Thu, 16 Apr 2009 13:38:03 +0200
changeset 34550 171c8c6e5707
parent 34544 56217d219e27
child 34551 bd2b8fde9e25
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepared proofdocument for only needed changes

 * Document as list of commands, consisting of lists of tokens
 * @author Johannes Hölzl, TU Munich
 * @author Fabian Immler, TU Munich
 * @author Makarius

package isabelle.proofdocument

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import isabelle.prover.{Prover, Command}
import isabelle.utils.LinearSet

case class StructureChange(
  val before_change: Option[Command],
  val added_commands: List[Command],
  val removed_commands: List[Command])

object ProofDocument
  // Be carefully when changing this regex. Not only must it handle the 
  // spurious end of a token but also:  
  // Bug ID: 5050507 Pattern.matches throws StackOverflow Error
  val token_pattern = 
      "\\{\\*([^*]|\\*[^}]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\})|" +
      "\\(\\*([^*]|\\*[^)]|\\*\\z)*(\\z|\\*\\))|" +
      "(\\?'?|')[A-Za-z_0-9.]*|" + 
      "[A-Za-z_0-9.]+|" + 
      "[!#$%&*+-/<=>?@^_|~]+|" +
      "\"([^\\\\\"]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(\"|\\z)|" +
      "`([^\\\\`]?(\\\\(.|\\z))?)*+(`|\\z)|" +
      "[()\\[\\]{}:;]", Pattern.MULTILINE)

 val empty =
  new ProofDocument(, LinearSet.empty, LinearSet.empty, false, _ => false)


class ProofDocument(val id: String,
                    val tokens: LinearSet[Token],
                    val commands: LinearSet[Command],
                    val active: Boolean,
                    is_command_keyword: String => Boolean)

  def mark_active: ProofDocument =
    new ProofDocument(id, tokens, commands, true, is_command_keyword)
  def activate: (ProofDocument, StructureChange) = {
    val (doc, change) =
      text_changed(new Text.Change(, 0, content, content.length))
    return (doc.mark_active, change)
  def set_command_keyword(f: String => Boolean): ProofDocument =
    new ProofDocument(id, tokens, commands, active, f)

  def content = Token.string_from_tokens(List() ++ tokens)
  /** token view **/

  def text_changed(change: Text.Change): (ProofDocument, StructureChange) =
    val tokens = List() ++ this.tokens
    val (begin, remaining) = tokens.span(_.stop < change.start)
    val (removed, end_unshifted) = remaining.span(_.start <= change.start + change.removed)
    val end = for (t <- end_unshifted) yield t.shift(change.added.length - change.removed)

    val split_begin = removed.takeWhile(_.start < change.start).
      map (t => new Token(t.start,
                          t.content.substring(0, change.start - t.start),
    val split_end = removed.dropWhile(_.stop < change.start + change.removed).
      map (t => new Token(change.start + change.added.length,
                          t.content.substring(change.start + change.removed - t.start),

    var invalid_tokens =  split_begin :::
      new Token(change.start, change.added, Token.Kind.OTHER) :: split_end ::: end
    var new_tokens = Nil: List[Token]
    var old_suffix = Nil: List[Token]

    val match_start = invalid_tokens.first.start
    val matcher = ProofDocument.token_pattern.matcher(Token.string_from_tokens(invalid_tokens))

    while (matcher.find() && invalid_tokens != Nil) {
			val kind =
        if (is_command_keyword(
        else if (matcher.end - matcher.start > 2 &&, 2) == "(*")
      val new_token = new Token(match_start + matcher.start,, kind)
      new_tokens ::= new_token

      invalid_tokens = invalid_tokens dropWhile (_.stop < new_token.stop)
      invalid_tokens match {
        case t::ts => if(t.start == new_token.start &&
                         t.start > change.start + change.added.length) {
          old_suffix = ts
          invalid_tokens = Nil
        case _ =>
    val insert = new_tokens.reverse
    val new_token_list = begin ::: insert ::: old_suffix
  /** command view **/

  def find_command_at(pos: Int): Command = {
    for (cmd <- commands) { if (pos < cmd.stop) return cmd }
    return null

  private def token_changed(new_id: String,
                            before_change: Option[Token],
                            inserted_tokens: List[Token],
                            removed_tokens: List[Token],
                            after_change: Option[Token],
                            new_token_list: List[Token]): (ProofDocument, StructureChange) =
    val commands = List[Command]() ++ this.commands

    // calculate removed commands
    val first_removed = removed_tokens.firstOption
    val last_removed = removed_tokens.lastOption

    val (begin, remaining) =
      first_removed match {
        case None => (Nil: List[Command], commands)
        case Some(fr) => commands.break(_.tokens.contains(fr))
    val removed_commands: List[Command]=
      last_removed match {
        case None => Nil
        case Some(lr) =>
          remaining.takeWhile(!_.tokens.contains(lr)) ++
          (remaining.find(_.tokens.contains(lr)) match {
            case None => Nil
            case Some(x) => List(x)

    def tokens_to_commands(tokens: List[Token]): List[Command]= {
      tokens match {
        case Nil => Nil
        case t::ts =>
          val (cmd,rest) = ts.span(_.kind != Token.Kind.COMMAND_START)
          new Command(t::cmd) :: tokens_to_commands (rest)

    // calculate inserted commands
    val new_commands = tokens_to_commands(new_token_list)
    val new_tokenset = (LinearSet() ++ new_token_list).asInstanceOf[LinearSet[Token]]
    val new_commandset = (LinearSet() ++ (new_commands)).asInstanceOf[LinearSet[Command]]
    // drop known commands from the beginning
    val first_changed = before_change match {
      case None => new_tokenset.first_elem
      case Some(bc) =>
    val changed_commands = first_changed match {
      case None => Nil
      case Some(fc) => new_commands.dropWhile(!_.tokens.contains(fc))
    val inserted_commands = after_change match {
      case None => changed_commands
      case Some(ac) => changed_commands.takeWhile(!_.tokens.contains(ac))
    //val change = new StructureChange(new_commands.find(_.tokens.contains(before_change)),
    //                                 inserted_commands, removed_commands)
    // TODO: revert to upper change, when commands and tokens are ok
    val change = new StructureChange(None, List() ++ new_commandset, commands)
    // build new document
    val doc =
      new ProofDocument(new_id, new_tokenset, new_commandset, active, is_command_keyword)
    return (doc, change)