author kleing
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 21:40:34 +0100
changeset 10638 17063aee1d86
parent 10628 4ea7f3e8e471
child 10812 ead84e90bfeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
moved method lemma to BVSpec

(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/BV/LBVSpec.thy
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Gerwin Klein
    Copyright   1999 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

header {* The Lightweight Bytecode Verifier *}

theory LBVSpec = Step :

  certificate       = "state_type option list" 
  class_certificate = "sig => certificate"
  prog_certificate  = "cname => class_certificate"

  check_cert :: "[instr, jvm_prog, state_type option, certificate, p_count, p_count]
                 => bool"
  "check_cert i G s cert pc max_pc == \<forall>pc' \<in> set (succs i pc). pc' < max_pc \<and>  
                                     (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 --> G \<turnstile> step i G s <=' cert!pc')"

  wtl_inst :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,p_count,p_count] 
               => state_type option err" 
  "wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc == 
     if app i G maxs rT s \<and> check_cert i G s cert pc max_pc then 
       if pc+1 mem (succs i pc) then OK (step i G s) else OK (cert!(pc+1))
     else Err"

  wtl_cert :: "[instr,jvm_prog,ty,state_type option,certificate,nat,p_count,p_count] 
               => state_type option err"  
  "wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc ==
     case cert!pc of
        None    => wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc
      | Some s' => if G \<turnstile> s <=' (Some s') then 
                    wtl_inst i G rT (Some s') cert maxs max_pc pc 
                  else Err"

  wtl_inst_list :: "[instr list,jvm_prog,ty,certificate,nat,p_count,p_count, 
                     state_type option] => state_type option err"
  "wtl_inst_list []     G rT cert maxs max_pc pc s = OK s"
  "wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs max_pc pc s = 
    (let s' = wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc in
     strict (wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs max_pc (pc+1)) s')"

 wtl_method :: "[jvm_prog,cname,ty list,ty,nat,nat,instr list,certificate] => bool"  
 "wtl_method G C pTs rT mxs mxl ins cert ==  
	let max_pc = length ins  
  0 < max_pc \<and>   
  wtl_inst_list ins G rT cert mxs max_pc 0 
                (Some ([],(OK (Class C))#((map OK pTs))@(replicate mxl Err))) \<noteq> Err"

 wtl_jvm_prog :: "[jvm_prog,prog_certificate] => bool" 
 "wtl_jvm_prog G cert ==  
  wf_prog (\<lambda>G C (sig,rT,maxs,maxl,b). wtl_method G C (snd sig) rT maxs maxl b (cert C sig)) G"

lemma wtl_inst_OK:
"(wtl_inst i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc = OK s') =
 (app i G maxs rT s \<and> (\<forall>pc' \<in> set (succs i pc). 
                       pc' < max_pc \<and> (pc' \<noteq> pc+1 --> G \<turnstile> step i G s <=' cert!pc')) \<and> 
 (if pc+1 \<in> set (succs i pc) then s' = step i G s else s' = cert!(pc+1)))"
  by (auto simp add: wtl_inst_def check_cert_def set_mem_eq)

lemma strict_Some [simp]: 
"(strict f x = OK y) = (\<exists> z. x = OK z \<and> f z = OK y)"
  by (cases x, auto)

lemma wtl_Cons:
  "wtl_inst_list (i#is) G rT cert maxs max_pc pc s \<noteq> Err = 
  (\<exists>s'. wtl_cert i G rT s cert maxs max_pc pc = OK s' \<and> 
        wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs max_pc (pc+1) s' \<noteq> Err)"
by (auto simp del: split_paired_Ex)

lemma wtl_append:
"\<forall> s pc. (wtl_inst_list (a@b) G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s') =
   (\<exists>s''. wtl_inst_list a G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s'' \<and> 
          wtl_inst_list b G rT cert mxs mpc (pc+length a) s'' = OK s')" 
  (is "\<forall> s pc. ?C s pc a" is "?P a")
proof (induct ?P a)

  show "?P []" by simp
  fix x xs
  assume IH: "?P xs"

  show "?P (x#xs)"
  proof (intro allI)
    fix s pc 

    show "?C s pc (x#xs)"
    proof (cases "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mpc pc")
      case Err thus ?thesis by simp
      fix s0
      assume OK: "wtl_cert x G rT s cert mxs mpc pc = OK s0"

      with IH
      have "?C s0 (Suc pc) xs" by blast
      with OK
      show ?thesis by simp

lemma wtl_take:
  "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s'' ==>
   \<exists>s'. wtl_inst_list (take pc' is) G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s'"
proof -
  assume "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s''"

  hence "wtl_inst_list (take pc' is @ drop pc' is) G rT cert mxs mpc pc s = OK s''"
    by simp

  thus ?thesis 
    by (auto simp add: wtl_append simp del: append_take_drop_id)

lemma take_Suc:
  "\<forall>n. n < length l --> take (Suc n) l = (take n l)@[l!n]" (is "?P l")
proof (induct l)
  show "?P []" by simp

  fix x xs
  assume IH: "?P xs"
  show "?P (x#xs)"
  proof (intro strip)
    fix n
    assume "n < length (x#xs)"
    with IH
    show "take (Suc n) (x # xs) = take n (x # xs) @ [(x # xs) ! n]"
      by - (cases n, auto)

lemma wtl_Suc:
 "[| wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s = OK s'; 
     wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs (length is) pc = OK s'';
     Suc pc < length is |] ==>
  wtl_inst_list (take (Suc pc) is) G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s = OK s''" 
proof -
  assume wtt: "wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s = OK s'"
  assume wtc: "wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs (length is) pc = OK s''"
  assume pc: "Suc pc < length is"

  hence "take (Suc pc) is = (take pc is)@[is!pc]" 
    by (simp add: take_Suc)

  with wtt wtc pc
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: wtl_append min_def)

lemma wtl_all:
  "[| wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err;
      pc < length is |] ==> 
   \<exists>s' s''. wtl_inst_list (take pc is) G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s = OK s' \<and> 
            wtl_cert (is!pc) G rT s' cert maxs (length is) pc = OK s''"
proof -
  assume all: "wtl_inst_list is G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"

  assume pc: "pc < length is"
  hence  "0 < length (drop pc is)" by simp
  obtain i r where 
    Cons: "drop pc is = i#r" 
    by (auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv simp del: length_drop)
  hence "i#r = drop pc is" ..
  with all
  have take: "wtl_inst_list (take pc is@i#r) G rT cert maxs (length is) 0 s \<noteq> Err"
    by simp
  from pc
  have "is!pc = drop pc is ! 0" by simp
  with Cons
  have "is!pc = i" by simp

  with take pc
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: wtl_append min_def)
