author wenzelm
Tue, 16 May 2006 13:01:30 +0200
changeset 19647 043921b0e587
parent 17311 5b1d47d920ce
child 21425 c11ab38b78a7
permissions -rw-r--r--
removed low-level str_of_sort/typ/term (use Display.raw_string_of_sort/typ/term instead, or even PolyML.print -- for debugging purposes);

(*  Title:    HOL/Prolog/Test.thy
    ID:       $Id$
    Author:   David von Oheimb (based on a lecture on Lambda Prolog by Nadathur)

header {* Basic examples *}

theory Test
imports HOHH

typedecl nat

typedecl 'a list

  Nil   :: "'a list"                                  ("[]")
  Cons  :: "'a => 'a list => 'a list"                 (infixr "#"  65)

  (* list Enumeration *)
  "@list"     :: "args => 'a list"                          ("[(_)]")

  "[x, xs]"     == "x#[xs]"
  "[x]"         == "x#[]"

typedecl person

  append  :: "['a list, 'a list, 'a list]            => bool"
  reverse :: "['a list, 'a list]                     => bool"

  mappred :: "[('a => 'b => bool), 'a list, 'b list] => bool"
  mapfun  :: "[('a => 'b), 'a list, 'b list]         => bool"

  bob     :: person
  sue     :: person
  ned     :: person

  "23"    :: nat          ("23")
  "24"    :: nat          ("24")
  "25"    :: nat          ("25")

  age     :: "[person, nat]                          => bool"

  eq      :: "['a, 'a]                               => bool"

  empty   :: "['b]                                   => bool"
  add     :: "['a, 'b, 'b]                           => bool"
  remove  :: "['a, 'b, 'b]                           => bool"
  bag_appl:: "['a, 'a, 'a, 'a]                       => bool"

        append:  "append  []    xs  xs    ..
                  append (x#xs) ys (x#zs) :- append xs ys zs"
        reverse: "reverse L1 L2 :- (!rev_aux.
                  (!L.          rev_aux  []    L  L )..
                  (!X L1 L2 L3. rev_aux (X#L1) L2 L3 :- rev_aux L1 L2 (X#L3))
                  => rev_aux L1 L2 [])"

        mappred: "mappred P  []     []    ..
                  mappred P (x#xs) (y#ys) :- P x y  &  mappred P xs ys"
        mapfun:  "mapfun f  []     []      ..
                  mapfun f (x#xs) (f x#ys) :- mapfun f xs ys"

        age:     "age bob 24 ..
                  age sue 23 ..
                  age ned 23"

        eq:      "eq x x"

(* actual definitions of empty and add is hidden -> yields abstract data type *)

        bag_appl: "bag_appl A B X Y:- (? S1 S2 S3 S4 S5.
                                empty    S1    &
                                add A    S1 S2 &
                                add B    S2 S3 &
                                remove X S3 S4 &
                                remove Y S4 S5 &
                                empty    S5)"

ML {* use_legacy_bindings (the_context ()) *}
