header {* Correctness of Definite Assignment *}
theory DefiniteAssignmentCorrect imports WellForm Eval begin
declare [[simproc del: wt_expr wt_var wt_exprs wt_stmt]]
lemma sxalloc_no_jump:
assumes sxalloc: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s1" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using sxalloc no_jmp
by cases simp_all
lemma sxalloc_no_jump':
assumes sxalloc: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s1" and
jump: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j)"
using sxalloc jump
by cases simp_all
lemma halloc_no_jump:
assumes halloc: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>halloc oi\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s1" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using halloc no_jmp
by cases simp_all
lemma halloc_no_jump':
assumes halloc: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>halloc oi\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s1" and
jump: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j)"
using halloc jump
by cases simp_all
lemma Body_no_jump:
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>Body D c-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1" and
jump: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof (cases "normal s0")
case True
with eval obtain s0' where eval': "G\<turnstile>Norm s0' \<midarrow>Body D c-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1" and
s0: "s0 = Norm s0'"
by (cases s0) simp
from eval' obtain s2 where
s1: "s1 = abupd (absorb Ret)
(if \<exists>l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<or>
abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))
then abupd (\<lambda>x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2)"
by cases simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "\<exists>l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<or>
abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))")
case True
with s1 have "abrupt s1 = Some (Error CrossMethodJump)"
by (cases s2) simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case False
with s1 have "s1=abupd (absorb Ret) s2"
by simp
with False show ?thesis
by (cases s2,cases j) (auto simp add: absorb_def)
case False
with eval obtain s0' abr where "G\<turnstile>(Some abr,s0') \<midarrow>Body D c-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1"
"s0 = (Some abr, s0')"
by (cases s0) fastsimp
with this jump
show ?thesis
by (cases) (simp)
lemma Methd_no_jump:
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>Methd D sig-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1" and
jump: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof (cases "normal s0")
case True
with eval obtain s0' where "G\<turnstile>Norm s0' \<midarrow>Methd D sig-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1"
"s0 = Norm s0'"
by (cases s0) simp
then obtain D' body where "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>Body D' body-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1"
by (cases) (simp add: body_def2)
from this jump
show ?thesis
by (rule Body_no_jump)
case False
with eval obtain s0' abr where "G\<turnstile>(Some abr,s0') \<midarrow>Methd D sig-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>s1"
"s0 = (Some abr, s0')"
by (cases s0) fastsimp
with this jump
show ?thesis
by (cases) (simp)
lemma jumpNestingOkS_mono:
assumes jumpNestingOk_l': "jumpNestingOkS jmps' c"
and subset: "jmps' \<subseteq> jmps"
shows "jumpNestingOkS jmps c"
proof -
have True and True and
"\<And> jmps' jmps. \<lbrakk>jumpNestingOkS jmps' c; jmps' \<subseteq> jmps\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> jumpNestingOkS jmps c"
and True
proof (induct rule: var_expr_stmt.inducts)
case (Lab j c jmps' jmps)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOkS jmps' (j\<bullet> c)`
note jmps = `jmps' \<subseteq> jmps`
with jmpOk have "jumpNestingOkS ({j} \<union> jmps') c" by simp
moreover from jmps have "({j} \<union> jmps') \<subseteq> ({j} \<union> jmps)" by auto
have "jumpNestingOkS ({j} \<union> jmps) c"
by (rule Lab.hyps)
thus ?case
by simp
case (Jmp j jmps' jmps)
thus ?case
by (cases j) auto
case (Comp c1 c2 jmps' jmps)
from Comp.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c1" by - (rule Comp.hyps,auto)
moreover from Comp.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c2" by - (rule Comp.hyps,auto)
ultimately show ?case
by simp
case (If' e c1 c2 jmps' jmps)
from If'.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c1" by - (rule If'.hyps,auto)
moreover from If'.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c2" by - (rule If'.hyps,auto)
ultimately show ?case
by simp
case (Loop l e c jmps' jmps)
from `jumpNestingOkS jmps' (l\<bullet> While(e) c)`
have "jumpNestingOkS ({Cont l} \<union> jmps') c" by simp
from `jmps' \<subseteq> jmps`
have "{Cont l} \<union> jmps' \<subseteq> {Cont l} \<union> jmps" by auto
have "jumpNestingOkS ({Cont l} \<union> jmps) c"
by (rule Loop.hyps)
thus ?case by simp
case (TryC c1 C vn c2 jmps' jmps)
from TryC.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c1" by - (rule TryC.hyps,auto)
moreover from TryC.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c2" by - (rule TryC.hyps,auto)
ultimately show ?case
by simp
case (Fin c1 c2 jmps' jmps)
from Fin.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c1" by - (rule Fin.hyps,auto)
moreover from Fin.prems
have "jumpNestingOkS jmps c2" by - (rule Fin.hyps,auto)
ultimately show ?case
by simp
qed (simp_all)
with jumpNestingOk_l' subset
show ?thesis
by iprover
corollary jumpNestingOk_mono:
assumes jmpOk: "jumpNestingOk jmps' t"
and subset: "jmps' \<subseteq> jmps"
shows "jumpNestingOk jmps t"
proof (cases t)
case (In1 expr_stmt)
show ?thesis
proof (cases expr_stmt)
case (Inl e)
with In1 show ?thesis by simp
case (Inr s)
with In1 jmpOk subset show ?thesis by (auto intro: jumpNestingOkS_mono)
qed (simp_all)
lemma assign_abrupt_propagation:
assumes f_ok: "abrupt (f n s) \<noteq> x"
and ass: "abrupt (assign f n s) = x"
shows "abrupt s = x"
proof (cases x)
case None
with ass show ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: assign_def Let_def)
case (Some xcpt)
from f_ok
obtain xf sf where "f n s = (xf,sf)"
by (cases "f n s")
with Some ass f_ok show ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: assign_def Let_def)
lemma wt_init_comp_ty':
"is_acc_type (prg Env) (pid (cls Env)) T \<Longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile>init_comp_ty T\<Colon>\<surd>"
apply (unfold init_comp_ty_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: accessible_in_RefT_simp
is_acc_type_def is_acc_class_def)
lemma fvar_upd_no_jump:
assumes upd: "upd = snd (fst (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s'))"
and noJmp: "abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof (cases "stat")
case True
with noJmp upd
show ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
case False
with noJmp upd
show ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
lemma avar_state_no_jump:
assumes jmp: "abrupt (snd (avar G i a s)) = Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt s = Some (Jump j)"
proof (cases "normal s")
case True with jmp show ?thesis by (auto simp add: avar_def2 abrupt_if_def)
case False with jmp show ?thesis by (auto simp add: avar_def2 abrupt_if_def)
lemma avar_upd_no_jump:
assumes upd: "upd = snd (fst (avar G i a s'))"
and noJmp: "abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
shows "abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using upd noJmp
by (cases s) (simp add: avar_def2 abrupt_if_def)
text {*
The next theorem expresses: If jumps (breaks, continues, returns) are nested
correctly, we won't find an unexpected jump in the result state of the
evaluation. For exeample, a break can't leave its enclosing loop, an return
cant leave its enclosing method.
To proove this, the method call is critical. Allthough the
wellformedness of the whole program guarantees that the jumps (breaks,continues
and returns) are nested
correctly in all method bodies, the call rule alone does not guarantee that I
will call a method or even a class that is part of the program due to dynamic
binding! To be able to enshure this we need a kind of conformance of the
state, like in the typesafety proof. But then we will redo the typesafty
proof here. It would be nice if we could find an easy precondition that will
guarantee that all calls will actually call classes and methods of the current
program, which can be instantiated in the typesafty proof later on.
To fix this problem, I have instrumented the semantic definition of a call
to filter out any breaks in the state and to throw an error instead.
To get an induction hypothesis which is strong enough to perform the
proof, we can't just
assume @{term jumpNestingOk} for the empty set and conlcude, that no jump at
all will be in the resulting state, because the set is altered by
the statements @{term Lab} and @{term While}.
The wellformedness of the program is used to enshure that for all
classinitialisations and methods the nesting of jumps is wellformed, too.
theorem jumpNestingOk_eval:
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)"
and jmpOk: "jumpNestingOk jmps t"
and wt: "Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T"
and wf: "wf_prog G"
and G: "prg Env = G"
and no_jmp: "\<forall>j. abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j) \<longrightarrow> j \<in> jmps"
(is "?Jmp jmps s0")
shows "(\<forall>j. fst s1 = Some (Jump j) \<longrightarrow> j \<in> jmps) \<and>
(normal s1 \<longrightarrow>
(\<forall> w upd. v=In2 (w,upd)
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall> s j val.
abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j) \<longrightarrow>
abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j))))"
(is "?Jmp jmps s1 \<and> ?Upd v s1")
proof -
let ?HypObj = "\<lambda> t s0 s1 v.
(\<forall> jmps T Env.
?Jmp jmps s0 \<longrightarrow> jumpNestingOk jmps t \<longrightarrow> Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T \<longrightarrow> prg Env=G\<longrightarrow>
?Jmp jmps s1 \<and> ?Upd v s1)"
-- {* Variable @{text ?HypObj} is the following goal spelled in terms of
the object logic, instead of the meta logic. It is needed in some
cases of the induction were, the atomize-rulify process of induct
does not work fine, because the eval rules mix up object and meta
logic. See for example the case for the loop. *}
from eval
have "\<And> jmps T Env. \<lbrakk>?Jmp jmps s0; jumpNestingOk jmps t; Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T;prg Env=G\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ?Jmp jmps s1 \<and> ?Upd v s1"
(is "PROP ?Hyp t s0 s1 v")
-- {* We need to abstract over @{term jmps} since @{term jmps} are extended
during analysis of @{term Lab}. Also we need to abstract over
@{term T} and @{term Env} since they are altered in various
typing judgements. *}
proof (induct)
case Abrupt thus ?case by simp
case Skip thus ?case by simp
case Expr thus ?case by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
case (Lab s0 c s1 jmp jmps T Env)
note jmpOK = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (jmp\<bullet> c))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
have wt_c: "Env\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>"
using Lab.prems by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume ab_s1: "abrupt (abupd (absorb jmp) s1) = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
from ab_s1 have jmp_s1: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s1) (simp add: absorb_def)
note hyp_c = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c) (Norm s0) s1 \<diamondsuit>`
from ab_s1 have "j \<noteq> jmp"
by (cases s1) (simp add: absorb_def)
moreover have "j \<in> {jmp} \<union> jmps"
proof -
from jmpOK
have "jumpNestingOk ({jmp} \<union> jmps) (In1r c)" by simp
with wt_c jmp_s1 G hyp_c
show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_c [THEN conjunct1,rule_format],simp)
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
thus ?case by simp
case (Comp s0 c1 s1 c2 s2 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (c1;; c2))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Comp.prems obtain
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and wt_c2: "Env\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume abr_s2: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
have jmp: "?Jmp jmps s1"
proof -
note hyp_c1 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) s1 \<diamondsuit>`
with wt_c1 jmpOk G
show ?thesis by simp
moreover note hyp_c2 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c2) s1 s2 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)`
have jmpOk': "jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r c2)" using jmpOk by simp
moreover note wt_c2 G abr_s2
ultimately show "j \<in> jmps"
by (rule hyp_c2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)])
} thus ?case by simp
case (If s0 e b s1 c1 c2 s2 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (If(e) c1 Else c2))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
from If.prems obtain
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_then_else: "Env\<turnstile>(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 b)`
with wt_e G have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by simp
moreover note hyp_then_else =
`PROP ?Hyp (In1r (if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)) s1 s2 \<diamondsuit>`
have "jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (if the_Bool b then c1 else c2))"
using jmpOk by (cases "the_Bool b") simp_all
moreover note wt_then_else G jmp
ultimately show "j\<in> jmps"
by (rule hyp_then_else [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)])
thus ?case by simp
case (Loop s0 e b s1 c s2 l s3 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
note wt = `Env\<turnstile>In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c)\<Colon>T`
then obtain
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_c: "Env\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 b)`
with wt_e G have jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps s1"
by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case False
from Loop.hyps
have "s3=s1"
by (simp (no_asm_use) only: if_False False)
with jmp_s1 jmp have "j \<in> jmps" by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case True
from Loop.hyps
(* Because of the mixture of object and pure logic in the rule
eval.If the atomization-rulification of the induct method
leaves the hypothesis in object logic *)
have "?HypObj (In1r c) s1 s2 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: True if_True )
apply (erule conjE)+
apply assumption
note hyp_c = this [rule_format (no_asm)]
moreover from jmpOk have "jumpNestingOk ({Cont l} \<union> jmps) (In1r c)"
by simp
moreover from jmp_s1 have "?Jmp ({Cont l} \<union> jmps) s1" by simp
ultimately have jmp_s2: "?Jmp ({Cont l} \<union> jmps) s2"
using wt_c G by iprover
have "?Jmp jmps (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)"
proof -
fix j'
assume abs: "abrupt (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)=Some (Jump j')"
have "j' \<in> jmps"
proof (cases "j' = Cont l")
case True
with abs show ?thesis
by (cases s2) (simp add: absorb_def)
case False
with abs have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j')"
by (cases s2) (simp add: absorb_def)
with jmp_s2 False show ?thesis
by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
from Loop.hyps
have "?HypObj (In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c))
(abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) s3 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: True if_True)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply assumption
note hyp_w = this [rule_format (no_asm)]
note jmpOk wt G jmp
ultimately show "j\<in> jmps"
by (rule hyp_w [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)])
thus ?case by simp
case (Jmp s j jmps T Env) thus ?case by simp
case (Throw s0 e a s1 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (Throw e))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Throw.prems obtain Te where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-Te"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt (abupd (throw a) s1) = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
from `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 a)`
have "?Jmp jmps s1" using wt_e G by simp
from jmp
have "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s1) (simp add: throw_def abrupt_if_def)
ultimately show "j \<in> jmps" by simp
thus ?case by simp
case (Try s0 c1 s1 s2 C vn c2 s3 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (Try c1 Catch(C vn) c2))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Try.prems obtain
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_c2: "Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) s1 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)`
with jmpOk wt_c1 G
have jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps s1" by simp
note s2 = `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s2`
show "j \<in> jmps"
proof (cases "G,s2\<turnstile>catch C")
case False
from Try.hyps have "s3=s2"
by (simp (no_asm_use) only: False if_False)
with jmp have "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
using sxalloc_no_jump' [OF s2] by simp
with jmp_s1
show ?thesis by simp
case True
with Try.hyps
have "?HypObj (In1r c2) (new_xcpt_var vn s2) s3 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: True if_True simp_thms)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply assumption
note hyp_c2 = this [rule_format (no_asm)]
from jmp_s1 sxalloc_no_jump' [OF s2]
have "?Jmp jmps s2"
by simp
hence "?Jmp jmps (new_xcpt_var vn s2)"
by (cases s2) simp
moreover have "jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r c2)" using jmpOk by simp
moreover note wt_c2
moreover from G
have "prg (Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>) = G"
by simp
moreover note jmp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule hyp_c2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)])
thus ?case by simp
case (Fin s0 c1 x1 s1 c2 s2 s3 jmps T Env)
note jmpOk = `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (c1 Finally c2))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Fin.prems obtain
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and wt_c2: "Env\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j \<in> jmps"
proof (cases "x1=Some (Jump j)")
case True
note hyp_c1 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) (x1,s1) \<diamondsuit>`
with True jmpOk wt_c1 G show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_c1 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
case False
note hyp_c2 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c2) (Norm s1) s2 \<diamondsuit>`
note `s3 = (if \<exists>err. x1 = Some (Error err) then (x1, s1)
else abupd (abrupt_if (x1 \<noteq> None) x1) s2)`
with False jmp have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with jmpOk wt_c2 G show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_c2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Init C c s0 s3 s1 s2 jmps T Env)
note `jumpNestingOk jmps (In1r (Init C))`
note G = `prg Env = G`
note `the (class G C) = c`
with Init.prems have c: "class G C = Some c"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) auto
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = (Some (Jump j))"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof (cases "inited C (globs s0)")
case True
with Init.hyps have "s3=Norm s0"
by simp
with jmp
have "False" by simp thus ?thesis ..
case False
from wf c G
have wf_cdecl: "wf_cdecl G (C,c)"
by (simp add: wf_prog_cdecl)
from Init.hyps
have "?HypObj (In1r (if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c)))
(Norm ((init_class_obj G C) s0)) s1 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: False if_False simp_thms)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply assumption
note hyp_s1 = this [rule_format (no_asm)]
from wf_cdecl G have
wt_super: "Env\<turnstile>(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (cases "C=Object")
(auto dest: wf_cdecl_supD is_acc_classD)
from hyp_s1 [OF _ _ wt_super G]
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by simp
hence jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps ((set_lvars empty) s1)" by (cases s1) simp
from False Init.hyps
have "?HypObj (In1r (init c)) ((set_lvars empty) s1) s2 (\<diamondsuit>::vals)"
apply (simp (no_asm_use) only: False if_False simp_thms)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply assumption
note hyp_init_c = this [rule_format (no_asm)]
from wf_cdecl
have wt_init_c: "\<lparr>prg = G, cls = C, lcl = empty\<rparr>\<turnstile>init c\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (rule wf_cdecl_wt_init)
from wf_cdecl have "jumpNestingOkS {} (init c)"
by (cases rule: wf_cdeclE)
hence "jumpNestingOkS jmps (init c)"
by (rule jumpNestingOkS_mono) simp
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
from False Init.hyps
have "s3 = (set_lvars (locals (store s1))) s2" by simp
with jmp show ?thesis by (cases s2) simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using hyp_init_c [OF jmp_s1 _ wt_init_c]
by simp
thus ?case by simp
case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2 jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note `prg Env = G`
moreover note hyp_init = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r (Init C)) (Norm s0) s1 \<diamondsuit>`
moreover from wf NewC.prems
have "Env\<turnstile>(Init C)\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) (drule is_acc_classD,simp)
have "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
from `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>halloc CInst C\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s2` and jmp show ?thesis
by (rule halloc_no_jump')
ultimately show "j \<in> jmps"
by - (rule hyp_init [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],auto)
thus ?case by simp
case (NewA s0 elT s1 e i s2 a s3 jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note G = `prg Env = G`
from NewA.prems
obtain wt_init: "Env\<turnstile>init_comp_ty elT\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_size: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Integer"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) (auto dest: wt_init_comp_ty')
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r (init_comp_ty elT)) (Norm s0) s1 \<diamondsuit>`
with wt_init G
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by (simp add: init_comp_ty_def)
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2 (In1 i)`
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
note `G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i) s2\<midarrow>halloc Arr elT (the_Intg i)\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s3`
moreover note jmp
have "abrupt (abupd (check_neg i) s2) = Some (Jump j)"
by (rule halloc_no_jump')
thus ?thesis by (cases s2) auto
ultimately show "j\<in>jmps" using wt_size G
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Cast s0 e v s1 s2 cT jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 v)`
note `prg Env = G`
moreover from Cast.prems
obtain eT where "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
note `s2 = abupd (raise_if (\<not> G,snd s1\<turnstile>v fits cT) ClassCast) s1`
moreover note jmp
ultimately show ?thesis by (cases s1) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Inst s0 e v s1 b eT jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 v)`
note `prg Env = G`
moreover from Inst.prems
obtain eT where "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" by (elim wt_elim_cases)
moreover note jmp
ultimately show "j\<in>jmps"
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case Lit thus ?case by simp
case (UnOp s0 e v s1 unop jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 v)`
note `prg Env = G`
moreover from UnOp.prems
obtain eT where "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" by (elim wt_elim_cases)
moreover note jmp
ultimately show "j\<in>jmps"
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2 jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note G = `prg Env = G`
from BinOp.prems
obtain e1T e2T where
wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T" and
wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e1) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 v1)`
with G wt_e1 have jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps s1" by simp
note hyp_e2 =
`PROP ?Hyp (if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2 else In1r Skip)
s1 s2 (In1 v2)`
show "j\<in>jmps"
proof (cases "need_second_arg binop v1")
case True with jmp_s1 wt_e2 jmp G
show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_e2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
case False with jmp_s1 jmp G
show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_e2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],auto)
thus ?case by simp
case Super thus ?case by simp
case (Acc s0 va v f s1 jmps T Env)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_va = `PROP ?Hyp (In2 va) (Norm s0) s1 (In2 (v,f))`
note `prg Env = G`
moreover from Acc.prems
obtain vT where "Env\<turnstile>va\<Colon>=vT" by (elim wt_elim_cases)
moreover note jmp
ultimately show "j\<in>jmps"
by - (rule hyp_va [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Ass s0 va w f s1 e v s2 jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Ass.prems
obtain vT eT where
wt_va: "Env\<turnstile>va\<Colon>=vT" and
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note hyp_v = `PROP ?Hyp (In2 va) (Norm s0) s1 (In2 (w,f))`
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2 (In1 v)`
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt (assign f v s2) = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof (cases "normal s2")
case True
from `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s2` and True have nrm_s1: "normal s1"
by (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with nrm_s1 wt_va G True
have "abrupt (f v s2) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using hyp_v [THEN conjunct2,rule_format (no_asm)]
by simp
from this jmp
show ?thesis
by (rule assign_abrupt_propagation)
case False with jmp
show ?thesis by (cases s2) (simp add: assign_def Let_def)
moreover from wt_va G
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_v [THEN conjunct1],simp_all)
ultimately show ?thesis using G
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all, rule wt_e)
thus ?case by simp
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2 jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
note hyp_e0 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e0) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 b)`
note hyp_e1_e2 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l (if the_Bool b then e1 else e2)) s1 s2 (In1 v)`
from Cond.prems
obtain e1T e2T
where wt_e0: "Env\<turnstile>e0\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
and wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T"
and wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
from wt_e0 G
have jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_e0 [THEN conjunct1],simp_all)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with jmp_s1 wt_e1 G jmp
show ?thesis
by-(rule hyp_e1_e2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
case False
with jmp_s1 wt_e2 G jmp
show ?thesis
by-(rule hyp_e1_e2 [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Call s0 e a s1 args vs s2 D mode statT mn pTs s3 s3' accC v s4
jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Call.prems
obtain eT argsT
where wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" and wt_args: "Env\<turnstile>args\<Colon>\<doteq>argsT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt ((set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4)
= Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 a)`
from wt_e G
have jmp_s1: "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1],simp_all)
note hyp_args = `PROP ?Hyp (In3 args) s1 s2 (In3 vs)`
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
note `G\<turnstile>s3' \<midarrow>Methd D \<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs\<rparr>-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s4`
from jmp have "abrupt s4 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s4) simp
ultimately have "abrupt s3' = Some (Jump j)"
by - (rule ccontr,drule (1) Methd_no_jump,simp)
moreover note `s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode
\<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs\<rparr> a s3`
ultimately have "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s3)
(simp add: check_method_access_def abrupt_if_def Let_def)
note `s3 = init_lvars G D \<lparr>name=mn, parTs=pTs\<rparr> mode a vs s2`
ultimately show ?thesis
by (cases s2) (auto simp add: init_lvars_def2)
with jmp_s1 wt_args G
show ?thesis
by - (rule hyp_args [THEN conjunct1,rule_format (no_asm)], simp_all)
thus ?case by simp
case (Methd s0 D sig v s1 jmps T Env)
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>body G D sig-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1`
have "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Methd D sig-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1"
by (rule eval.Methd)
hence "\<And> j. abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule Methd_no_jump) simp
thus ?case by simp
case (Body s0 D s1 c s2 s3 jmps T Env)
have "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Body D c-\<succ>the (locals (store s2) Result)
\<rightarrow> abupd (absorb Ret) s3"
by (rule eval.Body) (rule Body)+
hence "\<And> j. abrupt (abupd (absorb Ret) s3) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule Body_no_jump) simp
thus ?case by simp
case LVar
thus ?case by (simp add: lvar_def Let_def)
case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from wf FVar.prems
obtain statC f where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-Class statC" and
accfield: "accfield (prg Env) accC statC fn = Some (statDeclC,f)"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
have wt_init: "Env\<turnstile>Init statDeclC\<Colon>\<surd>"
proof -
from wf wt_e G
have "is_class (prg Env) statC"
by (auto dest: ty_expr_is_type type_is_class)
with wf accfield G
have "is_class (prg Env) statDeclC"
by (auto dest!: accfield_fields dest: fields_declC)
thus ?thesis
by simp
note fvar = `(v, s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2`
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_init = `PROP ?Hyp (In1r (Init statDeclC)) (Norm s0) s1 \<diamondsuit>`
from G wt_init
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_init [THEN conjunct1],auto)
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2 (In1 a)`
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
note `s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'`
with jmp have "abrupt s2' = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s2')
(simp add: check_field_access_def abrupt_if_def Let_def)
with fvar show "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
by (cases s2) (simp add: fvar_def2 abrupt_if_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using G wt_e
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1, rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
from fvar obtain upd w
where upd: "upd = snd (fst (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2))" and
v: "v=(w,upd)"
by (cases "fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2") simp
fix j val fix s::state
assume "normal s3"
assume no_jmp: "abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
with upd
have "abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule fvar_upd_no_jump)
ultimately show ?case using v by simp
case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2' jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from AVar.prems
obtain e1T e2T where
wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T" and wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
note avar = `(v, s2') = avar G i a s2`
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2' = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e1 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e1) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 a)`
from G wt_e1
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_e1 [THEN conjunct1], auto)
note hyp_e2 = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e2) s1 s2 (In1 i)`
have "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
proof -
from avar have "s2' = snd (avar G i a s2)"
by (cases "avar G i a s2") simp
with jmp show ?thesis by - (rule avar_state_no_jump,simp)
ultimately show ?thesis
using wt_e2 G
by - (rule hyp_e2 [THEN conjunct1, rule_format (no_asm)],simp_all)
from avar obtain upd w
where upd: "upd = snd (fst (avar G i a s2))" and
v: "v=(w,upd)"
by (cases "avar G i a s2") simp
fix j val fix s::state
assume "normal s2'"
assume no_jmp: "abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
with upd
have "abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule avar_upd_no_jump)
ultimately show ?case using v by simp
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2 jmps T Env)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Cons.prems obtain eT esT
where wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" and wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>es\<Colon>\<doteq>esT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
fix j
assume jmp: "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump j)"
have "j\<in>jmps"
proof -
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1 (In1 v)`
from G wt_e
have "?Jmp jmps s1"
by - (rule hyp_e [THEN conjunct1],simp_all)
note hyp_es = `PROP ?Hyp (In3 es) s1 s2 (In3 vs)`
ultimately show ?thesis
using wt_e2 G jmp
by - (rule hyp_es [THEN conjunct1, rule_format (no_asm)],
(assumption|simp (no_asm_simp))+)
thus ?case by simp
note generalized = this
from no_jmp jmpOk wt G
show ?thesis
by (rule generalized)
lemmas jumpNestingOk_evalE = jumpNestingOk_eval [THEN conjE,rule_format]
lemma jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jump:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)" and
jmpOk: "jumpNestingOk {} t" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T" and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j) \<and>
(normal s1 \<longrightarrow> v=In2 (w,upd)
\<longrightarrow> abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j')
\<longrightarrow> abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j'))"
proof (cases "\<exists> j'. abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j')")
case True
then obtain j' where jmp: "abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j')" ..
with no_jmp have "j'\<noteq>j" by simp
with eval jmp have "s1=s0" by auto
with no_jmp jmp show ?thesis by simp
case False
obtain G where G: "prg Env = G"
by (cases Env) simp
from G eval have "G\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)" by simp
moreover note jmpOk wt
moreover from G wf have "wf_prog G" by simp
moreover note G
moreover from False have "\<And> j. abrupt s0 = Some (Jump j) \<Longrightarrow> j \<in> {}"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
apply (rule jumpNestingOk_evalE)
apply assumption
apply simp
apply fastsimp
lemmas jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jumpE
= jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jump [THEN conjE,rule_format]
corollary eval_expression_no_jump:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-T" and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using eval _ no_jmp wt wf
by (rule jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jumpE, simp_all)
corollary eval_var_no_jump:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>var=\<succ>(w,upd)\<rightarrow> s1" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>var\<Colon>=T" and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j) \<and>
(normal s1 \<longrightarrow>
(abrupt s \<noteq> Some (Jump j')
\<longrightarrow> abrupt (upd val s) \<noteq> Some (Jump j')))"
apply (rule_tac upd="upd" and val="val" and s="s" and w="w" and j'=j'
in jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jumpE [OF eval _ no_jmp wt wf])
by simp_all
lemmas eval_var_no_jumpE = eval_var_no_jump [THEN conjE,rule_format]
corollary eval_statement_no_jump:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>c\<rightarrow> s1" and
jmpOk: "jumpNestingOkS {} c" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using eval _ no_jmp wt wf
by (rule jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jumpE) (simp_all add: jmpOk)
corollary eval_expression_list_no_jump:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>es\<doteq>\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1" and
no_jmp: "abrupt s0 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>es\<Colon>\<doteq>T" and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
using eval _ no_jmp wt wf
by (rule jumpNestingOk_eval_no_jumpE, simp_all)
(* ### FIXME: Do i need this *)
lemma union_subseteq_elim [elim]: "\<lbrakk>A \<union> B \<subseteq> C; \<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> C; B \<subseteq> C\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by blast
lemma dom_locals_halloc_mono:
assumes halloc: "G\<turnstile>s0\<midarrow>halloc oi\<succ>a\<rightarrow>s1"
shows "dom (locals (store s0)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from halloc show ?thesis
by cases simp_all
lemma dom_locals_sxalloc_mono:
assumes sxalloc: "G\<turnstile>s0\<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow>s1"
shows "dom (locals (store s0)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from sxalloc show ?thesis
proof (cases)
case Norm thus ?thesis by simp
case Jmp thus ?thesis by simp
case Error thus ?thesis by simp
case XcptL thus ?thesis by simp
case SXcpt thus ?thesis
by - (drule dom_locals_halloc_mono,simp)
lemma dom_locals_assign_mono:
assumes f_ok: "dom (locals (store s)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (f n s)))"
shows "dom (locals (store s)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign f n s)))"
proof (cases "normal s")
case False thus ?thesis
by (cases s) (auto simp add: assign_def Let_def)
case True
then obtain s' where s': "s = (None,s')"
by auto
obtain x1 s1 where "f n s = (x1,s1)"
by (cases "f n s")
show ?thesis
using f_ok
by (simp add: assign_def Let_def)
lemma dom_locals_init_lvars_mono:
"dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (init_lvars G D sig mode a vs s)))"
proof (cases "mode = Static")
case True
thus ?thesis
apply (cases s)
apply (simp add: init_lvars_def Let_def)
lemma dom_locals_lvar_mono:
"dom (locals (store s)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd (lvar vn s') val s)))"
by (simp add: lvar_def) blast
lemma dom_locals_fvar_vvar_mono:
"dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd (fst (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s')) val s)))"
proof (cases stat)
case True
thus ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
case False
thus ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
lemma dom_locals_fvar_mono:
"dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s))))"
proof (cases stat)
case True
thus ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
case False
thus ?thesis
by (cases s) (simp add: fvar_def2)
lemma dom_locals_avar_vvar_mono:
"dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd (fst (avar G i a s')) val s)))"
by (cases s, simp add: avar_def2)
lemma dom_locals_avar_mono:
"dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd (avar G i a s))))"
by (cases s, simp add: avar_def2)
text {*
Since assignments are modelled as functions from states to states, we
must take into account these functions. They appear only in the assignment
rule and as result from evaluating a variable. Thats why we need the
complicated second part of the conjunction in the goal.
The reason for the very generic way to treat assignments was the aim
to omit redundancy. There is only one evaluation rule for each kind of
variable (locals, fields, arrays). These rules are used for both accessing
variables and updating variables. Thats why the evaluation rules for variables
result in a pair consisting of a value and an update function. Of course we
could also think of a pair of a value and a reference in the store, instead of
the generic update function. But as only array updates can cause a special
exception (if the types mismatch) and not array reads we then have to introduce
two different rules to handle array reads and updates *}
lemma dom_locals_eval_mono:
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)"
shows "dom (locals (store s0)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1)) \<and>
(\<forall> vv. v=In2 vv \<and> normal s1
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall> s val. dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((snd vv) val s)))))"
proof -
from eval show ?thesis
proof (induct)
case Abrupt thus ?case by simp
case Skip thus ?case by simp
case Expr thus ?case by simp
case Lab thus ?case by simp
case (Comp s0 c1 s1 c2 s2)
from Comp.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Comp.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case (If s0 e b s1 c1 c2 s2)
from If.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from If.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case (Loop s0 e b s1 c s2 l s3)
show ?case
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with Loop.hyps
"dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
s1_s2: "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" and
s2_s3: "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by simp
note s0_s1 also note s1_s2 also note s2_s3
finally show ?thesis
by simp
case False
with Loop.hyps show ?thesis
by simp
case Jmp thus ?case by simp
case Throw thus ?case by simp
case (Try s0 c1 s1 s2 C vn c2 s3)
have s0_s1: "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" by simp
from `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s2`
have s1_s2: "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_sxalloc_mono)
thus ?case
proof (cases "G,s2\<turnstile>catch C")
case True
note s0_s1 also note s1_s2
from True Try.hyps
have "dom (locals (store (new_xcpt_var vn s2)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by simp
hence "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (cases s2, simp )
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
note s0_s1 also note s1_s2
show ?thesis
using False Try.hyps by simp
case (Fin s0 c1 x1 s1 c2 s2 s3)
show ?case
proof (cases "\<exists>err. x1 = Some (Error err)")
case True
with Fin.hyps show ?thesis
by simp
case False
from Fin.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (x1, s1)))"
by simp
hence "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((Norm s1)::state)))"
by simp
from Fin.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
using Fin.hyps by simp
case (Init C c s0 s3 s1 s2)
show ?case
proof (cases "inited C (globs s0)")
case True
with Init.hyps show ?thesis by simp
case False
with Init.hyps
obtain s0_s1: "dom (locals (store (Norm ((init_class_obj G C) s0))))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
s3: "s3 = (set_lvars (locals (snd s1))) s2"
by simp
from s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store (Norm s0))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (cases s0) simp
with s3
have "dom (locals (store (Norm s0))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (cases s2) simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2)
note halloc = `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>halloc CInst C\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s2`
from NewC.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from halloc
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" by (rule dom_locals_halloc_mono)
finally show ?case by simp
case (NewA s0 T s1 e i s2 a s3)
note halloc = `G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i) s2 \<midarrow>halloc Arr T (the_Intg i)\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s3`
from NewA.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from NewA.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" by simp
from halloc
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (rule dom_locals_halloc_mono [elim_format]) simp
finally show ?case by simp
case Cast thus ?case by simp
case Inst thus ?case by simp
case Lit thus ?case by simp
case UnOp thus ?case by simp
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2)
from BinOp.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from BinOp.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case Super thus ?case by simp
case Acc thus ?case by simp
case (Ass s0 va w f s1 e v s2)
from Ass.hyps
have s0_s1:
"dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
with Ass.hyps
have ass_ok:
"\<And> s val. dom (locals (store s)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (f val s)))"
by simp
note s0_s1
from Ass.hyps
have "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
from ass_ok
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign f v s2)))"
by (rule dom_locals_assign_mono)
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
with `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s2`
have "s2=s1"
by auto
with s0_s1 False
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign f v s2)))"
by simp
thus ?thesis
by simp
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2)
from Cond.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Cond.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case (Call s0 e a' s1 args vs s2 D mode statT mn pTs s3 s3' accC v s4)
note s3 = `s3 = init_lvars G D \<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs\<rparr> mode a' vs s2`
from Call.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Call.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4)))"
by (cases s4) simp
finally show ?case by simp
case Methd thus ?case by simp
case (Body s0 D s1 c s2 s3)
from Body.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Body.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb Ret) s2)))"
by simp
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb Ret) s3)))"
proof -
from `s3 =
(if \<exists>l. abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<or>
abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))
then abupd (\<lambda>x. Some (Error CrossMethodJump)) s2 else s2)`
show ?thesis
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case LVar
thus ?case
using dom_locals_lvar_mono
by simp
case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC)
from FVar.hyps
obtain s2': "s2' = snd (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2)" and
v: "v = fst (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2)"
by (cases "fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2" ) simp
from v
have "\<forall>s val. dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd v val s)))" (is "?V_ok")
by (simp add: dom_locals_fvar_vvar_mono)
hence v_ok: "(\<forall>vv. In2 v = In2 vv \<and> normal s3 \<longrightarrow> ?V_ok)"
by - (intro strip, simp)
note s3 = `s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'`
from FVar.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from FVar.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
from s2'
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
by (simp add: dom_locals_fvar_mono)
from s3
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (simp add: check_field_access_def Let_def)
show ?case
using v_ok
by simp
case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2')
from AVar.hyps
obtain s2': "s2' = snd (avar G i a s2)" and
v: "v = fst (avar G i a s2)"
by (cases "avar G i a s2") simp
from v
have "\<forall>s val. dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (snd v val s)))" (is "?V_ok")
by (simp add: dom_locals_avar_vvar_mono)
hence v_ok: "(\<forall>vv. In2 v = In2 vv \<and> normal s2' \<longrightarrow> ?V_ok)"
by - (intro strip, simp)
from AVar.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from AVar.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
from s2'
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
by (simp add: dom_locals_avar_mono)
show ?case using v_ok by simp
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2)
from Cons.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Cons.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
lemma dom_locals_eval_mono_elim:
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)"
obtains "dom (locals (store s0)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
"\<And> vv s val. \<lbrakk>v=In2 vv; normal s1\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> dom (locals (store s))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((snd vv) val s)))"
using eval by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono [THEN conjE]) (rule that, auto)
lemma halloc_no_abrupt:
assumes halloc: "G\<turnstile>s0\<midarrow>halloc oi\<succ>a\<rightarrow>s1" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "normal s0"
proof -
from halloc normal show ?thesis
by cases simp_all
lemma sxalloc_mono_no_abrupt:
assumes sxalloc: "G\<turnstile>s0\<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow>s1" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "normal s0"
proof -
from sxalloc normal show ?thesis
by cases simp_all
lemma union_subseteqI: "\<lbrakk>A \<union> B \<subseteq> C; A' \<subseteq> A; B' \<subseteq> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A' \<union> B' \<subseteq> C"
by blast
lemma union_subseteqIl: "\<lbrakk>A \<union> B \<subseteq> C; A' \<subseteq> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A' \<union> B \<subseteq> C"
by blast
lemma union_subseteqIr: "\<lbrakk>A \<union> B \<subseteq> C; B' \<subseteq> B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<union> B' \<subseteq> C"
by blast
lemma subseteq_union_transl [trans]: "\<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> B; B \<union> C \<subseteq> D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<union> C \<subseteq> D"
by blast
lemma subseteq_union_transr [trans]: "\<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> B; C \<union> B \<subseteq> D\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<union> C \<subseteq> D"
by blast
lemma union_subseteq_weaken: "\<lbrakk>A \<union> B \<subseteq> C; \<lbrakk>A \<subseteq> C; B \<subseteq> C\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by blast
lemma assigns_good_approx:
eval: "G\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "assigns t \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval normal show ?thesis
proof (induct)
case Abrupt thus ?case by simp
next -- {* For statements its trivial, since then @{term "assigns t = {}"} *}
case Skip show ?case by simp
case Expr show ?case by simp
case Lab show ?case by simp
case Comp show ?case by simp
case If show ?case by simp
case Loop show ?case by simp
case Jmp show ?case by simp
case Throw show ?case by simp
case Try show ?case by simp
case Fin show ?case by simp
case Init show ?case by simp
case NewC show ?case by simp
case (NewA s0 T s1 e i s2 a s3)
note halloc = `G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i) s2 \<midarrow>halloc Arr T (the_Intg i)\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s3`
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
from NewA
have "normal (abupd (check_neg i) s2)"
by - (erule halloc_no_abrupt [rule_format])
hence "normal s2" by (cases s2) simp
with NewA.hyps
show ?thesis by iprover
from halloc
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (rule dom_locals_halloc_mono [elim_format]) simp
finally show ?case by simp
case (Cast s0 e v s1 s2 T)
hence "normal s1" by (cases s1,simp)
with Cast.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
from Cast.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
show ?case
by simp
case Inst thus ?case by simp
case Lit thus ?case by simp
case UnOp thus ?case by simp
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2)
hence "normal s1" by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with BinOp.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e1) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by iprover
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
note `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>(if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2
else In1r Skip)\<succ>\<rightarrow> (In1 v2, s2)`
thus ?thesis
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
finally have s2: "assigns (In1l e1) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" .
show ?case
proof (cases "binop=CondAnd \<or> binop=CondOr")
case True
with s2 show ?thesis by simp
case False
with BinOp
have "assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
with s2
show ?thesis using False by simp
case Super thus ?case by simp
case Acc thus ?case by simp
case (Ass s0 va w f s1 e v s2)
note nrm_ass_s2 = `normal (assign f v s2)`
hence nrm_s2: "normal s2"
by (cases s2, simp add: assign_def Let_def)
with Ass.hyps
have nrm_s1: "normal s1"
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with Ass.hyps
have "assigns (In2 va) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by iprover
from Ass.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from nrm_s2 Ass.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by iprover
have "assigns (In2 va) \<union> assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
from Ass.hyps nrm_s1
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (f v s2)))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim, cases s2,simp)
have "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign f v s2)))"
by (rule dom_locals_assign_mono)
have va_e: " assigns (In2 va) \<union> assigns (In1l e)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (snd (assign f v s2)))" .
show ?case
proof (cases "\<exists> n. va = LVar n")
case False
with va_e show ?thesis
by (simp add: Un_assoc)
case True
then obtain n where va: "va = LVar n"
by blast
with Ass.hyps
have "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>LVar n=\<succ>(w,f)\<rightarrow> s1"
by simp
hence "(w,f) = lvar n s0"
by (rule eval_elim_cases) simp
with nrm_ass_s2
have "n \<in> dom (locals (store (assign f v s2)))"
by (cases s2) (simp add: assign_def Let_def lvar_def)
with va_e True va
show ?thesis by (simp add: Un_assoc)
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2)
hence "normal s1"
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with Cond.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e0) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by iprover
also from Cond.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
finally have e0: "assigns (In1l e0) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" .
show ?case
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with Cond
have "assigns (In1l e1) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
hence "assigns (In1l e1) \<inter> assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by blast
with e0
have "assigns (In1l e0) \<union> assigns (In1l e1) \<inter> assigns (In1l e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
thus ?thesis using True by simp
case False
with Cond
have " assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
hence "assigns (In1l e1) \<inter> assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by blast
with e0
have "assigns (In1l e0) \<union> assigns (In1l e1) \<inter> assigns (In1l e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
thus ?thesis using False by simp
case (Call s0 e a' s1 args vs s2 D mode statT mn pTs s3 s3' accC v s4)
have nrm_s2: "normal s2"
proof -
from `normal ((set_lvars (locals (snd s2))) s4)`
have normal_s4: "normal s4" by simp
hence "normal s3'" using Call.hyps
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
moreover note
`s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode \<lparr>name=mn, parTs=pTs\<rparr> a' s3`
ultimately have "normal s3"
by (cases s3) (simp add: check_method_access_def Let_def)
note s3 = `s3 = init_lvars G D \<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs\<rparr> mode a' vs s2`
ultimately show "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: init_lvars_def2)
hence "normal s1" using Call.hyps
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with Call.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by iprover
also from Call.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from nrm_s2 Call.hyps
have "assigns (In3 args) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by iprover
ultimately have "assigns (In1l e) \<union> assigns (In3 args) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4)))"
by (cases s4) simp
finally show ?case
by simp
case Methd thus ?case by simp
case Body thus ?case by simp
case LVar thus ?case by simp
case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC)
note s3 = `s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'`
note avar = `(v, s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2`
have nrm_s2: "normal s2"
proof -
note `normal s3`
with s3 have "normal s2'"
by (cases s2') (simp add: check_field_access_def Let_def)
with avar show "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: fvar_def2)
with FVar.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by iprover
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
proof -
from avar
have "s2' = snd (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2)"
by (cases "fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2") simp
thus ?thesis
by simp (rule dom_locals_fvar_mono)
also from s3
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (cases s2') (simp add: check_field_access_def Let_def)
finally show ?case
by simp
case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2')
note avar = `(v, s2') = avar G i a s2`
have nrm_s2: "normal s2"
proof -
from avar and `normal s2'`
show ?thesis by (cases s2) (simp add: avar_def2)
with AVar.hyps
have "normal s1"
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with AVar.hyps
have "assigns (In1l e1) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by iprover
also from AVar.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from AVar.hyps nrm_s2
have "assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by iprover
have "assigns (In1l e1) \<union> assigns (In1l e2) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
have "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
proof -
from avar have "s2' = snd (avar G i a s2)"
by (cases "avar G i a s2") simp
thus ?thesis
by simp (rule dom_locals_avar_mono)
show ?case
by simp
case Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2)
have "assigns (In1l e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from Cons
have "normal s1" by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
with Cons.hyps show ?thesis by iprover
also from Cons.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
also from Cons
have "assigns (In3 es) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by iprover
have "assigns (In1l e) \<union> assigns (In3 es) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
thus ?case
by simp
corollary assignsE_good_approx:
eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "assignsE e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval normal show ?thesis
by (rule assigns_good_approx [elim_format]) simp
corollary assignsV_good_approx:
eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>v=\<succ>vf\<rightarrow> s1" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "assignsV v \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval normal show ?thesis
by (rule assigns_good_approx [elim_format]) simp
corollary assignsEs_good_approx:
eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>es\<doteq>\<succ>vs\<rightarrow> s1" and
normal: "normal s1"
shows "assignsEs es \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval normal show ?thesis
by (rule assigns_good_approx [elim_format]) simp
lemma constVal_eval:
assumes const: "constVal e = Some c" and
eval: "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s"
shows "v = c \<and> normal s"
proof -
have True and
"\<And> c v s0 s. \<lbrakk> constVal e = Some c; G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> v = c \<and> normal s"
and True and True
proof (induct rule: var_expr_stmt.inducts)
case NewC hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case NewA hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Cast hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Inst hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case (Lit val c v s0 s)
note `constVal (Lit val) = Some c`
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Lit val-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s`
obtain "v=val" and "normal s"
by cases simp
ultimately show "v=c \<and> normal s" by simp
case (UnOp unop e c v s0 s)
note const = `constVal (UnOp unop e) = Some c`
then obtain ce where ce: "constVal e = Some ce" by simp
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>UnOp unop e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s`
obtain ve where ve: "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>ve\<rightarrow> s" and
v: "v = eval_unop unop ve"
by cases simp
from ce ve
obtain eq_ve_ce: "ve=ce" and nrm_s: "normal s"
by (rule UnOp.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
from eq_ve_ce const ce v
have "v=c"
by simp
from this nrm_s
show ?case ..
case (BinOp binop e1 e2 c v s0 s)
note const = `constVal (BinOp binop e1 e2) = Some c`
then obtain c1 c2 where c1: "constVal e1 = Some c1" and
c2: "constVal e2 = Some c2" and
c: "c = eval_binop binop c1 c2"
by simp
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>BinOp binop e1 e2-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s`
obtain v1 s1 v2
where v1: "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e1-\<succ>v1\<rightarrow> s1" and
v2: "G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>(if need_second_arg binop v1 then In1l e2
else In1r Skip)\<succ>\<rightarrow> (In1 v2, s)" and
v: "v = eval_binop binop v1 v2"
by cases simp
from c1 v1
obtain eq_v1_c1: "v1 = c1" and
nrm_s1: "normal s1"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
show ?case
proof (cases "need_second_arg binop v1")
case True
with v2 nrm_s1 obtain s1'
where "G\<turnstile>Norm s1' \<midarrow>e2-\<succ>v2\<rightarrow> s"
by (cases s1) simp
with c2 obtain "v2 = c2" "normal s"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
with c c1 c2 eq_v1_c1 v
show ?thesis by simp
case False
with nrm_s1 v2
have "s=s1"
by (cases s1) (auto elim!: eval_elim_cases)
from False c v eq_v1_c1
have "v = c"
by (simp add: eval_binop_arg2_indep)
show ?thesis
using nrm_s1 by simp
qed (* hallo ehco *)
case Super hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Acc hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Ass hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case (Cond b e1 e2 c v s0 s)
note c = `constVal (b ? e1 : e2) = Some c`
then obtain cb c1 c2 where
cb: "constVal b = Some cb" and
c1: "constVal e1 = Some c1" and
c2: "constVal e2 = Some c2"
by (auto split: bool.splits)
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>b ? e1 : e2-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s`
obtain vb s1
where vb: "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>b-\<succ>vb\<rightarrow> s1" and
eval_v: "G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>(if the_Bool vb then e1 else e2)-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s"
by cases simp
from cb vb
obtain eq_vb_cb: "vb = cb" and nrm_s1: "normal s1"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
show ?case
proof (cases "the_Bool vb")
case True
with c cb c1 eq_vb_cb
have "c = c1"
by simp
from True eval_v nrm_s1 obtain s1'
where "G\<turnstile>Norm s1' \<midarrow>e1-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s"
by (cases s1) simp
with c1 obtain "c1 = v" "normal s"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case False
with c cb c2 eq_vb_cb
have "c = c2"
by simp
from False eval_v nrm_s1 obtain s1'
where "G\<turnstile>Norm s1' \<midarrow>e2-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s"
by (cases s1) simp
with c2 obtain "c2 = v" "normal s"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) iprover
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case Call hence False by simp thus ?case ..
qed simp_all
with const eval
show ?thesis
by iprover
lemmas constVal_eval_elim = constVal_eval [THEN conjE]
lemma eval_unop_type:
"typeof dt (eval_unop unop v) = Some (PrimT (unop_type unop))"
by (cases unop) simp_all
lemma eval_binop_type:
"typeof dt (eval_binop binop v1 v2) = Some (PrimT (binop_type binop))"
by (cases binop) simp_all
lemma constVal_Boolean:
assumes const: "constVal e = Some c" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
shows "typeof empty_dt c = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
proof -
have True and
"\<And> c. \<lbrakk>constVal e = Some c;Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> typeof empty_dt c = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
and True and True
proof (induct rule: var_expr_stmt.inducts)
case NewC hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case NewA hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Cast hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Inst hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case (Lit v c)
from `constVal (Lit v) = Some c`
have "c=v" by simp
from `Env\<turnstile>Lit v\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have "typeof empty_dt v = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
by cases simp
ultimately show ?case by simp
case (UnOp unop e c)
from `Env\<turnstile>UnOp unop e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have "Boolean = unop_type unop" by cases simp
from `constVal (UnOp unop e) = Some c`
obtain ce where "c = eval_unop unop ce" by auto
ultimately show ?case by (simp add: eval_unop_type)
case (BinOp binop e1 e2 c)
from `Env\<turnstile>BinOp binop e1 e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have "Boolean = binop_type binop" by cases simp
from `constVal (BinOp binop e1 e2) = Some c`
obtain c1 c2 where "c = eval_binop binop c1 c2" by auto
ultimately show ?case by (simp add: eval_binop_type)
case Super hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Acc hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case Ass hence False by simp thus ?case ..
case (Cond b e1 e2 c)
note c = `constVal (b ? e1 : e2) = Some c`
then obtain cb c1 c2 where
cb: "constVal b = Some cb" and
c1: "constVal e1 = Some c1" and
c2: "constVal e2 = Some c2"
by (auto split: bool.splits)
note wt = `Env\<turnstile>b ? e1 : e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
obtain T1 T2
where "Env\<turnstile>b\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
by cases (auto dest: widen_Boolean2)
show ?case
proof (cases "the_Bool cb")
case True
from c1 wt_e1
have "typeof empty_dt c1 = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
by (rule Cond.hyps)
with True c cb c1 show ?thesis by simp
case False
from c2 wt_e2
have "typeof empty_dt c2 = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
by (rule Cond.hyps)
with False c cb c2 show ?thesis by simp
case Call hence False by simp thus ?case ..
qed simp_all
with const wt
show ?thesis
by iprover
lemma assigns_if_good_approx:
eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1" and
normal: "normal s1" and
bool: "Env\<turnstile> e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
shows "assigns_if (the_Bool b) e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
-- {* To properly perform induction on the evaluation relation we have to
generalize the lemma to terms not only expressions. *}
{ fix t val
assume eval': "prg Env\<turnstile> s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (val,s1)"
assume bool': "Env\<turnstile> t\<Colon>Inl (PrimT Boolean)"
assume expr: "\<exists> expr. t=In1l expr"
have "assigns_if (the_Bool (the_In1 val)) (the_In1l t)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
using eval' normal bool' expr
proof (induct)
case Abrupt thus ?case by simp
case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2)
from `Env\<turnstile>NewC C\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have False
by cases simp
thus ?case ..
case (NewA s0 T s1 e i s2 a s3)
from `Env\<turnstile>New T[e]\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have False
by cases simp
thus ?case ..
case (Cast s0 e b s1 s2 T)
note s2 = `s2 = abupd (raise_if (\<not> prg Env,snd s1\<turnstile>b fits T) ClassCast) s1`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool b) e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from s2 and `normal s2`
have "normal s1"
by (cases s1) simp
from `Env\<turnstile>Cast T e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>- PrimT Boolean"
by cases (auto dest: cast_Boolean2)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule Cast.hyps [elim_format]) auto
also from s2
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
finally show ?case by simp
case (Inst s0 e v s1 b T)
from `prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1` and `normal s1`
have "assignsE e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assignsE_good_approx)
thus ?case
by simp
case (Lit s v)
from `Env\<turnstile>Lit v\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
have "typeof empty_dt v = Some (PrimT Boolean)"
by cases simp
then obtain b where "v=Bool b"
by (cases v) (simp_all add: empty_dt_def)
thus ?case
by simp
case (UnOp s0 e v s1 unop)
note bool = `Env\<turnstile>UnOp unop e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
hence bool_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
by cases (cases unop,simp_all)
show ?case
proof (cases "constVal (UnOp unop e)")
case None
note `normal s1`
moreover note bool_e
ultimately have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule UnOp.hyps [elim_format]) auto
from bool have "unop = UNot"
by cases (cases unop, simp_all)
moreover note None
have "assigns_if (the_Bool (eval_unop unop v)) (UnOp unop e)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case (Some c)
from `prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s1`
have "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>UnOp unop e-\<succ>eval_unop unop v\<rightarrow> s1"
by (rule eval.UnOp)
with Some
have "eval_unop unop v=c"
by (rule constVal_eval_elim) simp
from Some bool
obtain b where "c=Bool b"
by (rule constVal_Boolean [elim_format])
(cases c, simp_all add: empty_dt_def)
have "assigns_if (the_Bool (eval_unop unop v)) (UnOp unop e) = {}"
by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2)
note bool = `Env\<turnstile>BinOp binop e1 e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
show ?case
proof (cases "constVal (BinOp binop e1 e2)")
case (Some c)
from BinOp.hyps
"prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>BinOp binop e1 e2-\<succ>eval_binop binop v1 v2\<rightarrow> s2"
by - (rule eval.BinOp)
with Some
have "eval_binop binop v1 v2=c"
by (rule constVal_eval_elim) simp
from Some bool
obtain b where "c = Bool b"
by (rule constVal_Boolean [elim_format])
(cases c, simp_all add: empty_dt_def)
have "assigns_if (the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2)) (BinOp binop e1 e2)
= {}"
by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
case None
show ?thesis
proof (cases "binop=CondAnd \<or> binop=CondOr")
case True
from bool obtain bool_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
bool_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
using True by cases auto
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from BinOp have "normal s1"
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format])
from this bool_e1
show ?thesis
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format]) auto
from BinOp.hyps
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim,simp)
have e1_s2: "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))".
from True show ?thesis
assume condAnd: "binop = CondAnd"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2)")
case True
with condAnd
have need_second: "need_second_arg binop v1"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format])
(simp add: need_second bool_e2)+
with e1_s2
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
with True condAnd None show ?thesis
by simp
case False
note binop_False = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "need_second_arg binop v1")
case True
with binop_False condAnd
obtain "the_Bool v1=True" and "the_Bool v2 = False"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format]) (simp add: True bool_e2)+
with e1_s2
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
moreover note binop_False condAnd None
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
case False
with binop_False condAnd
have "the_Bool v1=False"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
with e1_s2
show ?thesis
using binop_False condAnd None by auto
assume condOr: "binop = CondOr"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2)")
case False
with condOr
have need_second: "need_second_arg binop v1"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format])
(simp add: need_second bool_e2)+
with e1_s2
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
with False condOr None show ?thesis
by simp
case True
note binop_True = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "need_second_arg binop v1")
case True
with binop_True condOr
obtain "the_Bool v1=False" and "the_Bool v2 = True"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule BinOp.hyps [elim_format]) (simp add: True bool_e2)+
with e1_s2
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v1) e1 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v2) e2
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
moreover note binop_True condOr None
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
case False
with binop_True condOr
have "the_Bool v1=True"
by (simp add: need_second_arg_def)
with e1_s2
show ?thesis
using binop_True condOr None by auto
case False
note `\<not> (binop = CondAnd \<or> binop = CondOr)`
from BinOp.hyps
"prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>BinOp binop e1 e2-\<succ>eval_binop binop v1 v2\<rightarrow> s2"
by - (rule eval.BinOp)
moreover note `normal s2`
have "assignsE (BinOp binop e1 e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule assignsE_good_approx)
with False None
show ?thesis
by simp
case Super
note `Env\<turnstile>Super\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
hence False
by cases simp
thus ?case ..
case (Acc s0 va v f s1)
from `prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>va=\<succ>(v, f)\<rightarrow> s1` and `normal s1`
have "assignsV va \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assignsV_good_approx)
thus ?case by simp
case (Ass s0 va w f s1 e v s2)
hence "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>va := e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> assign f v s2"
by - (rule eval.Ass)
moreover note `normal (assign f v s2)`
have "assignsE (va := e) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign f v s2)))"
by (rule assignsE_good_approx)
thus ?case by simp
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2)
from `Env\<turnstile>e0 ? e1 : e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean`
obtain wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
by cases (auto dest: widen_Boolean2)
note eval_e0 = `prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e0-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1`
have e0_s2: "assignsE e0 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
note eval_e0
from Cond.hyps and `normal s2` have "normal s1"
by - (erule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format],simp)
have "assignsE e0 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assignsE_good_approx)
from Cond
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (erule dom_locals_eval_mono [elim_format],simp)
finally show ?thesis .
show ?case
proof (cases "constVal e0")
case None
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e1 \<inter> assigns_if (the_Bool v) e2
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) (simp_all add: wt_e1 True)
thus ?thesis
by blast
case False
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) (simp_all add: wt_e2 False)
thus ?thesis
by blast
with e0_s2
have "assignsE e0 \<union>
(assigns_if (the_Bool v) e1 \<inter> assigns_if (the_Bool v) e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Un_least)
with None show ?thesis
by simp
case (Some c)
from this eval_e0 have eq_b_c: "b=c"
by (rule constVal_eval_elim)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool c")
case True
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) (simp_all add: eq_b_c True wt_e1)
with e0_s2
have "assignsE e0 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v) e1 \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with Some True show ?thesis
by simp
case False
from `normal s2`
have "assigns_if (the_Bool v) e2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule Cond.hyps [elim_format]) (simp_all add: eq_b_c False wt_e2)
with e0_s2
have "assignsE e0 \<union> assigns_if (the_Bool v) e2 \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with Some False show ?thesis
by simp
case (Call s0 e a s1 args vs s2 D mode statT mn pTs s3 s3' accC v s4)
"prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>({accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs}args))-\<succ>v\<rightarrow>
(set_lvars (locals (store s2)) s4)"
by - (rule eval.Call)
hence "assignsE ({accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs}args))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store ((set_lvars (locals (store s2))) s4)))"
using `normal ((set_lvars (locals (snd s2))) s4)`
by (rule assignsE_good_approx)
thus ?case by simp
case Methd show ?case by simp
case Body show ?case by simp
qed simp+ -- {* all the statements and variables *}
note generalized = this
from eval bool show ?thesis
by (rule generalized [elim_format]) simp+
lemma assigns_if_good_approx':
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1"
and normal: "normal s1"
and bool: "\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>e\<Colon>- (PrimT Boolean)"
shows "assigns_if (the_Bool b) e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval have "prg \<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1" by simp
from this normal bool show ?thesis
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx)
lemma subset_Intl: "A \<subseteq> C \<Longrightarrow> A \<inter> B \<subseteq> C"
by blast
lemma subset_Intr: "B \<subseteq> C \<Longrightarrow> A \<inter> B \<subseteq> C"
by blast
lemma da_good_approx:
assumes eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)" and
wt: "Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T" (is "?Wt Env t T") and
da: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A" (is "?Da Env s0 t A") and
wf: "wf_prog (prg Env)"
shows "(normal s1 \<longrightarrow> (nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1)))) \<and>
(\<forall> l. abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l)) \<and> normal s0
\<longrightarrow> (brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1)))) \<and>
(abrupt s1 = Some (Jump Ret) \<and> normal s0
\<longrightarrow> Result \<in> dom (locals (store s1)))"
(is "?NormalAssigned s1 A \<and> ?BreakAssigned s0 s1 A \<and> ?ResAssigned s0 s1")
proof -
note inj_term_simps [simp]
obtain G where G: "prg Env = G" by (cases Env) simp
with eval have eval: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v,s1)" by simp
from G wf have wf: "wf_prog G" by simp
let ?HypObj = "\<lambda> t s0 s1.
\<forall> Env T A. ?Wt Env t T \<longrightarrow> ?Da Env s0 t A \<longrightarrow> prg Env = G
\<longrightarrow> ?NormalAssigned s1 A \<and> ?BreakAssigned s0 s1 A \<and> ?ResAssigned s0 s1"
-- {* Goal in object logic variant *}
let ?Hyp = "\<lambda>t s0 s1. (\<And> Env T A. \<lbrakk>?Wt Env t T; ?Da Env s0 t A; prg Env = G\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ?NormalAssigned s1 A \<and> ?BreakAssigned s0 s1 A \<and> ?ResAssigned s0 s1)"
from eval and wt da G
show ?thesis
proof (induct arbitrary: Env T A)
case (Abrupt xc s t Env T A)
have da: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals s) \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A" using Abrupt.prems by simp
have "?NormalAssigned (Some xc,s) A"
by simp
have "?BreakAssigned (Some xc,s) (Some xc,s) A"
by simp
moreover have "?ResAssigned (Some xc,s) (Some xc,s)"
by simp
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Skip s Env T A)
have da: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store (Norm s))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>Skip\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
using Skip.prems by simp
hence "nrm A = dom (locals (store (Norm s)))"
by (rule da_elim_cases) simp
hence "?NormalAssigned (Norm s) A"
by auto
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s) (Norm s) A"
by simp
moreover have "?ResAssigned (Norm s) (Norm s)"
by simp
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Expr s0 e v s1 Env T A)
from Expr.prems
show "?NormalAssigned s1 A \<and> ?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 A
\<and> ?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by (elim wt_elim_cases da_elim_cases)
(rule Expr.hyps, auto)
case (Lab s0 c s1 j Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Lab.prems
obtain C l where
da_c: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (snd (Norm s0))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C" and
A: "nrm A = nrm C \<inter> (brk C) l" "brk A = rmlab l (brk C)" and
j: "j = Break l"
by - (erule da_elim_cases, simp)
from Lab.prems
have wt_c: "Env\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>"
by - (erule wt_elim_cases, simp)
from wt_c da_c G and Lab.hyps
have norm_c: "?NormalAssigned s1 C" and
brk_c: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 C" and
res_c: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp_all
have "?NormalAssigned (abupd (absorb j) s1) A"
assume normal: "normal (abupd (absorb j) s1)"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb j) s1)))"
proof (cases "abrupt s1")
case None
with norm_c A
show ?thesis
by auto
case Some
with normal j
have "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l))"
by (auto dest: absorb_Some_NoneD)
with brk_c A
show ?thesis
by auto
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (absorb j) s1) A"
proof -
fix l'
assume break: "abrupt (abupd (absorb j) s1) = Some (Jump (Break l'))"
with j
have "l\<noteq>l'"
by (cases s1) (auto dest!: absorb_Some_JumpD)
hence "(rmlab l (brk C)) l'= (brk C) l'"
by (simp)
with break brk_c A
"(brk A l' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb j) s1))))"
by (cases s1) auto
then show ?thesis
by simp
from res_c have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (absorb j) s1)"
by (cases s1) (simp add: absorb_def)
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Comp s0 c1 s1 c2 s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Comp.prems
obtain C1 C2
where da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (snd (Norm s0))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1" and
da_c2: "Env\<turnstile> nrm C1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2" and
A: "nrm A = nrm C2" "brk A = (brk C1) \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2)"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
from Comp.prems
obtain wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_c2: "Env\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_c1 da_c1 G
obtain nrm_c1: "?NormalAssigned s1 C1" and
brk_c1: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 C1" and
res_c1: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
with nrm_c1 have "nrm C1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (snd s1))" by iprover
with da_c2 obtain C2'
where da_c2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (snd s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
nrm_c2: "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" and
brk_c2: "\<forall> l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c2) s1 s2`
with wt_c2 da_c2' G
obtain nrm_c2': "?NormalAssigned s2 C2'" and
brk_c2': "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 C2'" and
res_c2 : "?ResAssigned s1 s2"
by simp
from nrm_c2' nrm_c2 A
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
by blast
moreover from brk_c2' brk_c2 A
have "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 A"
by fastsimp
with True
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" by simp
moreover from res_c2 True
have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
with `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c2\<rightarrow> s2`
have eq_s1_s2: "s2=s1" by auto
with False have "?NormalAssigned s2 A" by blast
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A"
proof (cases "\<exists> l. abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l))")
case True
then obtain l where l: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l))" ..
with brk_c1
have "brk C1 l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
with A eq_s1_s2
have "brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by auto
with l eq_s1_s2
show ?thesis by simp
case False
with eq_s1_s2 show ?thesis by simp
moreover from False res_c1 eq_s1_s2
have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case (If s0 e b s1 c1 c2 s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
with If.hyps have eval_e: "prg Env \<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1" by simp
from If.prems
obtain E C1 C2 where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" and
da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if True e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1" and
da_c2: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if False e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2" and
A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2" "brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter> brk C2"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from If.prems
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>- PrimT Boolean" and
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_c2: "Env\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
from If.hyps have
s0_s1:"dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (elim dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
show ?case
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
note normal_s1 = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
from eval_e normal_s1 wt_e
have "assigns_if True e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp add: True)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> assigns_if True e \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with da_c1 obtain C1'
where da_c1': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1'" and
nrm_c1: "nrm C1 \<subseteq> nrm C1'" and
brk_c1: "\<forall> l. brk C1 l \<subseteq> brk C1' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
from If.hyps True have "PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) s1 s2" by simp
with wt_c1 da_c1'
obtain nrm_c1': "?NormalAssigned s2 C1'" and
brk_c1': "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 C1'" and
res_c1: "?ResAssigned s1 s2"
using G by simp
from nrm_c1' nrm_c1 A
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
by blast
moreover from brk_c1' brk_c1 A
have "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 A"
by fastsimp
with normal_s1
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" by simp
moreover from res_c1 normal_s1 have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
from eval_e normal_s1 wt_e
have "assigns_if False e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp add: False)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))\<union> assigns_if False e \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with da_c2 obtain C2'
where da_c2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
nrm_c2: "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" and
brk_c2: "\<forall> l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
from If.hyps False have "PROP ?Hyp (In1r c2) s1 s2" by simp
with wt_c2 da_c2'
obtain nrm_c2': "?NormalAssigned s2 C2'" and
brk_c2': "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 C2'" and
res_c2: "?ResAssigned s1 s2"
using G by simp
from nrm_c2' nrm_c2 A
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
by blast
moreover from brk_c2' brk_c2 A
have "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 A"
by fastsimp
with normal_s1
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" by simp
moreover from res_c2 normal_s1 have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
then obtain abr where abr: "abrupt s1 = Some abr"
by (cases s1) auto
from eval_e _ wt_e have "\<And> j. abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
have "s2 = s1"
proof -
from abr and `G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>(if the_Bool b then c1 else c2)\<rightarrow> s2`
show ?thesis
by (cases s1) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case (Loop s0 e b s1 c s2 l s3 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
with Loop.hyps have eval_e: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1"
by (simp (no_asm_simp))
from Loop.prems
obtain E C where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" and
da_c: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if True e) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C" and
A: "nrm A = nrm C \<inter>
(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> assigns_if False e)"
"brk A = brk C"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Loop.prems
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean" and
wt_c: "Env\<turnstile>c\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
from wt_e da_e G
obtain res_s1: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by (elim Loop.hyps [elim_format]) simp+
from Loop.hyps have
s0_s1:"dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (elim dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
show ?case
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
note normal_s1 = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with Loop.hyps obtain
eval_c: "G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c\<rightarrow> s2" and
eval_while: "G\<turnstile>abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2 \<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rightarrow> s3"
by simp
from Loop.hyps True
have "?HypObj (In1r c) s1 s2" by simp
note hyp_c = this [rule_format]
from Loop.hyps True
have "?HypObj (In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c)) (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) s3"
by simp
note hyp_while = this [rule_format]
from eval_e normal_s1 wt_e
have "assigns_if True e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp add: True)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> assigns_if True e \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with da_c obtain C'
where da_c': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C'" and
nrm_C_C': "nrm C \<subseteq> nrm C'" and
brk_C_C': "\<forall> l. brk C l \<subseteq> brk C' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
from hyp_c wt_c da_c'
obtain nrm_C': "?NormalAssigned s2 C'" and
brk_C': "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 C'" and
res_s2: "?ResAssigned s1 s2"
using G by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "normal s2 \<or> abrupt s2 = Some (Jump (Cont l))")
case True
from Loop.prems obtain
wt_while: "Env\<turnstile>In1r (l\<bullet> While(e) c)\<Colon>T" and
da_while: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by simp
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)))"
proof -
note s0_s1
also from eval_c
have "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)))"
by simp
finally show ?thesis .
with da_while obtain A'
da_while': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)))
\<guillemotright>\<langle>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
and nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
and brk_A_A': "\<forall> l. brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) simp
with wt_while hyp_while
obtain nrm_A': "?NormalAssigned s3 A'" and
brk_A': "?BreakAssigned (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) s3 A'" and
res_s3: "?ResAssigned (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) s3"
using G by simp
from nrm_A_A' nrm_A'
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
by blast
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
proof -
from brk_A_A' brk_A'
have "?BreakAssigned (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) s3 A"
by fastsimp
from True have "normal (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2)"
by (cases s2) auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
moreover from res_s3 True have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
then obtain abr where
"abrupt s2 = Some abr" and
"abrupt (abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2) = Some abr"
by auto
with eval_while
have eq_s3_s2: "s3=s2"
by auto
with nrm_C_C' nrm_C' A
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
by fastsimp
from eq_s3_s2 brk_C_C' brk_C' normal_s1 A
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
by fastsimp
from eq_s3_s2 res_s2 normal_s1 have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
with Loop.hyps have eq_s3_s1: "s3=s1"
by simp
from eq_s3_s1 res_s1
have res_s3: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp
from eval_e True wt_e
have "assigns_if False e \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp add: False)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))\<union>assigns_if False e \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
hence "nrm C \<inter>
(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> assigns_if False e)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule subset_Intr)
with normal_s1 A eq_s3_s1
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
by simp
from normal_s1 eq_s3_s1
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
by simp
moreover note res_s3
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
then obtain abr where abr: "abrupt s1 = Some abr"
by (cases s1) auto
from eval_e _ wt_e have no_jmp: "\<And> j. abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: wf G)
have eq_s3_s1: "s3=s1"
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
with Loop.hyps obtain
eval_c: "G\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>c\<rightarrow> s2" and
eval_while: "G\<turnstile>abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2 \<midarrow>l\<bullet> While(e) c\<rightarrow> s3"
by simp
from eval_c abr have "s2=s1" by auto
moreover from calculation no_jmp have "abupd (absorb (Cont l)) s2=s2"
by (cases s1) (simp add: absorb_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using eval_while abr
by auto
case False
with Loop.hyps show ?thesis by simp
from eq_s3_s1 res_s1
have res_s3: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
case (Jmp s j Env T A)
have "?NormalAssigned (Some (Jump j),s) A" by simp
from Jmp.prems
obtain ret: "j = Ret \<longrightarrow> Result \<in> dom (locals (store (Norm s)))" and
brk: "brk A = (case j of
Break l \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. if k=l
then dom (locals (store ((Norm s)::state)))
else UNIV
| Cont l \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. UNIV
| Ret \<Rightarrow> \<lambda> k. UNIV)"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
from brk have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s) (Some (Jump j),s) A"
by simp
moreover from ret have "?ResAssigned (Norm s) (Some (Jump j),s)"
by simp
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Throw s0 e a s1 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Throw.prems obtain E where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Throw.prems
obtain eT where wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have "?NormalAssigned (abupd (throw a) s1) A"
by (cases s1) (simp add: throw_def)
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (throw a) s1) A"
proof -
from G Throw.hyps have eval_e: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e-\<succ>a\<rightarrow> s1"
by (simp (no_asm_simp))
from eval_e _ wt_e
have "\<And> l. abrupt s1 \<noteq> Some (Jump (Break l))"
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: wf G)
hence "\<And> l. abrupt (abupd (throw a) s1) \<noteq> Some (Jump (Break l))"
by (cases s1) (simp add: throw_def abrupt_if_def)
thus ?thesis
by simp
from wt_e da_e G have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by (elim Throw.hyps [elim_format]) simp+
hence "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (throw a) s1)"
by (cases s1) (simp add: throw_def abrupt_if_def)
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Try s0 c1 s1 s2 C vn c2 s3 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Try.prems obtain C1 C2 where
da_c1: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1" and
"Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>
\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> {VName vn}) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2" and
A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2" "brk A = brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter> brk C2"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
from Try.prems obtain
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_c2: "Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have sxalloc: "prg Env\<turnstile>s1 \<midarrow>sxalloc\<rightarrow> s2" using Try.hyps G
by (simp (no_asm_simp))
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_c1 da_c1 G
obtain nrm_C1: "?NormalAssigned s1 C1" and
brk_C1: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 C1" and
res_s1: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "normal s1")
case True
with nrm_C1 have "nrm C1 \<inter> nrm C2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by auto
have "s3=s1"
proof -
from sxalloc True have eq_s2_s1: "s2=s1"
by (cases s1) (auto elim: sxalloc_elim_cases)
with True have "\<not> G,s2\<turnstile>catch C"
by (simp add: catch_def)
with Try.hyps have "s3=s2"
by simp
with eq_s2_s1 show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using True A res_s1 by simp
case False
note not_normal_s1 = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "\<exists> l. abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l))")
case True
then obtain l where l: "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l))"
by auto
with brk_C1 have "(brk C1 \<Rightarrow>\<inter> brk C2) l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by auto
moreover have "s3=s1"
proof -
from sxalloc l have eq_s2_s1: "s2=s1"
by (cases s1) (auto elim: sxalloc_elim_cases)
with l have "\<not> G,s2\<turnstile>catch C"
by (simp add: catch_def)
with Try.hyps have "s3=s2"
by simp
with eq_s2_s1 show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using l A res_s1 by simp
case False
note abrupt_no_break = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "G,s2\<turnstile>catch C")
case True
with Try.hyps have "?HypObj (In1r c2) (new_xcpt_var vn s2) s3"
by simp
note hyp_c2 = this [rule_format]
have "(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<union> {VName vn})
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (new_xcpt_var vn s2)))"
proof -
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>c1\<rightarrow> s1`
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from sxalloc
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_sxalloc_mono)
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (new_xcpt_var vn s2)))"
by (cases s2) (simp add: new_xcpt_var_def, blast)
have "{VName vn} \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (cases s2) simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule Un_least)
with da_c2
obtain C2' where
da_C2': "Env\<lparr>lcl := lcl Env(VName vn\<mapsto>Class C)\<rparr>
\<turnstile> dom (locals (store (new_xcpt_var vn s2))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'"
and nrm_C2': "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'"
and brk_C2': "\<forall> l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) simp
from wt_c2 da_C2' G and hyp_c2
obtain nrmAss_C2: "?NormalAssigned s3 C2'" and
brkAss_C2: "?BreakAssigned (new_xcpt_var vn s2) s3 C2'" and
resAss_s3: "?ResAssigned (new_xcpt_var vn s2) s3"
by simp
from nrmAss_C2 nrm_C2' A
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
by auto
have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
proof -
from brkAss_C2 have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 C2'"
by (cases s2) (auto simp add: new_xcpt_var_def)
with brk_C2' A show ?thesis
by fastsimp
from resAss_s3 have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by (cases s2) ( simp add: new_xcpt_var_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case False
with Try.hyps
have eq_s3_s2: "s3=s2" by simp
moreover from sxalloc not_normal_s1 abrupt_no_break
obtain "\<not> normal s2"
"\<forall> l. abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump (Break l))"
by - (rule sxalloc_cases,auto)
ultimately obtain
"?NormalAssigned s3 A" and "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
by (cases s2) auto
moreover have "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
proof (cases "abrupt s1 = Some (Jump Ret)")
case True
with sxalloc have "s2=s1"
by (elim sxalloc_cases) auto
with res_s1 eq_s3_s2 show ?thesis by simp
case False
with sxalloc
have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump Ret)"
by (rule sxalloc_no_jump)
with eq_s3_s2 show ?thesis
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case (Fin s0 c1 x1 s1 c2 s2 s3 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Fin.prems obtain C1 C2 where
da_C1: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C1" and
da_C2: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2" and
nrm_A: "nrm A = nrm C1 \<union> nrm C2" and
brk_A: "brk A = ((brk C1) \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> (nrm C2)) \<Rightarrow>\<inter> (brk C2)"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
from Fin.prems obtain
wt_c1: "Env\<turnstile>c1\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_c2: "Env\<turnstile>c2\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c1) (Norm s0) (x1,s1)`
with wt_c1 da_C1 G
obtain nrmAss_C1: "?NormalAssigned (x1,s1) C1" and
brkAss_C1: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (x1,s1) C1" and
resAss_s1: "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (x1,s1)"
by simp
obtain nrmAss_C2: "?NormalAssigned s2 C2" and
brkAss_C2: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s1) s2 C2" and
resAss_s2: "?ResAssigned (Norm s1) s2"
proof -
from Fin.hyps
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (x1,s1)))"
by - (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
with da_C2 obtain C2'
da_C2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store (x1,s1))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>c2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> C2'" and
nrm_C2': "nrm C2 \<subseteq> nrm C2'" and
brk_C2': "\<forall> l. brk C2 l \<subseteq> brk C2' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) simp
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1r c2) (Norm s1) s2`
with wt_c2 da_C2' G
obtain nrmAss_C2': "?NormalAssigned s2 C2'" and
brkAss_C2': "?BreakAssigned (Norm s1) s2 C2'" and
resAss_s2': "?ResAssigned (Norm s1) s2"
by simp
from nrmAss_C2' nrm_C2' have "?NormalAssigned s2 C2"
by blast
from brkAss_C2' brk_C2' have "?BreakAssigned (Norm s1) s2 C2"
by fastsimp
show ?thesis
using that resAss_s2' by simp
note s3 = `s3 = (if \<exists>err. x1 = Some (Error err) then (x1, s1)
else abupd (abrupt_if (x1 \<noteq> None) x1) s2)`
have s1_s2: "dom (locals s1) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s1 \<midarrow>c2\<rightarrow> s2`
show ?thesis
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) simp
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
assume normal_s3: "normal s3"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (snd s3))"
proof -
have "nrm C1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (snd s3))"
proof -
from normal_s3 s3
have "normal (x1,s1)"
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with normal_s3 nrmAss_C1 s3 s1_s2
show ?thesis
by fastsimp
have "nrm C2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (snd s3))"
proof -
from normal_s3 s3
have "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with normal_s3 nrmAss_C2 s3 s1_s2
show ?thesis
by fastsimp
ultimately have "nrm C1 \<union> nrm C2 \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with nrm_A show ?thesis
by simp
fix l assume brk_s3: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump (Break l))"
have "brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof (cases "normal s2")
case True
with brk_s3 s3
have s2_s3: "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by simp
have "brk C1 l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
from True brk_s3 s3 have "x1=Some (Jump (Break l))"
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with brkAss_C1 s1_s2 s2_s3
show ?thesis
by simp
moreover from True nrmAss_C2 s2_s3
have "nrm C2 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by - (rule subset_trans, simp_all)
have "((brk C1) \<Rightarrow>\<union>\<^sub>\<forall> (nrm C2)) l \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by blast
with brk_A show ?thesis
by simp blast
case False
note not_normal_s2 = this
have "s3=s2"
proof (cases "normal (x1,s1)")
case True with not_normal_s2 s3 show ?thesis
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
case False with not_normal_s2 s3 brk_s3 show ?thesis
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with brkAss_C2 brk_s3
have "brk C2 l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by simp
with brk_A show ?thesis
by simp blast
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
by simp
assume abr_s3: "abrupt s3 = Some (Jump Ret)"
have "Result \<in> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof (cases "x1 = Some (Jump Ret)")
case True
note ret_x1 = this
with resAss_s1 have res_s1: "Result \<in> dom (locals s1)"
by simp
moreover have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s1)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule Fin.hyps)
ultimately have "Result \<in> dom (locals (store s2))"
by - (rule subsetD,auto)
with res_s1 s3 show ?thesis
by simp
case False
with s3 abr_s3 obtain "abrupt s2 = Some (Jump Ret)" and "s3=s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: abrupt_if_def)
with resAss_s2 show ?thesis
by simp
hence "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Init C c s0 s3 s1 s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Init.hyps
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> Norm s0 \<midarrow>Init C\<rightarrow> s3"
apply (simp only: G)
apply (rule eval.Init, assumption)
apply (cases "inited C (globs s0) ")
apply simp
apply (simp only: if_False )
apply (elim conjE,intro conjI,assumption+,simp)
done (* auto or simp alone always do too much *)
from Init.prems and `the (class G C) = c`
have c: "class G C = Some c"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) auto
from Init.prems obtain
nrm_A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
show ?case
proof (cases "inited C (globs s0)")
case True
with Init.hyps have "s3=Norm s0" by simp
thus ?thesis
using nrm_A by simp
case False
from Init.hyps False G
obtain eval_initC:
"prg Env\<turnstile>Norm ((init_class_obj G C) s0)
\<midarrow>(if C = Object then Skip else Init (super c))\<rightarrow> s1" and
eval_init: "prg Env\<turnstile>(set_lvars empty) s1 \<midarrow>init c\<rightarrow> s2" and
s3: "s3=(set_lvars (locals (store s1))) s2"
by simp
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
from nrm_A have "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (init_class_obj G C s0))"
by simp
also from eval_initC have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) simp
also from s3 have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (cases s1) (cases s2, simp add: init_lvars_def2)
finally show ?thesis .
from eval
have "\<And> j. abrupt s3 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule eval_statement_no_jump) (auto simp add: wf c G)
then obtain "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A"
and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case (NewC s0 C s1 a s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from NewC.prems
obtain A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))"
"brk A = (\<lambda> l. UNIV)"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
from wf NewC.prems
have wt_init: "Env\<turnstile>(Init C)\<Colon>\<surd>"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) (drule is_acc_classD,simp)
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule NewC.hyps)
have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_halloc_mono) (rule NewC.hyps)
finally show ?thesis .
with A have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
by simp
fix j have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> Norm s0 \<midarrow>NewC C-\<succ>Addr a\<rightarrow> s2"
unfolding G by (rule eval.NewC NewC.hyps)+
from NewC.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with NewC.prems have "Env\<turnstile>NewC C\<Colon>-T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (NewA s0 elT s1 e i s2 a s3 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from NewA.prems obtain
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from NewA.prems obtain
wt_init: "Env\<turnstile>init_comp_ty elT\<Colon>\<surd>" and
wt_size: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-PrimT Integer"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) (auto dest: wt_init_comp_ty')
note halloc = `G\<turnstile>abupd (check_neg i) s2\<midarrow>halloc Arr elT (the_Intg i)\<succ>a\<rightarrow>s3`
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule NewA.hyps)
with da_e obtain A' where
da_e': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'"
and nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
and brk_A_A': "\<forall> l. brk A l \<subseteq> brk A' l"
by (rule da_weakenE) simp
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2`
with wt_size da_e' G obtain
nrmAss_A': "?NormalAssigned s2 A'" and
brkAss_A': "?BreakAssigned s1 s2 A'"
by simp
have s2_s3: "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
have "dom (locals (store s2))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (check_neg i) s2)))"
by (simp)
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (rule dom_locals_halloc_mono) (rule NewA.hyps)
finally show ?thesis .
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
assume normal_s3: "normal s3"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
from halloc normal_s3
have "normal (abupd (check_neg i) s2)"
by cases simp_all
hence "normal s2"
by (cases s2) simp
with nrmAss_A' nrm_A_A' s2_s3 show ?thesis
by blast
fix j have "abrupt s3 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> Norm s0 \<midarrow>New elT[e]-\<succ>Addr a\<rightarrow> s3"
unfolding G by (rule eval.NewA NewA.hyps)+
from NewA.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with NewA.prems have "Env\<turnstile>New elT[e]\<Colon>-T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Cast s0 e v s1 s2 cT Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Cast.prems obtain
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Cast.prems obtain eT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_e da_e G obtain
nrmAss_A: "?NormalAssigned s1 A" and
brkAss_A: "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 A"
by simp
note s2 = `s2 = abupd (raise_if (\<not> G,snd s1\<turnstile>v fits cT) ClassCast) s1`
hence s1_s2: "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
assume "normal s2"
with s2 have "normal s1"
by (cases s1) simp
with nrmAss_A s1_s2
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
fix j have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile> Norm s0 \<midarrow>Cast cT e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s2"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Cast Cast.hyps)+
from Cast.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with Cast.prems have "Env\<turnstile>Cast cT e\<Colon>-T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Inst s0 e v s1 b iT Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Inst.prems obtain
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Inst.prems obtain eT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_e da_e G obtain
"?NormalAssigned s1 A" and
"?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 A" and
"?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp
thus ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Lit s v Env T A)
from Lit.prems
have "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
thus ?case by simp
case (UnOp s0 e v s1 unop Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from UnOp.prems obtain
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from UnOp.prems obtain eT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_e da_e G obtain
"?NormalAssigned s1 A" and
"?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 A" and
"?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp
thus ?case by (intro conjI)
case (BinOp s0 e1 v1 s1 binop e2 v2 s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from BinOp.hyps
eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>BinOp binop e1 e2-\<succ>(eval_binop binop v1 v2)\<rightarrow> s2"
by (simp only: G) (rule eval.BinOp)
have s0_s1: "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule BinOp)
also have s1_s2: "dom (locals (store s1)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule BinOp)
have s0_s2: "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))" .
from BinOp.prems obtain e1T e2T
where wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T"
and wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
and wt_binop: "wt_binop (prg Env) binop e1T e2T"
and T: "T=Inl (PrimT (binop_type binop))"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
assume normal_s2: "normal s2"
have normal_s1: "normal s1"
by (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format]) (rule BinOp.hyps, rule normal_s2)
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof (cases "binop=CondAnd")
case True
note CondAnd = this
from BinOp.prems obtain
nrm_A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) (simp_all add: CondAnd)
from T BinOp.prems CondAnd
have "Env\<turnstile>BinOp binop e1 e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
by (simp)
with eval normal_s2
have ass_if: "assigns_if (the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2))
(BinOp binop e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx)
have "(assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
proof (cases "the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2)")
case True
with ass_if CondAnd
have "assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
thus ?thesis by blast
case False
with ass_if CondAnd
have "assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp only: False)
thus ?thesis by blast
with s0_s2
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondAnd e1 e2)) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
thus ?thesis by (simp only: nrm_A)
case False
note notCondAnd = this
show ?thesis
proof (cases "binop=CondOr")
case True
note CondOr = this
from BinOp.prems obtain
nrm_A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondOr e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondOr e1 e2))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) (simp_all add: CondOr)
from T BinOp.prems CondOr
have "Env\<turnstile>BinOp binop e1 e2\<Colon>-PrimT Boolean"
by (simp)
with eval normal_s2
have ass_if: "assigns_if (the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2))
(BinOp binop e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx)
have "(assigns_if True (BinOp CondOr e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondOr e1 e2)) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
proof (cases "the_Bool (eval_binop binop v1 v2)")
case True
with ass_if CondOr
have "assigns_if True (BinOp CondOr e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp)
thus ?thesis by blast
case False
with ass_if CondOr
have "assigns_if False (BinOp CondOr e1 e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp)
thus ?thesis by blast
with s0_s2
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> (assigns_if True (BinOp CondOr e1 e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (BinOp CondOr e1 e2)) \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
thus ?thesis by (simp only: nrm_A)
case False
with notCondAnd obtain notAndOr: "binop\<noteq>CondAnd" "binop\<noteq>CondOr"
by simp
from BinOp.prems obtain E1
where da_e1: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (snd (Norm s0))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1"
and da_e2: "Env\<turnstile> nrm E1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases) (simp_all add: notAndOr)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e1) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_e1 da_e1 G normal_s1
obtain "?NormalAssigned s1 E1"
by simp
with normal_s1 have "nrm E1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" by iprover
with da_e2 obtain A'
where da_e2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
from notAndOr have "need_second_arg binop v1" by simp
with BinOp.hyps
have "PROP ?Hyp (In1l e2) s1 s2" by simp
with wt_e2 da_e2' G
obtain "?NormalAssigned s2 A'"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' normal_s2
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
fix j have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
from BinOp.prems T
have "Env\<turnstile>In1l (BinOp binop e1 e2)\<Colon>Inl (PrimT (binop_type binop))"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Super s Env T A)
from Super.prems
have "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
thus ?case by simp
case (Acc s0 v w upd s1 Env T A)
show ?case
proof (cases "\<exists> vn. v = LVar vn")
case True
then obtain vn where vn: "v=LVar vn"..
from Acc.prems
have "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))"
by (simp only: vn) (elim da_elim_cases,simp_all)
from `G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>v=\<succ>(w, upd)\<rightarrow> s1`
have "s1=Norm s0"
by (simp only: vn) (elim eval_elim_cases,simp)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
case False
note G = `prg Env = G`
from False Acc.prems
have da_v: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>v\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp_all
from Acc.prems obtain vT where
wt_v: "Env\<turnstile>v\<Colon>=vT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In2 v) (Norm s0) s1`
with wt_v da_v G obtain
"?NormalAssigned s1 A" and
"?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s1 A" and
"?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s1"
by simp
thus ?thesis by (intro conjI)
case (Ass s0 var w upd s1 e v s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Ass.prems obtain varT eT where
wt_var: "Env\<turnstile>var\<Colon>=varT" and
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
have eval_var: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>var=\<succ>(w, upd)\<rightarrow> s1"
using Ass.hyps by (simp only: G)
have "?NormalAssigned (assign upd v s2) A"
assume normal_ass_s2: "normal (assign upd v s2)"
from normal_ass_s2
have normal_s2: "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: assign_def Let_def)
hence normal_s1: "normal s1"
by - (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format], rule Ass.hyps)
note hyp_var = `PROP ?Hyp (In2 var) (Norm s0) s1`
note hyp_e = `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2`
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign upd v s2)))"
proof (cases "\<exists> vn. var = LVar vn")
case True
then obtain vn where vn: "var=LVar vn"..
from Ass.prems obtain E where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" and
nrm_A: "nrm A = nrm E \<union> {vn}"
by (elim da_elim_cases) (insert vn,auto)
obtain E' where
da_e': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E'" and
E_E': "nrm E \<subseteq> nrm E'"
proof -
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule Ass.hyps)
with da_e show thesis
by (rule da_weakenE) (rule that)
from G eval_var vn
have eval_lvar: "G\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>LVar vn=\<succ>(w, upd)\<rightarrow> s1"
by simp
then have upd: "upd = snd (lvar vn (store s1))"
by cases (cases "lvar vn (store s1)",simp)
have "nrm E \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign upd v s2)))"
proof -
from hyp_e wt_e da_e' G normal_s2
have "nrm E' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
from upd
have "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (upd v s2)))"
by (simp add: lvar_def) blast
hence "dom (locals (store s2))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign upd v s2)))"
by (rule dom_locals_assign_mono)
show ?thesis using E_E'
by blast
from upd normal_s2
have "{vn} \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign upd v s2)))"
by (auto simp add: assign_def Let_def lvar_def upd split: split_split)
show "nrm A \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least [elim_format]) (simp add: nrm_A)
case False
from Ass.prems obtain V where
da_var: "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))) \<guillemotright>\<langle>var\<rangle>\<guillemotright> V" and
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> nrm V \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases) (insert False,simp+)
from hyp_var wt_var da_var G normal_s1
have "nrm V \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
with da_e obtain A'
where da_e': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
from hyp_e wt_e da_e' G normal_s2
obtain "nrm A' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' have "nrm A \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by blast
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (assign upd v s2)))"
proof -
from eval_var normal_s1
have "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (upd v s2)))"
by (cases rule: dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
(cases s2, simp)
thus ?thesis
by (rule dom_locals_assign_mono)
finally show ?thesis .
fix j have "abrupt (assign upd v s2) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>var:=e-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> (assign upd v s2)"
by (simp only: G) (rule eval.Ass Ass.hyps)+
from Ass.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with Ass.prems have "Env\<turnstile>var:=e\<Colon>-T'" by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (assign upd v s2) A"
and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (assign upd v s2)"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Cond s0 e0 b s1 e1 e2 v s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
assume normal_s2: "normal s2"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof (cases "Env\<turnstile>(e0 ? e1 : e2)\<Colon>-(PrimT Boolean)")
case True
with Cond.prems
have nrm_A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> (assigns_if True (e0 ? e1 : e2) \<inter>
assigns_if False (e0 ? e1 : e2))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp_all
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>(e0 ? e1 : e2)-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s2"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Cond Cond.hyps)+
from eval
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))\<subseteq>dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
from eval normal_s2 True
have ass_if: "assigns_if (the_Bool v) (e0 ? e1 : e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx)
have "assigns_if True (e0 ? e1:e2) \<inter> assigns_if False (e0 ? e1:e2)
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof (cases "the_Bool v")
case True
from ass_if
have "assigns_if True (e0 ? e1:e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp only: True)
thus ?thesis by blast
case False
from ass_if
have "assigns_if False (e0 ? e1:e2) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp only: False)
thus ?thesis by blast
ultimately show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by (simp only: nrm_A) (rule Un_least)
case False
with Cond.prems obtain E1 E2 where
da_e1: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if True e0) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1" and
da_e2: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if False e0) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2" and
nrm_A: "nrm A = nrm E1 \<inter> nrm E2"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp_all
from Cond.prems obtain e1T e2T where
wt_e0: "Env\<turnstile>e0\<Colon>- PrimT Boolean" and
wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T" and
wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have s0_s1: "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule Cond.hyps)
have eval_e0: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e0-\<succ>b\<rightarrow> s1"
unfolding G by (rule Cond.hyps)
have normal_s1: "normal s1"
by (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format]) (rule Cond.hyps, rule normal_s2)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "the_Bool b")
case True
from True Cond.hyps have "PROP ?Hyp (In1l e1) s1 s2" by simp
from eval_e0 normal_s1 wt_e0
have "assigns_if True e0 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp only: True)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if True e0 \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with da_e1 obtain E1' where
da_e1': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1'" and
nrm_E1_E1': "nrm E1 \<subseteq> nrm E1'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
ultimately have "nrm E1' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
using wt_e1 G normal_s2 by simp
with nrm_E1_E1' show ?thesis
by (simp only: nrm_A) blast
case False
from False Cond.hyps have "PROP ?Hyp (In1l e2) s1 s2" by simp
from eval_e0 normal_s1 wt_e0
have "assigns_if False e0 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule assigns_if_good_approx [elim_format]) (simp only: False)
with s0_s1
have "dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))
\<union> assigns_if False e0 \<subseteq> \<dots>"
by (rule Un_least)
with da_e2 obtain E2' where
da_e2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E2'" and
nrm_E2_E2': "nrm E2 \<subseteq> nrm E2'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
ultimately have "nrm E2' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
using wt_e2 G normal_s2 by simp
with nrm_E2_E2' show ?thesis
by (simp only: nrm_A) blast
fix j have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>e0 ? e1 : e2-\<succ>v\<rightarrow> s2"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Cond Cond.hyps)+
from Cond.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with Cond.prems have "Env\<turnstile>e0 ? e1 : e2\<Colon>-T'" by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Call s0 e a s1 args vs s2 D mode statT mn pTs s3 s3' accC v s4
Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
have "?NormalAssigned (restore_lvars s2 s4) A"
assume normal_restore_lvars: "normal (restore_lvars s2 s4)"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (restore_lvars s2 s4)))"
proof -
from Call.prems obtain E where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))\<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" and
da_args: "Env\<turnstile> nrm E \<guillemotright>\<langle>args\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Call.prems obtain eT argsT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" and
wt_args: "Env\<turnstile>args\<Colon>\<doteq>argsT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
note s3 = `s3 = init_lvars G D \<lparr>name = mn, parTs = pTs\<rparr> mode a vs s2`
note s3' = `s3' = check_method_access G accC statT mode
\<lparr>name=mn,parTs=pTs\<rparr> a s3`
have normal_s2: "normal s2"
proof -
from normal_restore_lvars have "normal s4"
by simp
then have "normal s3'"
by - (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format], rule Call.hyps)
with s3' have "normal s3"
by (cases s3) (simp add: check_method_access_def Let_def)
with s3 show "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: init_lvars_def Let_def)
then have normal_s1: "normal s1"
by - (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format], rule Call.hyps)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1`
with da_e wt_e G normal_s1
have "nrm E \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by simp
with da_args obtain A' where
da_args': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>args\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
note `PROP ?Hyp (In3 args) s1 s2`
with da_args' wt_args G normal_s2
have "nrm A' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' have "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (restore_lvars s2 s4)))"
by (cases s4) simp
finally show ?thesis .
fix j have "abrupt (restore_lvars s2 s4) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>({accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs}args))-\<succ>v
\<rightarrow> (restore_lvars s2 s4)"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Call Call)+
from Call.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with Call.prems have "Env\<turnstile>({accC,statT,mode}e\<cdot>mn( {pTs}args))\<Colon>-T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (restore_lvars s2 s4) A"
and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (restore_lvars s2 s4)"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Methd s0 D sig v s1 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Methd.prems obtain m where
m: "methd (prg Env) D sig = Some m" and
da_body: "Env\<turnstile>(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))
\<guillemotright>\<langle>Body (declclass m) (stmt (mbody (mthd m)))\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by - (erule da_elim_cases)
from Methd.prems m obtain
isCls: "is_class (prg Env) D" and
wt_body: "Env \<turnstile>In1l (Body (declclass m) (stmt (mbody (mthd m))))\<Colon>T"
by - (erule wt_elim_cases,simp)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l (body G D sig)) (Norm s0) s1`
from wt_body have "Env\<turnstile>In1l (body G D sig)\<Colon>T"
using isCls m G by (simp add: body_def2)
from da_body have "Env\<turnstile>(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))
\<guillemotright>\<langle>body G D sig\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
using isCls m G by (simp add: body_def2)
ultimately show ?case
using G by simp
case (Body s0 D s1 c s2 s3 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
from Body.prems
have nrm_A: "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0 \<midarrow>Body D c-\<succ>the (locals (store s2) Result)
\<rightarrow>abupd (absorb Ret) s3"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Body Body.hyps)+
hence "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store (abupd (absorb Ret) s3)))"
by (simp only: nrm_A) (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim)
hence "?NormalAssigned (abupd (absorb Ret) s3) A"
by simp
from eval have "\<And> j. abrupt (abupd (absorb Ret) s3) \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
by (rule Body_no_jump) simp
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (absorb Ret) s3) A" and
"?ResAssigned (Norm s0) (abupd (absorb Ret) s3)"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (LVar s vn Env T A)
from LVar.prems
have "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
thus ?case by simp
case (FVar s0 statDeclC s1 e a s2 v s2' stat fn s3 accC Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
have "?NormalAssigned s3 A"
assume normal_s3: "normal s3"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
note fvar = `(v, s2') = fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2` and
s3 = `s3 = check_field_access G accC statDeclC fn stat a s2'`
from FVar.prems
have da_e: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))\<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from FVar.prems obtain eT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have "(dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))
\<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
by (rule dom_locals_eval_mono_elim) (rule FVar.hyps)
with da_e obtain A' where
da_e': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
have normal_s2: "normal s2"
proof -
from normal_s3 s3
have "normal s2'"
by (cases s2') (simp add: check_field_access_def Let_def)
with fvar
show "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: fvar_def2)
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) s1 s2`
with da_e' wt_e G normal_s2
have "nrm A' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' have "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
proof -
from fvar have "s2' = snd (fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2)"
by (cases "fvar statDeclC stat fn a s2") simp
hence "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
by (simp) (rule dom_locals_fvar_mono)
also from s3 have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s3))"
by (cases s2') (simp add: check_field_access_def Let_def)
finally show ?thesis .
finally show ?thesis .
fix j have "abrupt s3 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
obtain w upd where v: "(w,upd)=v"
by (cases v) auto
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0\<midarrow>({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn)=\<succ>(w,upd)\<rightarrow>s3"
by (simp only: G v) (rule eval.FVar FVar.hyps)+
from FVar.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with FVar.prems have "Env\<turnstile>({accC,statDeclC,stat}e..fn)\<Colon>=T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_var_no_jump [THEN conjunct1]) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s3 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s3"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (AVar s0 e1 a s1 e2 i s2 v s2' Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
have "?NormalAssigned s2' A"
assume normal_s2': "normal s2'"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
proof -
note avar = `(v, s2') = avar G i a s2`
from AVar.prems obtain E1 where
da_e1: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))\<guillemotright>\<langle>e1\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E1" and
da_e2: "Env\<turnstile> nrm E1 \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from AVar.prems obtain e1T e2T where
wt_e1: "Env\<turnstile>e1\<Colon>-e1T" and
wt_e2: "Env\<turnstile>e2\<Colon>-e2T"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
from avar normal_s2'
have normal_s2: "normal s2"
by (cases s2) (simp add: avar_def2)
hence "normal s1"
by - (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format], rule AVar, rule normal_s2)
moreover note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e1) (Norm s0) s1`
ultimately have "nrm E1 \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
using da_e1 wt_e1 G by simp
with da_e2 obtain A' where
da_e2': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>e2\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e2) s1 s2`
with da_e2' wt_e2 G normal_s2
have "nrm A' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' have "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
also have "\<dots> \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
proof -
from avar have "s2' = snd (avar G i a s2)"
by (cases "(avar G i a s2)") simp
thus "dom (locals (store s2)) \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2'))"
by (simp) (rule dom_locals_avar_mono)
finally show ?thesis .
fix j have "abrupt s2' \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
obtain w upd where v: "(w,upd)=v"
by (cases v) auto
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0\<midarrow>(e1.[e2])=\<succ>(w,upd)\<rightarrow>s2'"
unfolding G v by (rule eval.AVar AVar.hyps)+
from AVar.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inl T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with AVar.prems have "Env\<turnstile>(e1.[e2])\<Colon>=T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_var_no_jump [THEN conjunct1]) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2' A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2'"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
case (Nil s0 Env T A)
from Nil.prems
have "nrm A = dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state)))"
by (elim da_elim_cases) simp
thus ?case by simp
case (Cons s0 e v s1 es vs s2 Env T A)
note G = `prg Env = G`
have "?NormalAssigned s2 A"
assume normal_s2: "normal s2"
show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
proof -
from Cons.prems obtain E where
da_e: "Env\<turnstile> (dom (locals (store ((Norm s0)::state))))\<guillemotright>\<langle>e\<rangle>\<guillemotright> E" and
da_es: "Env\<turnstile> nrm E \<guillemotright>\<langle>es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A"
by (elim da_elim_cases)
from Cons.prems obtain eT esT where
wt_e: "Env\<turnstile>e\<Colon>-eT" and
wt_es: "Env\<turnstile>es\<Colon>\<doteq>esT"
by (elim wt_elim_cases)
have "normal s1"
by - (rule eval_no_abrupt_lemma [rule_format], rule Cons.hyps, rule normal_s2)
moreover note `PROP ?Hyp (In1l e) (Norm s0) s1`
ultimately have "nrm E \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))"
using da_e wt_e G by simp
with da_es obtain A' where
da_es': "Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s1)) \<guillemotright>\<langle>es\<rangle>\<guillemotright> A'" and
nrm_A_A': "nrm A \<subseteq> nrm A'"
by (rule da_weakenE) iprover
note `PROP ?Hyp (In3 es) s1 s2`
with da_es' wt_es G normal_s2
have "nrm A' \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by simp
with nrm_A_A' show "nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s2))"
by blast
fix j have "abrupt s2 \<noteq> Some (Jump j)"
proof -
have eval: "prg Env\<turnstile>Norm s0\<midarrow>(e # es)\<doteq>\<succ>v#vs\<rightarrow>s2"
unfolding G by (rule eval.Cons Cons.hyps)+
from Cons.prems
obtain T' where "T=Inr T'"
by (elim wt_elim_cases) simp
with Cons.prems have "Env\<turnstile>(e # es)\<Colon>\<doteq>T'"
by simp
from eval _ this
show ?thesis
by (rule eval_expression_list_no_jump) (simp_all add: G wf)
hence "?BreakAssigned (Norm s0) s2 A" and "?ResAssigned (Norm s0) s2"
by simp_all
ultimately show ?case by (intro conjI)
lemma da_good_approxE:
"prg Env\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v, s1)" and "Env\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T" and
"Env\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A" and "wf_prog (prg Env)"
"normal s1 \<Longrightarrow> nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
"\<And> l. \<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l)); normal s0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
"\<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump Ret);normal s0\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow>Result \<in> dom (locals (store s1))"
using assms by - (drule (3) da_good_approx, simp)
(* Same as above but with explicit environment;
It would be nicer to find a "normalized" way to right down those things
in Bali.
lemma da_good_approxE':
assumes eval: "G\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v, s1)"
and wt: "\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>t\<Colon>T"
and da: "\<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile> dom (locals (store s0)) \<guillemotright>t\<guillemotright> A"
and wf: "wf_prog G"
obtains "normal s1 \<Longrightarrow> nrm A \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
"\<And> l. \<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump (Break l)); normal s0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> brk A l \<subseteq> dom (locals (store s1))" and
"\<lbrakk>abrupt s1 = Some (Jump Ret);normal s0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Result \<in> dom (locals (store s1))"
proof -
from eval have "prg \<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>\<turnstile>s0 \<midarrow>t\<succ>\<rightarrow> (v, s1)" by simp
moreover note wt da
moreover from wf have "wf_prog (prg \<lparr>prg=G,cls=C,lcl=L\<rparr>)" by simp
ultimately show thesis
using that by (rule da_good_approxE) iprover+
declare [[simproc add: wt_expr wt_var wt_exprs wt_stmt]]