author wenzelm
Sun, 30 May 2010 23:40:24 +0200
changeset 37200 0f3edc64356a
parent 36016 4f5c7a19ebe0
child 38230 ed147003de4b
permissions -rw-r--r--
added HTML.encode (in Scala), similar to HTML.output in ML;

/*  Title:      Pure/Thy/html.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Basic HTML output.

package isabelle

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

object HTML
  // encode text

  def encode(text: String): String =
    val s = new StringBuilder
    for (c <- text.iterator) c match {
      case '<' => s ++= "&lt;"
      case '>' => s ++= "&gt;"
      case '&' => s ++= "&amp;"
      case '"' => s ++= "&quot;"
      case '\'' => s ++= "&#39;"
      case '\n' => s ++= "<br/>"
      case _ => s += c

  // common elements and attributes

  val BODY = "body"
  val DIV = "div"
  val SPAN = "span"
  val BR = "br"
  val PRE = "pre"
  val CLASS = "class"

  // document markup

  def span(cls: String, body: List[XML.Tree]): XML.Elem =
    XML.Elem(SPAN, List((CLASS, cls)), body)

  def hidden(txt: String): XML.Elem =
    span(Markup.HIDDEN, List(XML.Text(txt)))

  def sub(txt: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("sub", List(XML.Text(txt)))
  def sup(txt: String): XML.Elem = XML.elem("sup", List(XML.Text(txt)))

  def spans(tree: XML.Tree): List[XML.Tree] =
    tree match {
      case XML.Elem(name, _, ts) =>
        List(XML.elem(Markup.DATA, List(tree, span(name, ts.flatMap(spans)))))
      case XML.Text(txt) =>
        val ts = new ListBuffer[XML.Tree]
        val t = new StringBuilder
        def flush() {
          if (!t.isEmpty) {
            ts += XML.Text(t.toString)
        def add(elem: XML.Tree) {
          ts += elem
        val syms = Symbol.iterator(txt).map(_.toString)
        while (syms.hasNext) {
          val s1 =
          def s2() = if (syms.hasNext) else ""
          s1 match {
            case "\n" => add(XML.elem(BR))
            case "\\<^bsub>" => t ++= s1  // FIXME
            case "\\<^esub>" => t ++= s1  // FIXME
            case "\\<^bsup>" => t ++= s1  // FIXME
            case "\\<^esup>" => t ++= s1  // FIXME
            case "\\<^sub>" | "\\<^isub>" => add(hidden(s1)); add(sub(s2()))
            case "\\<^sup>" | "\\<^isup>" => add(hidden(s1)); add(sup(s2()))
            case "\\<^bold>" => add(hidden(s1)); add(span("bold", List(XML.Text(s2()))))
            case "\\<^loc>" => add(hidden(s1)); add(span("loc", List(XML.Text(s2()))))
            case _ => t ++= s1