author nipkow
Thu, 19 Nov 2015 18:43:41 +0100
changeset 61703 1f1354ca7ea7
parent 61640 44c9198f210c
child 67406 23307fd33906
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned and converted to cmp

(* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)

section {* 2-3-4 Trees *}

theory Tree234
imports Main

class height =
fixes height :: "'a \<Rightarrow> nat"

datatype 'a tree234 =
  Leaf ("\<langle>\<rangle>") |
  Node2 "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234"  ("\<langle>_, _, _\<rangle>") |
  Node3 "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234"  ("\<langle>_, _, _, _, _\<rangle>") |
  Node4 "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234" 'a "'a tree234"
    ("\<langle>_, _, _, _, _, _, _\<rangle>")

fun inorder :: "'a tree234 \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where
"inorder Leaf = []" |
"inorder(Node2 l a r) = inorder l @ a # inorder r" |
"inorder(Node3 l a m b r) = inorder l @ a # inorder m @ b # inorder r" |
"inorder(Node4 l a m b n c r) = inorder l @ a # inorder m @ b # inorder n @ c # inorder r"

instantiation tree234 :: (type)height

fun height_tree234 :: "'a tree234 \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"height Leaf = 0" |
"height (Node2 l _ r) = Suc(max (height l) (height r))" |
"height (Node3 l _ m _ r) = Suc(max (height l) (max (height m) (height r)))" |
"height (Node4 l _ m _ n _ r) = Suc(max (height l) (max (height m) (max (height n) (height r))))"

instance ..


text{* Balanced: *}
fun bal :: "'a tree234 \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bal Leaf = True" |
"bal (Node2 l _ r) = (bal l & bal r & height l = height r)" |
"bal (Node3 l _ m _ r) = (bal l & bal m & bal r & height l = height m & height m = height r)" |
"bal (Node4 l _ m _ n _ r) = (bal l & bal m & bal n & bal r & height l = height m & height m = height n & height n = height r)"
