author wenzelm
Wed, 09 Mar 2016 19:30:09 +0100
changeset 62573 27f90319a499
parent 62511 93fa1efc7219
child 62588 cd266473b81b
permissions -rw-r--r--
isabelle.Build uses ML_Process directly; isabelle_process is for batch mode only; removed unused feeder (already part of "isabelle console");

# Author: Jasmin Blanchette and Sascha Boehme
# Testing tool for automated proof tools.

use File::Basename;

# environment

my $isabelle_home = $ENV{'ISABELLE_HOME'};
my $mirabelle_home = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_HOME'};
my $mirabelle_logic = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_LOGIC'};
my $mirabelle_theory = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_THEORY'};
my $output_path = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_OUTPUT_PATH'};
my $timeout = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_TIMEOUT'};
my $be_quiet = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_QUIET'};
my $user_setup_file = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_SETUP_FILE'};
my $actions = $ENV{'MIRABELLE_ACTIONS'};

my $mirabelle_thy = $mirabelle_home . "/Mirabelle";

# argument

my $thy_file = $ARGV[0];

my ($thy_name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($thy_file, ".thy");
my $rand_suffix = join('', map { ('a'..'z')[rand(26)] } 1 .. 10);
my $new_thy_name = $thy_name . "_Mirabelle_" . $rand_suffix;
my $new_thy_file = $path . "/" . $new_thy_name . $ext;

# setup

my $setup_file;
my $setup_full_name;

if (-e $user_setup_file) {
  $setup_file = undef;
  my ($name, $path, $ext) = fileparse($user_setup_file, ".thy");
  $setup_full_name = $path . "/" . $name;
else {

my $start_line = "0";
my $end_line = "~1";
if ($thy_file =~ /^(.*)\[([0-9]+)\:(~?[0-9]+)\]$/) {
  $thy_file = $1;
  $start_line = $2;
  $end_line = $3;

my $setup_thy_name = $thy_name . "_Setup";
my $setup_file = $output_path . "/" . $setup_thy_name . ".thy";
my $log_file = $output_path . "/" . $thy_name . ".log";

my @action_files;
my @action_names;
foreach (split(/:/, $actions)) {
  if (m/([^[]*)/) {
    push @action_files, "\"$mirabelle_home/Tools/mirabelle_$1.ML\"";
    push @action_names, $1;
my $tools = "";
if ($#action_files >= 0) {
  # uniquify
  my $s = join ("\n", @action_files);
  my @action_files = split(/\n/, $s . "\n" . $s);
  %action_files = sort(@action_files);
  $tools = join("", map { "ML_file " . $_ . "\n" } (sort(keys(%action_files))));

open(SETUP_FILE, ">$setup_file") || die "Could not create file '$setup_file'";

theory "$setup_thy_name"
imports "$mirabelle_thy" "$mirabelle_theory"


setup {*
  Config.put_global Mirabelle.logfile "$log_file" #>
  Config.put_global Mirabelle.timeout $timeout #>
  Config.put_global Mirabelle.start_line $start_line #>
  Config.put_global Mirabelle.end_line $end_line


@action_list = split(/:/, $actions);

foreach (reverse(@action_list)) {
  if (m/([^[]*)(?:\[(.*)\])?/) {
    my ($name, $settings_str) = ($1, $2 || "");
    $name =~ s/^([a-z])/\U$1/;
    print SETUP_FILE "setup {* Mirabelle_$name.invoke [";
    my $sep = "";
    foreach (split(/,/, $settings_str)) {
      if (m/\s*([^=]*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/) {
        print SETUP_FILE "$sep(\"$1\", \"$2\")";
        $sep = ", ";
      elsif (m/\s*(.*)\s*/) {
        print SETUP_FILE "$sep(\"$1\", \"\")";
        $sep = ", ";
    print SETUP_FILE "] *}\n";

print SETUP_FILE "\nend";

$setup_full_name = $output_path . "/" . $setup_thy_name;

open(LOG_FILE, ">$log_file");
print LOG_FILE "Run of $new_thy_file with:\n";
foreach $action  (@action_list) {
  print LOG_FILE "  $action\n";


# modify target theory file

open(OLD_FILE, "<$thy_file") || die "Cannot open file '$thy_file'";
my @lines = <OLD_FILE>;

my $setup_import = substr("\"$setup_full_name\"" . (" " x 1000), 0, 1000);

my $thy_text = join("", @lines);
my $old_len = length($thy_text);
$thy_text =~ s/(theory\s+)\"?$thy_name\"?/$1"$new_thy_name"/g;
$thy_text =~ s/(imports)(\s+)/$1 $setup_import$2/g;
die "No 'imports' found" if length($thy_text) == $old_len;

open(NEW_FILE, ">$new_thy_file") || die "Cannot create file '$new_thy_file'";
print NEW_FILE $thy_text;

# run isabelle

my $quiet = "";
my $output_log = 1;
if (defined $be_quiet and $be_quiet ne "") {
  $quiet = " > /dev/null 2>&1";
  $output_log = 0;

if ($output_log) { print "Mirabelle: $thy_file\n"; }

my $cmd =
  "-o quick_and_dirty -o threads=1 -e 'use_thy \"$path/$new_thy_name\"' $mirabelle_logic" . $quiet;
my $result = system "bash", "-c", $cmd;

if ($output_log) {
  my $outcome = ($result ? "failure" : "success");
  print "\nFinished:  $thy_file  [$outcome]\n";

# cleanup

if (defined $setup_file) {
  unlink $setup_file;
unlink $new_thy_file;

exit ($result ? 1 : 0);