author haftmann
Fri, 15 Feb 2013 08:31:31 +0100
changeset 51143 0a2371e7ced3
parent 47108 2a1953f0d20d
child 51542 738598beeb26
permissions -rw-r--r--
two target language numeral types: integer and natural, as replacement for code_numeral; former theory HOL/Library/Code_Numeral_Types replaces HOL/Code_Numeral; refined stack of theories implementing int and/or nat by target language numerals; reduced number of target language numeral types to exactly one

(* Authors: Florian Haftmann, Johannes Hölzl, Tobias Nipkow *)

theory Code_Real_Approx_By_Float
imports Complex_Main "~~/src/HOL/Library/Code_Target_Int"

text{* \textbf{WARNING} This theory implements mathematical reals by machine
reals (floats). This is inconsistent. See the proof of False at the end of
the theory, where an equality on mathematical reals is (incorrectly)
disproved by mapping it to machine reals.

The value command cannot display real results yet.

The only legitimate use of this theory is as a tool for code generation
purposes. *}

code_type real
  (SML   "real")
  (OCaml "float")

code_const Ratreal
  (SML "error/ \"Bad constant: Ratreal\"")

code_const "0 :: real"
  (SML   "0.0")
  (OCaml "0.0")
declare zero_real_code[code_unfold del]

code_const "1 :: real"
  (SML   "1.0")
  (OCaml "1.0")
declare one_real_code[code_unfold del]

code_const "HOL.equal :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
  (SML   "Real.== ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.(=)")

code_const "Orderings.less_eq :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
  (SML   "Real.<= ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.(<=)")

code_const "Orderings.less :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
  (SML   "Real.< ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.(<)")

code_const "op + :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Real.+ ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.( +. )")

code_const "op * :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Real.* ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.( *. )")

code_const "op - :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Real.- ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.( -. )")

code_const "uminus :: real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Real.~")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.( ~-. )")

code_const "op / :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Real.'/ ((_), (_))")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.( '/. )")

code_const "HOL.equal :: real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool"
  (SML   "Real.== ((_:real), (_))")

code_const "sqrt :: real \<Rightarrow> real"
  (SML   "Math.sqrt")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.sqrt")
declare sqrt_def[code del]

definition real_exp :: "real \<Rightarrow> real" where "real_exp = exp"

lemma exp_eq_real_exp[code_unfold]: "exp = real_exp"
  unfolding real_exp_def ..

code_const real_exp
  (SML   "Math.exp")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.exp")
declare real_exp_def[code del]
declare exp_def[code del]

hide_const (open) real_exp

code_const ln
  (SML   "Math.ln")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.ln")
declare ln_def[code del]

code_const cos
  (SML   "Math.cos")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.cos")
declare cos_def[code del]

code_const sin
  (SML   "Math.sin")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.sin")
declare sin_def[code del]

code_const pi
  (SML   "Math.pi")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.pi")
declare pi_def[code del]

code_const arctan
  (SML   "Math.atan")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.atan")
declare arctan_def[code del]

code_const arccos
  (SML   "Math.scos")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.acos")
declare arccos_def[code del]

code_const arcsin
  (SML   "Math.asin")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.asin")
declare arcsin_def[code del]

definition real_of_integer :: "integer \<Rightarrow> real" where
  "real_of_integer = of_int \<circ> int_of_integer"

code_const real_of_integer
  (SML "Real.fromInt")
  (OCaml "Pervasives.float (Big''_of'_big'_int (_))")

definition real_of_int :: "int \<Rightarrow> real" where
  [code_abbrev]: "real_of_int = of_int"

lemma [code]:
  "real_of_int = real_of_integer \<circ> integer_of_int"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff real_of_integer_def real_of_int_def)

lemma [code_unfold del]:
  "0 \<equiv> (of_rat 0 :: real)"
  by simp

lemma [code_unfold del]:
  "1 \<equiv> (of_rat 1 :: real)"
  by simp

lemma [code_unfold del]:
  "numeral k \<equiv> (of_rat (numeral k) :: real)"
  by simp

lemma [code_unfold del]:
  "neg_numeral k \<equiv> (of_rat (neg_numeral k) :: real)"
  by simp

hide_const (open) real_of_int

  have "cos (pi/2) = 0" by (rule cos_pi_half)
  moreover have "cos (pi/2) \<noteq> 0" by eval
  ultimately have "False" by blast
