- record_split_tac now also works for object-level universal quantifier
- bound variables in split rule now have nicer names
- added new simproc record_eq_simproc which prevents simplifier
from choosing the "wrong" equality rule
(* Title: Pure/basis.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
Basis Library emulation. Needed for Poly/ML and Standard ML of New
Jersey version 0.93 to 1.08. Full compatibility cannot be obtained
using a file: what about char constants?
exception Subscript;
structure Bool =
fun toString true = "true"
| toString false = "false"
structure Option =
exception Option
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a
fun getOpt (SOME v, _) = v
| getOpt (NONE, a) = a
fun isSome (SOME _) = true
| isSome NONE = false
fun valOf (SOME v) = v
| valOf NONE = raise Option
structure Int =
type int = int
fun toString (i: int) = makestring i;
fun max (x, y) = if x < y then y else x : int;
fun min (x, y) = if x < y then x else y : int;
structure Real =
fun toString (x: real) = makestring x;
fun max (x, y) = if x < y then y else x : real;
fun min (x, y) = if x < y then x else y : real;
val real = real;
val floor = floor;
fun ceil x = ~1 - floor (~ (x + 1.0));
fun round x = floor (x + 0.5); (*does not do round-to-nearest*)
fun trunc x = if x < 0.0 then ceil x else floor x;
structure List =
exception Empty
fun last [] = raise Empty
| last [x] = x
| last (x::xs) = last xs;
fun nth (xs, n) =
let fun h [] _ = raise Subscript
| h (x::xs) n = if n=0 then x else h xs (n-1)
in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
fun drop (xs, n) =
let fun h xs 0 = xs
| h [] n = raise Subscript
| h (x::xs) n = h xs (n-1)
in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
fun take (xs, n) =
let fun h xs 0 = []
| h [] n = raise Subscript
| h (x::xs) n = x :: h xs (n-1)
in if n<0 then raise Subscript else h xs n end;
fun concat [] = []
| concat (l::ls) = l @ concat ls;
fun mapPartial f [] = []
| mapPartial f (x::xs) =
(case f x of Option.NONE => mapPartial f xs
| Option.SOME y => y :: mapPartial f xs);
fun find _ [] = Option.NONE
| find p (x :: xs) = if p x then Option.SOME x else find p xs;
(*copy the list preserving elements that satisfy the predicate*)
fun filter p [] = []
| filter p (x :: xs) = if p x then x :: filter p xs else filter p xs;
(*Partition list into elements that satisfy predicate and those that don't.
Preserves order of elements in both lists.*)
fun partition (p: 'a->bool) (ys: 'a list) : ('a list * 'a list) =
let fun part ([], answer) = answer
| part (x::xs, (ys, ns)) = if p(x)
then part (xs, (x::ys, ns))
else part (xs, (ys, x::ns))
in part (rev ys, ([], [])) end;
structure ListPair =
fun zip ([], []) = []
| zip (x::xs,y::ys) = (x,y) :: zip(xs,ys);
fun unzip [] = ([],[])
| unzip((x,y)::pairs) =
let val (xs,ys) = unzip pairs
in (x::xs, y::ys) end;
fun map f ([], []) = []
| map f (x::xs,y::ys) = f(x,y) :: map f (xs,ys);
fun exists p =
let fun boolf ([], []) = false
| boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) orelse boolf (xs,ys)
in boolf end;
fun all p =
let fun boolf ([], []) = true
| boolf (x::xs,y::ys) = p(x,y) andalso boolf (xs,ys)
in boolf end;
structure TextIO =
type instream = instream
and outstream = outstream
exception Io of {name: string, function: string, cause: exn}
val stdIn = std_in
val stdOut = std_out
val stdErr = std_out
val openIn = open_in
val openAppend = open_append
val openOut = open_out
val closeIn = close_in
val closeOut = close_out
val inputN = input
val inputAll = fn is => inputN (is, 999999)
val inputLine = input_line
val endOfStream = end_of_stream
val output = output
val flushOut = flush_out
fun print s = (output (std_out, s); flush_out std_out);
structure General =
fun raised name = "exception " ^ name ^ " raised";
fun raised_msg name msg = raised name ^ ": " ^ msg;
fun exnMessage Match = raised_msg "Match" "nonexhaustive match failure"
| exnMessage Bind = raised_msg "Bind" "nonexhaustive binding failure"
| exnMessage (Io msg) = "I/O error: " ^ msg
| exnMessage Neg = raised "Neg"
| exnMessage Sum = raised "Sum"
| exnMessage Diff = raised "Diff"
| exnMessage Prod = raised "Prod"
| exnMessage Quot = raised "Quot"
| exnMessage Abs = raised "Abs"
| exnMessage Div = raised "Div"
| exnMessage Mod = raised "Mod"
| exnMessage Floor = raised "Floor"
| exnMessage Sqrt = raised "Sqrt"
| exnMessage Exp = raised "Exp"
| exnMessage Ln = raised "Ln"
| exnMessage Ord = raised "Ord"
| exnMessage Subscript = raised_msg "Subscript " "subscript out of bounds"
| exnMessage Option.Option = raised "Option.Option"
| exnMessage List.Empty = raised "List.Empty"
| exnMessage (TextIO.Io {name, ...}) = raised_msg "TextIO.Io" name
| exnMessage exn = raised "???";