/* Title: Pure/Admin/build_release.scala
Author: Makarius
Build full Isabelle distribution from repository.
package isabelle
object Build_Release {
/** release context **/
private def execute(dir: Path, script: String): Unit =
Isabelle_System.bash(script, cwd = dir.file).check
private def execute_tar(dir: Path, args: String, strip: Int = 0): Process_Result =
Isabelle_System.gnutar(args, dir = dir, strip = strip).check
private def bash_java_opens(args: String*): String =
Bash.strings(args.toList.flatMap(arg => List("--add-opens", arg + "=ALL-UNNAMED")))
object Release_Context {
def apply(
target_dir: Path,
release_name: String = "",
components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base,
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Release_Context = {
val date = Date.now()
val dist_name = proper_string(release_name) getOrElse ("Isabelle_" + Date.Format.date(date))
val dist_dir = (target_dir + Path.explode("dist-" + dist_name)).absolute
new Release_Context(release_name, dist_name, dist_dir, components_base, progress)
class Release_Context private[Build_Release](
val release_name: String,
val dist_name: String,
val dist_dir: Path,
val components_base: Path,
val progress: Progress
) {
override def toString: String = dist_name
val isabelle: Path = Path.explode(dist_name)
val isabelle_dir: Path = dist_dir + isabelle
val isabelle_archive: Path = dist_dir + isabelle.tar.gz
val isabelle_library_archive: Path = dist_dir + Path.explode(dist_name + "_library.tar.gz")
def other_isabelle(dir: Path): Other_Isabelle =
Other_Isabelle(dir + isabelle,
isabelle_identifier = dist_name + "-build",
progress = progress)
def make_announce(id: String): Unit = {
if (release_name.isEmpty) {
File.write(isabelle_dir + Path.explode("ANNOUNCE"),
This is a snapshot of Isabelle/""" + id + """ from the repository.
def make_contrib(): Unit = {
File.write(Components.contrib(isabelle_dir, name = "README"),
"""This directory contains add-on components that contribute to the main
Isabelle distribution. Separate licensing conditions apply, see each
directory individually.
def bundle_info(platform: Platform.Family.Value): Bundle_Info =
platform match {
case Platform.Family.linux_arm =>
Bundle_Info(platform, "Linux (ARM)", dist_name + "_linux_arm.tar.gz")
case Platform.Family.linux => Bundle_Info(platform, "Linux", dist_name + "_linux.tar.gz")
case Platform.Family.macos => Bundle_Info(platform, "macOS", dist_name + "_macos.tar.gz")
case Platform.Family.windows => Bundle_Info(platform, "Windows", dist_name + ".exe")
sealed case class Bundle_Info(
platform: Platform.Family.Value,
platform_description: String,
name: String
) {
def path: Path = Path.explode(name)
/** release archive **/
val ISABELLE: Path = Path.basic("Isabelle")
val ISABELLE_ID: Path = Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_ID")
val ISABELLE_TAGS: Path = Path.explode("etc/ISABELLE_TAGS")
object Release_Archive {
def make(bytes: Bytes, rename: String = ""): Release_Archive = {
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build_release")(dir =>
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "tar.gz") { archive_path =>
val isabelle_dir = Isabelle_System.make_directory(dir + ISABELLE)
Bytes.write(archive_path, bytes)
execute_tar(isabelle_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive_path), strip = 1)
val id = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_ID)
val tags = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_TAGS)
val identifier = File.read(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER)
val (bytes1, identifier1) =
if (rename.isEmpty || rename == identifier) (bytes, identifier)
else {
File.write(isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER, rename)
Isabelle_System.move_file(isabelle_dir, dir + Path.basic(rename))
execute_tar(dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(archive_path) + " " + Bash.string(rename))
(Bytes.read(archive_path), rename)
new Release_Archive(bytes1, id, tags, identifier1)
def read(path: Path, rename: String = ""): Release_Archive =
make(Bytes.read(path), rename = rename)
def get(
url: String,
rename: String = "",
progress: Progress = new Progress
): Release_Archive = {
val bytes =
if (Path.is_wellformed(url)) Bytes.read(Path.explode(url))
else Isabelle_System.download(url, progress = progress).bytes
make(bytes, rename = rename)
case class Release_Archive private[Build_Release](
bytes: Bytes, id: String, tags: String, identifier: String) {
override def toString: String = identifier
/** generated content **/
/* bundled components */
class Bundled(platform: Option[Platform.Family.Value] = None) {
def detect(s: String): Boolean =
s.startsWith("#bundled") && !s.startsWith("#bundled ")
def apply(name: String): String =
"#bundled" + (platform match { case None => "" case Some(plat) => "-" + plat }) + ":" + name
private val Pattern1 = ("""^#bundled:(.*)$""").r
private val Pattern2 = ("""^#bundled-(.*):(.*)$""").r
def unapply(s: String): Option[String] =
s match {
case Pattern1(name) => Some(name)
case Pattern2(Platform.Family(plat), name) if platform == Some(plat) => Some(name)
case _ => None
def record_bundled_components(dir: Path): Unit = {
val catalogs =
List("main", "bundled").map((_, new Bundled())) :::
Platform.Family.list.flatMap(platform =>
List(platform.toString, "bundled-" + platform.toString).
map((_, new Bundled(platform = Some(platform)))))
terminate_lines("#bundled components" ::
(for {
(catalog, bundled) <- catalogs.iterator
path = Components.admin(dir) + Path.basic(catalog)
if path.is_file
line <- split_lines(File.read(path))
if line.nonEmpty && !line.startsWith("#")
} yield bundled(line)).toList))
def get_bundled_components(dir: Path, platform: Platform.Family.Value): (List[String], String) = {
val Bundled = new Bundled(platform = Some(platform))
val components =
for { Bundled(name) <- Components.Directory(dir).read_components() } yield name
val jdk_component =
components.find(_.startsWith("jdk")) getOrElse error("Missing jdk component")
(components, jdk_component)
def activate_components(
dir: Path, platform: Platform.Family.Value, more_names: List[String]): Unit = {
def contrib_name(name: String): String =
Components.contrib(name = name).implode
val Bundled = new Bundled(platform = Some(platform))
val component_dir = Components.Directory(dir)
component_dir.read_components().flatMap(line =>
line match {
case Bundled(name) =>
if (Components.Directory(Components.contrib(dir, name)).check) Some(contrib_name(name))
else None
case _ => if (Bundled.detect(line)) None else Some(line)
}) ::: more_names.map(contrib_name))
/** build release **/
/* build heaps */
private def build_heaps(
options: Options,
platform: Platform.Family.Value,
build_sessions: List[String],
local_dir: Path,
progress: Progress = new Progress,
): Unit = {
val server_option = "build_host_" + platform.toString
val server = options.string(server_option)
progress.echo("Building heaps for " + commas_quote(build_sessions) +
" (" + server_option + " = " + quote(server) + ") ...")
val ssh =
if (server.nonEmpty) SSH.open_session(options, server)
else if (Platform.family == platform) SSH.Local
else error("Undefined option " + server_option + ": cannot build heaps")
try {
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("tmp", ext = "tar") { local_tmp_tar =>
execute_tar(local_dir, "-cf " + File.bash_path(local_tmp_tar) + " .")
ssh.with_tmp_dir { remote_dir =>
val remote_tmp_tar = remote_dir + Path.basic("tmp.tar")
ssh.write_file(remote_tmp_tar, local_tmp_tar)
val build_command =
"bin/isabelle build -o system_heaps -b -- " + Bash.strings(build_sessions)
def system_apple(b: Boolean): String =
"""{ echo "ML_system_apple = """ + b + """" > "$(bin/isabelle getenv -b ISABELLE_HOME_USER)/etc/preferences"; }"""
val build_script =
"cd " + File.bash_path(remote_dir),
"tar -xf tmp.tar",
"""mkdir -p "$(bin/isabelle getenv -b ISABELLE_HOME_USER)/etc" """,
"tar -cf tmp.tar heaps")
ssh.execute(build_script.mkString(" && "), settings = false).check
ssh.read_file(remote_tmp_tar, local_tmp_tar)
execute_tar(local_dir, "-xvf " + File.bash_path(local_tmp_tar))
finally { ssh.close() }
/* Isabelle application */
def make_isabelle_options(path: Path, options: List[String], line_ending: String = "\n"): Unit = {
val title = "# Java runtime options"
File.write(path, (title :: options).map(_ + line_ending).mkString)
def make_isabelle_app(
platform: Platform.Family.Value,
isabelle_target: Path,
isabelle_name: String,
jdk_component: String,
classpath: List[Path],
dock_icon: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val script = """#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Makarius
# Main Isabelle application script.
# minimal Isabelle environment
ISABELLE_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; cd "$(pwd -P)/../.."; pwd)"
source "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/isabelle-platform"
#paranoia settings -- avoid intrusion of alien options
#paranoia settings -- avoid problems of Java/Swing versus XIM/IBus etc.
COMPONENT="$ISABELLE_HOME/contrib/""" + jdk_component + """"
source "$COMPONENT/etc/settings"
# main
declare -a JAVA_OPTIONS=($(grep -v '^#' "$ISABELLE_HOME/Isabelle.options"))
"$ISABELLE_HOME/bin/isabelle" env "$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/java-gui-setup"
exec "$ISABELLE_JDK_HOME/bin/java" \
"-Disabelle.root=$ISABELLE_HOME" "${JAVA_OPTIONS[@]}" \
-classpath """" + classpath.map(p => "$ISABELLE_HOME/" + p.implode).mkString(":") + """" \
"-splash:$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle.gif" \
""" + (if (dock_icon) """"-Xdock:icon=$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/logo/isabelle_transparent-128.png" \
""" else "") + """isabelle.jedit.JEdit_Main "$@"
val script_path = isabelle_target + Path.explode("lib/scripts/Isabelle_app")
File.write(script_path, script)
File.set_executable(script_path, true)
val component_dir = isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/Isabelle_app")
component_dir + Path.explode(Platform.Family.standard(platform)) + Path.explode("Isabelle"),
isabelle_target + Path.explode(isabelle_name))
def make_isabelle_plist(path: Path, isabelle_name: String, isabelle_rev: String): Unit = {
File.write(path, """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>""" + isabelle_name + """</string>
<string>""" + isabelle_name + """</string>
<string>""" + isabelle_name + """</string>
<string>""" + isabelle_rev + """</string>
<string>Isabelle theory file</string>
/* main */
def use_release_archive(
context: Release_Context,
archive: Release_Archive,
id: String = ""
): Unit = {
if (id.nonEmpty && id != archive.id) {
error("Mismatch of release identification " + id + " vs. archive " + archive.id)
if (!context.isabelle_archive.is_file || Bytes.read(context.isabelle_archive) != archive.bytes) {
Bytes.write(context.isabelle_archive, archive.bytes)
def build_release_archive(
context: Release_Context,
version: String,
parallel_jobs: Int = 1
): Unit = {
val progress = context.progress
val hg = Mercurial.self_repository()
val id =
try { hg.id(version) }
catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Bad repository version: " + version, msg) }
if (context.isabelle_archive.is_file) {
progress.echo_warning("Found existing release archive: " + context.isabelle_archive)
use_release_archive(context, Release_Archive.read(context.isabelle_archive), id = id)
else {
progress.echo_warning("Preparing release " + context.dist_name + " ...")
hg.archive(context.isabelle_dir.expand.implode, rev = id)
for (name <- List(".hg_archival.txt", ".hgtags", ".hgignore", "README_REPOSITORY")) {
(context.isabelle_dir + Path.explode(name)).file.delete
File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_ID, id)
File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_TAGS, hg.tags(rev = id))
File.write(context.isabelle_dir + ISABELLE_IDENTIFIER, context.dist_name)
execute(context.isabelle_dir, """find . -print | xargs chmod -f u+rw""")
/* build tools and documentation */
val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(context.dist_dir)
components_base = context.components_base, catalogs = List("main")))
other_isabelle.resolve_components(echo = true)
try {
"export CLASSPATH=" + Bash.string(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_CLASSPATH")) + "\n" +
"bin/isabelle jedit -b", echo = true).check
catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Failed to build tools:", msg) }
try {
"bin/isabelle build_doc -a -o system_heaps -j " + parallel_jobs, echo = true).check
catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error("Failed to build documentation:", msg) }
for (name <- List("Admin", "browser_info", "heaps")) {
Isabelle_System.rm_tree(other_isabelle.isabelle_home + Path.explode(name))
progress.echo_warning("Creating release archive " + context.isabelle_archive + " ...")
execute(context.dist_dir, """chmod -R a+r . && chmod -R u+w . && chmod -R g=o .""")
"""find . -type f "(" -name "*.thy" -o -name "*.ML" -o -name "*.scala" ")" -print | xargs chmod -f u-w""")
execute_tar(context.dist_dir, "-czf " +
File.bash_path(context.isabelle_archive) + " " + Bash.string(context.dist_name))
def default_platform_families: List[Platform.Family.Value] = Platform.Family.list0
def build_release(
options: Options,
context: Release_Context,
afp_rev: String = "",
platform_families: List[Platform.Family.Value] = default_platform_families,
more_components: List[Path] = Nil,
website: Option[Path] = None,
build_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
build_library: Boolean = false,
parallel_jobs: Int = 1
): Unit = {
val progress = context.progress
/* release directory */
val archive = Release_Archive.read(context.isabelle_archive)
for (path <- List(context.isabelle, ISABELLE)) {
Isabelle_System.rm_tree(context.dist_dir + path)
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_file("archive", ext = "tar.gz") { archive_path =>
Bytes.write(archive_path, archive.bytes)
val extract =
map(name => context.dist_name + "/" + name)
"-xzf " + File.bash_path(archive_path) + " " + Bash.strings(extract))
Isabelle_System.symlink(Path.explode(context.dist_name), context.dist_dir + ISABELLE)
/* make application bundles */
val bundle_infos = platform_families.map(context.bundle_info)
for (bundle_info <- bundle_infos) {
val isabelle_name = context.dist_name
val platform = bundle_info.platform
progress.echo("\nApplication bundle for " + platform)
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build_release") { tmp_dir =>
// release archive
execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(context.isabelle_archive))
val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(tmp_dir)
val isabelle_target = other_isabelle.isabelle_home
// bundled components
progress.echo("Bundled components:")
val contrib_dir = Components.contrib(isabelle_target)
val (bundled_components, jdk_component) =
get_bundled_components(isabelle_target, platform)
Components.resolve(context.components_base, bundled_components,
target_dir = Some(contrib_dir),
copy_dir = Some(context.dist_dir + Path.explode("contrib")),
progress = progress)
val more_components_names =
more_components.map(Components.unpack(contrib_dir, _, progress = progress))
activate_components(isabelle_target, platform, more_components_names)
// Java parameters
val java_options: List[String] =
(for {
variable <-
opt <- Word.explode(other_isabelle.getenv(variable))
yield {
val s = "-Dapple.awt.application.name="
if (opt.startsWith(s)) s + isabelle_name else opt
}) ::: List("-Disabelle.jedit_server=" + isabelle_name)
val classpath: List[Path] = {
val base = isabelle_target.absolute
val classpath1 = Path.split(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_CLASSPATH"))
val classpath2 = Path.split(other_isabelle.getenv("ISABELLE_SETUP_CLASSPATH"))
(classpath1 ::: classpath2).map { path =>
val abs_path = path.absolute
File.relative_path(base, abs_path) match {
case Some(rel_path) => rel_path
case None => error("Bad classpath element: " + abs_path)
val jedit_options = Path.explode("src/Tools/jEdit/etc/options")
val jedit_props =
Path.explode(other_isabelle.getenv("JEDIT_HOME") + "/properties/jEdit.props")
// build heaps
if (build_sessions.nonEmpty) {
build_heaps(options, platform, build_sessions, isabelle_target, progress = progress)
// application bundling
Components.purge(contrib_dir, platform)
platform match {
case Platform.Family.linux_arm | Platform.Family.linux =>
File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_options) {
_.replaceAll("jedit_reset_font_size : int =.*", "jedit_reset_font_size : int = 24")
File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props) {
_.replaceAll("console.fontsize=.*", "console.fontsize=18")
.replaceAll("helpviewer.fontsize=.*", "helpviewer.fontsize=18")
.replaceAll("metal.primary.fontsize=.*", "metal.primary.fontsize=18")
.replaceAll("metal.secondary.fontsize=.*", "metal.secondary.fontsize=18")
.replaceAll("view.fontsize=.*", "view.fontsize=24")
.replaceAll("view.gutter.fontsize=.*", "view.gutter.fontsize=16")
isabelle_target + Path.explode("Isabelle.options"), java_options)
make_isabelle_app(platform, isabelle_target, isabelle_name, jdk_component, classpath)
progress.echo("Packaging " + bundle_info.name + " ...")
"-czf " + File.bash_path(context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path) + " " +
case Platform.Family.macos =>
File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props) {
_.replaceAll("delete-line.shortcut=.*", "delete-line.shortcut=C+d")
.replaceAll("delete.shortcut2=.*", "delete.shortcut2=A+d")
// macOS application bundle
val app_contents = isabelle_target + Path.explode("Contents")
for (icon <- List("lib/logo/isabelle.icns", "lib/logo/theory.icns")) {
Isabelle_System.copy_file(isabelle_target + Path.explode(icon),
Isabelle_System.make_directory(app_contents + Path.explode("Resources")))
app_contents + Path.explode("Info.plist"), isabelle_name, archive.id)
make_isabelle_app(platform, isabelle_target, isabelle_name, jdk_component,
classpath, dock_icon = true)
val isabelle_options = Path.explode("Isabelle.options")
isabelle_target + isabelle_options,
java_options ::: List("-Disabelle.app=true"))
// application archive
progress.echo("Packaging " + bundle_info.name + " ...")
val isabelle_app = Path.explode(isabelle_name + ".app")
Isabelle_System.move_file(tmp_dir + Path.explode(isabelle_name),
tmp_dir + isabelle_app)
"-czf " + File.bash_path(context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path) + " " +
case Platform.Family.windows =>
File.change(isabelle_target + jedit_props) {
_.replaceAll("foldPainter=.*", "foldPainter=Square")
// application launcher
Isabelle_System.move_file(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/windows_app"), tmp_dir)
val app_template = Path.explode("~~/Admin/Windows/launch4j")
isabelle_target + Path.explode(isabelle_name + ".l4j.ini"),
java_options, line_ending = "\r\n")
val isabelle_xml = Path.explode("isabelle.xml")
val isabelle_exe = bundle_info.path
File.write(tmp_dir + isabelle_xml,
File.read(app_template + isabelle_xml)
.replace("{ISABELLE_NAME}", isabelle_name)
.replace("{OUTFILE}", File.platform_path(isabelle_target + isabelle_exe))
File.platform_path(app_template + Path.explode("isabelle_transparent.ico")))
File.platform_path(app_template + Path.explode("isabelle.bmp")))
cat_lines(classpath.map(cp =>
" <cp>%EXEDIR%\\" + File.platform_path(cp).replace('/', '\\') + "</cp>")))
.replace("\\jdk\\", "\\" + jdk_component + "\\"))
val java_opts =
val launch4j_jar =
Path.explode("windows_app/launch4j-" + Platform.family + "/launch4j.jar")
"export LAUNCH4J=" + File.bash_platform_path(launch4j_jar),
"isabelle java " + java_opts + " -jar \"$LAUNCH4J\" isabelle.xml")))
Isabelle_System.copy_file(app_template + Path.explode("manifest.xml"),
isabelle_target + isabelle_exe.ext("manifest"))
// Cygwin setup
val cygwin_template = Path.explode("~~/Admin/Windows/Cygwin")
Isabelle_System.copy_file(cygwin_template + Path.explode("Cygwin-Terminal.bat"),
val cygwin_mirror =
File.read(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin/isabelle/cygwin_mirror"))
val cygwin_bat = Path.explode("Cygwin-Setup.bat")
File.write(isabelle_target + cygwin_bat,
File.read(cygwin_template + cygwin_bat).replace("{MIRROR}", cygwin_mirror))
File.set_executable(isabelle_target + cygwin_bat, true)
for (name <- List("isabelle/postinstall", "isabelle/rebaseall")) {
val path = Path.explode(name)
Isabelle_System.copy_file(cygwin_template + path,
isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin") + path)
"""find . -type f -not -name "*.exe" -not -name "*.dll" """ +
(if (Platform.is_macos) "-perm +100" else "-executable") +
" -print0 > contrib/cygwin/isabelle/executables")
"""find . -type l -exec echo "{}" ";" -exec readlink "{}" ";" """ +
"""> contrib/cygwin/isabelle/symlinks""")
execute(isabelle_target, """find . -type l -exec rm "{}" ";" """)
File.write(isabelle_target + Path.explode("contrib/cygwin/isabelle/uninitialized"), "")
// executable archive (self-extracting 7z)
val archive_name = isabelle_name + ".7z"
val exe_archive = tmp_dir + Path.explode(archive_name)
progress.echo("Packaging " + archive_name + " ...")
"7z -y -bd a " + File.bash_path(exe_archive) + " " + Bash.string(isabelle_name))
if (!exe_archive.is_file) error("Failed to create archive: " + exe_archive)
val sfx_exe = tmp_dir + Path.explode("windows_app/7zsd_All_x64.sfx")
val sfx_txt =
.replace("{ISABELLE_NAME}", isabelle_name)
Bytes.write(context.dist_dir + isabelle_exe,
Bytes.read(sfx_exe) + Bytes(sfx_txt) + Bytes.read(exe_archive))
File.set_executable(context.dist_dir + isabelle_exe, true)
/* minimal website */
for (dir <- website) {
val website_platform_bundles =
for {
bundle_info <- bundle_infos
if (context.dist_dir + bundle_info.path).is_file
} yield (bundle_info.name, bundle_info)
val isabelle_link =
HTML.text("Isabelle/" + archive.id))
val afp_link =
HTML.text("AFP/" + afp_rev))
HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.link(context.dist_name + ".tar.gz", HTML.text("Source archive"))) ::
website_platform_bundles.map({ case (bundle, bundle_info) =>
List(HTML.link(bundle, HTML.text(bundle_info.platform_description + " bundle"))) })),
List(List(isabelle_link)) ::: (if (afp_rev == "") Nil else List(List(afp_link))))))
Isabelle_System.copy_file(context.isabelle_archive, dir)
for ((bundle, _) <- website_platform_bundles) {
Isabelle_System.copy_file(context.dist_dir + Path.explode(bundle), dir)
/* HTML library */
if (build_library) {
if (context.isabelle_library_archive.is_file) {
progress.echo_warning("Library archive already exists: " + context.isabelle_library_archive)
else {
Isabelle_System.with_tmp_dir("build_release") { tmp_dir =>
val bundle =
context.dist_dir + Path.explode(context.dist_name + "_" + Platform.family + ".tar.gz")
execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-xzf " + File.bash_path(bundle))
val other_isabelle = context.other_isabelle(tmp_dir)
File.write(other_isabelle.etc_settings, "ML_OPTIONS=\"--minheap 1000 --maxheap 4000\"\n")
other_isabelle.bash("bin/isabelle build -f -j " + parallel_jobs +
" -o browser_info -o document=pdf -o document_variants=document:outline=/proof,/ML" +
" -o system_heaps -c -a -d '~~/src/Benchmarks'", echo = true).check
execute(tmp_dir, "chmod -R a+r " + Bash.string(context.dist_name))
execute(tmp_dir, "chmod -R g=o " + Bash.string(context.dist_name))
execute_tar(tmp_dir, "-czf " + File.bash_path(context.isabelle_library_archive) +
" " + Bash.string(context.dist_name + "/browser_info"))
/** command line entry point **/
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Command_Line.tool {
var afp_rev = ""
var components_base: Path = Components.default_components_base
var target_dir = Path.current
var release_name = ""
var source_archive = ""
var website: Option[Path] = None
var build_sessions: List[String] = Nil
var more_components: List[Path] = Nil
var parallel_jobs = 1
var build_library = false
var options = Options.init()
var platform_families = default_platform_families
var rev = ""
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: Admin/build_release [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-A REV corresponding AFP changeset id
-C DIR base directory for Isabelle components (default: """ +
Components.default_components_base + """)
-D DIR target directory (default ".")
-R RELEASE explicit release name
-S ARCHIVE use existing source archive (file or URL)
-W WEBSITE produce minimal website in given directory
-b SESSIONS build platform-specific session images (separated by commas)
-c ARCHIVE clean bundling with additional component .tar.gz archive
-j INT maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
-l build library
-o OPTION override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
-p NAMES platform families (default: """ + default_platform_families.mkString(",") + """)
-r REV Mercurial changeset id (default: ARCHIVE or RELEASE or tip)
Build Isabelle release in base directory, using the local repository clone.
"A:" -> (arg => afp_rev = arg),
"C:" -> (arg => components_base = Path.explode(arg)),
"D:" -> (arg => target_dir = Path.explode(arg)),
"R:" -> (arg => release_name = arg),
"S:" -> (arg => source_archive = arg),
"W:" -> (arg => website = Some(Path.explode(arg))),
"b:" -> (arg => build_sessions = space_explode(',', arg)),
"c:" -> (arg =>
val path = Path.explode(arg)
more_components = more_components ::: List(path)
"j:" -> (arg => parallel_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
"l" -> (_ => build_library = true),
"o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
"p:" -> (arg => platform_families = space_explode(',', arg).map(Platform.Family.parse)),
"r:" -> (arg => rev = arg))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
if (platform_families.contains(Platform.Family.windows) && !Isabelle_System.bash("7z i").ok)
error("Building for windows requires 7z")
val progress = new Console_Progress()
def make_context(name: String): Release_Context =
release_name = name,
components_base = components_base,
progress = progress)
val context =
if (source_archive.isEmpty) {
val context = make_context(release_name)
val version = proper_string(rev) orElse proper_string(release_name) getOrElse "tip"
build_release_archive(context, version, parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs)
else {
val archive =
Release_Archive.get(source_archive, rename = release_name, progress = progress)
val context = make_context(archive.identifier)
use_release_archive(context, archive, id = rev)
build_release(options, context, afp_rev = afp_rev, platform_families = platform_families,
more_components = more_components, build_sessions = build_sessions,
build_library = build_library, parallel_jobs = parallel_jobs, website = website)