print_interps shows interpretations in proofs.
(* Title: doc-src/rail.ML
Author: Michael Kerscher, TUM
Railroad diagrams for LaTeX.
structure Rail =
datatype token =
Identifier of string |
Special_Identifier of string |
Text of string |
Anot of string |
Symbol of string |
fun is_identifier (Identifier _) = true
| is_identifier (Special_Identifier _ ) = true
| is_identifier _ = false;
fun is_text (Text _) = true
| is_text _ = false;
fun is_anot (Anot _) = true
| is_anot _ = false;
fun is_symbol (Symbol _) = true
| is_symbol _ = false;
fun is_ str = (fn s => s = Symbol str);
local (* copied from antiquote-setup... *)
fun translate f = Symbol.explode #> map f #> implode;
fun clean_name "\<dots>" = "dots"
| clean_name ".." = "ddot"
| clean_name "." = "dot"
| clean_name "_" = "underscore"
| clean_name "{" = "braceleft"
| clean_name "}" = "braceright"
| clean_name s = s |> translate (fn "_" => "-" | "\<dash>" => "-" | c => c);
fun no_check _ _ = true;
fun false_check _ _ = false;
fun thy_check intern defined ctxt =
let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
in defined thy o intern thy end;
fun check_tool name =
File.exists (Path.append (Path.explode "~~/lib/Tools") (Path.basic name));
val arg = enclose "{" "}";
val markup_table =
(* [(kind, (markup, check, style))*)
Symtab.make [
("syntax", ("", no_check, true)),
("command", ("isacommand", K (is_some o Keyword.command_keyword), true)),
("keyword", ("isakeyword", K Keyword.is_keyword, true)),
("element", ("isakeyword", K Keyword.is_keyword, true)),
("method", ("", thy_check Method.intern Method.defined, true)),
("attribute", ("", thy_check Attrib.intern Attrib.defined, true)),
("fact", ("", no_check, true)),
("variable", ("", no_check, true)),
("case", ("", no_check, true)),
("antiquotation", ("", K Thy_Output.defined_command, true)),
("antiquotation option", ("", K Thy_Output.defined_option, true)), (* kann mein scanner nicht erkennen *)
("setting", ("isatt", (fn _ => fn name => is_some (OS.Process.getEnv name)), true)),
("inference", ("", no_check, true)),
("executable", ("isatt", no_check, true)),
("tool", ("isatt", K check_tool, true)),
("file", ("isatt", K (File.exists o Path.explode), true)),
("theory", ("", K (can Thy_Info.get_theory), true))
fun decode_link ctxt (kind,index,logic,name) =
val (markup, check, style) = case Symtab.lookup markup_table kind of
SOME x => x
| NONE => ("", false_check, false);
val hyper_name =
"{" ^ Long_Name.append kind (Long_Name.append logic (clean_name name)) ^ "}";
val hyper =
enclose ("\\hyperlink" ^ hyper_name ^ "{") "}" #>
index = "def" ? enclose ("\\hypertarget" ^ hyper_name ^ "{") "}";
val idx =
if index = "" then ""
else "\\index" ^ index ^ arg logic ^ arg kind ^ arg name;
if check ctxt name then
(idx ^
(Output.output name
|> (if markup = "" then I else enclose ("\\" ^ markup ^ "{") "}")
|> (if ! Thy_Output.quotes then quote else I)
|> (if ! Thy_Output.display then enclose "\\begin{isabelle}%\n" "%\n\\end{isabelle}"
else hyper o enclose "\\mbox{\\isa{" "}}")), style)
else ("Bad " ^ kind ^ " " ^ name, false)
val blanks =
Scan.many Symbol.is_blank >> implode;
val scan_symbol =
$$ ";" || $$ ":"|| $$ "("|| $$ ")"|| $$ "+"|| $$ "|"|| $$ "*"|| $$ "?"|| $$ "\\";
(* escaped version *)
val scan_link = (* @{kind{_def|_ref (logic) name} *)
fun pseudo_antiquote inner_scan = ($$ "@" ^^ $$ "{") |-- inner_scan --| (blanks -- $$ "}");
fun parens scan = $$ "(" |-- scan --| $$ ")";
fun opt_quotes scan = $$ "'" |-- scan --| $$ "'" || scan;
val letters = Scan.many Symbol.is_letter >> implode;
val kind_name = letters;
val opt_kind_type = Scan.optional (
$$ "_" |-- (Scan.this_string "def" || Scan.this_string "ref")) "";
val logic_name = letters;
val escaped_singlequote = $$ "\\" |-- $$ "'";
val text = Scan.repeat ( Symbol.is_letter || escaped_singlequote) >> implode;
pseudo_antiquote (
kind_name -- opt_kind_type --
(blanks |-- Scan.optional ( parens logic_name ) "") --
(blanks |-- opt_quotes text) )
>> (fn (((kind,index),logic),name) => (kind, index, logic, name))
(* escaped version *)
fun scan_identifier ctxt =
let fun is_identifier_start s =
Symbol.is_letter s orelse
s = "_"
fun is_identifier_rest s =
Symbol.is_letter s orelse
Symbol.is_digit s orelse
s = "_" orelse
s = "."
( is_identifier_start :::
Scan.repeat ( is_identifier_rest || ($$ "\\" |-- $$ "'"))
) >> (Identifier o enclose "\\isa{" "}" o Output.output o implode) ||
scan_link >> (decode_link ctxt) >>
(fn (txt, style) =>
if style then Special_Identifier(txt)
else Identifier(txt))
fun scan_anot ctxt =
let val scan_anot =
Scan.many (fn s =>
s <> "\n" andalso
s <> "\t" andalso
s <> "]" andalso
Symbol.is_regular s) >> implode
$$ "[" |-- scan_link --| $$ "]" >> (fst o (decode_link ctxt)) ||
$$ "[" |-- scan_anot --| $$ "]" >> Output.output
(* escaped version *)
fun scan_text ctxt =
val text_sq =
Scan.repeat ( (fn s =>
s <> "\n" andalso
s <> "\t" andalso
s <> "'" andalso
s <> "\\" andalso
Symbol.is_regular s) ||
($$ "\\" |-- $$ "'")
) >> implode
fun quoted scan = $$ "'" |-- scan --| $$ "'";
quoted scan_link >> (fst o (decode_link ctxt)) ||
quoted text_sq >> (enclose "\\isa{" "}" o Output.output)
fun scan_rail ctxt =
Scan.repeat ( blanks |-- (
scan_identifier ctxt ||
scan_anot ctxt >> Anot ||
scan_text ctxt >> Text ||
scan_symbol >> Symbol)
) --| blanks;
fun lex_rail txt ctxt = (* Symbol_Pos fuer spaeter durchgereicht *)
Symbol.scanner "Malformed rail-declaration" (scan_rail ctxt) (map fst (Symbol_Pos.explode txt));
val lex = lex_rail;
datatype id_kind = UNKNOWN | TOKEN | TERM | NTERM;
datatype id_type =
Id of string * id_kind |
datatype body_kind =
datatype body_type =
Body of body_kind * string * string * id_type * body_type list |
Body_Pos of body_kind * string * string * id_type * body_type list * int * int |
Empty_Body |
datatype rule =
Rule of id_type * body_type;
fun new_id id kind = Id (id, kind);
fun is_empty (Body(kind,_,_,_,_)) = kind = EMPTY;
fun new_body (kind, Null_Body, Null_Body) = Body (kind, "", "", Null_Id, [])
| new_body (kind, body1, body2) = Body (kind, "", "", Null_Id, body1 :: [body2]);
fun is_kind_of kind (Body(bodyKind,_,_,_,_)) = kind = bodyKind
| is_kind_of _ _ = false;
fun add_list (Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies), body) =
Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies @ [body]);
fun cat_body_lists (Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies1), Body(_,_,_,_, bodies2)) =
Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies1 @ bodies2);
fun add_body (kind, body1 as Body(kind1,_,_,_,_), body2 as Body(kind2,_,_,_,_)) =
if kind = kind1 andalso kind <> BAR then
if kind = kind2 then
cat_body_lists(body1, body2)
else (* kind <> kind2 *)
add_list(body1, body2)
else (* kind <> kind1 orelse kind = BAR *)
if kind = kind2 then
cat_body_lists(add_list(new_body(kind,Null_Body,Null_Body), body1), body2)
else (* kind <> kind2 *)
add_list(add_list(new_body(kind,Null_Body,Null_Body), body1), body2);
fun rev_body (body as Body (kind, text, annot, id, [])) = body
| rev_body (Body (CAT, text, annot, id, bodies)) =
Body(CAT, text, annot, id, map rev_body (rev bodies))
| rev_body (Body (kind, text, annot, id, bodies)) =
Body(kind, text, annot, id, map rev_body bodies)
| rev_body body = body;
fun set_body_text text (Body(k,_,a,i,b)) = Body(k,text,a,i,b);
fun set_body_anot anot (Body(k,t,_,i,b)) = Body(k,t,anot,i,b);
fun set_body_ident id (Body(k,t,a,_,b)) = Body(k,t,a, new_id id TOKEN,b);
fun set_body_special_ident id (Body(k,t,a,_,b)) = Body(k,t,a, new_id id TERM,b);
fun mk_eof _ = EOF;
fun is_eof s = s = EOF;
val stopper = Scan.stopper mk_eof is_eof;
(* TODO: change this, so the next or next two tokens are printed *)
fun lex_err msg (cs, _) = "rail grammar error: " ^ msg cs;
fun !!! msg scan = Scan.!! (lex_err (K msg)) scan;
fun $$$ tok = (is_ tok);
fun new_bar_body([], body2) = body2
| new_bar_body(body1::bodies, body2) =
add_body(BAR, body1, new_bar_body(bodies, body2));
fun new_cat_body(body::[]) = body
| new_cat_body(body1::bodies) = add_body(CAT, body1, new_cat_body(bodies));
fun new_annote_body (Anot anot) =
set_body_text anot (new_body(ANNOTE, Empty_Body, Empty_Body));
fun new_text_annote_body (Text text, Anot anot) =
set_body_anot anot (set_body_text text (new_body(STRING, Empty_Body, Empty_Body)));
fun new_ident_body (Identifier ident, Anot anot) =
set_body_anot anot (set_body_ident ident (new_body(IDENT, Empty_Body, Empty_Body)))
| new_ident_body (Special_Identifier ident, Anot anot) =
set_body_anot anot (set_body_special_ident ident (new_body(IDENT, Empty_Body, Empty_Body)));
val new_empty_body = new_body(EMPTY, Null_Body, Null_Body);
fun parse_body x =
Scan.repeat1 (parse_body0 --| $$$ "|") -- !!! "body0 expected" (parse_body0) >>
new_bar_body ||
) x
and parse_body0 x =
( is_anot -- !!! "body1 expected" (parse_body1) >>
(fn (anot, body) => add_body(CAT, new_annote_body(anot), body)) ||
) x
and parse_body1 x =
parse_body2 -- ($$$ "*" |-- !!! "body4e expected" (parse_body4e)) >>
(fn (body1, body2) =>
if is_empty body2 then
add_body(PLUS, new_empty_body, rev_body body1)
add_body(BAR, new_empty_body, add_body (PLUS, body1, rev_body body2)) ) ||
parse_body2 -- ($$$ "+" |-- !!! "body4e expected" (parse_body4e)) >>
(fn (body1, body2) => new_body (PLUS, body1, rev_body body2) ) ||
) x
and parse_body2e x =
parse_body2 ||
(fn toks => (new_empty_body, toks))
) x
and parse_body2 x =
Scan.repeat1 (parse_body3) >> new_cat_body
) x
and parse_body3 x =
parse_body4 --| $$$ "?" >> (fn body => new_body (BAR, new_empty_body, body) ) ||
) x
and parse_body4e x =
parse_body4 ||
(fn toks => (new_empty_body, toks))
) x
and parse_body4 x =
$$$ "(" |-- !!! "body0 or ')' expected" (parse_body --| $$$ ")") || is_text -- (Scan.optional ( is_anot) (Anot(""))) >>
(fn (text, anot) => new_text_annote_body (text,anot)) || is_identifier -- (Scan.optional ( is_anot) (Anot(""))) >>
(fn (id, anot) => new_ident_body (id,anot)) ||
$$$ "\\" >> (fn _ => new_body (CR, Null_Body, Null_Body))
) x;
fun new_named_rule (Identifier name, body) = Rule(Id(name, UNKNOWN), body)
| new_named_rule (Special_Identifier name, body) = Rule(Id(name, UNKNOWN), body);
fun new_anonym_rule body = Rule(Null_Id, body);
val parse_rule =
( (is_identifier) -- ($$$ ":" |-- !!! "body expected" (parse_body)) ) >>
new_named_rule ||
parse_body >> new_anonym_rule;
val parse_rules =
Scan.repeat ( parse_rule --| $$$ ";") @@@ Scan.single parse_rule;
fun parse_rail s = stopper parse_rules s;
val parse = parse_rail;
fun getystart (Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,ystart,_)) = ystart;
fun getynext (Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,_,ynext)) = ynext;
fun position_body (body as Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies), ystart) =
let fun max (x,y) = if x > y then x else y
fun set_body_position (Body(kind, text, annot, id, bodies), ystart, ynext) =
Body_Pos(kind, text, annot, id, bodies, ystart, ynext)
fun pos_bodies_cat ([],_,ynext,liste) = (liste, ynext)
| pos_bodies_cat (x::xs, ystart, ynext, liste) =
if is_kind_of CR x then
(case set_body_position(x, ystart, ynext+1) of
body as Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,_,ynext1) =>
pos_bodies_cat(xs, ynext1, max(ynext,ynext1), liste@[body])
(case position_body(x, ystart) of
body as Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,_,ynext1) =>
pos_bodies_cat(xs, ystart, max(ynext,ynext1), liste@[body])
fun pos_bodies_bar_plus ([],_,ynext,liste) = (liste, ynext)
| pos_bodies_bar_plus (x::xs, ystart, ynext, liste) =
(case position_body(x, ystart) of
body as Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,_,ynext1) =>
pos_bodies_bar_plus(xs, ynext1, max(ynext,ynext1), liste@[body])
(case kind of
CAT => (case pos_bodies_cat(bodies,ystart,ystart+1,[]) of
(bodiesPos, ynext) =>
Body_Pos(kind, text, annot, id, bodiesPos, ystart, ynext))
| BAR => (case pos_bodies_bar_plus(bodies,ystart,ystart+1,[]) of
(bodiesPos, ynext) =>
Body_Pos(kind, text, annot, id, bodiesPos, ystart, ynext))
| PLUS => (case pos_bodies_bar_plus(bodies,ystart,ystart+1,[]) of
(bodiesPos, ynext) =>
Body_Pos(kind, text, annot, id, bodiesPos, ystart, ynext))
| CR => set_body_position(body, ystart, ystart+3)
| EMPTY => set_body_position(body, ystart, ystart+1)
| ANNOTE => set_body_position(body, ystart, ystart+1)
| IDENT => set_body_position(body, ystart, ystart+1)
| STRING => set_body_position(body, ystart, ystart+1)
fun format_body (Body_Pos(EMPTY,_,_,_,_,_,_), _) = ""
| format_body (Body_Pos(CAT,_,_,_,bodies,_,_), cent) =
let fun format_bodies([]) = ""
| format_bodies(x::xs) = format_body (x, "") ^ format_bodies(xs)
| format_body (Body_Pos(BAR,_,_,_,bodies,_,_),cent) =
let fun format_bodies([]) = "\\rail@endbar\n"
| format_bodies(x::xs) =
"\\rail@nextbar{" ^ string_of_int(getystart(x)) ^"}\n" ^
format_body(x, "") ^ format_bodies(xs)
"\\rail@bar\n" ^ format_body(hd(bodies), "") ^ format_bodies(tl(bodies))
| format_body (Body_Pos(PLUS,_,_,_,x::y::xs,_,_),cent) =
"\\rail@plus\n" ^ format_body(x, cent) ^
"\\rail@nextplus{" ^ string_of_int(getystart(y)) ^ "}\n" ^
format_body(y, "c") ^
| format_body (Body_Pos(ANNOTE,text,_,_,_,_,_),cent) =
"\\rail@annote[" ^ text ^ "]\n"
| format_body (Body_Pos(IDENT,_,annot,Id(name,TERM),_,_,_),cent) =
"\\rail@" ^ cent ^ "token{" ^ name ^ "}" ^ "[" ^ annot ^ "]\n"
| format_body (Body_Pos(IDENT,_,annot,Id(name,_),_,_,_),cent) =
"\\rail@" ^ cent ^ "nont{" ^ name ^ "}" ^ "[" ^ annot ^ "]\n"
| format_body (Body_Pos(CR,_,_,_,_,_,ynext),cent) =
"\\rail@cr{" ^ string_of_int(ynext) ^ "}\n"
| format_body (Body_Pos(STRING,text,annot,_,_,_,_),cent) =
"\\rail@" ^ cent ^ "term{" ^ text ^ "}[" ^ annot ^ "]\n"
| format_body _ =
fun out_body (Id(name,_), body) =
let val bodyPos as Body_Pos(_,_,_,_,_,_,ynext) = position_body(body,0)
"\\rail@begin{" ^ string_of_int(ynext) ^ "}{" ^ name ^ "}\n" ^
format_body(bodyPos,"") ^
| out_body (Null_Id, body) = out_body (Id("", UNKNOWN), body);
fun out_rule (Rule(id, body)) =
if is_empty body then ""
else out_body (id, body);
fun out_rules ([]) = ""
| out_rules (rule::rules) = out_rule rule ^ out_rules rules;
val output_no_rules =
"\\rail@begin{1}{}\n" ^
"\\rail@setbox{\\bfseries ???}\n" ^
"\\rail@oval\n" ^
fun print (SOME rules) =
"\\begin{railoutput}\n" ^
out_rules rules ^
| print (NONE) =
"\\begin{railoutput}\n" ^
output_no_rules ^
fun process txt ctxt =
lex txt ctxt
|> parse
|> print;
val _ = Thy_Output.antiquotation "rail" (Scan.lift (Parse.position
(fn {context = ctxt,...} => fn txt => process txt ctxt);