author wenzelm
Mon, 06 Feb 2023 10:20:12 +0100
changeset 77202 064566bc1f35
parent 75393 87ebf5a50283
child 81021 89bfada3a16d
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified signature: follow terminology of isabelle.Sessions and isabelle.Build;

/*  Title:      Tools/VSCode/src/lsp.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Message formats for Language Server Protocol, with adhoc PIDE extensions.

package isabelle.vscode

import isabelle._

import{File => JFile}

object LSP {
  /* abstract message */

  object Message {
    val empty: JSON.Object.T = JSON.Object("jsonrpc" -> "2.0")

    def log(prefix: String, json: JSON.T, logger: Logger, verbose: Boolean): Unit = {
      val header =
        json match {
          case JSON.Object(obj) => obj -- (obj.keySet - "method" - "id")
          case _ => JSON.Object.empty
      if (verbose || header.isEmpty) logger(prefix + "\n" + JSON.Format(json))
      else logger(prefix + " " + JSON.Format(header))

  /* notification */

  object Notification {
    def apply(method: String, params: JSON.T): JSON.T =
      Message.empty + ("method" -> method) + ("params" -> params)

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(String, Option[JSON.T])] =
      for {
        method <- JSON.string(json, "method")
        params = JSON.value(json, "params")
      } yield (method, params)

  class Notification0(name: String) {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Unit] =
      json match {
        case Notification(method, _) if method == name => Some(())
        case _ => None

  /* request message */

  object Id {
    def empty: Id = Id("")

  sealed case class Id(id: Any) {
      id.isInstanceOf[Int] ||
      id.isInstanceOf[Long] ||
      id.isInstanceOf[Double] ||
      id.isInstanceOf[String], "bad id type")

    override def toString: String = id.toString

  object RequestMessage {
    def apply(id: Id, method: String, params: JSON.T): JSON.T =
      Message.empty + ("id" -> + ("method" -> method) + ("params" -> params)

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(Id, String, Option[JSON.T])] =
      for {
        id <- JSON.long(json, "id") orElse JSON.double(json, "id") orElse JSON.string(json, "id")
        method <- JSON.string(json, "method")
        params = JSON.value(json, "params")
      } yield (Id(id), method, params)

  class Request0(name: String) {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Id] =
      json match {
        case RequestMessage(id, method, _) if method == name => Some(id)
        case _ => None

  class RequestTextDocumentPosition(name: String) {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(Id, Line.Node_Position)] =
      json match {
        case RequestMessage(id, method, Some(TextDocumentPosition(node_pos))) if method == name =>
          Some((id, node_pos))
        case _ => None

  /* response message */

  object ResponseMessage {
    def apply(id: Id, result: Option[JSON.T] = None, error: Option[ResponseError] = None): JSON.T =
      Message.empty + ("id" -> ++
        JSON.optional("result" -> result) ++
        JSON.optional("error" ->

    def strict(id: Id, result: Option[JSON.T] = None, error: String = ""): JSON.T =
      if (error == "") apply(id, result = result)
      else apply(id, error = Some(ResponseError(code = ErrorCodes.serverErrorEnd, message = error)))

    def is_empty(json: JSON.T): Boolean =
      JSON.string(json, "id") == Some("") && JSON.value(json, "result").isDefined

  sealed case class ResponseError(code: Int, message: String, data: Option[JSON.T] = None) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("code" -> code, "message" -> message) ++ JSON.optional("data" -> data)

  object ErrorCodes {
    val ParseError = -32700
    val InvalidRequest = -32600
    val MethodNotFound = -32601
    val InvalidParams = -32602
    val InternalError = -32603
    val serverErrorStart = -32099
    val serverErrorEnd = -32000

  /* init and exit */

  object Initialize extends Request0("initialize") {
    def reply(id: Id, error: String): JSON.T =
        id, Some(JSON.Object("capabilities" -> ServerCapabilities.json)), error)

  object ServerCapabilities {
    val json: JSON.T =
        "textDocumentSync" -> 2,
        "completionProvider" -> JSON.Object(
          "resolveProvider" -> false,
          "triggerCharacters" ->
        "hoverProvider" -> true,
        "definitionProvider" -> true,
        "documentHighlightProvider" -> true)

  object Initialized extends Notification0("initialized")

  object Shutdown extends Request0("shutdown") {
    def reply(id: Id, error: String): JSON.T =
      ResponseMessage.strict(id, Some("OK"), error)

  object Exit extends Notification0("exit")

  /* document positions */

  object Position {
    def apply(pos: Line.Position): JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("line" -> pos.line, "character" -> pos.column)

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Line.Position] =
      for {
        line <-, "line")
        column <-, "character")
      } yield Line.Position(line, column)

  object Range {
    def compact(range: Line.Range): List[Int] =
      List(range.start.line, range.start.column, range.stop.line, range.stop.column)

    def apply(range: Line.Range): JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("start" -> Position(range.start), "end" -> Position(range.stop))

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Line.Range] =
      (JSON.value(json, "start"), JSON.value(json, "end")) match {
        case (Some(Position(start)), Some(Position(stop))) => Some(Line.Range(start, stop))
        case _ => None

  object Location {
    def apply(loc: Line.Node_Range): JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("uri" -> Url.print_file_name(, "range" -> Range(loc.range))

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Line.Node_Range] =
      for {
        uri <- JSON.string(json, "uri")
        if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
        range_json <- JSON.value(json, "range")
        range <- Range.unapply(range_json)
      } yield Line.Node_Range(Url.absolute_file_name(uri), range)

  object TextDocumentPosition {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Line.Node_Position] =
      for {
        doc <- JSON.value(json, "textDocument")
        uri <- JSON.string(doc, "uri")
        if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
        pos_json <- JSON.value(json, "position")
        pos <- Position.unapply(pos_json)
      } yield Line.Node_Position(Url.absolute_file_name(uri), pos)

  /* marked strings */

  sealed case class MarkedString(text: String, language: String = "plaintext") {
    def json: JSON.T = JSON.Object("language" -> language, "value" -> text)

  object MarkedStrings {
    def json(msgs: List[MarkedString]): Option[JSON.T] =
      msgs match {
        case Nil => None
        case List(msg) => Some(msg.json)
        case _ => Some(

  /* diagnostic messages */

  object MessageType {
    val Error = 1
    val Warning = 2
    val Info = 3
    val Log = 4

  object DisplayMessage {
    def apply(message_type: Int, message: String, show: Boolean): JSON.T =
      Notification(if (show) "window/showMessage" else "window/logMessage",
        JSON.Object("type" -> message_type, "message" -> message))

  /* commands */

  sealed case class Command(title: String, command: String, arguments: List[JSON.T] = Nil) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("title" -> title, "command" -> command, "arguments" -> arguments)

  /* document edits */

  object DidOpenTextDocument {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(JFile, String, Long, String)] =
      json match {
        case Notification("textDocument/didOpen", Some(params)) =>
          for {
            doc <- JSON.value(params, "textDocument")
            uri <- JSON.string(doc, "uri")
            if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
            lang <- JSON.string(doc, "languageId")
            version <- JSON.long(doc, "version")
            text <- JSON.string(doc, "text")
          } yield (Url.absolute_file(uri), lang, version, text)
        case _ => None

  sealed case class TextDocumentChange(range: Option[Line.Range], text: String)

  object DidChangeTextDocument {
    def unapply_change(json: JSON.T): Option[TextDocumentChange] =
      for { text <- JSON.string(json, "text") }
      yield TextDocumentChange(JSON.value(json, "range", Range.unapply), text)

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(JFile, Long, List[TextDocumentChange])] =
      json match {
        case Notification("textDocument/didChange", Some(params)) =>
          for {
            doc <- JSON.value(params, "textDocument")
            uri <- JSON.string(doc, "uri")
            if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
            version <- JSON.long(doc, "version")
            changes <- JSON.list(params, "contentChanges", unapply_change)
          } yield (Url.absolute_file(uri), version, changes)
        case _ => None

  class TextDocumentNotification(name: String) {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[JFile] =
      json match {
        case Notification(method, Some(params)) if method == name =>
          for {
            doc <- JSON.value(params, "textDocument")
            uri <- JSON.string(doc, "uri")
            if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
          } yield Url.absolute_file(uri)
        case _ => None

  object DidCloseTextDocument extends TextDocumentNotification("textDocument/didClose")
  object DidSaveTextDocument extends TextDocumentNotification("textDocument/didSave")

  /* workspace edits */

  sealed case class TextEdit(range: Line.Range, new_text: String) {
    def json: JSON.T = JSON.Object("range" -> Range(range), "newText" -> new_text)

  sealed case class TextDocumentEdit(file: JFile, version: Long, edits: List[TextEdit]) {
    def json: JSON.T =
        "textDocument" -> JSON.Object("uri" -> Url.print_file(file), "version" -> version),
        "edits" ->

  object WorkspaceEdit {
    def apply(edits: List[TextDocumentEdit]): JSON.T =
      RequestMessage(Id.empty, "workspace/applyEdit",
        JSON.Object("edit" -> JSON.Object("documentChanges" ->

  /* completion */

  sealed case class CompletionItem(
    label: String,
    kind: Option[Int] = None,
    detail: Option[String] = None,
    documentation: Option[String] = None,
    text: Option[String] = None,
    range: Option[Line.Range] = None,
    command: Option[Command] = None
  ) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("label" -> label) ++
      JSON.optional("kind" -> kind) ++
      JSON.optional("detail" -> detail) ++
      JSON.optional("documentation" -> documentation) ++
      JSON.optional("insertText" -> text) ++
      JSON.optional("range" -> ++
      JSON.optional("textEdit" -> => TextEdit(r, text.getOrElse(label)).json)) ++
      JSON.optional("command" ->

  object Completion extends RequestTextDocumentPosition("textDocument/completion") {
    def reply(id: Id, result: List[CompletionItem]): JSON.T =
      ResponseMessage(id, Some(

  /* spell checker */

  object Include_Word extends Notification0("PIDE/include_word") {
    val command = Command("Include word", "isabelle.include-word")

  object Include_Word_Permanently extends Notification0("PIDE/include_word_permanently") {
    val command = Command("Include word permanently", "isabelle.include-word-permanently")

  object Exclude_Word extends Notification0("PIDE/exclude_word") {
    val command = Command("Exclude word", "isabelle.exclude-word")

  object Exclude_Word_Permanently extends Notification0("PIDE/exclude_word_permanently") {
    val command = Command("Exclude word permanently", "isabelle.exclude-word-permanently")

  object Reset_Words extends Notification0("PIDE/reset_words") {
    val command = Command("Reset non-permanent words", "isabelle.reset-words")

  /* hover request */

  object Hover extends RequestTextDocumentPosition("textDocument/hover") {
    def reply(id: Id, result: Option[(Line.Range, List[MarkedString])]): JSON.T = {
      val res =
        result match {
          case Some((range, contents)) =>
              "contents" -> MarkedStrings.json(contents).getOrElse(Nil),
              "range" -> Range(range))
          case None => JSON.Object("contents" -> Nil)
      ResponseMessage(id, Some(res))

  /* goto definition request */

  object GotoDefinition extends RequestTextDocumentPosition("textDocument/definition") {
    def reply(id: Id, result: List[Line.Node_Range]): JSON.T =
      ResponseMessage(id, Some(

  /* document highlights request */

  object DocumentHighlight {
    def text(range: Line.Range): DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight(range, Some(1))
    def read(range: Line.Range): DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight(range, Some(2))
    def write(range: Line.Range): DocumentHighlight = DocumentHighlight(range, Some(3))

  sealed case class DocumentHighlight(range: Line.Range, kind: Option[Int] = None) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      kind match {
        case None => JSON.Object("range" -> Range(range))
        case Some(k) => JSON.Object("range" -> Range(range), "kind" -> k)

  object DocumentHighlights extends RequestTextDocumentPosition("textDocument/documentHighlight") {
    def reply(id: Id, result: List[DocumentHighlight]): JSON.T =
      ResponseMessage(id, Some(

  /* diagnostics */

  sealed case class Diagnostic(
    range: Line.Range,
    message: String,
    severity: Option[Int] = None,
    code: Option[Int] = None,
    source: Option[String] = None
  ) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      Message.empty + ("range" -> Range(range)) + ("message" -> message) ++
      JSON.optional("severity" -> severity) ++
      JSON.optional("code" -> code) ++
      JSON.optional("source" -> source)

  object DiagnosticSeverity {
    val Error = 1
    val Warning = 2
    val Information = 3
    val Hint = 4

  object PublishDiagnostics {
    def apply(file: JFile, diagnostics: List[Diagnostic]): JSON.T =
        JSON.Object("uri" -> Url.print_file(file), "diagnostics" ->

  /* decorations */

  sealed case class Decoration_Options(range: Line.Range, hover_message: List[MarkedString]) {
    def json: JSON.T =
      JSON.Object("range" -> Range.compact(range)) ++
      JSON.optional("hover_message" -> MarkedStrings.json(hover_message))

  sealed case class Decoration(decorations: List[(String, List[Decoration_Options])]) {
    def json(file: JFile): JSON.T =
          "uri" -> Url.print_file(file),
          "entries" -> => JSON.Object(
            "type" -> decoration._1,
            "content" ->

  /* caret update: bidirectional */

  object Caret_Update {
    def apply(node_pos: Line.Node_Position, focus: Boolean): JSON.T =
          "uri" -> Url.print_file_name(,
          "line" -> node_pos.pos.line,
          "character" -> node_pos.pos.column,
          "focus" -> focus))

    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Option[(JFile, Line.Position)]] =
      json match {
        case Notification("PIDE/caret_update", Some(params)) =>
          val caret =
            for {
              uri <- JSON.string(params, "uri")
              if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
              pos <- Position.unapply(params)
            } yield (Url.absolute_file(uri), pos)
        case _ => None

  /* dynamic output */

  object Dynamic_Output {
    def apply(content: String): JSON.T =
      Notification("PIDE/dynamic_output", JSON.Object("content" -> content))

  /* state output */

  object State_Output {
    def apply(id: Counter.ID, content: String, auto_update: Boolean): JSON.T =
        JSON.Object("id" -> id, "content" -> content, "auto_update" -> auto_update))

  class State_Id_Notification(name: String) {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[Counter.ID] =
      json match {
        case Notification(method, Some(params)) if method == name => JSON.long(params, "id")
        case _ => None

  object State_Init extends Notification0("PIDE/state_init")
  object State_Exit extends State_Id_Notification("PIDE/state_exit")
  object State_Locate extends State_Id_Notification("PIDE/state_locate")
  object State_Update extends State_Id_Notification("PIDE/state_update")

  object State_Auto_Update {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(Counter.ID, Boolean)] =
      json match {
        case Notification("PIDE/state_auto_update", Some(params)) =>
          for {
            id <- JSON.long(params, "id")
            enabled <- JSON.bool(params, "enabled")
          } yield (id, enabled)
        case _ => None

  /* preview */

  object Preview_Request {
    def unapply(json: JSON.T): Option[(JFile, Int)] =
      json match {
        case Notification("PIDE/preview_request", Some(params)) =>
          for {
            uri <- JSON.string(params, "uri")
            if Url.is_wellformed_file(uri)
            column <-, "column")
          } yield (Url.absolute_file(uri), column)
        case _ => None

  object Preview_Response {
    def apply(file: JFile, column: Int, label: String, content: String): JSON.T =
          "uri" -> Url.print_file(file),
          "column" -> column,
          "label" -> label,
          "content" -> content))