author wenzelm
Sun, 15 Oct 2000 19:51:19 +0200
changeset 10222 027a6f43e408
parent 10208 2b284ef75049
child 10240 9ac0fe356ea7
permissions -rw-r--r--
fixed \isasyminv;

%% $Id$


\title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_isar} \\[4ex] The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual}
\author{\emph{Markus Wenzel} \\ TU M\"unchen}


\newcommand{\isa}[1]{\emph{\isastyle #1}}





\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}

\binperiod     %%%treat . like a binary operator






  \emph{Intelligible semi-automated reasoning} (\emph{Isar}) is a generic
  approach to readable formal proof documents.  It sets out to bridge the
  semantic gap between any internal notions of proof based on primitive
  inferences and tactics, and an appropriate level of abstraction for
  user-level work.  The Isar formal proof language has been designed to
  satisfy quite contradictory requirements, being both ``declarative'' and
  immediately ``executable'', by virtue of the \emph{Isar/VM} interpreter.
  The Isabelle/Isar system provides an interpreter for the Isar formal proof
  language.  The input may consist either of proper document constructors, or
  improper auxiliary commands (for diagnostics, exploration etc.).  Proof
  texts consisting of proper elements only admit a purely static reading, thus
  being intelligible later without requiring dynamic replay that is so typical
  for traditional proof scripts.  Any of the Isabelle/Isar commands may be
  executed in single-steps, so basically the interpreter has a proof text
  debugger already built-in.
  Employing the Isar instantiation of \emph{Proof~General}, a generic Emacs
  interface for interactive proof assistants, we arrive at a reasonable
  environment for \emph{live document editing}.  Thus proof texts may be
  developed incrementally by issuing proof commands, including forward and
  backward tracing of partial documents; intermediate states may be inspected
  by diagnostic commands.
  The Isar subsystem is tightly integrated into the Isabelle/Pure meta-logic
  implementation.  Theories, theorems, proof procedures etc.\ may be used
  interchangeably between classic Isabelle proof scripts and Isabelle/Isar
  documents.  Even more, Isar provides a set of emulation commands and methods
  for simulating traditional tactic scripts within new-style theory documents.
  The Isar framework is as generic as Isabelle, able to support a wide range
  of object-logics.  Currently, the end-user working environment is most
  complete for Isabelle/HOL.

\pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents \clearfirst




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