/* Title: Pure/System/platform.scala
Author: Makarius
Raw platform identification.
package isabelle
import java.lang.System
import javax.swing.UIManager
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object Platform
/* main OS variants */
val is_macos = System.getProperty("os.name") == "Mac OS X"
val is_windows = System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")
/* Platform identifiers */
private val Solaris = new Regex("SunOS|Solaris")
private val Linux = new Regex("Linux")
private val Darwin = new Regex("Mac OS X")
private val Windows = new Regex("Windows.*")
private val X86 = new Regex("i.86|x86")
private val X86_64 = new Regex("amd64|x86_64")
private val Sparc = new Regex("sparc")
private val PPC = new Regex("PowerPC|ppc")
lazy val jvm_platform: String =
val arch =
System.getProperty("os.arch") match {
case X86() => "x86"
case X86_64() => "x86_64"
case Sparc() => "sparc"
case PPC() => "ppc"
case _ => error("Failed to determine CPU architecture")
val os =
System.getProperty("os.name") match {
case Solaris() => "solaris"
case Linux() => "linux"
case Darwin() => "darwin"
case Windows() => "windows"
case _ => error("Failed to determine operating system platform")
arch + "-" + os
/* JVM name */
val jvm_name: String = System.getProperty("java.vm.name")
val is_hotspot: Boolean = jvm_name.startsWith("Java HotSpot")
/* Swing look-and-feel */
private def find_laf(name: String): Option[String] =
UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels().find(_.getName == name).map(_.getClassName)
def get_laf(): String =
if (is_windows || is_macos) UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()
find_laf("Nimbus") orElse find_laf("GTK+") getOrElse
def init_laf(): Unit = UIManager.setLookAndFeel(get_laf())