ERRATA in Springer book
Thanks to Sara Kalvala, Tobias Nipkow
* = corrected by sending new pages
*page 50: In section heading, Mixfix should be mixfix
*page 217 and 251: fst and snd should be fst_conv and snd_conv.
*Also affects index: pages 310 and 317!
*page 224: type of id, namely $\To i$, should be $i \To i$
page 52: the declaration "types bool,nat" is illegal
should be addsimps in 'val add_ss = FOL_ss addrews [add_0, add_Suc]'
Ref/introduction: documented show_brackets; added\pageref{sec:goals-printing}
Ref/goals: in 'Printing the proof state' added \ref{sec:printing-control}
Ref/tactic: documented subgoals_tac
Ref/theories: added init_thy_reader and removed extend_theory.
Ref/defining: type constraints ("::") now have a very low priority of 4.
As in ML, they must be enclosed in paretheses most of the time.
Ref/syntax (page 145?): deleted repeated "the" in "before the the .thy file"
Logics/ZF: ****************
renamed mem_anti_sym and mem_anti_refl to mem_asym and mem_irrefl
renamed union_iff to Union_iff
renamed power_set to Pow_iff
DiffD2: now is really a destruction rule
escaped braces in qconverse_def, QSigma_def, lfp_def, gfp_def