author wenzelm
Sat, 05 Jun 2004 13:07:31 +0200
changeset 14874 23c73484312f
parent 14840 dc23ff2629e2
child 14879 8989eedf72a1
permissions -rw-r--r--

(*  Title:      Pure/Thy/latex.ML
    ID:         $Id$
    Author:     Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen

LaTeX presentation primitives (based on outer lexical syntax).

signature LATEX =
  val output_symbols: Symbol.symbol list -> string
  datatype token = Basic of OuterLex.token | Markup of string | MarkupEnv of string | Verbatim
  val output_tokens: (token * string) list -> string
  val flag_markup: bool -> string
  val tex_trailer: string
  val isabelle_file: string -> string -> string
  val old_symbol_source: string -> Symbol.symbol list -> string
  val theory_entry: string -> string
  val modes: string list
  val setup: (theory -> theory) list

structure Latex: LATEX =

(* symbol output *)


val output_chr = fn
  " " => "\\ " |
  "\n" => "\\isanewline\n" |
  "!" => "{\\isacharbang}" |
  "\"" => "{\\isachardoublequote}" |
  "#" => "{\\isacharhash}" |
  "$" => "{\\isachardollar}" |
  "%" => "{\\isacharpercent}" |
  "&" => "{\\isacharampersand}" |
  "'" => "{\\isacharprime}" |
  "(" => "{\\isacharparenleft}" |
  ")" => "{\\isacharparenright}" |
  "*" => "{\\isacharasterisk}" |
  "+" => "{\\isacharplus}" |
  "," => "{\\isacharcomma}" |
  "-" => "{\\isacharminus}" |
  "." => "{\\isachardot}" |
  "/" => "{\\isacharslash}" |
  ":" => "{\\isacharcolon}" |
  ";" => "{\\isacharsemicolon}" |
  "<" => "{\\isacharless}" |
  "=" => "{\\isacharequal}" |
  ">" => "{\\isachargreater}" |
  "?" => "{\\isacharquery}" |
  "@" => "{\\isacharat}" |
  "[" => "{\\isacharbrackleft}" |
  "\\" => "{\\isacharbackslash}" |
  "]" => "{\\isacharbrackright}" |
  "^" => "{\\isacharcircum}" |
  "_" => "{\\isacharunderscore}" |
  "`" => "{\\isacharbackquote}" |
  "{" => "{\\isacharbraceleft}" |
  "|" => "{\\isacharbar}" |
  "}" => "{\\isacharbraceright}" |
  "~" => "{\\isachartilde}" |
  c => if Symbol.is_digit c then enclose "{\\isadigit{" "}}" c else c;

fun output_sym sym =
  (case Symbol.decode sym of
    Symbol.Char s => output_chr s
  | Symbol.Sym s => enclose "{\\isasym" "}" s
  | Symbol.Ctrl s => enclose "\\isactrl" " " s
  | Symbol.Raw s => s);


val output_symbols = implode o map output_sym;
val output_syms = output_symbols o Symbol.explode;


(* token output *)

structure T = OuterLex;

datatype token =
  Basic of T.token |
  Markup of string |
  MarkupEnv of string |

val invisible_token = T.keyword_with (equal ";") orf T.is_kind T.Comment;

fun output_tok (Basic tok, _) =
      let val s = T.val_of tok in
        if invisible_token tok then ""
        else if T.is_kind T.Command tok then
          "\\isacommand{" ^ output_syms s ^ "}"
        else if T.is_kind T.Keyword tok andalso Syntax.is_ascii_identifier s then
          "\\isakeyword{" ^ output_syms s ^ "}"
        else if T.is_kind T.String tok then output_syms (Library.quote s)
        else if T.is_kind T.Verbatim tok then output_syms (enclose "{*" "*}" s)
        else output_syms s
  | output_tok (Markup cmd, txt) =
      "%\n\\isamarkup" ^ cmd ^ "{" ^ Symbol.strip_blanks txt ^ "%\n}\n"
  | output_tok (MarkupEnv cmd, txt) = "%\n\\begin{isamarkup" ^ cmd ^ "}%\n" ^
      Symbol.strip_blanks txt ^ "%\n\\end{isamarkup" ^ cmd ^ "}%\n"
  | output_tok (Verbatim, txt) = "%\n" ^ Symbol.strip_blanks txt ^ "\n";

val output_tokens = implode o map output_tok;

fun flag_markup true = "\\isamarkuptrue%\n"
  | flag_markup false = "\\isamarkupfalse%\n";

(* theory presentation *)

val tex_trailer =
  "%%% Local Variables:\n\
  \%%% mode: latex\n\
  \%%% TeX-master: \"root\"\n\
  \%%% End:\n";

fun isabelle_file name txt =
  \\\def\\isabellecontext{" ^ output_syms name ^ "}%\n" ^ txt ^
  "\\end{isabellebody}%\n" ^ tex_trailer;

fun old_symbol_source name syms =
  isabelle_file name ("\\isamarkupheader{" ^ output_syms name ^ "}%\n" ^ output_symbols syms);

fun theory_entry name = "\\input{" ^ name ^ ".tex}\n\n";

(* print mode *)

val latexN = "latex";
val modes = [latexN, Symbol.xsymbolsN, Symbol.symbolsN];

fun latex_output str =
  let val syms = Symbol.explode str
  in (output_symbols syms, real (Symbol.length syms)) end;

fun latex_indent "" = ""
  | latex_indent s = enclose "\\isaindent{" "}" s;

val token_translation =
  map (fn s => (latexN, s, latex_output)) Syntax.standard_token_classes;

val _ = Output.add_mode latexN (latex_output, latex_indent o #1, Symbol.default_raw);
val setup = [Theory.add_tokentrfuns token_translation];
