clarified node_syntax (amending ae38b8c0fdd9): default to overall_syntax, e.g. relevant for command spans wrt. bad header;
/* Title: Pure/GUI/jfx_gui.scala
Author: Makarius
Basic GUI tools (for Java FX).
package isabelle
import{FileInputStream, BufferedInputStream}
import javafx.application.{Platform => JFX_Platform}
import javafx.scene.text.{Font => JFX_Font}
object JFX_GUI
/* evaluation within the Java FX application thread */
object Thread
def assert() = Predef.assert(JFX_Platform.isFxApplicationThread())
def require() = Predef.require(JFX_Platform.isFxApplicationThread())
def later(body: => Unit)
if (JFX_Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) body
else JFX_Platform.runLater(new Runnable { def run = body })
def future[A](body: => A): Future[A] =
if (JFX_Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) Future.value(body)
else {
val promise = Future.promise[A]
later { promise.fulfill_result(Exn.capture(body)) }
/* Isabelle fonts */
def install_fonts()
for (font <- Isabelle_System.fonts()) {
val stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(font.file))
try { JFX_Font.loadFont(stream, 1.0) }
finally { stream.close }