author bulwahn
Mon, 02 Jul 2012 12:23:30 +0200
changeset 48179 18461f745b4a
parent 46943 ac1c41ea856d
child 48349 a78e5d399599
permissions -rw-r--r--
adding some minimal documentation and an example of quickcheck's interfaces

/*  Title:      Pure/Isar/parse.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Generic parsers for Isabelle/Isar outer syntax.

package isabelle

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers

object Parse
  /* parsing tokens */

  trait Parser extends Parsers
    type Elem = Token

    def filter_proper = true

    private def proper(in: Input): Input =
      if (in.atEnd || !in.first.is_ignored || !filter_proper) in
      else proper(

    def token(s: String, pred: Elem => Boolean): Parser[Elem] = new Parser[Elem]
      def apply(raw_input: Input) =
        val in = proper(raw_input)
        if (in.atEnd) Failure(s + " expected (past end-of-file!)", in)
        else {
          val token = in.first
          if (pred(token)) Success(token, proper(
            token.text match {
              case (txt, "") =>
                Failure(s + " expected,\nbut " + txt + " was found", in)
              case (txt1, txt2) =>
                Failure(s + " expected,\nbut " + txt1 + " was found:\n" + txt2, in)

    def not_eof: Parser[Elem] = token("input token", _ => true)
    def eof: Parser[Unit] = not(not_eof)

    def atom(s: String, pred: Elem => Boolean): Parser[String] =
      token(s, pred) ^^ (_.content)

    def keyword(name: String): Parser[String] =
      atom(Token.Kind.KEYWORD.toString + " " + quote(name),
        tok => tok.kind == Token.Kind.KEYWORD && tok.content == name)

    def string: Parser[String] = atom("string", _.is_string)
    def name: Parser[String] = atom("name declaration", _.is_name)
    def xname: Parser[String] = atom("name reference", _.is_xname)
    def text: Parser[String] = atom("text", _.is_text)
    def ML_source: Parser[String] = atom("ML source", _.is_text)
    def doc_source: Parser[String] = atom("document source", _.is_text)
    def path: Parser[String] = atom("file name/path specification", _.is_name)

    private def tag_name: Parser[String] =
      atom("tag name", tok =>
          tok.kind == Token.Kind.IDENT ||
          tok.kind == Token.Kind.STRING)

    def tags: Parser[List[String]] = rep(keyword("%") ~> tag_name)

    /* wrappers */

    def parse[T](p: Parser[T], in: Token.Reader): ParseResult[T] = p(in)
    def parse_all[T](p: Parser[T], in: Token.Reader): ParseResult[T] = parse(phrase(p), in)