(* Title: Pure/Tools/codegen_package.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Code generator extraction kernel. Code generator Isar setup.
val codegen_term: theory -> term -> iterm;
val eval_term: theory -> (string (*reference name!*) * 'a option ref) * term -> 'a;
val codegen_command: theory -> string -> unit;
type appgen;
val add_appconst: string * appgen -> theory -> theory;
val appgen_numeral: (term -> IntInf.int option) -> appgen;
val appgen_char: (term -> int option) -> appgen;
val appgen_case: (theory -> term
-> ((string * typ) list * ((term * typ) * (term * term) list)) option)
-> appgen;
val appgen_let: appgen;
val timing: bool ref;
structure CodegenPackage : CODEGEN_PACKAGE =
open BasicCodegenThingol;
val tracing = CodegenThingol.tracing;
val succeed = CodegenThingol.succeed;
val fail = CodegenThingol.fail;
(** code extraction **)
(* theory data *)
type appgen = theory -> ((sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra) * Consts.T
-> CodegenFuncgr.T
-> bool * string list option
-> (string * typ) * term list -> CodegenThingol.transact -> iterm * CodegenThingol.transact;
type appgens = (int * (appgen * stamp)) Symtab.table;
val merge_appgens : appgens * appgens -> appgens =
Symtab.merge (fn ((bounds1, (_, stamp1)), (bounds2, (_, stamp2))) =>
bounds1 = bounds2 andalso stamp1 = stamp2);
structure Consttab = CodegenConsts.Consttab;
type abstypes = typ Symtab.table * CodegenConsts.const Consttab.table;
fun merge_abstypes ((typs1, consts1) : abstypes, (typs2, consts2) : abstypes) =
(Symtab.merge (Type.eq_type Vartab.empty) (typs1, typs2),
Consttab.merge CodegenConsts.eq_const (consts1, consts2));
structure CodegenPackageData = TheoryDataFun
val name = "Pure/codegen_package_setup";
type T = appgens * abstypes;
val empty = (Symtab.empty, (Symtab.empty, Consttab.empty));
val copy = I;
val extend = I;
fun merge _ ((appgens1, abstypes1), (appgens2, abstypes2)) =
(merge_appgens (appgens1, appgens2), merge_abstypes (abstypes1, abstypes2));
fun print _ _ = ();
structure Funcgr = CodegenFuncgrRetrieval (
val name = "Pure/codegen_package_thms";
fun rewrites thy = [];
fun print_codethms thy =
Pretty.writeln o CodegenFuncgr.pretty thy o Funcgr.make thy;
structure Code = CodeDataFun
val name = "Pure/codegen_package_code";
type T = CodegenThingol.code;
val empty = CodegenThingol.empty_code;
fun merge _ = CodegenThingol.merge_code;
fun purge _ NONE _ = CodegenThingol.empty_code
| purge NONE _ _ = CodegenThingol.empty_code
| purge (SOME thy) (SOME cs) code =
val cs_exisiting =
map_filter (CodegenNames.const_rev thy) (Graph.keys code);
val dels = (Graph.all_preds code
o map (CodegenNames.const thy)
o filter (member CodegenConsts.eq_const cs_exisiting)
) cs;
in Graph.del_nodes dels code end;
val _ = Context.add_setup (CodegenPackageData.init #> Funcgr.init #> Code.init);
(* preparing defining equations *)
fun prep_eqs thy (thms as thm :: _) =
val ty = (Logic.unvarifyT o CodegenFunc.typ_func) thm;
val thms' = if (null o Term.typ_tfrees) ty orelse (null o fst o strip_type) ty
then thms
else map (CodegenFunc.expand_eta 1) thms;
in (ty, thms') end;
(* extraction kernel *)
fun check_strict (false, _) has_seri x =
| check_strict (_, SOME targets) has_seri x =
not (has_seri targets x)
| check_strict (true, _) has_seri x =
fun get_abstype thy (tyco, tys) = case Symtab.lookup ((fst o snd o CodegenPackageData.get) thy) tyco
of SOME ty => SOME ((map_atyps (fn TFree (n, _) => nth tys (the (Int.fromString n)))) ty)
fun ensure_def thy = CodegenThingol.ensure_def (CodegenNames.labelled_name thy);
fun ensure_def_class thy (algbr as ((_, algebra), _)) funcgr strct class =
val superclasses = (Sorts.certify_sort algebra o Sorts.super_classes algebra) class;
val (v, cs) = AxClass.params_of_class thy class;
val class' = CodegenNames.class thy class;
val classrels' = map (curry (CodegenNames.classrel thy) class) superclasses;
val classops' = map (CodegenNames.const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy) cs;
val defgen_class =
fold_map (ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct) superclasses
##>> (fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) o map snd) cs
#-> (fn (superclasses, classoptyps) => succeed
(CodegenThingol.Class (superclasses ~~ classrels', (unprefix "'" v, classops' ~~ classoptyps))))
tracing (fn _ => "generating class " ^ quote class)
#> ensure_def thy defgen_class true
("generating class " ^ quote class) class'
#> pair class'
and ensure_def_classrel thy algbr funcgr strct (subclass, superclass) =
ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct subclass
#>> (fn _ => CodegenNames.classrel thy (subclass, superclass))
and ensure_def_tyco thy algbr funcgr strct tyco trns =
fun defgen_datatype trns =
case CodegenData.get_datatype thy tyco
of SOME (vs, cos) =>
|> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy algbr funcgr strct) vs
||>> fold_map (fn (c, tys) =>
fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) tys
#-> (fn tys' =>
pair ((CodegenNames.const thy o CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy)
(c, tys ---> Type (tyco, map TFree vs)), tys'))) cos
|-> (fn (vs, cos) => succeed (CodegenThingol.Datatype (vs, cos)))
| NONE =>
|> fail ("No such datatype: " ^ quote tyco)
val tyco' = CodegenNames.tyco thy tyco;
val strict = check_strict strct (CodegenSerializer.tyco_has_serialization thy) tyco';
|> tracing (fn _ => "generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco)
|> ensure_def thy defgen_datatype strict
("generating type constructor " ^ quote tyco) tyco'
|> pair tyco'
and exprgen_tyvar_sort thy (algbr as ((proj_sort, _), _)) funcgr strct (v, sort) trns =
|> fold_map (ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct) (proj_sort sort)
|>> (fn sort => (unprefix "'" v, sort))
and exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct (TFree vs) trns =
|> exprgen_tyvar_sort thy algbr funcgr strct vs
|>> (fn (v, sort) => ITyVar v)
| exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct (Type ("fun", [t1, t2])) trns =
|> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct t1
||>> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct t2
|>> (fn (t1', t2') => t1' `-> t2')
| exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct (Type (tyco, tys)) trns =
case get_abstype thy (tyco, tys)
of SOME ty =>
|> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ty
| NONE =>
|> ensure_def_tyco thy algbr funcgr strct tyco
||>> fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) tys
|>> (fn (tyco, tys) => tyco `%% tys);
exception CONSTRAIN of (string * typ) * typ;
val timing = ref false;
fun exprgen_dicts thy (algbr as ((proj_sort, algebra), consts)) funcgr strct (ty_ctxt, sort_decl) =
val pp = Sign.pp thy;
datatype typarg =
Global of (class * string) * typarg list list
| Local of (class * class) list * (string * (int * sort));
fun classrel (Global ((_, tyco), yss), _) class =
Global ((class, tyco), yss)
| classrel (Local (classrels, v), subclass) superclass =
Local ((subclass, superclass) :: classrels, v);
fun constructor tyco yss class =
Global ((class, tyco), (map o map) fst yss);
fun variable (TFree (v, sort)) =
val sort' = proj_sort sort;
in map_index (fn (n, class) => (Local ([], (v, (n, sort'))), class)) sort' end;
val typargs = Sorts.of_sort_derivation pp algebra
{classrel = classrel, constructor = constructor, variable = variable}
(ty_ctxt, proj_sort sort_decl);
fun mk_dict (Global (inst, yss)) =
ensure_def_inst thy algbr funcgr strct inst
##>> (fold_map o fold_map) mk_dict yss
#>> (fn (inst, dss) => DictConst (inst, dss))
| mk_dict (Local (classrels, (v, (k, sort)))) =
fold_map (ensure_def_classrel thy algbr funcgr strct) classrels
#>> (fn classrels => DictVar (classrels, (unprefix "'" v, (k, length sort))))
fold_map mk_dict typargs
and exprgen_dict_parms thy (algbr as (_, consts)) funcgr strct (c, ty_ctxt) =
val c' = CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy (c, ty_ctxt)
val idf = CodegenNames.const thy c';
val ty_decl = Consts.the_declaration consts idf;
val (tys, tys_decl) = pairself (curry (Consts.typargs consts) idf) (ty_ctxt, ty_decl);
val sorts = map (snd o dest_TVar) tys_decl;
fold_map (exprgen_dicts thy algbr funcgr strct) (tys ~~ sorts)
and ensure_def_inst thy (algbr as ((_, algebra), _)) funcgr strct (class, tyco) trns =
val superclasses = (Sorts.certify_sort algebra o Sorts.super_classes algebra) class;
val (var, classops) = try (AxClass.params_of_class thy) class |> the_default ("'a", [])
val vs = Name.names (Name.declare var Name.context) "'a" (Sorts.mg_domain algebra tyco [class]);
val arity_typ = Type (tyco, map TFree vs);
fun gen_superarity superclass trns =
|> ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct superclass
||>> ensure_def_classrel thy algbr funcgr strct (class, superclass)
||>> exprgen_dicts thy algbr funcgr strct (arity_typ, [superclass])
|>> (fn ((superclass, classrel), [DictConst (inst, dss)]) =>
(superclass, (classrel, (inst, dss))));
fun gen_classop_def (classop as (c, ty)) trns =
|> ensure_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy classop)
||>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct (Const (c, map_type_tfree (K arity_typ) ty));
fun defgen_inst trns =
|> ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct class
||>> ensure_def_tyco thy algbr funcgr strct tyco
||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy algbr funcgr strct) vs
||>> fold_map gen_superarity superclasses
||>> fold_map gen_classop_def classops
|-> (fn ((((class, tyco), arity), superarities), classops) =>
succeed (CodegenThingol.Classinst ((class, (tyco, arity)), (superarities, classops))));
val inst = CodegenNames.instance thy (class, tyco);
|> tracing (fn _ => "generating instance " ^ quote class ^ " / " ^ quote tyco)
|> ensure_def thy defgen_inst true ("generating instance " ^ quote class ^ " / " ^ quote tyco) inst
|> pair inst
and ensure_def_const thy (algbr as (_, consts)) funcgr strct (c_tys as (c, tys)) trns =
val c' = CodegenNames.const thy c_tys;
fun defgen_datatypecons trns =
|> ensure_def_tyco thy algbr funcgr strct
((the o CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy) c_tys)
|-> (fn _ => succeed CodegenThingol.Bot);
fun defgen_classop trns =
|> ensure_def_class thy algbr funcgr strct ((the o AxClass.class_of_param thy) c)
|-> (fn _ => succeed CodegenThingol.Bot);
fun defgen_fun trns =
case CodegenFuncgr.funcs funcgr
(perhaps (Consttab.lookup ((snd o snd o CodegenPackageData.get) thy)) c_tys)
of thms as _ :: _ =>
val (ty, eq_thms) = prep_eqs thy thms;
val timeap = if !timing then Output.timeap_msg ("time for " ^ c')
else I;
val msg = cat_lines ("generating code for theorems " :: map string_of_thm eq_thms);
val vs = (map dest_TFree o Consts.typargs consts) (c', ty);
val dest_eqthm =
apfst (snd o strip_comb) o Logic.dest_equals o Logic.unvarify o prop_of;
fun exprgen_eq (args, rhs) trns =
|> fold_map (exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct) args
||>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct rhs;
|> CodegenThingol.message msg (fn trns => trns
|> timeap (fold_map (exprgen_eq o dest_eqthm) eq_thms)
||>> fold_map (exprgen_tyvar_sort thy algbr funcgr strct) vs
||>> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ty
|-> (fn ((eqs, vs), ty) => succeed (CodegenThingol.Fun (eqs, (vs, ty)))))
| [] =>
|> fail ("No defining equations found for "
^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) c_tys);
val defgen = if (is_some o CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy) c_tys
then defgen_datatypecons
else if (is_some o AxClass.class_of_param thy) c andalso
case tys of [TFree _] => true | [TVar _] => true | _ => false
then defgen_classop
else defgen_fun
val strict = check_strict strct (CodegenSerializer.const_has_serialization thy) c';
|> tracing (fn _ => "generating constant "
^ (quote o CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy) c_tys)
|> ensure_def thy defgen strict ("generating constant "
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy c_tys) c'
|> pair c'
and exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct (Const (c, ty)) trns =
|> select_appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), [])
| exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct (Free (v, ty)) trns =
|> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ty
|>> (fn _ => IVar v)
| exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct (Abs (raw_v, ty, raw_t)) trns =
val (v, t) = Syntax.variant_abs (raw_v, ty, raw_t);
|> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ty
||>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct t
|>> (fn (ty, t) => (v, ty) `|-> t)
| exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct (t as _ $ _) trns =
case strip_comb t
of (Const (c, ty), ts) =>
|> select_appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts)
| (t', ts) =>
|> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct t'
||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct) ts
|>> (fn (t, ts) => t `$$ ts)
and appgen_default thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts) trns =
|> ensure_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct (CodegenConsts.norm_of_typ thy (c, ty))
||>> fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) ((fst o Term.strip_type) ty)
||>> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ((snd o Term.strip_type) ty)
||>> exprgen_dict_parms thy algbr funcgr strct (c, ty)
||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct) ts
|>> (fn ((((c, tys), ty), iss), ts) => IConst (c, (iss, tys)) `$$ ts)
and select_appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts) trns =
case Symtab.lookup (fst (CodegenPackageData.get thy)) c
of SOME (i, (appgen, _)) =>
if length ts < i then
val k = length ts;
val tys = (curry Library.take (i - k) o curry Library.drop k o fst o strip_type) ty;
val ctxt = (fold o fold_aterms)
(fn Free (v, _) => Name.declare v | _ => I) ts Name.context;
val vs = Name.names ctxt "a" tys;
|> fold_map (exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct) tys
||>> appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts @ map Free vs)
|>> (fn (tys, t) => map2 (fn (v, _) => pair v) vs tys `|--> t)
else if length ts > i then
|> appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), Library.take (i, ts))
||>> fold_map (exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct) (Library.drop (i, ts))
|>> (fn (t, ts) => t `$$ ts)
|> appgen thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts)
| NONE =>
|> appgen_default thy algbr funcgr strct ((c, ty), ts);
(* entrance points into extraction kernel *)
fun ensure_def_const' thy algbr funcgr strct c trns =
ensure_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct c trns
handle CONSTRAIN ((c, ty), ty_decl) => error (
"Constant " ^ c ^ " with most general type\n"
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty
^ "\noccurs with type\n"
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty_decl);
fun perhaps_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct c trns =
case try (ensure_def_const thy algbr funcgr strct c) trns
of SOME (c, trns) => (SOME c, trns)
| NONE => (NONE, trns);
fun exprgen_term' thy algbr funcgr strct t trns =
exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct t trns
handle CONSTRAIN ((c, ty), ty_decl) => error ("In term " ^ (quote o Sign.string_of_term thy) t
^ ",\nconstant " ^ c ^ " with most general type\n"
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty
^ "\noccurs with type\n"
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty_decl);
(* parametrized application generators, for instantiation in object logic *)
(* (axiomatic extensions of extraction kernel *)
fun appgen_numeral int_of_numeral thy algbr funcgr strct (app as (c, ts)) trns =
case int_of_numeral (list_comb (Const c, ts))
of SOME i =>
|> pair (CodegenThingol.INum i)
| NONE =>
|> appgen_default thy algbr funcgr strct app;
fun appgen_char char_to_index thy algbr funcgr strct (app as ((_, ty), _)) trns =
case (char_to_index o list_comb o apfst Const) app
of SOME i =>
|> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct ty
|>> (fn _ => IChar (chr i))
| NONE =>
|> appgen_default thy algbr funcgr strct app;
val debug_term = ref (Bound 0);
fun appgen_case dest_case_expr thy algbr funcgr strct (app as (c_ty, ts)) trns =
val SOME ([], ((st, sty), ds)) = dest_case_expr thy (list_comb (Const c_ty, ts));
fun clausegen (dt, bt) trns =
|> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct dt
||>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct bt;
|> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct st
||>> exprgen_type thy algbr funcgr strct sty
||>> fold_map clausegen ds
|>> (fn ((se, sty), ds) => ICase ((se, sty), ds))
fun appgen_let thy algbr funcgr strct (app as (_, [st, ct])) trns =
|> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct ct
||>> exprgen_term thy algbr funcgr strct st
|-> (fn ((v, ty) `|-> be, se) =>
pair (ICase ((se, ty), case be
of ICase ((IVar w, _), ds) => if v = w then ds else [(IVar v, be)]
| _ => [(IVar v, be)]
| _ => appgen_default thy algbr funcgr strct app);
fun add_appconst (c, appgen) thy =
val i = (length o fst o strip_type o Sign.the_const_type thy) c;
val _ = Code.change thy (K CodegenThingol.empty_code);
(CodegenPackageData.map o apfst)
(Symtab.update (c, (i, (appgen, stamp ())))) thy
(** abstype and constsubst interface **)
fun add_consts thy f (c1, c2 as (c, tys)) =
val _ = case tys
of [TVar _] => if is_some (AxClass.class_of_param thy c)
then error ("Not a function: " ^ CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy c2)
else ()
| _ => ();
val _ = if is_some (CodegenData.get_datatype_of_constr thy c2)
then error ("Not a function: " ^ CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy c2)
else ();
val funcgr = Funcgr.make thy [c1, c2];
val ty1 = (f o CodegenFuncgr.typ funcgr) c1;
val ty2 = CodegenFuncgr.typ funcgr c2;
val _ = if Sign.typ_equiv thy (ty1, ty2) then () else
error ("Incompatiable type signatures of " ^ CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy c1
^ " and " ^ CodegenConsts.string_of_const thy c2 ^ ":\n"
^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty1 ^ "\n" ^ CodegenConsts.string_of_typ thy ty2);
in Consttab.update (c1, c2) end;
fun gen_abstyp prep_const prep_typ (raw_abstyp, raw_substtyp) raw_absconsts thy =
val abstyp = Type.no_tvars (prep_typ thy raw_abstyp);
val substtyp = Type.no_tvars (prep_typ thy raw_substtyp);
val absconsts = (map o pairself) (prep_const thy) raw_absconsts;
val Type (abstyco, tys) = abstyp handle BIND => error ("Bad type: " ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy abstyp);
val typarms = map (fst o dest_TFree) tys handle MATCH => error ("Bad type: " ^ Sign.string_of_typ thy abstyp);
fun mk_index v =
val k = find_index (fn w => v = w) typarms;
in if k = ~1
then error ("Free type variable: " ^ quote v)
else TFree (string_of_int k, [])
val typpat = map_atyps (fn TFree (v, _) => mk_index v) substtyp;
fun apply_typpat (Type (tyco, tys)) =
val tys' = map apply_typpat tys;
in if tyco = abstyco then
(map_atyps (fn TFree (n, _) => nth tys' (the (Int.fromString n)))) typpat
Type (tyco, tys')
| apply_typpat ty = ty;
val _ = Code.change thy (K CodegenThingol.empty_code);
|> (CodegenPackageData.map o apsnd) (fn (abstypes, abscs) =>
|> Symtab.update (abstyco, typpat),
|> fold (add_consts thy apply_typpat) absconsts)
fun gen_constsubst prep_const raw_constsubsts thy =
val constsubsts = (map o pairself) (prep_const thy) raw_constsubsts;
val _ = Code.change thy (K CodegenThingol.empty_code);
|> (CodegenPackageData.map o apsnd o apsnd) (fold (add_consts thy I) constsubsts)
val abstyp = gen_abstyp CodegenConsts.norm Sign.certify_typ;
val abstyp_e = gen_abstyp CodegenConsts.read_const (fn thy => Sign.read_typ (thy, K NONE));
val constsubst = gen_constsubst CodegenConsts.norm;
val constsubst_e = gen_constsubst CodegenConsts.read_const;
end; (*local*)
(** code generation interfaces **)
(* generic generation combinators *)
fun generate thy funcgr targets gen it =
val cs = map_filter (Consttab.lookup ((snd o snd o CodegenPackageData.get) thy))
(CodegenFuncgr.all funcgr);
val funcgr' = Funcgr.make thy cs;
val qnaming = NameSpace.qualified_names NameSpace.default_naming;
val consttab = Consts.empty
|> fold (fn c => Consts.declare qnaming
((CodegenNames.const thy c, CodegenFuncgr.typ funcgr' c), true))
(CodegenFuncgr.all funcgr');
val algbr = (CodegenData.operational_algebra thy, consttab);
Code.change_yield thy (CodegenThingol.start_transact (gen thy algbr funcgr'
(true, targets) it))
|> fst
fun codegen_term thy t =
val ct = Thm.cterm_of thy t;
val (ct', funcgr) = Funcgr.make_term thy (K (K K)) ct;
val t' = Thm.term_of ct';
in generate thy funcgr (SOME []) exprgen_term' t' end;
fun eval_term thy (ref_spec, t) =
val _ = (Term.fold_types o Term.fold_atyps) (fn _ =>
error ("Term" ^ Sign.string_of_term thy t ^ "is polymorhpic"))
val t' = codegen_term thy t;
in CodegenSerializer.eval_term thy CodegenNames.labelled_name (Code.get thy) (ref_spec, t') end;
(* constant specifications with wildcards *)
fun consts_of thy thyname =
val this_thy = Option.map theory thyname |> the_default thy;
val defs = (#defs o rep_theory) this_thy;
val cs_names = (Symtab.keys o snd o #constants o Consts.dest o #consts o Sign.rep_sg) this_thy;
val consts = maps (fn c => (map (fn tys => CodegenConsts.norm thy (c, tys))
o map #lhs o filter #is_def o map snd o Defs.specifications_of defs) c) cs_names;
fun is_const thyname (c, _) =
(*this is an approximation*)
not (exists (fn thy => Sign.declared_const thy c) (Theory.parents_of this_thy))
in case thyname
of NONE => consts
| SOME thyname => filter (is_const thyname) consts
fun filter_generatable thy targets consts =
val (consts', funcgr) = Funcgr.make_consts thy consts;
val consts'' = generate thy funcgr targets (fold_map oooo perhaps_def_const) consts';
val consts''' = map_filter (fn (const, SOME _) => SOME const | (_, NONE) => NONE)
(consts' ~~ consts'');
in consts''' end;
fun read_constspec thy targets "*" = filter_generatable thy targets (consts_of thy NONE)
| read_constspec thy targets s = if String.isSuffix ".*" s
then filter_generatable thy targets (consts_of thy (SOME (unsuffix ".*" s)))
else [CodegenConsts.read_const thy s];
(** toplevel interface and setup **)
structure P = OuterParse
and K = OuterKeyword
fun code raw_cs seris thy =
val seris' = map (fn (target, args as _ :: _) =>
(target, SOME (CodegenSerializer.get_serializer thy target args CodegenNames.labelled_name))
| (target, []) => (CodegenSerializer.assert_serializer thy target, NONE)) seris;
val targets = case map fst seris' of [] => NONE | xs => SOME xs;
val cs = maps (read_constspec thy targets) raw_cs;
fun generate' thy = case cs
of [] => []
| _ =>
generate thy (Funcgr.make thy cs) targets
(fold_map oooo ensure_def_const') cs;
fun serialize' [] code seri =
seri NONE code
| serialize' cs code seri =
seri (SOME cs) code;
val cs = generate' thy;
val code = Code.get thy;
(map (serialize' cs code) (map_filter snd seris'); ())
fun print_codethms_e thy =
print_codethms thy o map (CodegenConsts.read_const thy);
val code_exprP = (
(Scan.repeat P.term
-- Scan.repeat (P.$$$ "(" |--
P.name -- P.arguments
--| P.$$$ ")"))
>> (fn (raw_cs, seris) => code raw_cs seris)
val (codeK, code_abstypeK, code_axiomsK, code_thmsK) =
("code_gen", "code_abstype", "code_axioms", "code_thms");
val codeP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command codeK "generate and serialize executable code for constants"
K.diag (P.!!! code_exprP >> (fn f => Toplevel.keep (f o Toplevel.theory_of)));
fun codegen_command thy cmd =
case Scan.read OuterLex.stopper (P.!!! code_exprP) ((filter OuterLex.is_proper o OuterSyntax.scan) cmd)
of SOME f => (writeln "Now generating code..."; f thy)
| NONE => error ("Bad directive " ^ quote cmd);
val code_abstypeP =
OuterSyntax.command code_abstypeK "axiomatic abstypes for code generation" K.thy_decl (
(P.typ -- P.typ -- Scan.optional (P.$$$ "where" |-- Scan.repeat1
(P.term --| (P.$$$ "\\<equiv>" || P.$$$ "==") -- P.term)) [])
>> (Toplevel.theory o uncurry abstyp_e)
val code_axiomsP =
OuterSyntax.command code_axiomsK "axiomatic constant equalities for code generation" K.thy_decl (
Scan.repeat1 (P.term --| (P.$$$ "\\<equiv>" || P.$$$ "==") -- P.term)
>> (Toplevel.theory o constsubst_e)
val code_thmsP =
OuterSyntax.improper_command code_thmsK "print cached defining equations" OuterKeyword.diag
(Scan.repeat P.term
>> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => print_codethms_e thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
val _ = OuterSyntax.add_parsers [codeP, code_abstypeP, code_axiomsP, code_thmsP];
end; (* local *)
end; (* struct *)