(* Title: HOL/Bali/Name.thy
ID: $Id$
Author: David von Oheimb
header {* Java names *}
theory Name = Basis:
(* cf. 6.5 *)
typedecl tnam --{* ordinary type name, i.e. class or interface name *}
typedecl pname --{* package name *}
typedecl mname --{* method name *}
typedecl vname --{* variable or field name *}
typedecl label --{* label as destination of break or continue *}
tnam :: "type"
pname :: "type"
vname :: "type"
mname :: "type"
label :: "type"
datatype ename --{* expression name *}
= VNam vname
| Res --{* special name to model the return value of methods *}
datatype lname --{* names for local variables and the This pointer *}
= EName ename
| This
VName :: "vname \<Rightarrow> lname"
Result :: lname
"VName n" == "EName (VNam n)"
"Result" == "EName Res"
datatype xname --{* names of standard exceptions *}
= Throwable
| NullPointer | OutOfMemory | ClassCast
| NegArrSize | IndOutBound | ArrStore
lemma xn_cases:
"xn = Throwable \<or> xn = NullPointer \<or>
xn = OutOfMemory \<or> xn = ClassCast \<or>
xn = NegArrSize \<or> xn = IndOutBound \<or> xn = ArrStore"
apply (induct xn)
apply auto
datatype tname --{* type names for standard classes and other type names *}
= Object_
| SXcpt_ xname
| TName tnam
record qtname = --{* qualified tname cf. 6.5.3, 6.5.4*}
pid :: pname
tid :: tname
axclass has_pname < "type"
consts pname::"'a::has_pname \<Rightarrow> pname"
instance pname::has_pname ..
defs (overloaded)
pname_pname_def: "pname (p::pname) \<equiv> p"
axclass has_tname < "type"
consts tname::"'a::has_tname \<Rightarrow> tname"
instance tname::has_tname ..
defs (overloaded)
tname_tname_def: "tname (t::tname) \<equiv> t"
axclass has_qtname < "type"
consts qtname:: "'a::has_qtname \<Rightarrow> qtname"
(* Declare qtname as instance of has_qtname *)
instance qtname_ext_type::("type") has_qtname ..
defs (overloaded)
qtname_qtname_def: "qtname (q::qtname) \<equiv> q"
"mname" <= "Name.mname"
"xname" <= "Name.xname"
"tname" <= "Name.tname"
"ename" <= "Name.ename"
"qtname" <= (type) "\<lparr>pid::pname,tid::tname\<rparr>"
(type) "'a qtname_scheme" <= (type) "\<lparr>pid::pname,tid::tname,\<dots>::'a\<rparr>"
consts java_lang::pname --{* package java.lang *}
Object :: qtname
SXcpt :: "xname \<Rightarrow> qtname"
Object_def: "Object \<equiv> \<lparr>pid = java_lang, tid = Object_\<rparr>"
SXcpt_def: "SXcpt \<equiv> \<lambda>x. \<lparr>pid = java_lang, tid = SXcpt_ x\<rparr>"
lemma Object_neq_SXcpt [simp]: "Object \<noteq> SXcpt xn"
by (simp add: Object_def SXcpt_def)
lemma SXcpt_inject [simp]: "(SXcpt xn = SXcpt xm) = (xn = xm)"
by (simp add: SXcpt_def)