author wenzelm
Mon, 21 Feb 2022 12:56:35 +0100
changeset 75108 05ba781cf890
parent 75107 7c0217c8b8a5
child 75109 e6162afc5460
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified signature;

/*  Title:      Pure/General/http.scala
    Author:     Makarius

HTTP client and server support.

package isabelle

import{File => JFile}
import java.nio.file.Files
import{InetSocketAddress, URI, URL, HttpURLConnection}
import{HttpExchange, HttpHandler, HttpServer}

object HTTP
  /** content **/

  object Content
    val mime_type_bytes: String = "application/octet-stream"
    val mime_type_text: String = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
    val mime_type_html: String = "text/html; charset=utf-8"

    val default_mime_type: String = mime_type_bytes
    val default_encoding: String = UTF8.charset_name

    def apply(
        bytes: Bytes,
        file_name: String = "",
        mime_type: String = default_mime_type,
        encoding: String = default_encoding,
        elapsed_time: Time = Content =
      new Content(bytes, file_name, mime_type, encoding, elapsed_time)

    def read(file: JFile): Content =
      val bytes =
      val file_name = file.getName
      val mime_type = Option(Files.probeContentType(file.toPath)).getOrElse(default_mime_type)
      apply(bytes, file_name = file_name, mime_type = mime_type)

    def read(path: Path): Content = read(path.file)

  class Content private(
    val bytes: Bytes,
    val file_name: String,
    val mime_type: String,
    val encoding: String,
    val elapsed_time: Time)
    def text: String = new String(bytes.array, encoding)
    def json: JSON.T = JSON.parse(text)

  /** client **/

  val NEWLINE: String = "\r\n"

  object Client
    val default_timeout: Time = Time.seconds(180)

    def open_connection(url: URL,
      timeout: Time = default_timeout,
      user_agent: String = ""): HttpURLConnection =
      url.openConnection match {
        case connection: HttpURLConnection =>
          if (0 < && <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            val ms =
          proper_string(user_agent).foreach(s => connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", s))
        case _ => error("Bad URL (not HTTP): " + quote(url.toString))

    def get_content(connection: HttpURLConnection): Content =
      val Charset = """.*\bcharset="?([\S^"]+)"?.*""".r

      val start =
      using(connection.getInputStream)(stream =>
        val bytes = Bytes.read_stream(stream, hint = connection.getContentLength)
        val stop =

        val file_name = Url.file_name(connection.getURL)
        val mime_type = Option(connection.getContentType).getOrElse(Content.default_mime_type)
        val encoding =
          (connection.getContentEncoding, mime_type) match {
            case (enc, _) if enc != null => enc
            case (_, Charset(enc)) => enc
            case _ => Content.default_encoding
        Content(bytes, file_name = file_name, mime_type = mime_type,
          encoding = encoding, elapsed_time = stop - start)

    def get(url: URL, timeout: Time = default_timeout, user_agent: String = ""): Content =
      get_content(open_connection(url, timeout = timeout, user_agent = user_agent))

    def post(url: URL, parameters: List[(String, Any)],
      timeout: Time = default_timeout,
      user_agent: String = ""): Content =
      val connection = open_connection(url, timeout = timeout, user_agent = user_agent)

      val boundary = UUID.random().toString
        "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + quote(boundary))

      using(connection.getOutputStream)(out =>
        def output(s: String): Unit = out.write(UTF8.bytes(s))
        def output_newline(n: Int = 1): Unit = (1 to n).foreach(_ => output(NEWLINE))
        def output_boundary(end: Boolean = false): Unit =
          output("--" + boundary + (if (end) "--" else "") + NEWLINE)
        def output_name(name: String): Unit =
          output("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=" + quote(name))
        def output_value(value: Any): Unit =
        def output_content(content: Content): Unit =
          proper_string(content.file_name).foreach(s => output("; filename=" + quote(s)))
          proper_string(content.mime_type).foreach(s => output("Content-Type: " + s))


        for { (name, value) <- parameters } {
          value match {
            case content: Content => output_content(content)
            case file: JFile => output_content(
            case path: Path => output_content(
            case _ => output_value(value)
        output_boundary(end = true)


  /** server **/

  /* request */

  def url_path(names: String*): String =
    names.iterator.flatMap(a => if (a.isEmpty) None else Some("/" + a)).mkString

  class Request private[HTTP](
    val server: String,
    val service: String,
    val uri: URI,
    val input: Bytes)
    def home: String = url_path(server, service)
    def root: String = home + "/"
    def query: String = home + "?"

    def uri_name: String = uri.toString

    def uri_path: Option[Path] =
      for {
        s1 <- Option(uri.getPath)
        s2 <- Library.try_unprefix(root, s1)
        if Path.is_wellformed(s2)
        p = Path.explode(s2)
        if p.all_basic
      } yield p

    def decode_properties: Properties.T =
      space_explode('&', input.text).map(
          case Properties.Eq(a, b) => Url.decode(a) -> Url.decode(b)
          case s => error("Malformed key-value pair in HTTP/POST: " + quote(s))

  /* response */

  object Response
    def apply(
        bytes: Bytes = Bytes.empty,
        content_type: String = Content.mime_type_bytes): Response =
      new Response(bytes, content_type)

    val empty: Response = apply()
    def text(s: String): Response = apply(Bytes(s), Content.mime_type_text)
    def html(s: String): Response = apply(Bytes(s), Content.mime_type_html)

    def content(content: Content): Response = apply(content.bytes, content.mime_type)
    def read(file: JFile): Response = content(
    def read(path: Path): Response = content(

  class Response private[HTTP](val output: Bytes, val content_type: String)
    override def toString: String = output.toString

    def write(http: HttpExchange, code: Int): Unit =
      http.getResponseHeaders.set("Content-Type", content_type)
      http.sendResponseHeaders(code, output.length.toLong)

  /* service */

  type Exchange = Request => Option[Response]

  object Service
    def apply(method: String, name: String, body: Exchange): Service =
      new Service(name: String) {
        def handler(server: String): HttpHandler = (http: HttpExchange) =>
          val uri = http.getRequestURI
          val input = using(http.getRequestBody)(Bytes.read_stream(_))
          if (http.getRequestMethod == method) {
            val request = new Request(server, name, uri, input)
            Exn.capture(body(request)) match {
              case Exn.Res(Some(response)) =>
                response.write(http, 200)
              case Exn.Res(None) =>
                Response.empty.write(http, 404)
              case Exn.Exn(ERROR(msg)) =>
                Response.text(Output.error_message_text(msg)).write(http, 500)
              case Exn.Exn(exn) => throw exn
          else Response.empty.write(http, 400)

    def get(name: String, body: Exchange): Service = apply("GET", name, body)
    def post(name: String, body: Exchange): Service = apply("POST", name, body)

  abstract class Service private[HTTP](val name: String)
    override def toString: String = name
    def context(server: String): String = proper_string(url_path(server, name)).getOrElse("/")
    def handler(server: String): HttpHandler

  /* server */

  class Server private[HTTP](val name: String, val http_server: HttpServer)
    def += (service: Service): Unit =
      http_server.createContext(service.context(name), service.handler(name))
    def -= (service: Service): Unit =

    def start(): Unit = http_server.start()
    def stop(): Unit = http_server.stop(0)

    def address: InetSocketAddress = http_server.getAddress

    def url: String = "http://" + address.getHostName + ":" + address.getPort + url_path(name)
    override def toString: String = url

  def server(
    name: String = UUID.random().toString,
    services: List[Service] = isabelle_services): Server =
    val http_server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(isabelle.Server.localhost, 0), 0)

    val server = new Server(name, http_server)
    for (service <- services) server += service

  /** Isabelle services **/

  def isabelle_services: List[Service] = List(welcome(), fonts(), pdfjs())

  /* welcome */

  def welcome(name: String = "welcome"): Service =
    Service.get(name, request =>
      if (request.uri_name == request.home) {
        Some(Response.text("Welcome to " + Isabelle_System.identification()))
      else None)

  /* fonts */

  private lazy val html_fonts: List[Isabelle_Fonts.Entry] =
    Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true)

  def fonts(name: String = "fonts"): Service =
    Service.get(name, request =>
        if (request.uri_name == request.home) {
          Some(Response.text(cat_lines( => entry.path.file_name))))
        else {
          request.uri_path.flatMap(path =>
              { case entry if path == entry.path.base => Response(entry.bytes) }

  /* pdfjs */

  def pdfjs(name: String = "pdfjs"): Service =
    Service.get(name, request =>
      for {
        p <- request.uri_path
        path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_PDFJS_HOME") + p
        if path.is_file
      } yield