => i));
val compare = Int.compare;
fun fullPath name =
(case system_out ("FILE='" ^ name ^
"' && cd \"$(dirname \"$FILE\")\" && echo -n \"$(pwd -P)/$(basename \"$FILE\")\"") of
("", _) => raise SysErr ("Bad file", NONE)
| (s, _) => s);
open FileSys;
fun process_id () = raise Fail "process_id undefined";
fun getenv var =
(case OS.Process.getEnv var of
NONE => ""
| SOME txt => txt);