author wenzelm
Thu, 19 Oct 2023 11:30:16 +0200
changeset 78798 200daaab2578
parent 78796 f34926a91fea
child 78799 807b249f1061
permissions -rw-r--r--
clarified signature: Named_Target.setup works both for global and local theory;

(*  Title:      Pure/ex/Def.thy
    Author:     Makarius

Primitive constant definition, without fact definition;
automatic expansion via Simplifier (simproc).

theory Def
  imports Pure
  keywords "def" :: thy_defn

ML \<open>
signature DEF =
  val get_def: Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option
  val def: (binding * typ option * mixfix) option ->
    (binding * typ option * mixfix) list -> term -> local_theory -> term * local_theory
  val def_cmd: (binding * string option * mixfix) option ->
    (binding * string option * mixfix) list -> string -> local_theory -> term * local_theory

structure Def: DEF =

(* context data *)

type def = {lhs: term, eq: thm};

val eq_def : def * def -> bool = op aconv o apply2 #lhs;

fun transform_def phi ({lhs, eq}: def) =
  {lhs = Morphism.term phi lhs, eq = Morphism.thm phi eq};

fun trim_context_def ({lhs, eq}: def) =
  {lhs = lhs, eq = Thm.trim_context eq};

structure Data = Generic_Data
  type T = def Item_Net.T;
  val empty : T = Item_Net.init eq_def (single o #lhs);
  val merge = Item_Net.merge;

fun declare_def lhs eq lthy =
  let val def0: def = {lhs = lhs, eq = Thm.trim_context eq} in
    lthy |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = true, pos = \<^here>}
      (fn phi => fn context =>
        let val def' = def0 |> transform_def phi |> trim_context_def
        in ( o Item_Net.update) def' context end)

fun get_def ctxt ct =
    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt;
    val data = Data.get (Context.Proof ctxt);
    val t = Thm.term_of ct;
    fun match_def {lhs, eq} =
      if Pattern.matches thy (lhs, t) then
        let val inst = Thm.match (Thm.cterm_of ctxt lhs, ct)
        in SOME (Thm.instantiate inst (Thm.transfer thy eq)) end
      else NONE;
  in Item_Net.retrieve_matching data t |> get_first match_def end;

(* simproc setup *)

val _ =
    {name = \<^binding>\<open>expand_def\<close>, lhss = ["x::'a"], passive = false, proc = K get_def};

(* Isar command *)

fun gen_def prep_spec raw_var raw_params raw_spec lthy =
    val ((vars, xs, get_pos, spec), _) = lthy
      |> prep_spec (the_list raw_var) raw_params [] raw_spec;
    val (((x, _), rhs), prove) = Local_Defs.derived_def lthy get_pos {conditional = false} spec;
    val _ = Name.reject_internal (x, []);
    val (b, mx) =
      (case (vars, xs) of
        ([], []) => (Binding.make (x, (case get_pos x of [] => Position.none | p :: _ => p)), NoSyn)
      | ([(b, _, mx)], [y]) =>
          if x = y then (b, mx)
            error ("Head of definition " ^ quote x ^ " differs from declaration " ^ quote y ^
     (Binding.pos_of b)));
    val ((lhs, (_, eq)), lthy') = lthy
      |> Local_Theory.define_internal ((b, mx), (Binding.empty_atts, rhs));

    (*sanity check for original specification*)
    val _: thm = prove lthy' eq;
  in (lhs, declare_def lhs eq lthy') end;

val def = gen_def Specification.check_spec_open;
val def_cmd = gen_def Specification.read_spec_open;

val _ =
  Outer_Syntax.local_theory \<^command_keyword>\<open>def\<close>
    "primitive constant definition, without fact definition"
    (Scan.option Parse_Spec.constdecl -- Parse.prop -- Parse.for_fixes
      >> (fn ((decl, spec), params) => #2 o def_cmd decl params spec));

