author wenzelm
Sat, 06 May 2017 00:12:46 +0200
changeset 65736 2e7230b66a32
parent 65089 1d219d76873b
child 65988 8040d2563593
permissions -rw-r--r--
performance statistics from build log database;

/*  Title:      Pure/Admin/news.scala
    Author:     Makarius

Support for the NEWS file.

package isabelle

object NEWS
  /* generate HTML version */

  def generate_html()
    val target = Path.explode("~~/doc")
    val target_fonts = target + Path.explode("fonts")

    File.write(target + Path.explode("NEWS.html"),
      HTML.begin_document("NEWS") +
      "\n<div class=\"source\">\n<pre class=\"source\">" +
      HTML.output(Symbol.decode("~~/NEWS")))) +
      "</pre>\n" +

    for (font <- Isabelle_System.fonts(html = true))
      File.copy(font, target_fonts)

    File.copy(Path.explode("~~/etc/isabelle.css"), target)

  /* Isabelle tool wrapper */

  val isabelle_tool =
    Isabelle_Tool("news", "generate HTML version of the NEWS file",
      _ => generate_html(), admin = true)