ISABELLE-94 DISTRIBUTION DIRECTORY------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISABELLE-94 IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH EARLIER VERSIONS. PLEASE CONSULT THEDOCUMENTATION. In particular, theory files are no longer forced into lower case, but mustbe identical to the actual theory name. See the on directory Tools.------------------------------------------------------------------------------This directory contains the complete Isabelle system. To build and testall the Isabelle object-logics, use the shell script make-all (on directoryTools). Pure Isabelle and each of the object-logics can be builtseparately using the Makefiles in the respective directories; read them formore information. HOW TO BUILD ISABELLEHere are brief instructions. For more detail, read further.1. Create a directory to hold the Isabelle executable images. Set the environment variable ISABELLEBIN to its full (absolute) pathname.2. Set the environment variable ISABELLECOMP to the command to execute your Standard ML compiler.3. If using Poly/ML, set the environment variable ML_DBASE to the full pathname of the empty Poly/ML database.4. Change your working directory to that containing this file.5a. To build ALL logics and run examples, type "make-all" and wait up to 10 hours. Standard ML of New Jersey will require up to 200M of disc space! Poly/ML will require about 25M.-OR-5b. To build ALL logics but run no examples, type "make-all -notest". This is much faster than 5a but needs just as much disc space.-OR-5c. To build just one logic, such as HOL, change to directory HOL and type "make" or "make test". This may trigger further Makes automatically. SUITABLE ML COMPILERSYou can use two different Standard ML compilers: Poly/ML version 2.03 or later(from Abstract Hardware Ltd) and Standard ML of New Jersey (Version 0.93 orlater). Poly/ML is a commercial product and costs money, but it is stable andefficient; moreover its database system is convenient for interactive work.SML/NJ needs lots of store and disc space, but it is free. Some recentversions of SML/NJ are significantly faster than 0.93, but beware of manyincompatibilities among them; you might be forced to edit the filePure/NJ1xx.ML. VERSIONS BETWEEN 109.16 AND 109.21 ARE VERY SLOW.To obtain Poly/ML, contact Abstract Hardware Ltd, The Howell Building, BrunelUniversity, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, England, email obtain Standard ML of New Jersey, see the Web page send email to ENVIRONMENT VARIABLESThe Makefiles and make-all use environment variables that you should setaccording to your site configuration. See file Tools/make-all-nj for anexample using the Bourne shell, sh.ISABELLEBIN is the directory to hold Poly/ML databases or New Jersey MLimages. This directory *must* be different from the Isabelle sourcedirectory. ISABELLEBIN must be an absolute pathname (one starting with "/").ML_DBASE is an *absolute* pathname to the initial Poly/ML database. It is notrequired for New Jersey ML.ISABELLECOMP is the command to run ML compiler, typically "/bin/sml" or "poly-noDisplay -h 15000". (The -h switch to Poly specifies an initial heapallocation, which you should consider increasing if a command fails with themessage "Run out of store".) Please DO NOT use a command such as"sml @SMLdebug=/dev/null", since the pathname after "sml" will confuse theMakefiles. If, after stripping a leading pathname, the compiler begins with the letters"poly" then the Makefiles assume Poly/ML. If it begins with the letters "sml"then they assume Standard ML of New Jersey. STRUCTURE OF THIS DIRECTORYImportant files include... COPYRIGHT Copyright notice and Disclaimer of Warranty Pure contains source files for Pure Isabelle (no object-logic) Provers contains generic theorem provers: simplifier, etc. Tools contains shell scripts and utilities The following subdirectories contain object-logics: FOL natural deduction First-Order Logic (intuitionistic and classical versions) FOLP First-Order Logic with Proof terms ZF Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory HOL Classical Higher-Order Logic LCF Logic for Computable Functions (domain theory) built upon FOL HOLCF A version of LCF built upon HOL CTT Constructive Type Theory Sequents Sequent calcul: first-order logic modal logics T, S4, S43 intuitionistic linear logic CCL Martin Coen's Classical Computational Logic Cube Barendregt's Lambda CubeDavid Aspinall has written a user interface for Isabelle. It runs underGNU Emacs. It's useful to both novices and experts. You can get it by ftpfrom, file /pub/da/Isamode.tar.gz.Object-logics include examples files in subdirectory ex or file ex.ML.These files can be loaded in batch mode. The commands can also beexecuted interactively, using the windows on your workstation. This is agood way to get started.Each object-logic is built on top of Pure Isabelle, and possibly on top ofanother object logic like FOL or HOL. A database or binary called Pure isfirst created, then the object-logic is loaded on top. Poly/ML extendsPure using its "make_database" operation. Standard ML of New Jersey startswith the Pure core image and loads the object-logic's ROOT.ML.------------------------------------------------------------------------------The electronic mailing list provides a forumfor Isabelle users to discuss problems and exchange information. To join,send a message to report any problems you encounter. While we shall try to be helpful,we can accept no responsibility for the deficiences of Isabelle and theirconsequences.Lawrence C Paulson E-mail: Laboratory Phone: +44-223-334600University of Cambridge Fax: +44-223-334748 Pembroke Street Cambridge CB2 3QG EnglandTobias Nipkow E-mail: nipkow@informatik.tu-muenchen.deInstitut f�r Informatik Phone: +49-89-2105-2690T. U. M�nchen Fax: +49-89-2105-8183D-80290 M�nchenGermany$Id$