author berghofe
Fri, 01 Jul 2005 13:54:12 +0200
changeset 16633 208ebc9311f2
parent 15693 3a67e61c6e96
child 17086 0eb0c9259dd7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Implemented trick (due to Tobias Nipkow) for fine-tuning simplification of premises of congruence rules.

(** legacy ML bindings **)

val Cons_eq_appendI = thm "Cons_eq_appendI";
val Cons_in_lex = thm "Cons_in_lex";
val Nil2_notin_lex = thm "Nil2_notin_lex";
val Nil_eq_concat_conv = thm "Nil_eq_concat_conv";
val Nil_is_append_conv = thm "Nil_is_append_conv";
val Nil_is_map_conv = thm "Nil_is_map_conv";
val Nil_is_rev_conv = thm "Nil_is_rev_conv";
val Nil_notin_lex = thm "Nil_notin_lex";
val all_nth_imp_all_set = thm "all_nth_imp_all_set";
val all_set_conv_all_nth = thm "all_set_conv_all_nth";
val append1_eq_conv = thm "append1_eq_conv";
val append_Cons = thm "append_Cons";
val append_Nil = thm "append_Nil";
val append_Nil2 = thm "append_Nil2";
val append_assoc = thm "append_assoc";
val append_butlast_last_id = thm "append_butlast_last_id";
val append_eq_appendI = thm "append_eq_appendI";
val append_eq_append_conv = thm "append_eq_append_conv";
val append_eq_conv_conj = thm "append_eq_conv_conj";
val append_in_lists_conv = thm "append_in_lists_conv";
val append_is_Nil_conv = thm "append_is_Nil_conv";
val append_same_eq = thm "append_same_eq";
val append_self_conv = thm "append_self_conv";
val append_self_conv2 = thm "append_self_conv2";
val append_take_drop_id = thm "append_take_drop_id";
val butlast_append = thm "butlast_append";
val butlast_snoc = thm "butlast_snoc";
val concat_append = thm "concat_append";
val concat_eq_Nil_conv = thm "concat_eq_Nil_conv";
val distinct_append = thm "distinct_append";
val distinct_filter = thm "distinct_filter";
val distinct_remdups = thm "distinct_remdups";
val dropWhile_append1 = thm "dropWhile_append1";
val dropWhile_append2 = thm "dropWhile_append2";
val drop_0 = thm "drop_0";
val drop_Cons = thm "drop_Cons";
val drop_Cons' = thm "drop_Cons'";
val drop_Nil = thm "drop_Nil";
val drop_Suc_Cons = thm "drop_Suc_Cons";
val drop_all = thm "drop_all";
val drop_append = thm "drop_append";
val drop_drop = thm "drop_drop";
val drop_map = thm "drop_map";
val elem_le_sum = thm "elem_le_sum";
val eq_Nil_appendI = thm "eq_Nil_appendI";
val filter_False = thm "filter_False";
val filter_True = thm "filter_True";
val filter_append = thm "filter_append";
val filter_concat = thm "filter_concat"; 
val filter_filter = thm "filter_filter";
val filter_is_subset = thm "filter_is_subset";
val finite_set = thm "finite_set";
val foldl_Cons = thm "foldl_Cons";
val foldl_Nil = thm "foldl_Nil";
val foldl_append = thm "foldl_append";
val hd_Cons_tl = thm "hd_Cons_tl";
val hd_append = thm "hd_append";
val hd_append2 = thm "hd_append2";
val hd_replicate = thm "hd_replicate";
val in_listsD = thm "in_listsD";
val in_listsI = thm "in_listsI";
val in_lists_conv_set = thm "in_lists_conv_set";
val in_set_butlastD = thm "in_set_butlastD";
val in_set_butlast_appendI = thm "in_set_butlast_appendI";
val in_set_conv_decomp = thm "in_set_conv_decomp";
val in_set_replicateD = thm "in_set_replicateD";
val inj_map = thm "inj_map";
val inj_mapD = thm "inj_mapD";
val inj_mapI = thm "inj_mapI";
val last_replicate = thm "last_replicate";
val last_snoc = thm "last_snoc";
val length_0_conv = thm "length_0_conv";
val length_Suc_conv = thm "length_Suc_conv";
val length_append = thm "length_append";
val length_butlast = thm "length_butlast";
val length_drop = thm "length_drop";
val length_filter_le = thm "length_filter_le";
val length_greater_0_conv = thm "length_greater_0_conv";
val length_induct = thm "length_induct";
val length_list_update = thm "length_list_update";
val length_map = thm "length_map";
val length_replicate = thm "length_replicate";
val length_rev = thm "length_rev";
val length_take = thm "length_take";
val length_tl = thm "length_tl";
val length_upt = thm "length_upt";
val length_zip = thm "length_zip";
val lex_conv = thm "lex_conv";
val lex_def = thm "lex_def";
val lenlex_conv = thm "lenlex_conv";
val lenlex_def = thm "lenlex_def";
val lexn_conv = thm "lexn_conv";
val lexn_length = thm "lexn_length";
val list_all2_Cons = thm "list_all2_Cons";
val list_all2_Cons1 = thm "list_all2_Cons1";
val list_all2_Cons2 = thm "list_all2_Cons2";
val list_all2_Nil = thm "list_all2_Nil";
val list_all2_Nil2 = thm "list_all2_Nil2";
val list_all2_append1 = thm "list_all2_append1";
val list_all2_append2 = thm "list_all2_append2";
val list_all2_conv_all_nth = thm "list_all2_conv_all_nth";
val list_all2_def = thm "list_all2_def";
val list_all2_lengthD = thm "list_all2_lengthD";
val list_all2_rev = thm "list_all2_rev";
val list_all2_trans = thm "list_all2_trans";
val list_all_Cons = thm "list_all_Cons";
val list_all_Nil = thm "list_all_Nil";
val list_all_append = thm "list_all_append";
val list_all_conv = thm "list_all_conv";
val list_ball_nth = thm "list_ball_nth";
val list_update_overwrite = thm "list_update_overwrite";
val list_update_same_conv = thm "list_update_same_conv";
val listsE = thm "listsE";
val lists_IntI = thm "lists_IntI";
val lists_Int_eq = thm "lists_Int_eq";
val lists_mono = thm "lists_mono";
val map_Suc_upt = thm "map_Suc_upt";
val map_append = thm "map_append";
val map_compose = thm "map_compose";
val map_concat = thm "map_concat";
val map_cong = thm "map_cong";
val map_eq_Cons_conv = thm "map_eq_Cons_conv";
val map_ext = thm "map_ext";
val map_ident = thm "map_ident";
val map_injective = thm "map_injective";
val map_is_Nil_conv = thm "map_is_Nil_conv";
val map_replicate = thm "map_replicate";
val neq_Nil_conv = thm "neq_Nil_conv";
val not_Cons_self = thm "not_Cons_self";
val not_Cons_self2 = thm "not_Cons_self2";
val nth_Cons = thm "nth_Cons";
val nth_Cons' = thm "nth_Cons'";
val nth_Cons_0 = thm "nth_Cons_0";
val nth_Cons_Suc = thm "nth_Cons_Suc";
val nth_append = thm "nth_append";
val nth_drop = thm "nth_drop";
val nth_equalityI = thm "nth_equalityI";
val nth_list_update = thm "nth_list_update";
val nth_list_update_eq = thm "nth_list_update_eq";
val nth_list_update_neq = thm "nth_list_update_neq";
val nth_map = thm "nth_map";
val nth_map_upt = thm "nth_map_upt";
val nth_mem = thm "nth_mem";
val nth_replicate = thm "nth_replicate";
val nth_take = thm "nth_take";
val nth_take_lemma = thm "nth_take_lemma";
val nth_upt = thm "nth_upt";
val nth_zip = thm "nth_zip";
val replicate_0 = thm "replicate_0";
val replicate_Suc = thm "replicate_Suc";
val replicate_add = thm "replicate_add";
val replicate_app_Cons_same = thm "replicate_app_Cons_same";
val rev_append = thm "rev_append";
val rev_concat = thm "rev_concat";
val rev_drop = thm "rev_drop";
val rev_exhaust = thm "rev_exhaust";
val rev_induct = thm "rev_induct";
val rev_is_Nil_conv = thm "rev_is_Nil_conv";
val rev_is_rev_conv = thm "rev_is_rev_conv";
val rev_map = thm "rev_map";
val rev_replicate = thm "rev_replicate";
val rev_rev_ident = thm "rev_rev_ident";
val rev_take = thm "rev_take";
val same_append_eq = thm "same_append_eq";
val self_append_conv = thm "self_append_conv";
val self_append_conv2 = thm "self_append_conv2";
val set_append = thm "set_append";
val set_concat = thm "set_concat";
val set_conv_nth = thm "set_conv_nth";
val set_empty = thm "set_empty";
val set_filter = thm "set_filter";
val set_map = thm "set_map";
val set_mem_eq = thm "set_mem_eq";
val set_remdups = thm "set_remdups";
val set_replicate = thm "set_replicate";
val set_replicate_conv_if = thm "set_replicate_conv_if";
val set_rev = thm "set_rev";
val set_subset_Cons = thm "set_subset_Cons";
val set_take_whileD = thm "set_take_whileD";
val set_update_subsetI = thm "set_update_subsetI";
val set_update_subset_insert = thm "set_update_subset_insert";
val set_upt = thm "set_upt";
val set_zip = thm "set_zip";
val start_le_sum = thm "start_le_sum";
val sublist_Cons = thm "sublist_Cons";
val sublist_append = thm "sublist_append";
val sublist_def = thm "sublist_def";
val sublist_empty = thm "sublist_empty";
val sublist_nil = thm "sublist_nil";
val sublist_shift_lemma = thm "sublist_shift_lemma";
val sublist_singleton = thm "sublist_singleton";
val sublist_upt_eq_take = thm "sublist_upt_eq_take";
val sum_eq_0_conv = thm "sum_eq_0_conv";
val takeWhile_append1 = thm "takeWhile_append1";
val takeWhile_append2 = thm "takeWhile_append2";
val takeWhile_dropWhile_id = thm "takeWhile_dropWhile_id";
val takeWhile_tail = thm "takeWhile_tail";
val take_0 = thm "take_0";
val take_Cons = thm "take_Cons";
val take_Cons' = thm "take_Cons'";
val take_Nil = thm "take_Nil";
val take_Suc_Cons = thm "take_Suc_Cons";
val take_all = thm "take_all";
val take_append = thm "take_append";
val take_drop = thm "take_drop";
val take_equalityI = thm "take_equalityI";
val take_map = thm "take_map"; 
val take_take = thm "take_take";
val take_upt = thm "take_upt";
val tl_append = thm "tl_append";
val tl_append2 = thm "tl_append2";
val tl_replicate = thm "tl_replicate";
val update_zip = thm "update_zip";
val upt_0 = thm "upt_0";
val upt_Suc = thm "upt_Suc";
val upt_Suc_append = thm "upt_Suc_append";
val upt_add_eq_append = thm "upt_add_eq_append";
val upt_conv_Cons = thm "upt_conv_Cons";
val upt_conv_Nil = thm "upt_conv_Nil";
val upt_rec = thm "upt_rec";
val wf_lex = thm "wf_lex";
val wf_lenlex = thm "wf_lenlex";
val wf_lexn = thm "wf_lexn";
val zip_Cons_Cons = thm "zip_Cons_Cons";
val zip_Nil = thm "zip_Nil";
val zip_append = thm "zip_append";
val zip_append1 = thm "zip_append1";
val zip_append2 = thm "zip_append2";
val zip_replicate = thm "zip_replicate";
val zip_rev = thm "zip_rev";
val zip_update = thm "zip_update";