introduced local interpretation mechanism for BNFs, to solve issues with datatypes in locales
# Author: Makarius
# - list Isabelle tools with description
use strict;
use warnings;
my @tools = ();
for my $dir (split(":", $ENV{"ISABELLE_TOOLS"})) {
if (-d $dir) {
if (opendir DIR, $dir) {
for my $name (readdir DIR) {
my $file = "$dir/$name";
if (-f $file and -x $file and !($file =~ /~$/ or $file =~ /\.orig$/)) {
if (open FILE, $file) {
my $description;
while (<FILE>) {
if (!defined($description) and m/DESCRIPTION: *(.*)$/) {
$description = $1;
close FILE;
if (defined($description)) {
push(@tools, " $name - $description\n");
closedir DIR;
for (sort @tools) { print };