include iszero_simps in semiring_norm just once (they are already included in rel_simps)
(* Title: HOL/NanoJava/Term.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: David von Oheimb
Copyright 2001 Technische Universitaet Muenchen
header "Statements and expression emulations"
theory Term imports Main begin
typedecl cname --{* class name *}
typedecl mname --{* method name *}
typedecl fname --{* field name *}
typedecl vname --{* variable name *}
This :: vname --{* This pointer *}
Par :: vname --{* method parameter *}
Res :: vname --{* method result *}
text {* Inequality axioms are not required for the meta theory. *}
This_neq_Par [simp]: "This \<noteq> Par"
Par_neq_Res [simp]: "Par \<noteq> Res"
Res_neq_This [simp]: "Res \<noteq> This"
datatype stmt
= Skip --{* empty statement *}
| Comp stmt stmt ("_;; _" [91,90 ] 90)
| Cond expr stmt stmt ("If '(_') _ Else _" [ 3,91,91] 91)
| Loop vname stmt ("While '(_') _" [ 3,91 ] 91)
| LAss vname expr ("_ :== _" [99, 95] 94) --{* local assignment *}
| FAss expr fname expr ("_.._:==_" [95,99,95] 94) --{* field assignment *}
| Meth "cname \<times> mname" --{* virtual method *}
| Impl "cname \<times> mname" --{* method implementation *}
and expr
= NewC cname ("new _" [ 99] 95) --{* object creation *}
| Cast cname expr --{* type cast *}
| LAcc vname --{* local access *}
| FAcc expr fname ("_.._" [95,99] 95) --{* field access *}
| Call cname expr mname expr
("{_}_.._'(_')" [99,95,99,95] 95) --{* method call *}