(* Title: Pure/Isar/runtime.ML
Author: Makarius
Isar toplevel runtime support.
signature RUNTIME =
exception UNDEF
exception TERMINATE
exception EXCURSION_FAIL of exn * string
val debug: bool Unsynchronized.ref
val exn_context: Proof.context option -> exn -> exn
type exn_info = {exn_position: exn -> Position.T, pretty_exn: exn -> Pretty.T}
type error = ((serial * string) * string option)
val exn_messages_ids: exn_info -> exn -> error list
val exn_messages: exn_info -> exn -> (serial * string) list
val exn_message: exn_info -> exn -> string
val debugging: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val controlled_execution: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val toplevel_error: (exn -> unit) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
structure Runtime: RUNTIME =
(** exceptions **)
exception UNDEF;
exception TERMINATE;
exception EXCURSION_FAIL of exn * string;
val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false;
(* exn_context *)
exception CONTEXT of Proof.context * exn;
fun exn_context NONE exn = exn
| exn_context (SOME ctxt) exn = if Exn.is_interrupt exn then exn else CONTEXT (ctxt, exn);
(* exn_message *)
type exn_info = {exn_position: exn -> Position.T, pretty_exn: exn -> Pretty.T};
type error = ((serial * string) * string option);
fun robust f x =
(case try f x of
SOME s => s
| NONE => Markup.markup Markup.intensify "<malformed>");
fun robust2 f x y = robust (fn () => f x y) ();
fun robust_context NONE _ _ = []
| robust_context (SOME ctxt) f xs = map (robust2 f ctxt) xs;
fun identify exn =
val exn' = Par_Exn.identify [] exn;
val exec_id = Properties.get (Exn_Properties.get exn') Markup.exec_idN;
val i = Par_Exn.the_serial exn' handle Option.Option => serial ();
in ((i, exn'), exec_id) end;
fun flatten _ (CONTEXT (ctxt, exn)) = flatten (SOME ctxt) exn
| flatten context (Exn.EXCEPTIONS exns) = maps (flatten context) exns
| flatten context exn =
(case Par_Exn.dest exn of
SOME exns => maps (flatten context) exns
| NONE => [(context, identify exn)]);
fun exn_messages_ids {exn_position, pretty_exn} e =
fun raised exn name msgs =
let val pos = Position.here (exn_position exn) in
(case msgs of
[] => "exception " ^ name ^ " raised" ^ pos
| [msg] => "exception " ^ name ^ " raised" ^ pos ^ ": " ^ msg
| _ =>
cat_lines (("exception " ^ name ^ " raised" ^ pos ^ ":") ::
map (Markup.markup Markup.item) msgs))
fun exn_msgs (context, ((i, exn), id)) =
(case exn of
EXCURSION_FAIL (exn, loc) =>
map (fn ((i, msg), id) => ((i, msg ^ Markup.markup Markup.no_report ("\n" ^ loc)), id))
(sorted_msgs context exn)
| _ =>
val msg =
(case exn of
| TimeLimit.TimeOut => "Timeout"
| ERROR msg => msg
| Fail msg => raised exn "Fail" [msg]
| THEORY (msg, thys) =>
raised exn "THEORY" (msg :: map (robust Context.str_of_thy) thys)
| Ast.AST (msg, asts) =>
raised exn "AST" (msg :: map (robust (Pretty.string_of o Ast.pretty_ast)) asts)
| TYPE (msg, Ts, ts) =>
raised exn "TYPE" (msg ::
(robust_context context Syntax.string_of_typ Ts @
robust_context context Syntax.string_of_term ts))
| TERM (msg, ts) =>
raised exn "TERM" (msg :: robust_context context Syntax.string_of_term ts)
| CTERM (msg, cts) =>
raised exn "CTERM"
(msg :: robust_context context Syntax.string_of_term (map term_of cts))
| THM (msg, i, thms) =>
raised exn ("THM " ^ string_of_int i)
(msg :: robust_context context Display.string_of_thm thms)
| _ => raised exn (robust (Pretty.string_of o pretty_exn) exn) []);
in [((i, msg), id)] end)
and sorted_msgs context exn =
sort_distinct (int_ord o pairself (fst o fst)) (maps exn_msgs (flatten context exn));
in sorted_msgs NONE e end;
fun exn_messages exn_info exn = map #1 (exn_messages_ids exn_info exn);
fun exn_message exn_info exn =
(case exn_messages exn_info exn of
[] => "Interrupt"
| msgs => cat_lines (map snd msgs));
(** controlled execution **)
fun debugging f x =
if ! debug
then exception_trace (fn () => f x)
else f x;
fun controlled_execution f x =
(f |> debugging |> Future.interruptible_task) x;
fun toplevel_error output_exn f x = f x
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then reraise exn
val opt_ctxt =
(case Context.thread_data () of
| SOME context => try Context.proof_of context);
val _ = output_exn (exn_context opt_ctxt exn);
in raise TOPLEVEL_ERROR end;