author wenzelm
Sat, 18 Jun 2011 18:17:08 +0200
changeset 43445 270bbbcda059
parent 43411 0206466ee473
child 43455 4b4b93672f15
permissions -rw-r--r--
hardwired abbreviations for standard control symbols;

/*  Title:      Pure/Isar/outer_syntax.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Isabelle/Isar outer syntax.

package isabelle

import scala.util.parsing.input.{Reader, CharSequenceReader}
import scala.collection.mutable

class Outer_Syntax(symbols: Symbol.Interpretation)
  protected val keywords: Map[String, String] = Map((";" -> Keyword.DIAG))
  protected val lexicon: Scan.Lexicon = Scan.Lexicon.empty
  lazy val completion: Completion = // FIXME odd initialization
    new Completion + symbols +
      ("sub", "\\<^sub>") +
      ("sup", "\\<^sup>") +
      ("isub", "\\<^isub>") +
      ("isup", "\\<^isup>") +
      ("bold", "\\<^bold>") +
      ("loc", "\\<^loc>")

  def keyword_kind(name: String): Option[String] = keywords.get(name)

  def + (name: String, kind: String, replace: String): Outer_Syntax =
    val new_keywords = keywords + (name -> kind)
    val new_lexicon = lexicon + name
    val new_completion = completion + (name, replace)
    new Outer_Syntax(symbols) {
      override val lexicon = new_lexicon
      override val keywords = new_keywords
      override lazy val completion = new_completion

  def + (name: String, kind: String): Outer_Syntax = this + (name, kind, name)

  def + (name: String): Outer_Syntax = this + (name, Keyword.MINOR)

  def is_command(name: String): Boolean =
    keyword_kind(name) match {
      case Some(kind) => kind != Keyword.MINOR
      case None => false

  def heading_level(name: String): Option[Int] =
    name match {
      // FIXME avoid hard-wired info!?
      case "header" => Some(1)
      case "chapter" => Some(2)
      case "section" | "sect" => Some(3)
      case "subsection" | "subsect" => Some(4)
      case "subsubsection" | "subsubsect" => Some(5)
      case _ =>
        keyword_kind(name) match {
          case Some(kind) if Keyword.theory(kind) => Some(6)
          case _ => None

  def heading_level(command: Command): Option[Int] =

  /* tokenize */

  def scan(input: Reader[Char]): List[Token] =
    import lexicon._

    parseAll(rep(token(symbols, is_command)), input) match {
      case Success(tokens, _) => tokens
      case _ => error("Unexpected failure of tokenizing input:\n" + input.source.toString)

  def scan(input: CharSequence): List[Token] =
    scan(new CharSequenceReader(input))

  def scan_context(input: CharSequence, context: Scan.Context): (List[Token], Scan.Context) =
    import lexicon._

    var in: Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(input)
    val toks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Token]
    var ctxt = context
    while (!in.atEnd) {
      parse(token_context(symbols, is_command, ctxt), in) match {
        case Success((x, c), rest) => { toks += x; ctxt = c; in = rest }
        case NoSuccess(_, rest) =>
          error("Unexpected failure of tokenizing input:\n" + rest.source.toString)
    (toks.toList, ctxt)