#!/bin/bash -norc
# $Id$
# mk - build Pure Isabelle.
# Notes:
# (1) make sure the Isabelle bin dir is in PATH (try 'which isabelle')
# (2) make sure etc/settings are appropriate
# (3) then cd here and run ./mk
## diagnostics
function fail()
echo "$1" >&2
exit 2
## main
ML_SYSTEM=$(isatool getenv ML_SYSTEM)
ML_SYSTEM_BASE=$(echo $ML_SYSTEM | cut -f1 -d-)
[ -z "$ML_SYSTEM" ] && fail "Missing ML system settings! Unable to build Isabelle."
[ -f "ML-Systems/$ML_SYSTEM_BASE.ML" ] && COMPAT="ML-Systems/$ML_SYSTEM_BASE.ML"
[ -f "ML-Systems/$ML_SYSTEM.ML" ] && COMPAT="ML-Systems/$ML_SYSTEM.ML"
[ -z "$COMPAT" ] && fail "Missing compatibility file for ML system \"$ML_SYSTEM\"!"
exec isabelle \
-e "val ml_system = \"$ML_SYSTEM\";" \
-e "use\"$COMPAT\"; use\"ROOT.ML\" handle _ => exit 1;" \
-cq SYSTEM Pure