(* Title: Pure/Thy/thy_load.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Theory loader primitives, including load path.
signature BASIC_THY_LOAD =
val show_path: unit -> string list
val add_path: string -> unit
val path_add: string -> unit
val del_path: string -> unit
val with_path: string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val with_paths: string list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val reset_path: unit -> unit
signature THY_LOAD =
val cond_add_path: Path.T -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val ml_exts: string list
val ml_path: string -> Path.T
val thy_path: string -> Path.T
val check_file: Path.T option -> Path.T -> (Path.T * File.info) option
val load_file: Path.T option -> Path.T -> (Path.T * File.info)
eqtype master
val get_thy: master -> Path.T * File.info
val check_thy: Path.T -> string -> bool -> master
val deps_thy: Path.T -> string -> bool -> master * (string list * Path.T list)
val load_thy: Path.T -> string -> bool -> bool -> master
(*this backdoor sealed later*)
signature PRIVATE_THY_LOAD =
include THY_LOAD
val deps_thy_fn: (string -> bool -> Path.T -> string list * Path.T list) ref
val load_thy_fn: (string -> bool -> bool -> Path.T -> unit) ref
structure ThyLoad: PRIVATE_THY_LOAD =
(* maintain load path *)
val load_path = ref [Path.current];
fun change_path f = load_path := f (! load_path);
fun show_path () = map Path.pack (! load_path);
fun del_path s = change_path (filter_out (equal (Path.unpack s)));
fun add_path s = (del_path s; change_path (cons (Path.unpack s)));
fun path_add s = (del_path s; change_path (fn path => path @ [Path.unpack s]));
fun reset_path () = load_path := [Path.current];
fun with_paths ss f x = Library.setmp load_path (! load_path @ map Path.unpack ss) f x;
fun with_path s f x = with_paths [s] f x;
fun cond_add_path path f x =
if Path.is_current path then f x else Library.setmp load_path (path :: ! load_path) f x;
(* file formats *)
val ml_exts = ["", "ML", "sml"];
val ml_path = Path.ext "ML" o Path.basic;
val thy_path = Path.ext "thy" o Path.basic;
(* check_file *)
fun check_file current src_path =
val path = Path.expand src_path;
fun find_ext rel_path ext =
let val ext_path = Path.expand (Path.ext ext rel_path)
in Option.map (fn info => (File.full_path ext_path, info)) (File.info ext_path) end;
fun find_dir dir =
get_first (find_ext (Path.append dir path)) ml_exts;
fun add_current ps = (case current of NONE => ps
| (SOME p) => if Path.is_current p then ps else p :: ps);
val paths =
if Path.is_current path then error "Bad file specification"
else if Path.is_basic path then add_current (! load_path)
else add_current [Path.current];
in get_first find_dir paths end;
(* load_file *)
fun load_file current raw_path =
(case check_file current raw_path of
NONE => error ("Could not find ML file " ^ quote (Path.pack raw_path))
| SOME (path, info) => (File.use path; (path, info)));
(* datatype master *)
datatype master = Master of (Path.T * File.info) * (Path.T * File.info) option;
fun get_thy (Master (thy, _)) = thy;
(* check / process theory files *)
fun check_thy_aux (name, ml) =
let val thy_file = thy_path name in
case check_file NONE thy_file of
NONE => error ("Could not find theory file " ^ quote (Path.pack thy_file) ^
" in dir(s) " ^ commas_quote (show_path ()))
| SOME thy_info => (thy_info, if ml then check_file NONE (ml_path name) else NONE)
fun check_thy dir name ml = Master (cond_add_path dir check_thy_aux (name, ml));
fun process_thy dir f name ml =
let val master as Master ((path, _), _) = check_thy dir name ml
in (master, cond_add_path dir f path) end;
(* deps_thy and load_thy *)
(*hooks for theory syntax dependent operations*)
fun undefined _ = raise Match;
val deps_thy_fn = ref (undefined: string -> bool -> Path.T -> string list * Path.T list);
val load_thy_fn = ref (undefined: string -> bool -> bool -> Path.T -> unit);
fun deps_thy dir name ml = process_thy dir (! deps_thy_fn name ml) name ml;
fun load_thy dir name ml time = #1 (process_thy dir (! load_thy_fn name ml time) name ml);
structure BasicThyLoad: BASIC_THY_LOAD = ThyLoad;
open BasicThyLoad;