theory Presentation
imports Base
chapter \<open>Presenting theories \label{ch:present}\<close>
text \<open>
Isabelle provides several ways to present the outcome of formal
developments, including WWW-based browsable libraries or actual printable
documents. Presentation is centered around the concept of \<^emph>\<open>sessions\<close>
(\chref{ch:session}). The global session structure is that of a tree, with
Isabelle Pure at its root, further object-logics derived (e.g.\ HOLCF from
HOL, and HOL from Pure), and application sessions further on in the
The tools @{tool_ref mkroot} and @{tool_ref build} provide the primary means
for managing Isabelle sessions, including proper setup for presentation;
@{tool build} tells the Isabelle process to run any additional stages
required for document preparation, notably the @{tool_ref document} and
@{tool_ref latex}. The complete tool chain for managing batch-mode Isabelle
sessions is illustrated in \figref{fig:session-tools}.
@{tool_ref mkroot} & invoked once by the user to initialize the
session \<^verbatim>\<open>ROOT\<close> with optional \<^verbatim>\<open>document\<close>
directory; \\
@{tool_ref build} & invoked repeatedly by the user to keep
session output up-to-date (HTML, documents etc.); \\
@{tool_ref process} & run through @{tool_ref build}; \\
@{tool_ref document} & run by the Isabelle process if document
preparation is enabled; \\
@{tool_ref latex} & universal {\LaTeX} tool wrapper invoked
multiple times by @{tool_ref document}; also useful for manual
experiments; \\
\caption{The tool chain of Isabelle session presentation} \label{fig:session-tools}
section \<open>Generating HTML browser information \label{sec:info}\<close>
text \<open>
As a side-effect of building sessions, Isabelle is able to generate theory
browsing information, including HTML documents that show the theory sources
and the relationship with its ancestors and descendants. Besides the HTML
file that is generated for every theory, Isabelle stores links to all
theories of a session in an index file. As a second hierarchy, groups of
sessions are organized as \<^emph>\<open>chapters\<close>, with a separate index. Note that the
implicit tree structure of the session build hierarchy is \<^emph>\<open>not\<close> relevant
for the presentation.
To generate theory browsing information for an existing session, just invoke
@{tool build} with suitable options:
@{verbatim [display] \<open>isabelle build -o browser_info -v -c FOL\<close>}
The presentation output will appear in \<^verbatim>\<open>$ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO/FOL/FOL\<close> as
reported by the above verbose invocation of the build process.
Many Isabelle sessions (such as \<^verbatim>\<open>HOL-Library\<close> in \<^dir>\<open>~~/src/HOL/Library\<close>)
also provide printable documents in PDF. These are prepared automatically as
well if enabled like this:
@{verbatim [display] \<open>isabelle build -o browser_info -o document=pdf -v -c HOL-Library\<close>}
Enabling both browser info and document preparation simultaneously causes an
appropriate ``document'' link to be included in the HTML index. Documents
may be generated independently of browser information as well, see
\secref{sec:tool-document} for further details.
The theory browsing information is stored in a sub-directory directory
determined by the @{setting_ref ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO} setting plus a prefix
corresponding to the session chapter and identifier. In order to present
Isabelle applications on the web, the corresponding subdirectory from
@{setting ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO} can be put on a WWW server.
section \<open>Preparing session root directories \label{sec:tool-mkroot}\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def mkroot} tool configures a given directory as session root,
with some \<^verbatim>\<open>ROOT\<close> file and optional document source directory. Its usage is:
@{verbatim [display]
\<open>Usage: isabelle mkroot [OPTIONS] [DIR]
Options are:
-d enable document preparation
-n NAME alternative session name (default: DIR base name)
Prepare session root DIR (default: current directory).\<close>}
The results are placed in the given directory \<open>dir\<close>, which refers to the
current directory by default. The @{tool mkroot} tool is conservative in the
sense that it does not overwrite existing files or directories. Earlier
attempts to generate a session root need to be deleted manually.
Option \<^verbatim>\<open>-d\<close> indicates that the session shall be accompanied by a formal
document, with \<open>DIR\<close>\<^verbatim>\<open>/document/root.tex\<close> as its {\LaTeX} entry point (see
also \chref{ch:present}).
Option \<^verbatim>\<open>-n\<close> allows to specify an alternative session name; otherwise the
base name of the given directory is used.
The implicit Isabelle settings variable @{setting ISABELLE_LOGIC} specifies
the parent session, and @{setting ISABELLE_DOCUMENT_FORMAT} the document
format to be filled filled into the generated \<^verbatim>\<open>ROOT\<close> file.
subsubsection \<open>Examples\<close>
text \<open>
Produce session \<^verbatim>\<open>Test\<close> (with document preparation) within a separate
directory of the same name:
@{verbatim [display] \<open>isabelle mkroot -d Test && isabelle build -D Test\<close>}
Upgrade the current directory into a session ROOT with document preparation,
and build it:
@{verbatim [display] \<open>isabelle mkroot -d && isabelle build -D .\<close>}
section \<open>Preparing Isabelle session documents \label{sec:tool-document}\<close>
text \<open>
The @{tool_def document} tool prepares logic session documents, processing
the sources as provided by the user and generated by Isabelle. Its usage is:
@{verbatim [display]
\<open>Usage: isabelle document [OPTIONS] [DIR]
Options are:
-c cleanup -- be aggressive in removing old stuff
-n NAME specify document name (default 'document')
-o FORMAT specify output format: pdf (default), dvi
-t TAGS specify tagged region markup
Prepare the theory session document in DIR (default 'document')
producing the specified output format.\<close>}
This tool is usually run automatically as part of the Isabelle build
process, provided document preparation has been enabled via suitable
options. It may be manually invoked on the generated browser information
document output as well, e.g.\ in case of errors encountered in the batch
The \<^verbatim>\<open>-c\<close> option tells @{tool document} to dispose the document sources
after successful operation! This is the right thing to do for sources
generated by an Isabelle process, but take care of your files in manual
document preparation!
The \<^verbatim>\<open>-n\<close> and \<^verbatim>\<open>-o\<close> option specify the final output file name and format,
the default is ``\<^verbatim>\<open>document.dvi\<close>''. Note that the result will appear in the
parent of the target \<^verbatim>\<open>DIR\<close>.
The \<^verbatim>\<open>-t\<close> option tells {\LaTeX} how to interpret tagged Isabelle command
regions. Tags are specified as a comma separated list of modifier/name
pairs: ``\<^verbatim>\<open>+\<close>\<open>foo\<close>'' (or just ``\<open>foo\<close>'') means to keep, ``\<^verbatim>\<open>-\<close>\<open>foo\<close>'' to
drop, and ``\<^verbatim>\<open>/\<close>\<open>foo\<close>'' to fold text tagged as \<open>foo\<close>. The builtin default is
equivalent to the tag specification
``\<^verbatim>\<open>+theory,+proof,+ML,+visible,-invisible\<close>''; see also the {\LaTeX} macros
\<^verbatim>\<open>\isakeeptag\<close>, \<^verbatim>\<open>\isadroptag\<close>, and \<^verbatim>\<open>\isafoldtag\<close>, in
Document preparation requires a \<^verbatim>\<open>document\<close> directory within the session
sources. This directory is supposed to contain all the files needed to
produce the final document --- apart from the actual theories which are
generated by Isabelle.
For most practical purposes, @{tool document} is smart enough to create any
of the specified output formats, taking \<^verbatim>\<open>root.tex\<close> supplied by the user as
a starting point. This even includes multiple runs of {\LaTeX} to
accommodate references and bibliographies (the latter assumes \<^verbatim>\<open>root.bib\<close>
within the same directory).
In more complex situations, a separate \<^verbatim>\<open>build\<close> script for the document
sources may be given. It is invoked with command-line arguments for the
document format and the document variant name. The script needs to produce
corresponding output files, e.g.\ \<^verbatim>\<open>root.pdf\<close> for target format \<^verbatim>\<open>pdf\<close> (and
default variants). The main work can be again delegated to @{tool latex},
but it is also possible to harvest generated {\LaTeX} sources and copy them
When running the session, Isabelle copies the content of the original
\<^verbatim>\<open>document\<close> directory into its proper place within @{setting
ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO}, according to the session path and document variant.
Then, for any processed theory \<open>A\<close> some {\LaTeX} source is generated and put
there as \<open>A\<close>\<^verbatim>\<open>.tex\<close>. Furthermore, a list of all generated theory files is
put into \<^verbatim>\<open>session.tex\<close>. Typically, the root {\LaTeX} file provided by the
user would include \<^verbatim>\<open>session.tex\<close> to get a document containing all the
The {\LaTeX} versions of the theories require some macros defined in
\<^file>\<open>~~/lib/texinputs/isabelle.sty\<close>. Doing \<^verbatim>\<open>\usepackage{isabelle}\<close> in
\<^verbatim>\<open>root.tex\<close> should be fine; the underlying @{tool latex} already includes an
appropriate path specification for {\TeX} inputs.
If the text contains any references to Isabelle symbols (such as \<^verbatim>\<open>\<forall>\<close>) then
\<^verbatim>\<open>isabellesym.sty\<close> should be included as well. This package contains a
standard set of {\LaTeX} macro definitions \<^verbatim>\<open>\isasym\<close>\<open>foo\<close> corresponding to
\<^verbatim>\<open>\\<close>\<^verbatim>\<open><\<close>\<open>foo\<close>\<^verbatim>\<open>>\<close>, see @{cite "isabelle-implementation"} for a complete list
of predefined Isabelle symbols. Users may invent further symbols as well,
just by providing {\LaTeX} macros in a similar fashion as in
\<^file>\<open>~~/lib/texinputs/isabellesym.sty\<close> of the Isabelle distribution.
For proper setup of DVI and PDF documents (with hyperlinks and bookmarks),
we recommend to include \<^file>\<open>~~/lib/texinputs/pdfsetup.sty\<close> as well.
As a final step of Isabelle document preparation, @{tool document}~\<^verbatim>\<open>-c\<close> is
run on the resulting copy of the \<^verbatim>\<open>document\<close> directory. Thus the actual
output document is built and installed in its proper place. The generated
sources are deleted after successful run of {\LaTeX} and friends.
Some care is needed if the document output location is configured
differently, say within a directory whose content is still required
section \<open>Running {\LaTeX} within the Isabelle environment
text \<open>
The @{tool_def latex} tool provides the basic interface for Isabelle
document preparation. Its usage is:
@{verbatim [display]
\<open>Usage: isabelle latex [OPTIONS] [FILE]
Options are:
-o FORMAT specify output format: pdf (default), dvi,
bbl, idx, sty, syms
Run LaTeX (and related tools) on FILE (default root.tex),
producing the specified output format.\<close>}
Appropriate {\LaTeX}-related programs are run on the input file, according
to the given output format: @{executable latex}, @{executable pdflatex},
@{executable dvips}, @{executable bibtex} (for \<^verbatim>\<open>bbl\<close>), and @{executable
makeindex} (for \<^verbatim>\<open>idx\<close>). The actual commands are determined from the
settings environment (@{setting ISABELLE_PDFLATEX} etc.).
The \<^verbatim>\<open>sty\<close> output format causes the Isabelle style files to be updated from
the distribution. This is useful in special situations where the document
sources are to be processed another time by separate tools.
The \<^verbatim>\<open>syms\<close> output is for internal use; it generates lists of symbols that
are available without loading additional {\LaTeX} packages.
subsubsection \<open>Examples\<close>
text \<open>
Invoking @{tool latex} by hand may be occasionally useful when debugging
failed attempts of the automatic document preparation stage of batch-mode
Isabelle. The abortive process leaves the sources at a certain place within
@{setting ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO}, see the runtime error message for details.
This enables users to inspect {\LaTeX} runs in further detail, e.g.\ like
@{verbatim [display]
\<open>cd "$(isabelle getenv -b ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO)/Unsorted/Test/document"
isabelle latex -o pdf\<close>}