precisely distinguish between universal and existential quantifiers, instead of assuming the worst (universal), for monotonicity analysis
/* Title: Pure/term_xml.scala
Author: Makarius
XML data representation of lambda terms.
package isabelle
object Term_XML
import Term._
object Encode
import XML.Encode._
val sort: T[Sort] = list(string)
def typ: T[Typ] =
{ case Type(a, b) => (List(a), list(typ)(b)) },
{ case TFree(a, b) => (List(a), sort(b)) },
{ case TVar((a, b), c) => (List(a, int_atom(b)), sort(c)) }))
def term: T[Term] =
{ case Const(a, b) => (List(a), typ(b)) },
{ case Free(a, b) => (List(a), typ(b)) },
{ case Var((a, b), c) => (List(a, int_atom(b)), typ(c)) },
{ case Bound(a) => (List(int_atom(a)), Nil) },
{ case Abs(a, b, c) => (List(a), pair(typ, term)(b, c)) },
{ case App(a, b) => (Nil, pair(term, term)(a, b)) }))
object Decode
import XML.Decode._
val sort: T[Sort] = list(string)
def typ: T[Typ] =
{ case (List(a), b) => Type(a, list(typ)(b)) },
{ case (List(a), b) => TFree(a, sort(b)) },
{ case (List(a, b), c) => TVar((a, int_atom(b)), sort(c)) }))
def term: T[Term] =
{ case (List(a), b) => Const(a, typ(b)) },
{ case (List(a), b) => Free(a, typ(b)) },
{ case (List(a, b), c) => Var((a, int_atom(b)), typ(c)) },
{ case (List(a), Nil) => Bound(int_atom(a)) },
{ case (List(a), b) => val (c, d) = pair(typ, term)(b); Abs(a, c, d) },
{ case (Nil, a) => val (b, c) = pair(term, term)(a); App(b, c) }))