(* Title: Pure/ML/ml_compiler.ML
Author: Makarius
Runtime compilation and evaluation.
signature ML_COMPILER =
type flags =
{SML: bool, exchange: bool, redirect: bool, verbose: bool,
debug: bool option, writeln: string -> unit, warning: string -> unit}
val debug_flags: bool option -> flags
val flags: flags
val verbose: bool -> flags -> flags
val eval: flags -> Position.T -> ML_Lex.token list -> unit
structure ML_Compiler: ML_COMPILER =
(* flags *)
type flags =
{SML: bool, exchange: bool, redirect: bool, verbose: bool,
debug: bool option, writeln: string -> unit, warning: string -> unit};
fun debug_flags opt_debug : flags =
{SML = false, exchange = false, redirect = false, verbose = false,
debug = opt_debug, writeln = writeln, warning = warning};
val flags = debug_flags NONE;
fun verbose b (flags: flags) =
{SML = #SML flags, exchange = #exchange flags, redirect = #redirect flags, verbose = b,
debug = #debug flags, writeln = #writeln flags, warning = #warning flags};
(* parse trees *)
fun breakpoint_position loc =
let val pos = Position.no_range_position (Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc) in
(case Position.offset_of pos of
NONE => pos
| SOME 1 => pos
| SOME j =>
Position.properties_of pos
|> Properties.put (Markup.offsetN, Value.print_int (j - 1))
|> Position.of_properties)
fun report_parse_tree redirect depth name_space parse_tree =
val is_visible =
(case Context.get_generic_context () of
SOME context => Context_Position.is_visible_generic context
| NONE => true);
fun is_reported pos = is_visible andalso Position.is_reported pos;
(* syntax reports *)
fun reported_types loc types =
let val pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc in
is_reported pos ?
val xml =
PolyML.NameSpace.Values.printType (types, depth, SOME name_space)
|> Pretty.from_polyml |> Pretty.string_of
|> Output.output |> YXML.parse_body;
in cons (pos, fn () => Markup.ML_typing, fn () => YXML.string_of_body xml) end
fun reported_entity kind loc decl =
val pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc;
val def_pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location decl;
(is_reported pos andalso pos <> def_pos) ?
fun markup () =
(Markup.entityN, (Markup.kindN, kind) :: Position.def_properties_of def_pos);
in cons (pos, markup, fn () => "") end
fun reported_entity_id def id loc =
val pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc;
(is_reported pos andalso id <> 0) ?
fun markup () =
(Markup.entityN, [(if def then Markup.defN else Markup.refN, Value.print_int id)]);
in cons (pos, markup, fn () => "") end
fun reported_completions loc names =
let val pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc in
if is_reported pos andalso not (null names) then
val completion = Completion.names pos (map (fn a => (a, ("ML", a))) names);
val xml = Completion.encode completion;
in cons (pos, fn () => Markup.completion, fn () => YXML.string_of_body xml) end
else I
fun reported _ (PolyML.PTnextSibling tree) = reported_tree (tree ())
| reported _ (PolyML.PTfirstChild tree) = reported_tree (tree ())
| reported loc (PolyML.PTdefId id) = reported_entity_id true (FixedInt.toLarge id) loc
| reported loc (PolyML.PTrefId id) = reported_entity_id false (FixedInt.toLarge id) loc
| reported loc (PolyML.PTtype types) = reported_types loc types
| reported loc (PolyML.PTdeclaredAt decl) = reported_entity Markup.ML_defN loc decl
| reported loc (PolyML.PTcompletions names) = reported_completions loc names
| reported _ _ = I
and reported_tree (loc, props) = fold (reported loc) props;
val persistent_reports = reported_tree parse_tree [];
fun output () =
|> map (fn (pos, markup, text) => Position.reported_text pos (markup ()) (text ()))
|> Output.report;
val _ =
if not (null persistent_reports) andalso redirect andalso Multithreading.enabled ()
{name = "ML_Compiler.report", pos = Position.thread_data (), pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri}
else output ();
(* breakpoints *)
fun breakpoints _ (PolyML.PTnextSibling tree) = breakpoints_tree (tree ())
| breakpoints _ (PolyML.PTfirstChild tree) = breakpoints_tree (tree ())
| breakpoints loc (PolyML.PTbreakPoint b) =
let val pos = breakpoint_position loc in
if is_reported pos then
let val id = serial ();
in cons ((pos, Markup.ML_breakpoint id), (id, (b, pos))) end
else I
| breakpoints _ _ = I
and breakpoints_tree (loc, props) = fold (breakpoints loc) props;
val all_breakpoints = rev (breakpoints_tree parse_tree []);
val _ = Position.reports (map #1 all_breakpoints);
in map (fn (_, (id, (b, pos))) => (id, (b, Position.dest pos))) all_breakpoints end;
(* eval ML source tokens *)
fun eval (flags: flags) pos toks =
val opt_context = Context.get_generic_context ();
val env as {debug, name_space, add_breakpoints} =
(case (ML_Recursive.get (), #SML flags orelse #exchange flags) of
(SOME env, false) => env
| _ =>
{debug =
(case #debug flags of
SOME debug => debug
| NONE => ML_Options.debugger_enabled opt_context),
name_space = ML_Env.make_name_space {SML = #SML flags, exchange = #exchange flags},
add_breakpoints = ML_Env.add_breakpoints});
(* input *)
val location_props = op ^ (YXML.output_markup (":", #props (Position.dest pos)));
val input_explode =
if #SML flags then String.explode
else maps (String.explode o Symbol.esc) o Symbol.explode;
fun token_content tok =
if ML_Lex.is_comment tok then NONE
else SOME (input_explode (ML_Lex.check_content_of tok), tok);
val input_buffer =
Unsynchronized.ref (map_filter token_content toks);
fun get () =
(case ! input_buffer of
(c :: cs, tok) :: rest => (input_buffer := (cs, tok) :: rest; SOME c)
| ([], _) :: rest => (input_buffer := rest; SOME #" ")
| [] => NONE);
fun get_pos () =
(case ! input_buffer of
(_ :: _, tok) :: _ => ML_Lex.pos_of tok
| ([], tok) :: _ => ML_Lex.end_pos_of tok
| [] => Position.none);
(* output *)
val writeln_buffer = Unsynchronized.ref Buffer.empty;
fun write s = Unsynchronized.change writeln_buffer (Buffer.add s);
fun output_writeln () = #writeln flags (trim_line (Buffer.content (! writeln_buffer)));
val warnings = Unsynchronized.ref ([]: string list);
fun warn msg = Unsynchronized.change warnings (cons msg);
fun output_warnings () = List.app (#warning flags) (rev (! warnings));
val error_buffer = Unsynchronized.ref Buffer.empty;
fun err msg = Unsynchronized.change error_buffer (Buffer.add msg #> Buffer.add "\n");
fun flush_error () = #writeln flags (trim_line (Buffer.content (! error_buffer)));
fun raise_error msg = error (trim_line (Buffer.content (Buffer.add msg (! error_buffer))));
fun message {message = msg, hard, location = loc, context = _} =
val pos = Exn_Properties.position_of_polyml_location loc;
val txt =
(if hard then "ML error" else "ML warning") ^ Position.here pos ^ ":\n" ^
Pretty.string_of (Pretty.from_polyml msg);
in if hard then err txt else warn txt end;
(* results *)
val depth = FixedInt.fromInt (ML_Print_Depth.get_print_depth ());
fun apply_result {fixes, types, signatures, structures, functors, values} =
fun display disp x =
if depth > 0 then
(write (disp x |> Pretty.from_polyml |> Pretty.string_of); write "\n")
else ();
fun apply_fix (a, b) =
(#enterFix name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.Infixes.print b);
fun apply_type (a, b) =
(#enterType name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.TypeConstrs.print (b, depth, SOME name_space));
fun apply_sig (a, b) =
(#enterSig name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.Signatures.print (b, depth, SOME name_space));
fun apply_struct (a, b) =
(#enterStruct name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.Structures.print (b, depth, SOME name_space));
fun apply_funct (a, b) =
(#enterFunct name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.Functors.print (b, depth, SOME name_space));
fun apply_val (a, b) =
(#enterVal name_space (a, b);
display PolyML.NameSpace.Values.printWithType (b, depth, SOME name_space));
List.app apply_fix fixes;
List.app apply_type types;
List.app apply_sig signatures;
List.app apply_struct structures;
List.app apply_funct functors;
List.app apply_val values
exception STATIC_ERRORS of unit;
fun result_fun (phase1, phase2) () =
((case phase1 of
NONE => ()
| SOME parse_tree =>
add_breakpoints (report_parse_tree (#redirect flags) depth name_space parse_tree));
(case phase2 of
| SOME code =>
|> Runtime.debugging opt_context
|> Runtime.toplevel_error (err o Runtime.exn_message)) ())));
(* compiler invocation *)
val parameters =
[PolyML.Compiler.CPOutStream write,
PolyML.Compiler.CPNameSpace name_space,
PolyML.Compiler.CPErrorMessageProc message,
PolyML.Compiler.CPLineNo (the_default 0 o Position.line_of o get_pos),
PolyML.Compiler.CPLineOffset (the_default 0 o Position.offset_of o get_pos),
PolyML.Compiler.CPFileName location_props,
PolyML.Compiler.CPPrintDepth ML_Print_Depth.get_print_depth,
PolyML.Compiler.CPCompilerResultFun result_fun,
PolyML.Compiler.CPPrintInAlphabeticalOrder false,
PolyML.Compiler.CPDebug debug,
PolyML.Compiler.CPBindingSeq serial];
val _ =
(while not (List.null (! input_buffer)) do
ML_Recursive.recursive env (fn () => PolyML.compiler (get, parameters) ()))
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn
val exn_msg =
(case exn of
| Runtime.TOPLEVEL_ERROR => ""
| _ => "Exception- " ^ Pretty.string_of (Runtime.pretty_exn exn) ^ " raised");
val _ = output_warnings ();
val _ = output_writeln ();
in raise_error exn_msg end;
if #verbose flags then (output_warnings (); flush_error (); output_writeln ())
else ()