(* Title: Pure/Syntax/ast.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Abstract syntax trees, translation rules, matching and normalization of asts.
signature AST0 =
datatype ast =
Constant of string |
Variable of string |
Appl of ast list
exception AST of string * ast list
signature AST1 =
include AST0
val mk_appl: ast -> ast list -> ast
val str_of_ast: ast -> string
val pretty_ast: ast -> Pretty.T
val pretty_rule: ast * ast -> Pretty.T
val pprint_ast: ast -> pprint_args -> unit
val trace_norm_ast: bool ref
val stat_norm_ast: bool ref
signature AST =
include AST1
val head_of_rule: ast * ast -> string
val rule_error: ast * ast -> string option
val fold_ast: string -> ast list -> ast
val fold_ast_p: string -> ast list * ast -> ast
val unfold_ast: string -> ast -> ast list
val unfold_ast_p: string -> ast -> ast list * ast
val normalize: bool -> bool -> (string -> (ast * ast) list) option -> ast -> ast
val normalize_ast: (string -> (ast * ast) list) option -> ast -> ast
structure Ast : AST =
(** abstract syntax trees **)
(*asts come in two flavours:
- ordinary asts representing terms and typs: Variables are (often) treated
like Constants;
- patterns used as lhs and rhs in rules: Variables are placeholders for
proper asts*)
datatype ast =
Constant of string | (*"not", "_abs", "fun"*)
Variable of string | (*x, ?x, 'a, ?'a*)
Appl of ast list; (*(f x y z), ("fun" 'a 'b), ("_abs" x t)*)
(*the list of subasts of an Appl node has to contain at least 2 elements, i.e.
there are no empty asts or nullary applications; use mk_appl for convenience*)
fun mk_appl f [] = f
| mk_appl f args = Appl (f :: args);
(*exception for system errors involving asts*)
exception AST of string * ast list;
(** print asts in a LISP-like style **)
(* str_of_ast *)
fun str_of_ast (Constant a) = quote a
| str_of_ast (Variable x) = x
| str_of_ast (Appl asts) = "(" ^ (space_implode " " (map str_of_ast asts)) ^ ")";
(* pretty_ast *)
fun pretty_ast (Constant a) = Pretty.str (quote a)
| pretty_ast (Variable x) = Pretty.str x
| pretty_ast (Appl asts) =
Pretty.enclose "(" ")" (Pretty.breaks (map pretty_ast asts));
(* pprint_ast *)
val pprint_ast = Pretty.pprint o pretty_ast;
(* pretty_rule *)
fun pretty_rule (lhs, rhs) =
Pretty.block [pretty_ast lhs, Pretty.str " ->", Pretty.brk 2, pretty_ast rhs];
(* head_of_ast, head_of_rule *)
fun head_of_ast (Constant a) = Some a
| head_of_ast (Appl (Constant a :: _)) = Some a
| head_of_ast _ = None;
fun head_of_rule (lhs, _) = the (head_of_ast lhs);
(** check translation rules **)
(*a wellformed rule (lhs, rhs): (ast * ast) obeys the following conditions:
- the head of lhs is a constant,
- the lhs has unique vars,
- vars of rhs is subset of vars of lhs*)
fun rule_error (rule as (lhs, rhs)) =
fun vars_of (Constant _) = []
| vars_of (Variable x) = [x]
| vars_of (Appl asts) = flat (map vars_of asts);
fun unique (x :: xs) = not (x mem xs) andalso unique xs
| unique [] = true;
val lvars = vars_of lhs;
val rvars = vars_of rhs;
if is_none (head_of_ast lhs) then Some "lhs has no constant head"
else if not (unique lvars) then Some "duplicate vars in lhs"
else if not (rvars subset lvars) then Some "rhs contains extra variables"
else None
(** ast translation utilities **)
(* fold asts *)
fun fold_ast _ [] = raise Match
| fold_ast _ [y] = y
| fold_ast c (x :: xs) = Appl [Constant c, x, fold_ast c xs];
fun fold_ast_p c = foldr (fn (x, xs) => Appl [Constant c, x, xs]);
(* unfold asts *)
fun unfold_ast c (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
if c = c' then x :: (unfold_ast c xs) else [y]
| unfold_ast _ y = [y];
fun unfold_ast_p c (y as Appl [Constant c', x, xs]) =
if c = c' then apfst (cons x) (unfold_ast_p c xs)
else ([], y)
| unfold_ast_p _ y = ([], y);
(** normalization of asts **)
(* tracing options *)
val trace_norm_ast = ref false;
val stat_norm_ast = ref false;
(* match *)
fun match ast pat =
exception NO_MATCH;
fun mtch (Constant a) (Constant b) env =
if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
| mtch (Variable a) (Constant b) env =
if a = b then env else raise NO_MATCH
| mtch ast (Variable x) env = Symtab.update ((x, ast), env)
| mtch (Appl asts) (Appl pats) env = mtch_lst asts pats env
| mtch _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH
and mtch_lst (ast :: asts) (pat :: pats) env =
mtch_lst asts pats (mtch ast pat env)
| mtch_lst [] [] env = env
| mtch_lst _ _ _ = raise NO_MATCH;
val (head, args) =
(case (ast, pat) of
(Appl asts, Appl pats) =>
let val a = length asts and p = length pats in
if a > p then (Appl (take (p, asts)), drop (p, asts))
else (ast, [])
| _ => (ast, []));
Some (mtch head pat Symtab.empty, args) handle NO_MATCH => None
(* normalize *)
(*the normalizer works yoyo-like: top-down, bottom-up, top-down, ...*)
fun normalize trace stat get_rules pre_ast =
val passes = ref 0;
val lookups = ref 0;
val failed_matches = ref 0;
val changes = ref 0;
fun subst _ (ast as Constant _) = ast
| subst env (Variable x) = the (Symtab.lookup (env, x))
| subst env (Appl asts) = Appl (map (subst env) asts);
fun try_rules ast ((lhs, rhs) :: pats) =
(case match ast lhs of
Some (env, args) =>
(inc changes; Some (mk_appl (subst env rhs) args))
| None => (inc failed_matches; try_rules ast pats))
| try_rules _ [] = None;
fun try ast a = (inc lookups; try_rules ast (the get_rules a));
fun rewrite (ast as Constant a) = try ast a
| rewrite (ast as Variable a) = try ast a
| rewrite (ast as Appl (Constant a :: _)) = try ast a
| rewrite (ast as Appl (Variable a :: _)) = try ast a
| rewrite _ = None;
fun rewrote old_ast new_ast =
if trace then
writeln ("rewrote: " ^ str_of_ast old_ast ^ " -> " ^ str_of_ast new_ast)
else ();
fun norm_root ast =
(case rewrite ast of
Some new_ast => (rewrote ast new_ast; norm_root new_ast)
| None => ast);
fun norm ast =
(case norm_root ast of
Appl sub_asts =>
val old_changes = ! changes;
val new_ast = Appl (map norm sub_asts);
if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else norm_root new_ast
| atomic_ast => atomic_ast);
fun normal ast =
val old_changes = ! changes;
val new_ast = norm ast;
inc passes;
if old_changes = ! changes then new_ast else normal new_ast
val _ = if trace then writeln ("pre: " ^ str_of_ast pre_ast) else ();
val post_ast = if is_some get_rules then normal pre_ast else pre_ast;
if trace orelse stat then
writeln ("post: " ^ str_of_ast post_ast ^ "\nnormalize: " ^
string_of_int (! passes) ^ " passes, " ^
string_of_int (! lookups) ^ " lookups, " ^
string_of_int (! changes) ^ " changes, " ^
string_of_int (! failed_matches) ^ " matches failed")
else ();
(* normalize_ast *)
fun normalize_ast get_rules ast =
normalize (! trace_norm_ast) (! stat_norm_ast) get_rules ast;