author wenzelm
Sat, 02 Sep 2000 21:51:14 +0200
changeset 9805 10b617bdd028
parent 9578 ab26d6c8ebfe
child 9883 c1c8647af477
permissions -rw-r--r--
added "slowsimp", "bestsimp";

(*  Title:      ZF/IntDiv.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Copyright   1999  University of Cambridge

The division operators div, mod

IntDiv = IntArith + 

  quorem :: "[i,i] => o"
    "quorem == %<a,b> <q,r>.
                      a = b$*q $+ r &
                      (#0$<b & #0$<=r & r$<b | ~(#0$<b) & b$<r & r $<= #0)"

  adjust :: "[i,i,i] => i"
    "adjust(a,b) == %<q,r>. if #0 $<= r$-b then <#2$*q $+ #1,r$-b>
                            else <#2$*q,r>"

(** the division algorithm **)

(*for the case a>=0, b>0*)
consts posDivAlg :: "int*int => int*int"
recdef posDivAlg "inv_image less_than (%<a,b>. nat(a $- b $+ #1))"
    "posDivAlg <a,b> =
       (if (a$<b | b$<=#0) then <#0,a>
        else adjust a b (posDivAlg<a,#2$*b>))"

(*for the case a<0, b>0*)
consts negDivAlg :: "int*int => int*int"
recdef negDivAlg "inv_image less_than (%<a,b>. nat(- a $- b))"
    "negDivAlg <a,b> =
       (if (#0$<=a$+b | b$<=#0) then <#-1,a$+b>
        else adjust a b (negDivAlg<a,#2$*b>))"

(*for the general case b~=0*)

  negateSnd :: "int*int => int*int"
    "negateSnd == %<q,r>. <q,-r>"

  (*The full division algorithm considers all possible signs for a, b
    including the special case a=0, b<0, because negDivAlg requires a<0*)
  divAlg :: "int*int => int*int"
    "divAlg ==
       %<a,b>. if #0$<=a then
                  if #0$<=b then posDivAlg <a,b>
                  else if a=#0 then <#0,#0>
                       else negateSnd (negDivAlg <-a,-b>)
                  if #0$<b then negDivAlg <a,b>
                  else         negateSnd (posDivAlg <-a,-b>)"

  div_def   "a div b == fst (divAlg <a,b>)"
  mod_def   "a mod b == snd (divAlg <a,b>)"

