author blanchet
Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:36:35 +0200
changeset 43191 0a72c0527111
parent 42632 ebec0c1a5984
child 42915 f35aae36cad0
permissions -rw-r--r--
fixed reconstruction of new Skolem constants in new Metis

\let\intorig=\int  %iman.sty redefines \int


\title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_isar} \\[4ex] The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual}
\author{\emph{Makarius Wenzel} \\[3ex]
  With Contributions by
  Clemens Ballarin,
  Stefan Berghofer, \\
  Timothy Bourke,
  Lucas Dixon,
  Florian Haftmann, \\
  Gerwin Klein,
  Alexander Krauss,
  Tobias Nipkow, \\
  David von Oheimb,
  Larry Paulson,
  and Sebastian Skalberg





\pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents \clearfirst

\part{Basic Concepts}
\part{General Language Elements}


  \bibliographystyle{abbrv} \small\raggedright\frenchspacing

