/* Title: Pure/Tools/java_monitor.scala
Author: Makarius
Wrapper for the OpenJDK "jconsole" tool, with various adjustments.
package isabelle
import java.awt.Component
import javax.swing.UIManager
import sun.tools.jconsole.{JConsole, LocalVirtualMachine, VMPanel, ProxyClient,
Messages, Resources => JConsoleResources}
object Java_Monitor
/* default arguments */
def default_pid: Long = ProcessHandle.current().pid
val default_update_interval = Time.seconds(3)
/* java monitor on this JVM: asynchronous GUI application with with system exit */
def java_monitor_internal(
pid: Long = default_pid,
look_and_feel: String = "",
update_interval: Time = default_update_interval): Unit =
val vm =
if (pid.toInt.toLong == pid) LocalVirtualMachine.getLocalVirtualMachine(pid.toInt)
else null
if (vm == null) error("Bad JVM process " + pid)
GUI_Thread.later {
proper_string(look_and_feel) match {
case None =>
case Some(laf) =>
System.setProperty("swing.defaultlaf", laf)
Desktop_App.about_handler {
GUI.dialog(null, "Java Monitor",
Messages.JCONSOLE_VERSION, System.getProperty("java.runtime.version"))
val jconsole = new JConsole(false)
val screen = GUI.mouse_location()
val width = (1200 max (screen.bounds.width / 2)) min screen.bounds.width
val height = (900 max (screen.bounds.height / 2)) min screen.bounds.height
screen.bounds.x + (screen.bounds.width - width) / 2,
screen.bounds.y + (screen.bounds.height - height) / 2,
width, height)
Untyped.method(classOf[JConsole], "createMDI").invoke(jconsole)
Isabelle_Thread.fork(name = "JConsole.addVmid") {
try {
val proxy_client = ProxyClient.getProxyClient(vm)
GUI_Thread.later {
try {
val vm_panel =
Untyped.constructor(classOf[VMPanel], classOf[ProxyClient], Integer.TYPE)
.newInstance(proxy_client, java.lang.Integer.valueOf(update_interval.ms.toInt))
Untyped.field(vm_panel, "shouldUseSSL").setBoolean(vm_panel, false)
Untyped.method(classOf[JConsole], "addFrame", classOf[VMPanel])
.invoke(jconsole, vm_panel)
GUI_Thread.later { jconsole.tileWindows() }
catch {
case exn: Throwable =>
GUI.error_dialog(jconsole, "Error", GUI.scrollable_text(Exn.message(exn)))
catch {
case exn: Throwable =>
GUI.error_dialog(jconsole, "Error", GUI.scrollable_text(Exn.message(exn)))
/* java monitor on new JVM: asynchronous process */
def java_monitor_external(
parent: Component,
pid: Long = default_pid,
look_and_feel: String = "",
update_interval: Time = default_update_interval): Unit =
Future.thread(name = "java_monitor", daemon = true) {
try {
"isabelle java_monitor " +
" -P " + Bash.string(pid.toString) +
" -L " + Bash.string(look_and_feel) +
" -s " + Bash.string(update_interval.seconds.toString)).check
catch {
case exn: Throwable =>
GUI_Thread.later {
GUI.error_dialog(parent, "System error", GUI.scrollable_text(Exn.message(exn)))
/* command line entry point */
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
Command_Line.tool {
var look_and_feel = ""
var pid = 0L
var update_interval = default_update_interval
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle java_monitor [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-L CLASS class name of GUI look-and-feel
-P PID Java process id (REQUIRED)
-s SECONDS update interval in seconds (default: """ + default_update_interval + """)
Monitor another Java process.
"L:" -> (arg => look_and_feel = arg),
"P:" -> (arg => pid = Value.Long.parse(arg)),
"s:" -> (arg => update_interval = Time.seconds(Value.Double.parse(arg))))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty || pid == 0L) getopts.usage()
java_monitor_internal(pid = pid, look_and_feel = look_and_feel, update_interval = update_interval)