/* Title: Pure/Isar/token.scala
Author: Makarius
Outer token syntax for Isabelle/Isar.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.parsing.input
object Token {
/* tokens */
object Kind extends Enumeration {
/*immediate source*/
val COMMAND = Value("command")
val KEYWORD = Value("keyword")
val IDENT = Value("identifier")
val LONG_IDENT = Value("long identifier")
val SYM_IDENT = Value("symbolic identifier")
val VAR = Value("schematic variable")
val TYPE_IDENT = Value("type variable")
val TYPE_VAR = Value("schematic type variable")
val NAT = Value("natural number")
val FLOAT = Value("floating-point number")
val SPACE = Value("white space")
/*delimited content*/
val STRING = Value("string")
val ALT_STRING = Value("back-quoted string")
val CARTOUCHE = Value("text cartouche")
val CONTROL = Value("control cartouche")
val INFORMAL_COMMENT = Value("informal comment")
val FORMAL_COMMENT = Value("formal comment")
/*special content*/
val ERROR = Value("bad input")
val UNPARSED = Value("unparsed input")
/* parsers */
object Parsers extends Parsers
trait Parsers extends Scan.Parsers with Comment.Parsers {
private def delimited_token: Parser[Token] = {
val string = quoted("\"") ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.STRING, x))
val alt_string = quoted("`") ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.ALT_STRING, x))
val cmt = comment ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.INFORMAL_COMMENT, x))
val formal_cmt = comment_cartouche ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.FORMAL_COMMENT, x))
val cart = cartouche ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.CARTOUCHE, x))
val ctrl = control_cartouche ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.CONTROL, x))
string | (alt_string | (cmt | (formal_cmt | (cart | ctrl))))
private def other_token(keywords: Keyword.Keywords): Parser[Token] = {
val letdigs1 = many1(Symbol.is_letdig)
val sub = one(s => s == Symbol.sub_decoded || s == Symbol.sub)
val id =
one(Symbol.is_letter) ~
(rep(letdigs1 | (sub ~ letdigs1 ^^ { case x ~ y => x + y })) ^^ (_.mkString)) ^^
{ case x ~ y => x + y }
val nat = many1(Symbol.is_digit)
val natdot = nat ~ "." ~ nat ^^ { case x ~ y ~ z => x + y + z }
val id_nat = id ~ opt("." ~ nat) ^^ { case x ~ Some(y ~ z) => x + y + z case x ~ None => x }
val ident = id ~ rep("." ~> id) ^^
{ case x ~ Nil => Token(Token.Kind.IDENT, x)
case x ~ ys => Token(Token.Kind.LONG_IDENT, (x :: ys).mkString(".")) }
val var_ = "?" ~ id_nat ^^ { case x ~ y => Token(Token.Kind.VAR, x + y) }
val type_ident = "'" ~ id ^^ { case x ~ y => Token(Token.Kind.TYPE_IDENT, x + y) }
val type_var = "?'" ~ id_nat ^^ { case x ~ y => Token(Token.Kind.TYPE_VAR, x + y) }
val nat_ = nat ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.NAT, x))
val float =
("-" ~ natdot ^^ { case x ~ y => x + y } | natdot) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.FLOAT, x))
val sym_ident =
(many1(Symbol.is_symbolic_char) | one(sym => Symbol.is_symbolic(sym))) ^^
(x => Token(Token.Kind.SYM_IDENT, x))
val keyword =
literal(keywords.major) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.COMMAND, x)) |||
literal(keywords.minor) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, x))
val space = many1(Symbol.is_blank) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.SPACE, x))
val recover_delimited =
(recover_quoted("\"") |
(recover_quoted("`") |
(recover_cartouche | recover_comment))) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.ERROR, x))
val bad = one(_ => true) ^^ (x => Token(Token.Kind.ERROR, x))
space | (recover_delimited |
((keyword |||
(ident | (var_ | (type_ident | (type_var | (float | (nat_ | sym_ident))))))) | bad))
def token(keywords: Keyword.Keywords): Parser[Token] =
delimited_token | other_token(keywords)
def token_line(
keywords: Keyword.Keywords,
ctxt: Scan.Line_Context
) : Parser[(Token, Scan.Line_Context)] = {
val string =
quoted_line("\"", ctxt) ^^ { case (x, c) => (Token(Token.Kind.STRING, x), c) }
val alt_string =
quoted_line("`", ctxt) ^^ { case (x, c) => (Token(Token.Kind.ALT_STRING, x), c) }
val cart = cartouche_line(ctxt) ^^ { case (x, c) => (Token(Token.Kind.CARTOUCHE, x), c) }
val cmt = comment_line(ctxt) ^^ { case (x, c) => (Token(Token.Kind.INFORMAL_COMMENT, x), c) }
val formal_cmt =
comment_cartouche_line(ctxt) ^^ { case (x, c) => (Token(Token.Kind.FORMAL_COMMENT, x), c) }
val other = other_token(keywords) ^^ { case x => (x, Scan.Finished) }
string | (alt_string | (cart | (cmt | (formal_cmt | other))))
/* explode */
def explode(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, inp: CharSequence): List[Token] =
Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.rep(Parsers.token(keywords)), Scan.char_reader(inp)) match {
case Parsers.Success(tokens, _) => tokens
case _ => error("Unexpected failure of tokenizing input:\n" + inp.toString)
def explode_line(
keywords: Keyword.Keywords,
inp: CharSequence,
context: Scan.Line_Context
) : (List[Token], Scan.Line_Context) = {
var in: input.Reader[Char] = Scan.char_reader(inp)
val toks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Token]
var ctxt = context
while (!in.atEnd) {
val result = Parsers.parse(Parsers.token_line(keywords, ctxt), in)
(result : @unchecked) match {
case Parsers.Success((x, c), rest) => toks += x; ctxt = c; in = rest
case Parsers.NoSuccess(_, rest) =>
error("Unexpected failure of tokenizing input:\n" + rest.source.toString)
(toks.toList, ctxt)
val newline: Token = explode(Keyword.Keywords.empty, "\n").head
/* embedded */
def read_embedded(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, inp: CharSequence): Option[Token] =
explode(keywords, inp) match {
case List(tok) if tok.is_embedded => Some(tok)
case _ => None
/* names */
def read_name(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, inp: CharSequence): Option[Token] =
explode(keywords, inp) match {
case List(tok) if tok.is_name => Some(tok)
case _ => None
def quote_name(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, name: String): String =
if (read_name(keywords, name).isDefined) name
else quote(name.replace("\"", "\\\""))
/* plain antiquotation (0 or 1 args) */
def read_antiq_arg(keywords: Keyword.Keywords, inp: CharSequence): Option[(String, Option[String])] =
explode(keywords, inp).filter(_.is_proper) match {
case List(t) if t.is_name => Some(t.content, None)
case List(t1, t2) if t1.is_name && t2.is_embedded => Some(t1.content, Some(t2.content))
case _ => None
/* implode */
def implode(toks: List[Token]): String =
toks match {
case List(tok) => tok.source
case _ => toks.map(_.source).mkString
/* token reader */
object Pos {
val none: Pos = new Pos(0, 0, "", "")
val start: Pos = new Pos(1, 1, "", "")
def file(file: String): Pos = new Pos(1, 1, file, "")
def id(id: String): Pos = new Pos(0, 1, "", id)
val command: Pos = id(Markup.COMMAND)
final class Pos private[Token](
val line: Int,
val offset: Symbol.Offset,
val file: String,
val id: String)
extends input.Position {
def column = 0
def lineContents = ""
def advance(token: Token): Pos = advance(token.source)
def advance(source: String): Pos = {
var line1 = line
var offset1 = offset
for (s <- Symbol.iterator(source)) {
if (line1 > 0 && Symbol.is_newline(s)) line1 += 1
if (offset1 > 0) offset1 += 1
if (line1 == line && offset1 == offset) this
else new Pos(line1, offset1, file, id)
private def position(end_offset: Symbol.Offset): Position.T =
(if (line > 0) Position.Line(line) else Nil) :::
(if (offset > 0) Position.Offset(offset) else Nil) :::
(if (end_offset > 0) Position.End_Offset(end_offset) else Nil) :::
(if (file != "") Position.File(file) else Nil) :::
(if (id != "") Position.Id_String(id) else Nil)
def position(): Position.T = position(0)
def position(token: Token): Position.T = position(advance(token).offset)
def position(source: String): Position.T = position(advance(source).offset)
override def toString: String = Position.here(position(), delimited = false)
abstract class Reader extends input.Reader[Token]
private class Token_Reader(tokens: List[Token], val pos: Pos) extends Reader {
def first: Token = tokens.head
def rest: Token_Reader = new Token_Reader(tokens.tail, pos.advance(first))
def atEnd: Boolean = tokens.isEmpty
def reader(tokens: List[Token], start: Token.Pos): Reader =
new Token_Reader(tokens, start)
sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String) {
def is_command: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.COMMAND
def is_command(name: String): Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.COMMAND && source == name
def is_keyword: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.KEYWORD
def is_keyword(name: String): Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.KEYWORD && source == name
def is_keyword(name: Char): Boolean =
kind == Token.Kind.KEYWORD && source.length == 1 && source(0) == name
def is_delimiter: Boolean = is_keyword && !Symbol.is_ascii_identifier(source)
def is_ident: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.IDENT
def is_sym_ident: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.SYM_IDENT
def is_string: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.STRING
def is_nat: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.NAT
def is_float: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.FLOAT
def is_name: Boolean =
kind == Token.Kind.IDENT ||
kind == Token.Kind.LONG_IDENT ||
kind == Token.Kind.SYM_IDENT ||
kind == Token.Kind.STRING ||
kind == Token.Kind.NAT
def is_embedded: Boolean = is_name ||
kind == Token.Kind.CARTOUCHE ||
kind == Token.Kind.VAR ||
kind == Token.Kind.TYPE_IDENT ||
kind == Token.Kind.TYPE_VAR
def is_space: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.SPACE
def is_informal_comment: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.INFORMAL_COMMENT
def is_formal_comment: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.FORMAL_COMMENT
def is_marker: Boolean =
kind == Token.Kind.FORMAL_COMMENT &&
(source.startsWith(Symbol.marker) || source.startsWith(Symbol.marker_decoded))
def is_comment: Boolean = is_informal_comment || is_formal_comment
def is_ignored: Boolean = is_space || is_informal_comment
def is_proper: Boolean = !is_space && !is_comment
def is_error: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.ERROR
def is_unparsed: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.UNPARSED
def is_unfinished: Boolean = is_error &&
(source.startsWith("\"") ||
source.startsWith("`") ||
source.startsWith("(*") ||
source.startsWith(Symbol.open) ||
def is_open_bracket: Boolean = is_keyword && Word.open_brackets.exists(is_keyword)
def is_close_bracket: Boolean = is_keyword && Word.close_brackets.exists(is_keyword)
def is_begin: Boolean = is_keyword("begin")
def is_end: Boolean = is_command("end")
def is_begin_or_command: Boolean = is_begin || is_command
def symbol_length: Symbol.Offset = Symbol.iterator(source).length
def content: String =
if (kind == Token.Kind.STRING) Scan.Parsers.quoted_content("\"", source)
else if (kind == Token.Kind.ALT_STRING) Scan.Parsers.quoted_content("`", source)
else if (kind == Token.Kind.CARTOUCHE) Scan.Parsers.cartouche_content(source)
else if (kind == Token.Kind.INFORMAL_COMMENT) Scan.Parsers.comment_content(source)
else if (kind == Token.Kind.FORMAL_COMMENT) Comment.content(source)
else source
def is_system_name: Boolean = {
val s = content
is_name && Path.is_wellformed(s) &&
!s.exists(Symbol.is_ascii_blank) &&