(* Title: HOL/Taylor.thy
Author: Lukas Bulwahn, Bernhard Haeupler, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
section \<open>Taylor series\<close>
theory Taylor
imports MacLaurin
text \<open>
We use MacLaurin and the translation of the expansion point @{text c} to @{text 0}
to prove Taylor's theorem.
lemma taylor_up:
assumes INIT: "n>0" "diff 0 = f"
and DERIV: "(\<forall> m t. m < n & a \<le> t & t \<le> b \<longrightarrow> DERIV (diff m) t :> (diff (Suc m) t))"
and INTERV: "a \<le> c" "c < b"
shows "\<exists>t::real. c < t & t < b &
f b = (\<Sum>m<n. (diff m c / (fact m)) * (b - c)^m) + (diff n t / (fact n)) * (b - c)^n"
proof -
from INTERV have "0 < b-c" by arith
from INIT have "n>0" "((\<lambda>m x. diff m (x + c)) 0) = (\<lambda>x. f (x + c))" by auto
have "ALL m t. m < n & 0 <= t & t <= b - c --> DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)"
proof (intro strip)
fix m t
assume "m < n & 0 <= t & t <= b - c"
with DERIV and INTERV have "DERIV (diff m) (t + c) :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)" by auto
from DERIV_ident and DERIV_const have "DERIV (%x. x + c) t :> 1+0" by (rule DERIV_add)
ultimately have "DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c) * (1+0)"
by (rule DERIV_chain2)
thus "DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)" by simp
ultimately obtain x where
"0 < x & x < b - c &
f (b - c + c) = (\<Sum>m<n. diff m (0 + c) / (fact m) * (b - c) ^ m) +
diff n (x + c) / (fact n) * (b - c) ^ n"
by (rule Maclaurin [THEN exE])
then have "c<x+c & x+c<b \<and> f b = (\<Sum>m<n. diff m c / (fact m) * (b - c) ^ m) +
diff n (x+c) / (fact n) * (b - c) ^ n"
by fastforce
thus ?thesis by fastforce
lemma taylor_down:
fixes a::real
assumes INIT: "n>0" "diff 0 = f"
and DERIV: "(\<forall> m t. m < n & a \<le> t & t \<le> b \<longrightarrow> DERIV (diff m) t :> (diff (Suc m) t))"
and INTERV: "a < c" "c \<le> b"
shows "\<exists> t. a < t & t < c &
f a = (\<Sum>m<n. (diff m c / (fact m)) * (a - c)^m) + (diff n t / (fact n)) * (a - c)^n"
proof -
from INTERV have "a-c < 0" by arith
from INIT have "n>0" "((\<lambda>m x. diff m (x + c)) 0) = (\<lambda>x. f (x + c))" by auto
have "ALL m t. m < n & a-c <= t & t <= 0 --> DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)"
proof (rule allI impI)+
fix m t
assume "m < n & a-c <= t & t <= 0"
with DERIV and INTERV have "DERIV (diff m) (t + c) :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)" by auto
from DERIV_ident and DERIV_const have "DERIV (%x. x + c) t :> 1+0" by (rule DERIV_add)
ultimately have "DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c) * (1+0)" by (rule DERIV_chain2)
thus "DERIV (%x. diff m (x + c)) t :> diff (Suc m) (t + c)" by simp
ultimately obtain x where
"a - c < x & x < 0 &
f (a - c + c) = (SUM m<n. diff m (0 + c) / (fact m) * (a - c) ^ m) +
diff n (x + c) / (fact n) * (a - c) ^ n"
by (rule Maclaurin_minus [THEN exE])
then have "a<x+c & x+c<c \<and> f a = (\<Sum>m<n. diff m c / (fact m) * (a - c) ^ m) +
diff n (x+c) / (fact n) * (a - c) ^ n"
by fastforce
thus ?thesis by fastforce
lemma taylor:
fixes a::real
assumes INIT: "n>0" "diff 0 = f"
and DERIV: "(\<forall> m t. m < n & a \<le> t & t \<le> b \<longrightarrow> DERIV (diff m) t :> (diff (Suc m) t))"
and INTERV: "a \<le> c " "c \<le> b" "a \<le> x" "x \<le> b" "x \<noteq> c"
shows "\<exists> t. (if x<c then (x < t & t < c) else (c < t & t < x)) &
f x = (\<Sum>m<n. (diff m c / (fact m)) * (x - c)^m) + (diff n t / (fact n)) * (x - c)^n"
proof (cases "x<c")
case True
note INIT
moreover from DERIV and INTERV
have "\<forall>m t. m < n \<and> x \<le> t \<and> t \<le> b \<longrightarrow> DERIV (diff m) t :> diff (Suc m) t"
by fastforce
moreover note True
moreover from INTERV have "c \<le> b" by simp
ultimately have "\<exists>t>x. t < c \<and> f x =
(\<Sum>m<n. diff m c / (fact m) * (x - c) ^ m) + diff n t / (fact n) * (x - c) ^ n"
by (rule taylor_down)
with True show ?thesis by simp
case False
note INIT
moreover from DERIV and INTERV
have "\<forall>m t. m < n \<and> a \<le> t \<and> t \<le> x \<longrightarrow> DERIV (diff m) t :> diff (Suc m) t"
by fastforce
moreover from INTERV have "a \<le> c" by arith
moreover from False and INTERV have "c < x" by arith
ultimately have "\<exists>t>c. t < x \<and> f x =
(\<Sum>m<n. diff m c / (fact m) * (x - c) ^ m) + diff n t / (fact n) * (x - c) ^ n"
by (rule taylor_up)
with False show ?thesis by simp