author boehmes
Mon, 14 Feb 2011 10:40:43 +0100
changeset 41761 2dc75bae5226
parent 41473 3717fc42ebe9
child 47155 ade3fc826af3
permissions -rw-r--r--
more explicit errors to inform users about problems related to SMT solvers; fall back to remote SMT solver (if local version does not exist); extend the Z3 proof parser to accommodate for slight changes introduced by Z3 2.18

(*  Title:      HOL/Tools/SMT/smtlib_interface.ML
    Author:     Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen

Interface to SMT solvers based on the SMT-LIB format.

  val smtlibC: SMT_Utils.class
  val add_logic: int * (term list -> string option) -> Context.generic ->
  val translate_config: Proof.context -> SMT_Translate.config
  val setup: theory -> theory

structure SMTLIB_Interface: SMTLIB_INTERFACE =

val smtlibC = ["smtlib"]

(* builtins *)

  fun int_num _ i = SOME (string_of_int i)

  fun is_linear [t] = SMT_Utils.is_number t
    | is_linear [t, u] = SMT_Utils.is_number t orelse SMT_Utils.is_number u
    | is_linear _ = false

  fun times _ _ ts =
    let val mk = Term.list_comb o pair @{const times (int)}
    in if is_linear ts then SOME ("*", 2, ts, mk) else NONE end

  fun distinct _ T [t] =
        (case try HOLogic.dest_list t of
          SOME (ts as _ :: _) =>
              val c = Const (@{const_name distinct}, T)
              fun mk us = c $ HOLogic.mk_list T us
            in SOME ("distinct", length ts, ts, mk) end
        | _ => NONE)
    | distinct _ _ _ = NONE

val setup_builtins =
  SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_typ smtlibC (@{typ int}, K (SOME "Int"), int_num) #>
  fold (SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun' smtlibC) [
    (@{const True}, "true"),
    (@{const False}, "false"),
    (@{const Not}, "not"),
    (@{const HOL.conj}, "and"),
    (@{const HOL.disj}, "or"),
    (@{const HOL.implies}, "implies"),
    (@{const HOL.eq (bool)}, "iff"),
    (@{const HOL.eq ('a)}, "="),
    (@{const If (bool)}, "if_then_else"),
    (@{const If ('a)}, "ite"),
    (@{const less (int)}, "<"),
    (@{const less_eq (int)}, "<="),
    (@{const uminus (int)}, "~"),
    (@{const plus (int)}, "+"),
    (@{const minus (int)}, "-") ] #>
  SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun smtlibC
    (Term.dest_Const @{const times (int)}, times) #>
  SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun smtlibC
    (Term.dest_Const @{const distinct ('a)}, distinct)


(* serialization *)

(** header **)

fun fst_int_ord ((i1, _), (i2, _)) = int_ord (i1, i2)

structure Logics = Generic_Data
  type T = (int * (term list -> string option)) list
  val empty = []
  val extend = I
  fun merge data = Ord_List.merge fst_int_ord data

fun add_logic pf = (Ord_List.insert fst_int_ord pf)

fun choose_logic ctxt ts =
    fun choose [] = "AUFLIA"
      | choose ((_, f) :: fs) = (case f ts of SOME s => s | NONE => choose fs)
  in [":logic " ^ choose (Logics.get (Context.Proof ctxt))] end

(** serialization **)

val add = Buffer.add
fun sep f = add " " #> f
fun enclose l r f = sep (add l #> f #> add r)
val par = enclose "(" ")"
fun app n f = (fn [] => sep (add n) | xs => par (add n #> fold f xs))
fun line f = f #> add "\n"

fun var i = add "?v" #> add (string_of_int i)

fun sterm l (SMT_Translate.SVar i) = sep (var (l - i - 1))
  | sterm l (SMT_Translate.SApp (n, ts)) = app n (sterm l) ts
  | sterm _ (SMT_Translate.SLet _) =
      raise Fail "SMT-LIB: unsupported let expression"
  | sterm l (SMT_Translate.SQua (q, ss, ps, w, t)) =
        fun quant SMT_Translate.SForall = add "forall"
          | quant SMT_Translate.SExists = add "exists"
        val vs = map_index (apfst (Integer.add l)) ss
        fun var_decl (i, s) = par (var i #> sep (add s))
        val sub = sterm (l + length ss)
        fun pat kind ts = sep (add kind #> enclose "{" " }" (fold sub ts))
        fun pats (SMT_Translate.SPat ts) = pat ":pat" ts
          | pats (SMT_Translate.SNoPat ts) = pat ":nopat" ts
        fun weight NONE = I
          | weight (SOME i) =
              sep (add ":weight { " #> add (string_of_int i) #> add " }")
        par (quant q #> fold var_decl vs #> sub t #> fold pats ps #> weight w)

fun ssort sorts = sort fast_string_ord sorts
fun fsort funcs = sort (prod_ord fast_string_ord (K EQUAL)) funcs

fun sdatatypes decls =
    fun con (n, []) = sep (add n)
      | con (n, sels) = par (add n #>
          fold (fn (n, s) => par (add n #> sep (add s))) sels)
    fun dtyp (n, decl) = add n #> fold con decl
  in line (add ":datatypes " #> par (fold (par o dtyp) decls)) end

fun serialize comments {header, sorts, dtyps, funcs} ts =
  |> line (add "(benchmark Isabelle")
  |> line (add ":status unknown")
  |> fold (line o add) header
  |> length sorts > 0 ?
       line (add ":extrasorts" #> par (fold (sep o add) (ssort sorts)))
  |> fold sdatatypes dtyps
  |> length funcs > 0 ? (
       line (add ":extrafuns" #> add " (") #>
       fold (fn (f, (ss, s)) =>
         line (sep (app f (sep o add) (ss @ [s])))) (fsort funcs) #>
       line (add ")"))
  |> fold (fn t => line (add ":assumption" #> sterm 0 t)) ts
  |> line (add ":formula true)")
  |> fold (fn str => line (add "; " #> add str)) comments
  |> Buffer.content

(* interface *)

fun translate_config ctxt = {
  prefixes = {
    sort_prefix = "S",
    func_prefix = "f"},
  header = choose_logic ctxt,
  is_fol = true,
  has_datatypes = false,
  serialize = serialize}

val setup = Context.theory_map (
  setup_builtins #>
  SMT_Translate.add_config (smtlibC, translate_config))
