(* Title: ZF/ex/enum
ID: $Id$
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
Copyright 1993 University of Cambridge
Example of a BIG enumeration type
Can go up to at least 100 constructors, but it takes nearly 7 minutes...
(*An enumeration type with 60 contructors! -- takes about 150 seconds!*)
fun mk_ids a 0 = []
| mk_ids a n = a :: mk_ids (bump_string a) (n-1);
val consts = mk_ids "con1" 60;
structure Enum = Datatype_Fun
(val thy = Univ.thy;
val rec_specs =
[("enum", "univ(0)",
[(consts, "i")])];
val rec_styp = "i";
val ext = None
val sintrs = map (fn const => const ^ " : enum") consts;
val monos = [];
val type_intrs = datatype_intrs
val type_elims = []);
goal Enum.thy "con59 ~= con60";
by (simp_tac (ZF_ss addsimps Enum.free_iffs) 1);