author wenzelm
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 21:05:40 +0100
changeset 12806 1f54c65fca5d
parent 12758 f6aceb9d4b8e
child 12834 e5bec3268932
permissions -rw-r--r--
ObjectLogic.atomize_term replaces ObjectLogic.atomize_cterm;

(*  Title:      Pure/Isar/locale.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, LMU München

Locales -- Isar proof contexts as meta-level predicates, with local
syntax and implicit structures.

Draws some basic ideas from Florian Kammüller's original version of
locales, but uses the richer infrastructure of Isar instead of the raw
meta-logic.  Furthermore, we provide structured import of contexts
(with merge and rename operations), as well as type-inference of the
signature parts.

signature LOCALE =
  type context
  datatype ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem =
    Fixes of (string * 'typ option * mixfix option) list |
    Assumes of ((string * 'att list) * ('term * ('term list * 'term list)) list) list |
    Defines of ((string * 'att list) * ('term * 'term list)) list |
    Notes of ((string * 'att list) * ('fact * 'att list) list) list
  datatype expr =
    Locale of string |
    Rename of expr * string option list |
    Merge of expr list
  val empty: expr
  datatype ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem_expr =
    Elem of ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem | Expr of expr
  type 'att element
  type 'att element_i
  type locale
  val intern: -> xstring -> string
  val cond_extern: -> string -> xstring
  val the_locale: theory -> string -> locale
  val attribute: ('att -> context attribute) -> ('typ, 'term, 'thm, 'att) elem_expr
    -> ('typ, 'term, 'thm, context attribute) elem_expr
  val read_context_statement: xstring option -> context attribute element list ->
    (string * (string list * string list)) list list -> context ->
    string option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
  val cert_context_statement: string option -> context attribute element_i list ->
    (term * (term list * term list)) list list -> context ->
    string option * context * context * (term * (term list * term list)) list list
  val print_locales: theory -> unit
  val print_locale: theory -> expr -> context attribute element list -> unit
  val add_locale: bstring -> expr -> context attribute element list -> theory -> theory
  val add_locale_i: bstring -> expr -> context attribute element_i list -> theory -> theory
  val have_thmss: string -> xstring ->
    ((bstring * context attribute list) * (xstring * context attribute list) list) list ->
    theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
  val have_thmss_i: string -> string ->
    ((bstring * context attribute list) * (thm list * context attribute list) list) list ->
    theory -> theory * (bstring * thm list) list
  val add_thmss_hybrid: string ->
    ((bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm list * theory attribute list) list) list ->
    (string * context attribute list list) option -> thm list list -> theory ->
    theory * (string * thm list) list
  val setup: (theory -> theory) list

structure Locale: LOCALE =

(** locale elements and expressions **)

type context = ProofContext.context;

datatype ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem =
  Fixes of (string * 'typ option * mixfix option) list |
  Assumes of ((string * 'att list) * ('term * ('term list * 'term list)) list) list |
  Defines of ((string * 'att list) * ('term * 'term list)) list |
  Notes of ((string * 'att list) * ('fact * 'att list) list) list;

datatype expr =
  Locale of string |
  Rename of expr * string option list |
  Merge of expr list;

val empty = Merge [];

datatype ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem_expr =
  Elem of ('typ, 'term, 'fact, 'att) elem | Expr of expr;

type 'att element = (string, string, string, 'att) elem_expr;
type 'att element_i = (typ, term, thm list, 'att) elem_expr;

type locale =
 {import: expr,                                                         (*dynamic import*)
  elems: ((typ, term, thm list, context attribute) elem * stamp) list,  (*static content*)
  params: (string * typ option) list * string list,                     (*all vs. local params*)
  text: ((string * typ) list * term list) * ((string * typ) list * term list)};  (*predicate text*)

fun make_locale import elems params text =
 {import = import, elems = elems, params = params, text = text}: locale;

(** theory data **)

structure LocalesArgs =
  val name = "Isar/locales";
  type T = NameSpace.T * locale Symtab.table;

  val empty = (NameSpace.empty, Symtab.empty);
  val copy = I;
  val prep_ext = I;

  (*joining of locale elements: only facts may be added later!*)
  fun join ({import, elems, params, text}: locale, {elems = elems', ...}: locale) =
    Some (make_locale import (gen_merge_lists eq_snd elems elems') params text);
  fun merge ((space1, locs1), (space2, locs2)) =
    (NameSpace.merge (space1, space2), Symtab.join join (locs1, locs2));

  fun print _ (space, locs) =
    Pretty.strs ("locales:" :: map (NameSpace.cond_extern space o #1) (Symtab.dest locs))
    |> Pretty.writeln;

structure LocalesData = TheoryDataFun(LocalesArgs);
val print_locales = LocalesData.print;

val intern = NameSpace.intern o #1 o LocalesData.get_sg;
val cond_extern = NameSpace.cond_extern o #1 o LocalesData.get_sg;

(* access locales *)

fun declare_locale name = (apfst (fn space => (NameSpace.extend (space, [name]))));

fun put_locale name loc = (apsnd (fn locs => Symtab.update ((name, loc), locs)));
fun get_locale thy name = Symtab.lookup (#2 (LocalesData.get thy), name);

fun the_locale thy name =
  (case get_locale thy name of
    Some loc => loc
  | None => error ("Unknown locale " ^ quote name));

(* diagnostics *)

fun err_in_locale ctxt msg ids =
    val sign = ProofContext.sign_of ctxt;
    fun prt_id (name, parms) =
      [Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks (map Pretty.str (cond_extern sign name :: parms)))];
    val prt_ids = flat (separate [Pretty.str " +", Pretty.brk 1] (map prt_id ids));
    val err_msg =
      if forall (equal "" o #1) ids then msg
      else msg ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block
        (Pretty.str "The error(s) above occurred in locale:" :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_ids));
  in raise ProofContext.CONTEXT (err_msg, ctxt) end;

(** primitives **)

(* renaming *)

fun rename ren x = if_none (assoc_string (ren, x)) x;

fun rename_term ren (Free (x, T)) = Free (rename ren x, T)
  | rename_term ren (t $ u) = rename_term ren t $ rename_term ren u
  | rename_term ren (Abs (x, T, t)) = Abs (x, T, rename_term ren t)
  | rename_term _ a = a;

fun rename_thm ren th =
    val {sign, hyps, prop, maxidx, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th;
    val cert = Thm.cterm_of sign;
    val (xs, Ts) = Library.split_list (foldl Term.add_frees ([], prop :: hyps));
    val xs' = map (rename ren) xs;
    fun cert_frees names = map (cert o Free) (names ~~ Ts);
    fun cert_vars names = map (cert o Var o apfst (rpair (maxidx + 1))) (names ~~ Ts);
    if xs = xs' then th
      |> Drule.implies_intr_list (map cert hyps)
      |> Drule.forall_intr_list (cert_frees xs)
      |> Drule.forall_elim_list (cert_vars xs)
      |> Thm.instantiate ([], cert_vars xs ~~ cert_frees xs')
      |> (fn th' => Drule.implies_elim_list th' (map (Thm.assume o cert o rename_term ren) hyps))

fun rename_elem ren (Fixes fixes) = Fixes (fixes |> map (fn (x, T, mx) =>
      let val x' = rename ren x in
        if x = x' then (x, T, mx)
        else (x', T, if mx = None then mx else Some Syntax.NoSyn)    (*drop syntax*)
  | rename_elem ren (Assumes asms) = Assumes (map (apsnd (map (fn (t, (ps, qs)) =>
      (rename_term ren t, (map (rename_term ren) ps, map (rename_term ren) qs))))) asms)
  | rename_elem ren (Defines defs) = Defines (map (apsnd (fn (t, ps) =>
      (rename_term ren t, map (rename_term ren) ps))) defs)
  | rename_elem ren (Notes facts) = Notes (map (apsnd (map (apfst (map (rename_thm ren))))) facts);

fun rename_facts prfx elem =
    fun qualify (arg as ((name, atts), x)) =
      if name = "" then arg
      else ((NameSpace.pack (filter_out (equal "") (prfx @ [name])), atts), x);
    (case elem of
      Fixes fixes => Fixes fixes
    | Assumes asms => Assumes (map qualify asms)
    | Defines defs => Defines (map qualify defs)
    | Notes facts => Notes (map qualify facts))

(* type instantiation *)

fun inst_type [] T = T
  | inst_type env T = Term.map_type_tfree (fn v => if_none (assoc (env, v)) (TFree v)) T;

fun inst_term [] t = t
  | inst_term env t = Term.map_term_types (inst_type env) t;

fun inst_thm [] th = th
  | inst_thm env th =
        val {sign, hyps, prop, maxidx, ...} = Thm.rep_thm th;
        val cert = Thm.cterm_of sign;
        val certT = Thm.ctyp_of sign;
        val tfrees = foldr Term.add_term_tfree_names (prop :: hyps, []);
        val env' = filter (fn ((a, _), _) => a mem_string tfrees) env;
        if null env' then th
          |> Drule.implies_intr_list (map cert hyps)
          |> Drule.tvars_intr_list (map (#1 o #1) env')
          |> (fn (th', al) => th' |>
            Thm.instantiate ((map (fn ((a, _), T) => (the (assoc (al, a)), certT T)) env'), []))
          |> (fn th'' => Drule.implies_elim_list th''
              (map (Thm.assume o cert o inst_term env') hyps))

fun inst_elem env (Fixes fixes) =
      Fixes (map (fn (x, T, mx) => (x, apsome (inst_type env) T, mx)) fixes)
  | inst_elem env (Assumes asms) = Assumes (map (apsnd (map (fn (t, (ps, qs)) =>
      (inst_term env t, (map (inst_term env) ps, map (inst_term env) qs))))) asms)
  | inst_elem env (Defines defs) = Defines (map (apsnd (fn (t, ps) =>
      (inst_term env t, map (inst_term env) ps))) defs)
  | inst_elem env (Notes facts) = Notes (map (apsnd (map (apfst (map (inst_thm env))))) facts);

(** structured contexts: rename + merge + implicit type instantiation **)

(* parameter types *)

fun frozen_tvars ctxt Ts =
    val tvars = rev (foldl Term.add_tvarsT ([], Ts));
    val tfrees = map TFree
      (Term.invent_type_names (ProofContext.used_types ctxt) (length tvars) ~~ map #2 tvars);
  in map #1 tvars ~~ tfrees end;

fun unify_frozen ctxt maxidx Ts Us =
    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt);
    fun unify (env, (Some T, Some U)) = (Type.unify tsig env (U, T)
          handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_frozen: failed to unify types", [U, T], []))
      | unify (env, _) = env;
    fun paramify (i, None) = (i, None)
      | paramify (i, Some T) = apsnd Some (Type.paramify_dummies (i, T));

    val (maxidx', Ts') = foldl_map paramify (maxidx, Ts);
    val (maxidx'', Us') = foldl_map paramify (maxidx', Us);
    val (unifier, _) = foldl unify ((Vartab.empty, maxidx''), Ts' ~~ Us');
    val Vs = map (apsome (Envir.norm_type unifier)) Us';
    val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (mapfilter I Vs));
  in map (apsome (Envir.norm_type unifier')) Vs end;

fun params_of elemss = gen_distinct eq_fst (flat (map (snd o fst) elemss));
fun param_types ps = mapfilter (fn (_, None) => None | (x, Some T) => Some (x, T)) ps;

(* flatten expressions *)


fun unique_parms ctxt elemss =
    val param_decls =
      flat (map (fn ((name, (ps, qs)), _) => map (rpair (name, ps)) qs) elemss)
      |> Symtab.make_multi |> Symtab.dest;
    (case find_first (fn (_, ids) => length ids > 1) param_decls of
      Some (q, ids) => err_in_locale ctxt ("Multiple declaration of parameter " ^ quote q)
          (map (apsnd (map fst)) ids)
    | None => map (apfst (apsnd #1)) elemss)

fun unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms raw_parmss =
    val tsig = Sign.tsig_of (ProofContext.sign_of ctxt);
    val maxidx = length raw_parmss;
    val idx_parmss = (0 upto maxidx - 1) ~~ raw_parmss;

    fun varify i = Term.map_type_tfree (fn (a, S) => TVar ((a, i), S));
    fun varify_parms (i, ps) = map (apsnd (varify i)) (param_types ps);
    val parms = fixed_parms @ flat (map varify_parms idx_parmss);

    fun unify T ((env, maxidx), U) = Type.unify tsig (env, maxidx) (U, T)
      handle Type.TUNIFY => raise TYPE ("unify_parms: failed to unify types", [U, T], []);
    fun unify_list (envir, T :: Us) = foldl (unify T) (envir, Us)
      | unify_list (envir, []) = envir;
    val (unifier, _) = foldl unify_list
      ((Vartab.empty, maxidx), map #2 (Symtab.dest (Symtab.make_multi parms)));

    val parms' = map (apsnd (Envir.norm_type unifier)) (gen_distinct eq_fst parms);
    val unifier' = Vartab.extend (unifier, frozen_tvars ctxt (map #2 parms'));

    fun inst_parms (i, ps) =
      foldr Term.add_typ_tfrees (mapfilter snd ps, [])
      |> mapfilter (fn (a, S) =>
          let val T = Envir.norm_type unifier' (TVar ((a, i), S))
          in if T = TFree (a, S) then None else Some ((a, S), T) end);
  in map inst_parms idx_parmss end;


fun unify_elemss _ _ [] = []
  | unify_elemss _ [] [elems] = [elems]
  | unify_elemss ctxt fixed_parms elemss =
        val envs = unify_parms ctxt fixed_parms (map (#2 o #1) elemss);
        fun inst (((name, ps), elems), env) =
          ((name, map (apsnd (apsome (inst_type env))) ps), map (inst_elem env) elems);
      in map2 inst (elemss, envs) end;

fun flatten_expr ctxt (prev_idents, expr) =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;

    fun renaming (Some x :: xs) (y :: ys) = (y, x) :: renaming xs ys
      | renaming (None :: xs) (y :: ys) = renaming xs ys
      | renaming [] _ = []
      | renaming xs [] = raise ERROR_MESSAGE ("Too many arguments in renaming: " ^
          commas (map (fn None => "_" | Some x => quote x) xs));

    fun rename_parms ren (name, ps) =
      let val ps' = map (rename ren) ps in
        (case duplicates ps' of [] => (name, ps')
        | dups => err_in_locale ctxt ("Duplicate parameters: " ^ commas_quote dups) [(name, ps')])

    fun identify ((ids, parms), Locale name) =
            val {import, params, ...} = the_locale thy name;
            val ps = map #1 (#1 params);
            if (name, ps) mem ids then (ids, parms)
              let val (ids', parms') = identify ((ids, parms), import);  (*acyclic dependencies!*)
              in (ids' @ [(name, ps)], merge_lists parms' ps) end
      | identify ((ids, parms), Rename (e, xs)) =
            val (ids', parms') = identify (([], []), e);
            val ren = renaming xs parms' handle ERROR_MESSAGE msg => err_in_locale ctxt msg ids';
            val ids'' = distinct (map (rename_parms ren) ids');
            val parms'' = distinct (flat (map #2 ids''));
          in (merge_lists ids ids'', merge_lists parms parms'') end
      | identify (arg, Merge es) = foldl identify (arg, es);

    fun eval (name, xs) =
        val {params = (ps, qs), elems, ...} = the_locale thy name;
        val ren = filter_out (op =) (map #1 ps ~~ xs);
        val (params', elems') =
          if null ren then ((ps, qs), map #1 elems)
          else ((map (apfst (rename ren)) ps, map (rename ren) qs),
            map (rename_elem ren o #1) elems);
        val elems'' = map (rename_facts [NameSpace.base name, space_implode "_" xs]) elems';
      in ((name, params'), elems'') end;

    val idents = gen_rems (op =) (#1 (identify (([], []), expr)), prev_idents);
    val raw_elemss = unique_parms ctxt (map eval idents);
    val elemss = unify_elemss ctxt [] raw_elemss;
  in (prev_idents @ idents, elemss) end;


(* activate elements *)


fun activate_elem (Fixes fixes) = ProofContext.add_fixes fixes
  | activate_elem (Assumes asms) =
      #1 o ProofContext.assume_i ProofContext.export_assume asms o
      ProofContext.fix_frees (flat (map (map #1 o #2) asms))
  | activate_elem (Defines defs) = (fn ctxt => #1 (ProofContext.assume_i ProofContext.export_def
      (map (fn ((name, atts), (t, ps)) =>
        let val (c, t') = ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t
        in ((if name = "" then Thm.def_name c else name, atts), [(t', (ps, []))]) end) defs) ctxt))
  | activate_elem (Notes facts) = #1 o ProofContext.have_thmss_i facts;

fun activate_elems ((name, ps), elems) = ProofContext.qualified (fn ctxt =>
  foldl (fn (c, e) => activate_elem e c) (ctxt, elems) handle ProofContext.CONTEXT (msg, ctxt) =>
    err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]);


fun activate_facts prep_facts (ctxt, ((name, ps), raw_elems)) =
    val elems = map (prep_facts ctxt) raw_elems;
    val res = ((name, ps), elems);
  in (ctxt |> activate_elems res, res) end;


(** prepare context elements **)

(* expressions *)

fun intern_expr sg (Locale xname) = Locale (intern sg xname)
  | intern_expr sg (Merge exprs) = Merge (map (intern_expr sg) exprs)
  | intern_expr sg (Rename (expr, xs)) = Rename (intern_expr sg expr, xs);

(* attributes *)

local fun read_att attrib (x, srcs) = (x, map attrib srcs) in

fun attribute _ (Elem (Fixes fixes)) = Elem (Fixes fixes)
  | attribute attrib (Elem (Assumes asms)) = Elem (Assumes (map (apfst (read_att attrib)) asms))
  | attribute attrib (Elem (Defines defs)) = Elem (Defines (map (apfst (read_att attrib)) defs))
  | attribute attrib (Elem (Notes facts)) =
      Elem (Notes (map (apfst (read_att attrib) o apsnd (map (read_att attrib))) facts))
  | attribute _ (Expr expr) = Expr expr;


(* parameters *)


fun prep_fixes prep_vars ctxt fixes =
  let val vars = snd (foldl_map prep_vars (ctxt, map (fn (x, T, _) => ([x], T)) fixes))
  in map (fn (([x'], T'), (_, _, mx)) => (x', T', mx)) (vars ~~ fixes) end;


fun read_fixes x = prep_fixes ProofContext.read_vars x;
fun cert_fixes x = prep_fixes ProofContext.cert_vars x;


(* propositions and bindings *)

datatype ('a, 'b) int_ext = Int of 'a | Ext of 'b;


fun declare_int_elem (ctxt, Fixes fixes) =
      (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes (map (fn (x, T, mx) =>
        (x, apsome (Term.map_type_tfree (Type.param 0)) T, mx)) fixes), [])
  | declare_int_elem (ctxt, _) = (ctxt, []);

fun declare_ext_elem prep_fixes (ctxt, Fixes fixes) =
      (ctxt |> ProofContext.add_fixes (prep_fixes ctxt fixes), [])
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Assumes asms) = (ctxt, map #2 asms)
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Defines defs) = (ctxt, map (fn (_, (t, ps)) => [(t, (ps, []))]) defs)
  | declare_ext_elem _ (ctxt, Notes facts) = (ctxt, []);

fun declare_elems prep_fixes (ctxt, ((name, ps), elems)) =
  let val (ctxt', propps) =
    (case elems of
      Int es => foldl_map declare_int_elem (ctxt, es)
    | Ext e => foldl_map (declare_ext_elem prep_fixes) (ctxt, [e]))
    handle ProofContext.CONTEXT (msg, ctxt) => err_in_locale ctxt msg [(name, map fst ps)]
  in (ctxt', propps) end;

fun declare_elemss prep_fixes fixed_params raw_elemss ctxt =
    val int_elemss =
      |> mapfilter (fn (id, Int es) => Some (id, es) | _ => None)
      |> unify_elemss ctxt fixed_params;
    val (_, raw_elemss') =
      foldl_map (fn ((_, es) :: elemss, (id, Int _)) => (elemss, (id, Int es)) | x => x)
        (int_elemss, raw_elemss);
  in foldl_map (declare_elems prep_fixes) (ctxt, raw_elemss') end;

fun close_frees ctxt t =
  let val frees = rev (filter_out (ProofContext.is_fixed ctxt o #1) (Term.add_frees ([], t)))
  in Term.list_all_free (frees, t) end;

fun no_binds _ [] = []
  | no_binds ctxt (_ :: _) =
      raise ProofContext.CONTEXT ("Illegal term bindings in locale element", ctxt);

fun closeup ctxt (Assumes asms) = Assumes (asms |> map (fn (a, propps) =>
      (a, map (fn (t, (ps, qs)) => (close_frees ctxt t,
        (no_binds ctxt ps, no_binds ctxt qs))) propps)))
  | closeup ctxt (Defines defs) = Defines (defs |> map (fn (a, (t, ps)) =>
      (a, (close_frees ctxt (#2 (ProofContext.cert_def ctxt t)), no_binds ctxt ps))))
  | closeup ctxt elem = elem;

fun finish_elem parms _ (Fixes fixes, _) = Fixes (map (fn (x, _, mx) =>
      (x, assoc_string (parms, x), mx)) fixes)
  | finish_elem _ close (Assumes asms, propp) = close (Assumes (map #1 asms ~~ propp))
  | finish_elem _ close (Defines defs, propp) =
      close (Defines (map #1 defs ~~ map (fn [(t, (ps, []))] => (t, ps)) propp))
  | finish_elem _ _ (Notes facts, _) = Notes facts;

fun finish_elems ctxt parms close (((name, ps), elems), propps) =
    val elems' =
      (case elems of
        Int es => map Int (#2 (hd (unify_elemss ctxt parms [((name, ps), es)])))
      | Ext e => [Ext (finish_elem parms close (e, hd propps))]);
    val ps' = map (fn (x, _) => (x, assoc (parms, x))) ps;
  in ((name, ps'), elems') end;

fun prep_elemss prep_fixes prepp do_close context fixed_params raw_elemss raw_concl =
    val (raw_ctxt, raw_proppss) = declare_elemss prep_fixes fixed_params raw_elemss context;
    val raw_propps = map flat raw_proppss;
    val raw_propp = flat raw_propps;
    val (ctxt, all_propp) =
      prepp (ProofContext.declare_terms (map Free fixed_params) raw_ctxt, raw_concl @ raw_propp);
    val ctxt = ProofContext.declare_terms (flat (map (map fst) all_propp)) ctxt;

    val all_propp' = map2 (op ~~)
      (#1 (#2 (ProofContext.bind_propp_schematic_i (ctxt, all_propp))), map (map snd) all_propp);
    val n = length raw_concl;
    val concl = take (n, all_propp');
    val propp = drop (n, all_propp');
    val propps = unflat raw_propps propp;
    val proppss = map2 (uncurry unflat) (raw_proppss, propps);

    val xs = map #1 (params_of raw_elemss);
    val typing = unify_frozen ctxt 0
      (map (ProofContext.default_type raw_ctxt) xs)
      (map (ProofContext.default_type ctxt) xs);
    val parms = param_types (xs ~~ typing);

    val close = if do_close then closeup ctxt else I;
    val elemss = map2 (finish_elems ctxt parms close) (raw_elemss, proppss);
  in (parms, elemss, concl) end;


fun read_elemss x = prep_elemss read_fixes ProofContext.read_propp_schematic x;
fun cert_elemss x = prep_elemss cert_fixes ProofContext.cert_propp_schematic x;


(* facts *)


fun prep_name ctxt (name, atts) =
  if NameSpace.is_qualified name then
    raise ProofContext.CONTEXT ("Illegal qualified name: " ^ quote name, ctxt)
  else (name, atts);

fun prep_facts _ _ (Int elem) = elem
  | prep_facts _ _ (Ext (Fixes fixes)) = Fixes fixes
  | prep_facts _ ctxt (Ext (Assumes asms)) = Assumes (map (apfst (prep_name ctxt)) asms)
  | prep_facts _ ctxt (Ext (Defines defs)) = Defines (map (apfst (prep_name ctxt)) defs)
  | prep_facts get ctxt (Ext (Notes facts)) = Notes (facts |> map (fn (a, bs) =>
      (prep_name ctxt a, map (apfst (get ctxt)) bs)));


fun get_facts x = prep_facts ProofContext.get_thms x;
fun get_facts_i x = prep_facts (K I) x;


(* predicate_text *)


val norm_term = Envir.beta_norm oo Term.subst_atomic;

(*assumes well-formedness according to ProofContext.cert_def*)
fun abstract_def eq =
    val body = Term.strip_all_body eq;
    val vars = map Free (Term.rename_wrt_term body (Term.strip_all_vars eq));
    val (lhs, rhs) = Logic.dest_equals (Term.subst_bounds (vars, body));
    val (f, xs) = Term.strip_comb lhs;
  in (Term.dest_Free f, Term.list_abs_free (map Term.dest_Free xs, rhs)) end;

fun bind_def ctxt (name, ps) ((xs, ys, env), eq) =
    val (y, b) = abstract_def eq;
    val b' = norm_term env b;
    fun err msg = err_in_locale ctxt (msg ^ ": " ^ quote (#1 y)) [(name, map fst ps)];
    conditional (y mem xs) (fn () => err "Attempt to define previously specified variable");
    conditional (y mem ys) (fn () => err "Attempt to redefine variable");
    (Term.add_frees (xs, b'), y :: ys, (Free y, b') :: env)

fun eval_body _ _ (body, Fixes _) = body
  | eval_body _ _ (((xs, spec), (ys, env)), Assumes asms) =
      let val ts = map (norm_term env) (flat (map (map #1 o #2) asms))
      in ((foldl Term.add_frees (xs, ts), spec @ ts), (ys, env)) end
  | eval_body ctxt id (((xs, spec), (ys, env)), Defines defs) =
      let val (xs', ys', env') = foldl (bind_def ctxt id) ((xs, ys, env), map (#1 o #2) defs)
      in ((xs', spec), (ys', env')) end
  | eval_body _ _ (body, Notes _) = body;

fun eval_bodies ctxt =
  foldl (fn (body, (id, elems)) => foldl (eval_body ctxt id) (body, elems));


fun predicate_text (ctxt1, elemss1) (ctxt2, elemss2) =
    val parms1 = params_of elemss1;
    val parms2 = params_of elemss2;
    val all_parms = parms1 @ parms2;
    fun filter_parms xs = all_parms |> mapfilter (fn (p, _) =>
      (case assoc_string (xs, p) of None => None | Some T => Some (p, T)));
    val body as ((xs1, ts1), _) = eval_bodies ctxt1 ((([], []), ([], [])), elemss1);
    val ((all_xs, all_ts), _) = eval_bodies ctxt2 (body, elemss2);
    val xs2 = Library.drop (length xs1, all_xs);
    val ts2 = Library.drop (length ts1, all_ts);
  in ((all_parms, (filter_parms all_xs, all_ts)), (parms2, (filter_parms xs2, ts2))) end;


(* full context statements: import + elements + conclusion *)


fun prep_context_statement prep_expr prep_elemss prep_facts
    close fixed_params import elements raw_concl context =
    val sign = ProofContext.sign_of context;
    fun flatten (ids, Elem (Fixes fixes)) =
          (ids, [(("", map (rpair None o #1) fixes), Ext (Fixes fixes))])
      | flatten (ids, Elem elem) = (ids, [(("", []), Ext elem)])
      | flatten (ids, Expr expr) =
          let val (ids', elemss) = flatten_expr context (ids, prep_expr sign expr)
          in (ids', map (apsnd Int) elemss) end
    val activate = activate_facts prep_facts;

    val (import_ids, raw_import_elemss) = flatten ([], Expr import);
    val raw_elemss = flat (#2 ((foldl_map flatten (import_ids, elements))));
    val (parms, all_elemss, concl) =
      prep_elemss close context fixed_params (raw_import_elemss @ raw_elemss) raw_concl;

    val n = length raw_import_elemss;
    val (import_ctxt, import_elemss) = foldl_map activate (context, take (n, all_elemss));
    val (ctxt, elemss) = foldl_map activate (import_ctxt, drop (n, all_elemss));
    val text = predicate_text (import_ctxt, import_elemss) (ctxt, elemss);
  in ((((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (ctxt, elemss)), text), concl) end;

val gen_context = prep_context_statement intern_expr read_elemss get_facts;
val gen_context_i = prep_context_statement (K I) cert_elemss get_facts_i;

fun gen_statement prep_locale prep_ctxt raw_locale elems concl ctxt =
    val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
    val locale = apsome (prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy)) raw_locale;
    val (fixed_params, import) =
      (case locale of None => ([], empty)
      | Some name => (param_types (#1 (#params (the_locale thy name))), Locale name));
    val ((((locale_ctxt, _), (elems_ctxt, _)), _), concl') =
      prep_ctxt false fixed_params import elems concl ctxt;
  in (locale, locale_ctxt, elems_ctxt, concl') end;


fun read_context x y z = #1 (gen_context true [] x y [] z);
fun cert_context x y z = #1 (gen_context_i true [] x y [] z);
val read_context_statement = gen_statement intern gen_context;
val cert_context_statement = gen_statement (K I) gen_context_i;


(** print locale **)

fun print_locale thy import body =
    val sg = Theory.sign_of thy;
    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val (((_, import_elemss), (ctxt, elemss)), ((_, (pred_xs, pred_ts)), _)) =
      read_context import body thy_ctxt;
    val all_elems = flat (map #2 (import_elemss @ elemss));

    val prt_typ = Pretty.quote o ProofContext.pretty_typ ctxt;
    val prt_term = Pretty.quote o ProofContext.pretty_term ctxt;
    val prt_thm = Pretty.quote o ProofContext.pretty_thm ctxt;

    fun prt_syn syn =
      let val s = (case syn of None => "(structure)" | Some mx => Syntax.string_of_mixfix mx)
      in if s = "" then [] else [Pretty.brk 2, Pretty.str s] end;
    fun prt_fix (x, Some T, syn) = Pretty.block (Pretty.str (x ^ " ::") :: Pretty.brk 1 ::
          prt_typ T :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_syn syn)
      | prt_fix (x, None, syn) = Pretty.block (Pretty.str x :: Pretty.brk 1 :: prt_syn syn);

    fun prt_name "" = [Pretty.brk 1]
      | prt_name name = [Pretty.str (ProofContext.cond_extern ctxt name ^ ":"), Pretty.brk 1];
    fun prt_asm ((a, _), ts) = Pretty.block (prt_name a @ Pretty.breaks (map (prt_term o fst) ts));
    fun prt_def ((a, _), (t, _)) = Pretty.block (prt_name a @ [prt_term t]);
    fun prt_fact ((a, _), ths) = Pretty.block
      (prt_name a @ Pretty.breaks (map prt_thm (flat (map fst ths))));

    fun items _ [] = []
      | items prfx (x :: xs) = Pretty.block [Pretty.str prfx, Pretty.brk 1, x] :: items "  and" xs;
    fun prt_elem (Fixes fixes) = items "fixes" (map prt_fix fixes)
      | prt_elem (Assumes asms) = items "assumes" (map prt_asm asms)
      | prt_elem (Defines defs) = items "defines" (map prt_def defs)
      | prt_elem (Notes facts) = items "notes" (map prt_fact facts);

    val prt_pred =
      if null pred_ts then Pretty.str ""
        Library.foldr1 Logic.mk_conjunction pred_ts
        |> ObjectLogic.atomize_term sg
        |> curry Term.list_abs_free pred_xs
        |> prt_term;
    [Pretty.big_list "context elements:" (map (Pretty.chunks o prt_elem) all_elems),
      Pretty.big_list "predicate text:" [prt_pred]] |> Pretty.chunks |> Pretty.writeln

(** define locales **)

(* add_locale(_i) *)


fun gen_add_locale prep_context prep_expr bname raw_import raw_body thy =
    val sign = Theory.sign_of thy;
    val name = Sign.full_name sign bname;
    val _ = conditional (is_some (get_locale thy name)) (fn () =>
      error ("Duplicate definition of locale " ^ quote name));

    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val (((import_ctxt, import_elemss), (body_ctxt, body_elemss)),
        ((all_parms, all_text), (body_parms, body_text))) =
      prep_context raw_import raw_body thy_ctxt;
    val import = prep_expr sign raw_import;
    val elems = flat (map snd body_elemss);
    |> declare_locale name
    |> put_locale name (make_locale import (map (fn e => (e, stamp ())) elems)
      (all_parms, map fst body_parms) (all_text, body_text))


val add_locale = gen_add_locale read_context intern_expr;
val add_locale_i = gen_add_locale cert_context (K I);


(* store results *)


fun put_facts loc args thy =
    val {import, params, elems, text} = the_locale thy loc;
    val note = Notes (map (fn ((a, more_atts), th_atts) =>
      ((a, more_atts), map (apfst (map (curry Thm.name_thm a))) th_atts)) args);
  in thy |> put_locale loc (make_locale import (elems @ [(note, stamp ())]) params text) end;

fun add_thmss loc args thy =
  let val args' = map (fn ((a, ths), atts) => ((a, atts), [(ths, [])])) args in
    thy |> ProofContext.init |>
      cert_context_statement (Some loc) [Elem (Notes args')] [];    (*test attributes now!*)
    thy |> put_facts loc args'

fun hide_bound_names names thy =
  thy |> PureThy.hide_thms false
    (map (Sign.full_name (Theory.sign_of thy)) (filter_out (equal "") names));

fun have_thmss_qualified kind loc args thy =
  |> Theory.add_path (Sign.base_name loc)
  |> PureThy.have_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind) args
  |>> hide_bound_names (map (#1 o #1) args)
  |>> Theory.parent_path;

fun gen_have_thmss prep_locale get_thms kind raw_loc raw_args thy =
    val thy_ctxt = ProofContext.init thy;
    val loc = prep_locale (Theory.sign_of thy) raw_loc;
    val loc_ctxt = #1 (#1 (#1 (cert_context (Locale loc) [] thy_ctxt)));
    val args = map (apsnd (map (apfst (get_thms loc_ctxt)))) raw_args;
    val export = Drule.local_standard o ProofContext.export_single loc_ctxt thy_ctxt;
    val results = map (map export o #2) (#2 (ProofContext.have_thmss_i args loc_ctxt));
    val args' = map (rpair [] o #1 o #1) args ~~ map (single o Thm.no_attributes) results;
    |> put_facts loc args
    |> have_thmss_qualified kind loc args'


val have_thmss = gen_have_thmss intern ProofContext.get_thms;
val have_thmss_i = gen_have_thmss (K I) (K I);

fun add_thmss_hybrid kind args None _ thy = PureThy.have_thmss_i (Drule.kind kind) args thy
  | add_thmss_hybrid kind args (Some (loc, loc_atts)) loc_ths thy =
     if length args = length loc_atts then
      |> add_thmss loc ((map (#1 o #1) args ~~ loc_ths) ~~ loc_atts)
      |> have_thmss_qualified kind loc args
     else raise THEORY ("Bad number of locale attributes", [thy]);


(** locale theory setup **)

val setup =
