author wenzelm
Wed, 22 Apr 2020 13:45:02 +0200
changeset 71780 21adf2ed442c
parent 71684 5036edb025b7
child 72338 54871a086193
permissions -rw-r--r--
more informative error;

/*  Title:      Pure/General/ssh.scala
    Author:     Makarius

SSH client based on JSch (see also

package isabelle

import{InputStream, OutputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.matching.Regex

import com.jcraft.jsch.{JSch, Logger => JSch_Logger, Session => JSch_Session, SftpException,
  OpenSSHConfig, UserInfo, Channel => JSch_Channel, ChannelExec, ChannelSftp, SftpATTRS,

object SSH
  /* target machine: user@host syntax */

  object Target
    val User_Host: Regex = "^([^@]+)@(.+)$".r

    def parse(s: String): (String, String) =
      s match {
        case User_Host(user, host) => (user, host)
        case _ => ("", s)

    def unapplySeq(s: String): Option[List[String]] =
      parse(s) match {
        case (_, "") => None
        case (user, host) => Some(List(user, host))

  val default_port = 22
  def make_port(port: Int): Int = if (port > 0) port else default_port

  def port_suffix(port: Int): String =
    if (port == default_port) "" else ":" + port

  def user_prefix(user: String): String =
    proper_string(user) match {
      case None => ""
      case Some(name) => name + "@"

  def connect_timeout(options: Options): Int =

  def alive_interval(options: Options): Int =

  def alive_count_max(options: Options): Int ="ssh_alive_count_max")

  /* init context */

  def init_context(options: Options): Context =
    val config_dir = Path.explode(options.string("ssh_config_dir"))
    if (!config_dir.is_dir) error("Bad ssh config directory: " + config_dir)

    val jsch = new JSch

    val config_file = Path.explode(options.string("ssh_config_file"))
    if (config_file.is_file)

    val known_hosts = config_dir + Path.explode("known_hosts")
    if (!known_hosts.is_file) known_hosts.file.createNewFile

    val identity_files =
      space_explode(':', options.string("ssh_identity_files")).map(Path.explode)
    for (identity_file <- identity_files if identity_file.is_file) {
      try { jsch.addIdentity(File.platform_path(identity_file)) }
      catch {
        case exn: JSchException =>
          error("Error in ssh identity file " + identity_file + ": " + exn.getMessage)

    new Context(options, jsch)

  def open_session(options: Options,
      host: String, user: String = "", port: Int = 0, actual_host: String = "",
      proxy_host: String = "", proxy_user: String = "", proxy_port: Int = 0,
      permissive: Boolean = false): Session =
      host = host, user = user, port = port, actual_host = actual_host,
      proxy_host = proxy_host, proxy_user = proxy_user, proxy_port = proxy_port,
      permissive = permissive)

  class Context private[SSH](val options: Options, val jsch: JSch)
    def update_options(new_options: Options): Context = new Context(new_options, jsch)

    private def connect_session(host: String, user: String = "", port: Int = 0,
      host_key_permissive: Boolean = false,
      nominal_host: String = "",
      nominal_user: String = "",
      on_close: () => Unit = () => ()): Session =
      val session = jsch.getSession(proper_string(user).orNull, host, make_port(port))

      session.setConfig("MaxAuthTries", "3")
      if (host_key_permissive) session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no")
      if (nominal_host != "") session.setHostKeyAlias(nominal_host)

      if (options.bool("ssh_compression")) {
        session.setConfig("compression.s2c", ",zlib,none")
        session.setConfig("compression.c2s", ",zlib,none")
        session.setConfig("compression_level", "9")
      new Session(options, session, on_close,
        proper_string(nominal_host) getOrElse host,
        proper_string(nominal_user) getOrElse user)

    def open_session(
      host: String, user: String = "", port: Int = 0, actual_host: String = "",
      proxy_host: String = "", proxy_user: String = "", proxy_port: Int = 0,
      permissive: Boolean = false): Session =
      val connect_host = proper_string(actual_host) getOrElse host
      if (proxy_host == "") connect_session(host = connect_host, user = user, port = port)
      else {
        val proxy = connect_session(host = proxy_host, port = proxy_port, user = proxy_user)

        val fw =
          try { proxy.port_forwarding(remote_host = connect_host, remote_port = make_port(port)) }
          catch { case exn: Throwable => proxy.close; throw exn }

        try {
          connect_session(host = fw.local_host, port = fw.local_port,
            host_key_permissive = permissive,
            nominal_host = host, nominal_user = user, user = user,
            on_close = () => { fw.close; proxy.close })
        catch { case exn: Throwable => fw.close; proxy.close; throw exn }

  /* logging */

  def logging(verbose: Boolean = true, debug: Boolean = false)
    JSch.setLogger(if (verbose) new Logger(debug) else null)

  private class Logger(debug: Boolean) extends JSch_Logger
    def isEnabled(level: Int): Boolean = level != JSch_Logger.DEBUG || debug

    def log(level: Int, msg: String)
      level match {
        case JSch_Logger.ERROR | JSch_Logger.FATAL => Output.error_message(msg)
        case JSch_Logger.WARN => Output.warning(msg)
        case _ => Output.writeln(msg)

  /* user info */

  object No_User_Info extends UserInfo
    def getPassphrase: String = null
    def getPassword: String = null
    def promptPassword(msg: String): Boolean = false
    def promptPassphrase(msg: String): Boolean = false
    def promptYesNo(msg: String): Boolean = false
    def showMessage(msg: String): Unit = Output.writeln(msg)

  /* port forwarding */

  object Port_Forwarding
    def open(ssh: Session, ssh_close: Boolean,
      local_host: String, local_port: Int, remote_host: String, remote_port: Int): Port_Forwarding =
      val port = ssh.session.setPortForwardingL(local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port)
      new Port_Forwarding(ssh, ssh_close, local_host, port, remote_host, remote_port)

  class Port_Forwarding private[SSH](
    ssh: SSH.Session,
    ssh_close: Boolean,
    val local_host: String,
    val local_port: Int,
    val remote_host: String,
    val remote_port: Int) extends AutoCloseable
    override def toString: String =
      local_host + ":" + local_port + ":" + remote_host + ":" + remote_port

    def close()
      ssh.session.delPortForwardingL(local_host, local_port)
      if (ssh_close) ssh.close()

  /* Sftp channel */

  type Attrs = SftpATTRS

  sealed case class Dir_Entry(name: String, is_dir: Boolean)
    def is_file: Boolean = !is_dir

  /* exec channel */

  private val exec_wait_delay = Time.seconds(0.3)

  class Exec private[SSH](session: Session, channel: ChannelExec) extends AutoCloseable
    override def toString: String = "exec " + session.toString

    def close() { channel.disconnect }

    val exit_status: Future[Int] =
      Future.thread("ssh_wait") {
        while (!channel.isClosed) exec_wait_delay.sleep

    val stdin: OutputStream = channel.getOutputStream
    val stdout: InputStream = channel.getInputStream
    val stderr: InputStream = channel.getErrStream

    // connect after preparing streams

    def result(
      progress_stdout: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
      progress_stderr: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
      strict: Boolean = true): Process_Result =

      def read_lines(stream: InputStream, progress: String => Unit): List[String] =
        val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
        val line_buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(100)
        def line_flush()
          val line = Library.trim_line(line_buffer.toString(UTF8.charset_name))
          result += line

        var c = 0
        var finished = false
        while (!finished) {
          while ({ c =; c != -1 && c != 10 }) line_buffer.write(c)
          if (c == 10) line_flush()
          else if (channel.isClosed) {
            if (line_buffer.size > 0) line_flush()
            finished = true
          else exec_wait_delay.sleep


      val out_lines = Future.thread("ssh_stdout") { read_lines(stdout, progress_stdout) }
      val err_lines = Future.thread("ssh_stderr") { read_lines(stderr, progress_stderr) }

      def terminate()

      val rc =
        try { exit_status.join }
        catch { case Exn.Interrupt() => terminate(); Exn.Interrupt.return_code }

      if (strict && rc == Exn.Interrupt.return_code) throw Exn.Interrupt()

      Process_Result(rc, out_lines.join, err_lines.join)

  /* session */

  class Session private[SSH](
    val options: Options,
    val session: JSch_Session,
    on_close: () => Unit,
    val nominal_host: String,
    val nominal_user: String) extends System with AutoCloseable
    def update_options(new_options: Options): Session =
      new Session(new_options, session, on_close, nominal_host, nominal_user)

    def host: String = if (session.getHost == null) "" else session.getHost

    override def hg_url: String =
      "ssh://" + user_prefix(nominal_user) + nominal_host + "/"

    override def toString: String =
      user_prefix(session.getUserName) + host + port_suffix(session.getPort) +
      (if (session.isConnected) "" else " (disconnected)")

    /* port forwarding */

    def port_forwarding(
        remote_port: Int, remote_host: String = "localhost",
        local_port: Int = 0, local_host: String = "localhost",
        ssh_close: Boolean = false): Port_Forwarding =, ssh_close, local_host, local_port, remote_host, remote_port)

    /* sftp channel */

    val sftp: ChannelSftp = session.openChannel("sftp").asInstanceOf[ChannelSftp]

    def close() { sftp.disconnect; session.disconnect; on_close() }

    val settings: Map[String, String] =
      val home = sftp.getHome
      Map("HOME" -> home, "USER_HOME" -> home)
    override def expand_path(path: Path): Path = path.expand_env(settings)
    def remote_path(path: Path): String = expand_path(path).implode
    override def bash_path(path: Path): String = Bash.string(remote_path(path))

    def chmod(permissions: Int, path: Path): Unit = sftp.chmod(permissions, remote_path(path))
    def mv(path1: Path, path2: Path): Unit = sftp.rename(remote_path(path1), remote_path(path2))
    def rm(path: Path): Unit = sftp.rm(remote_path(path))
    def mkdir(path: Path): Unit = sftp.mkdir(remote_path(path))
    def rmdir(path: Path): Unit = sftp.rmdir(remote_path(path))

    private def test_entry(path: Path, as_dir: Boolean): Boolean =
      try {
        val is_dir = sftp.stat(remote_path(path)).isDir
        if (as_dir) is_dir else !is_dir
      catch { case _: SftpException => false }

    override def is_dir(path: Path): Boolean = test_entry(path, true)
    override def is_file(path: Path): Boolean = test_entry(path, false)

    def is_link(path: Path): Boolean =
      try { sftp.lstat(remote_path(path)).isLink }
      catch { case _: SftpException => false }

    override def mkdirs(path: Path): Unit =
      if (!is_dir(path)) {
          "perl -e \"use File::Path make_path; make_path('" + remote_path(path) + "');\"")
        if (!is_dir(path)) error("Failed to create directory: " + quote(remote_path(path)))

    def read_dir(path: Path): List[Dir_Entry] =
      if (!is_dir(path)) error("No such directory: " + path.toString)

      val dir_name = remote_path(path)
      val dir =
      (for {
        i <- (0 until dir.size).iterator
        a = dir.get(i).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
        name = Untyped.get[String](a, "filename")
        attrs = Untyped.get[Attrs](a, "attrs")
        if name != "." && name != ".."
      yield {
          if (attrs.isLink) {
            try { sftp.stat(dir_name + "/" + name).isDir }
            catch { case _: SftpException => false }
          else attrs.isDir)

    def find_files(
      start: Path,
      pred: Path => Boolean = _ => true,
      include_dirs: Boolean = false,
      follow_links: Boolean = false): List[Path] =
      val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Path]
      def check(path: Path) { if (pred(path)) result += path }

      def find(dir: Path)
        if (include_dirs) check(dir)
        if (follow_links || !is_link(dir)) {
          for (entry <- read_dir(dir)) {
            val path = dir + Path.basic(
            if (entry.is_file) check(path) else find(path)
      if (is_file(start)) check(start) else find(start)


    def open_input(path: Path): InputStream = sftp.get(remote_path(path))
    def open_output(path: Path): OutputStream = sftp.put(remote_path(path))

    def read_file(path: Path, local_path: Path): Unit =
      sftp.get(remote_path(path), File.platform_path(local_path))
    def read_bytes(path: Path): Bytes = using(open_input(path))(Bytes.read_stream(_))
    def read(path: Path): String = using(open_input(path))(File.read_stream)

    def write_file(path: Path, local_path: Path): Unit =
      sftp.put(File.platform_path(local_path), remote_path(path))
    def write_bytes(path: Path, bytes: Bytes): Unit =
    def write(path: Path, text: String): Unit =
      using(open_output(path))(stream => Bytes(text).write_stream(stream))

    /* exec channel */

    def exec(command: String): Exec =
      val channel = session.openChannel("exec").asInstanceOf[ChannelExec]
      channel.setCommand("export USER_HOME=\"$HOME\"\n" + command)
      new Exec(this, channel)

    override def execute(command: String,
        progress_stdout: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
        progress_stderr: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
        strict: Boolean = true): Process_Result =
      exec(command).result(progress_stdout, progress_stderr, strict)

    /* tmp dirs */

    def rm_tree(dir: Path): Unit = rm_tree(remote_path(dir))

    def rm_tree(remote_dir: String): Unit =
      execute("rm -r -f " + Bash.string(remote_dir)).check

    def tmp_dir(): String =
      execute("mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX").check.out

    def with_tmp_dir[A](body: Path => A): A =
      val remote_dir = tmp_dir()
      try { body(Path.explode(remote_dir)) } finally { rm_tree(remote_dir) }

  /* system operations */

  trait System
    def hg_url: String = ""

    def expand_path(path: Path): Path = path.expand
    def bash_path(path: Path): String = File.bash_path(path)
    def is_dir(path: Path): Boolean = path.is_dir
    def is_file(path: Path): Boolean = path.is_file
    def mkdirs(path: Path): Unit = Isabelle_System.mkdirs(path)

    def execute(command: String,
        progress_stdout: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
        progress_stderr: String => Unit = (_: String) => (),
        strict: Boolean = true): Process_Result =
      Isabelle_System.bash(command, progress_stdout = progress_stdout,
        progress_stderr = progress_stderr, strict = strict)

  object Local extends System