(* Title: Pure/Isar/proof_node.ML
Author: Makarius
Proof nodes with linear position and backtracking.
signature PROOF_NODE =
type T
val init: Proof.state -> T
val current: T -> Proof.state
val position: T -> int
val back: T -> T
val applys: (Proof.state -> Proof.state Seq.seq) -> T -> T
val apply: (Proof.state -> Proof.state) -> T -> T
structure Proof_Node: PROOF_NODE =
(* datatype *)
datatype T = Proof_Node of
(Proof.state * (*first result*)
Proof.state Seq.seq) * (*alternative results*)
int; (*linear proof position*)
fun init st = Proof_Node ((st, Seq.empty), 0);
fun current (Proof_Node ((st, _), _)) = st;
fun position (Proof_Node (_, n)) = n;
(* backtracking *)
fun back (Proof_Node ((_, stq), n)) =
(case Seq.pull stq of
NONE => error "back: no alternatives"
| SOME res => Proof_Node (res, n));
(* apply transformer *)
fun applys f (Proof_Node ((st, _), n)) =
(case Seq.pull (f st) of
NONE => error "empty result sequence -- proof command failed"
| SOME res => Proof_Node (res, n + 1));
fun apply f = applys (Seq.single o f);