(* Title: Pure/Isar/isar_thy.ML
ID: $Id$
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Pure/Isar derived theory operations.
- 'methods' section (proof macros, ML method defs) (!?);
- next_block: ProofHistory open / close (!?);
signature ISAR_THY =
val add_text: string -> theory -> theory
val add_title: string -> string -> string -> theory -> theory
val add_chapter: string -> theory -> theory
val add_section: string -> theory -> theory
val add_subsection: string -> theory -> theory
val add_subsubsection: string -> theory -> theory
val add_axioms: ((bstring * string) * Args.src list) list -> theory -> theory
val add_axioms_i: ((bstring * term) * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory
val add_defs: ((bstring * string) * Args.src list) list -> theory -> theory
val add_defs_i: ((bstring * term) * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory
val add_constdefs: ((bstring * string * mixfix) * string) list -> theory -> theory
val add_constdefs_i: ((bstring * typ * mixfix) * term) list -> theory -> theory
val apply_theorems: (xstring * Args.src list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
val apply_theorems_i: (thm * theory attribute list) list -> theory -> theory * thm list
val have_theorems: (bstring * Args.src list) * (xstring * Args.src list) list
-> theory -> theory
val have_theorems_i: (bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm * theory attribute list) list
-> theory -> theory
val have_lemmas: (bstring * Args.src list) * (xstring * Args.src list) list
-> theory -> theory
val have_lemmas_i: (bstring * theory attribute list) * (thm * theory attribute list) list
-> theory -> theory
val have_facts: (string * Args.src list) * (string * Args.src list) list
-> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val have_facts_i: (string * Proof.context attribute list) *
(thm * Proof.context attribute list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val from_facts: (string * Args.src list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val from_facts_i: (thm * Proof.context attribute list) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val chain: ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val fix: (string * string option) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val fix_i: (string * typ) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val match_bind: (string list * string) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val match_bind_i: (term list * term) list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val theorem: string -> Args.src list -> string * string list -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
val theorem_i: bstring -> theory attribute list -> term * term list -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
val lemma: string -> Args.src list -> string * string list -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
val lemma_i: bstring -> theory attribute list -> term * term list -> theory -> ProofHistory.T
val assume: string -> Args.src list -> (string * string list) list
-> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val assume_i: string -> Proof.context attribute list -> (term * term list) list
-> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val show: string -> Args.src list -> string * string list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val show_i: string -> Proof.context attribute list -> term * term list
-> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val have: string -> Args.src list -> string * string list -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val have_i: string -> Proof.context attribute list -> term * term list
-> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val begin_block: ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val next_block: ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val end_block: ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val tac: Method.text -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val then_tac: Method.text -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val proof: Method.text option -> ProofHistory.T -> ProofHistory.T
val kill_proof: ProofHistory.T -> theory
val global_qed_with: bstring option * Args.src list option -> Method.text option
-> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val global_qed_with_i: bstring option * theory attribute list option -> Method.text option
-> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val qed: Method.text option -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val terminal_proof: Method.text -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val immediate_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val default_proof: Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val use_mltext: string -> theory option -> theory option
val use_mltext_theory: string -> theory -> theory
val use_setup: string -> theory -> theory
val parse_ast_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val parse_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val print_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val typed_print_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val print_ast_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val token_translation: string -> theory -> theory
val add_oracle: bstring * string -> theory -> theory
val begin_theory: string -> string list -> (string * bool) list -> theory
val end_theory: theory -> theory
val theory: string * string list * (string * bool) list
-> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val context: string -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
val update_context: string -> Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition
structure IsarThy: ISAR_THY =
(** derived theory and proof operations **)
(* formal comments *) (* FIXME dummy *)
fun add_text (txt:string) (thy:theory) = thy;
fun add_title title author date thy = thy;
val add_chapter = add_text;
val add_section = add_text;
val add_subsection = add_text;
val add_subsubsection = add_text;
(* axioms and defs *)
fun add_axms f args thy =
f (map (fn (x, srcs) => (x, map (Attrib.global_attribute thy) srcs)) args) thy;
val add_axioms = add_axms PureThy.add_axioms;
val add_axioms_i = PureThy.add_axioms_i;
val add_defs = add_axms PureThy.add_defs;
val add_defs_i = PureThy.add_defs_i;
(* constdefs *)
fun gen_add_constdefs consts defs args thy =
|> consts (map fst args)
|> defs (map (fn ((c, _, mx), s) => ((Thm.def_name (Syntax.const_name c mx), s), [])) args);
val add_constdefs = gen_add_constdefs Theory.add_consts add_defs;
val add_constdefs_i = gen_add_constdefs Theory.add_consts_i add_defs_i;
(* theorems *)
fun gen_have_thmss get attrib f ((name, more_srcs), th_srcs) x =
f name (map (attrib x) more_srcs)
(map (fn (s, srcs) => (get x s, map (attrib x) srcs)) th_srcs) x;
fun global_have_thmss x = gen_have_thmss PureThy.get_thms Attrib.global_attribute x;
fun local_have_thmss x =
gen_have_thmss (ProofContext.get_thms o Proof.context_of)
(Attrib.local_attribute o Proof.theory_of) x;
fun have_thmss_i f ((name, more_atts), th_atts) =
f name more_atts (map (apfst single) th_atts);
fun have_lemss name atts = PureThy.have_thmss name (atts @ [Drule.tag_lemma]);
fun apply_theorems th_srcs = global_have_thmss PureThy.have_thmss ((None, []), th_srcs);
fun apply_theorems_i th_srcs = have_thmss_i PureThy.have_thmss ((None, []), th_srcs);
val have_theorems = #1 oo global_have_thmss (PureThy.have_thmss o Some);
val have_theorems_i = #1 oo have_thmss_i (PureThy.have_thmss o Some);
val have_lemmas = #1 oo global_have_thmss (have_lemss o Some);
val have_lemmas_i = #1 oo have_thmss_i (have_lemss o Some);
val have_facts = ProofHistory.apply o local_have_thmss Proof.have_thmss;
val have_facts_i = ProofHistory.apply o have_thmss_i Proof.have_thmss;
(* forward chaining *)
val from_facts =
ProofHistory.apply o (Proof.chain oo curry (local_have_thmss Proof.have_thmss) ("", []));
val from_facts_i =
ProofHistory.apply o (Proof.chain oo curry (have_thmss_i Proof.have_thmss) ("", []));
val chain = ProofHistory.apply Proof.chain;
(* context *)
val fix = ProofHistory.apply o Proof.fix;
val fix_i = ProofHistory.apply o Proof.fix_i;
val match_bind = ProofHistory.apply o Proof.match_bind;
val match_bind_i = ProofHistory.apply o Proof.match_bind_i;
(* statements *)
fun global_statement f name src s thy =
ProofHistory.init (f name (map (Attrib.global_attribute thy) src) s thy);
fun local_statement do_open f name src s = ProofHistory.apply_cond_open do_open (fn state =>
f name (map (Attrib.local_attribute (Proof.theory_of state)) src) s state);
fun global_statement_i f name atts t thy = ProofHistory.init (f name atts t thy);
fun local_statement_i do_open f name atts t = ProofHistory.apply_cond_open do_open (f name atts t);
val theorem = global_statement Proof.theorem;
val theorem_i = global_statement_i Proof.theorem_i;
val lemma = global_statement Proof.lemma;
val lemma_i = global_statement_i Proof.lemma_i;
val assume = local_statement false Proof.assume;
val assume_i = local_statement_i false Proof.assume_i;
val show = local_statement true Proof.show;
val show_i = local_statement_i true Proof.show_i;
val have = local_statement true Proof.have;
val have_i = local_statement_i true Proof.have_i;
(* blocks *)
val begin_block = ProofHistory.apply_open Proof.begin_block;
val next_block = ProofHistory.apply Proof.next_block;
val end_block = ProofHistory.apply_close Proof.end_block;
(* backward steps *)
val tac = ProofHistory.applys o Method.tac;
val then_tac = ProofHistory.applys o Method.then_tac;
val proof = ProofHistory.applys o Method.proof;
(* local endings *)
val local_qed = Toplevel.proof o ProofHistory.applys_close o Method.local_qed;
val local_terminal_proof = Toplevel.proof o ProofHistory.applys_close o Method.local_terminal_proof;
val local_immediate_proof = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys_close Method.local_immediate_proof);
val local_default_proof = Toplevel.proof (ProofHistory.applys_close Method.local_default_proof);
(* global endings *)
val kill_proof = Proof.theory_of o ProofHistory.current;
fun global_result finish = Toplevel.proof_to_theory (fn prf =>
val state = ProofHistory.current prf;
val _ = if Proof.at_bottom state then () else raise Toplevel.UNDEF;
val (thy, (kind, name, thm)) = finish state;
val prt_result = Pretty.block
[Pretty.str (kind ^ " " ^ name ^ ":"), Pretty.fbrk, Display.pretty_thm thm];
in Pretty.writeln prt_result; thy end);
fun gen_global_qed_with prep_att (alt_name, raw_atts) opt_text state =
val thy = Proof.theory_of state;
val alt_atts = apsome (map (prep_att thy)) raw_atts;
in Method.global_qed alt_name alt_atts opt_text state end;
val global_qed_with = global_result oo gen_global_qed_with Attrib.global_attribute;
val global_qed_with_i = global_result oo gen_global_qed_with (K I);
val global_qed = global_qed_with (None, None);
val global_terminal_proof = global_result o Method.global_terminal_proof;
val global_immediate_proof = global_result Method.global_immediate_proof;
val global_default_proof = global_result Method.global_default_proof;
(* common endings *)
fun qed opt_text = local_qed opt_text o global_qed opt_text;
fun terminal_proof opt_text = local_terminal_proof opt_text o global_terminal_proof opt_text;
val immediate_proof = local_immediate_proof o global_immediate_proof;
val default_proof = local_default_proof o global_default_proof;
(* use ML text *)
fun use_mltext txt opt_thy = #2 (Context.pass opt_thy (use_text false) txt);
fun use_mltext_theory txt thy = #2 (Context.pass_theory thy (use_text false) txt);
fun use_context txt = use_mltext_theory ("Context.>> (" ^ txt ^ ");");
fun use_let name body txt =
use_context ("let val " ^ name ^ " = " ^ txt ^ " in\n" ^ body ^ " end");
val use_setup =
use_let "setup: (theory -> theory) list" "Library.apply setup";
(* translation functions *)
val parse_ast_translation =
use_let "parse_ast_translation: (string * (Syntax.ast list -> Syntax.ast)) list"
"Theory.add_trfuns (parse_ast_translation, [], [], [])";
val parse_translation =
use_let "parse_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list"
"Theory.add_trfuns ([], parse_translation, [], [])";
val print_translation =
use_let "print_translation: (string * (term list -> term)) list"
"Theory.add_trfuns ([], [], print_translation, [])";
val print_ast_translation =
use_let "print_ast_translation: (string * (Syntax.ast list -> Syntax.ast)) list"
"Theory.add_trfuns ([], [], [], print_ast_translation)";
val typed_print_translation =
use_let "typed_print_translation: (string * (bool -> typ -> term list -> term)) list"
"Theory.add_trfunsT typed_print_translation";
val token_translation =
use_let "token_translation: (string * string * (string -> string * int)) list"
"Theory.add_tokentrfuns token_translation";
(* add_oracle *)
fun add_oracle (name, txt) =
"oracle: bstring * (Sign.sg * Object.T -> term)"
"Theory.add_oracle oracle"
("(" ^ quote name ^ ", " ^ txt ^ ")");
(* theory init and exit *) (* FIXME move? rearrange? *)
fun begin_theory name parents files =
val paths = map (apfst Path.unpack) files;
val thy = ThyInfo.begin_theory name parents paths;
in Present.begin_theory name parents paths; thy end;
fun end_theory thy =
let val thy' = PureThy.end_theory thy in
Present.end_theory (PureThy.get_name thy');
transform_error ThyInfo.put_theory thy'
handle exn => raise PureThy.ROLLBACK (thy', Some exn) (* FIXME !!?? *)
fun end_theory thy =
(Present.end_theory (PureThy.get_name thy); ThyInfo.end_theory thy);
fun bg_theory (name, parents, files) () = begin_theory name parents files;
fun en_theory thy = (end_theory thy; ());
fun theory spec = Toplevel.init_theory (bg_theory spec) en_theory;
(* context switch *)
fun switch_theory load name =
(fn () => (Context.save load name; ThyInfo.get_theory name)) (K ());
val context = switch_theory ThyInfo.use_thy;
val update_context = switch_theory ThyInfo.update_thy;